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prof. Sándor Szénási, PhD.

prof. Sándor Szénási, PhD.
Meno: prof. Sándor Szénási, PhD.
Fakulta: Fakulta ekonómie a informatiky
Katedra: Katedra informatiky
Pracovné zaradenie: Docent
Kancelária: TP3B
Telefón: +421 35 32 60 651
Zodpovedná osoba za profilový predmet študijného programu:
Aplikovaná informatika (1. stupeň, denná forma)
Aplikovaná informatika (2. stupeň, denná forma)

Vysokoškolské vzdelanie
Učiteľ informačných technológií
2001 - 2004
Budapest Polytechnic, John von Neumann Faculty of Information Technology
Učiteľ inžinierstva informačných technológií
1997 - 2001
Inžinier v oblasti informačných technológií
1997 - 2001
Doktorandské štúdium
Aplikovaná informatika
2010 - 2013
Informačná veda a technológia
Vymenúvacie-inauguračné konanie

Pracovné pozície
Univerzita J. Selyeho
2019 -
2014 -
Univerzita J. Selyeho
odborný asistent
2013 - 2018
odborný asistent
2005 - 2013

Oblasť výskumu Paralelné programovanie, programovanie GPU, spracovanie obrazu

Výskumné projekty Zlepšenie inštitútov vysokoškolského vzdelávania pre lepšiu kvalitu výučby a dostupnosť

2017 - 2021

Dynamika a riadenie autonómnych vozidiel so synergiou s požiadavkami automatických dopravných systémov

2017 - 2020

Rozvoj inštitútu na podporu inteligentnej špecializácie na Univerzite Obuda

2017 - 2020

Komplexný inštitucionálny rozvoj Univerzity Obuda pre kvalitu vysokoškolského vzdelávania a zlepšenie dostupnosti

2017 - 2021

Riešenie problému s inverzným vedením tepla pomocou strojového učenia

2020 - 2021

Publikačná činnosť evidovaná v knižničnom katalógu KIS DaWinci - kis.ujs.sk

Skupina A1 - Knižné publikácie charakteru vedeckej monografie (AAA, AAB, ABA, ABB, ABC, ABD)
Počet záznamov: 0

Skupina A2 - Ostatné knižné publikácie (ACA, ACB, BAA, BAB, BCB, BCI, EAI, CAA, CAB, EAJ, FAI)
Počet záznamov: 0

Skupina B - Publikácie v karentovaných vedeckých časopisoch a autorské osvedčenia, patenty a objavy (ADC, ADD, AEG, AEH, BDC, BDD, CDC, CDD, AGJ)
Počet záznamov: 6
ADC Vedecké práce v zahraničných karentovaných časopisoch (6)

Skupina C - Ostatné recenzované publikácie (ACC, ACD, ADE, ADF, AEC, AED, AFA, AFB, AFC, AFD, AFE, AFF, AFG, AFH, BBA, BBB, BCK, BDA, BDB, BDE, BDF, BEC, BED, BFA, BFB, BGH, CDE, CDF)
Počet záznamov: 49
ADE Vedecké práce v ostatných zahraničných časopisoch (2)
AEC Vedecké práce v zahraničných recenzovaných vedeckých zborníkoch, monografiách (1)
AFC Publikované príspevky na zahraničných vedeckých konferenciách (35)
AFD Publikované príspevky na domácich vedeckých konferenciách (11)

Skupina N - Ostatné recenzované publikácie (ADM, ADN, AEM, AEN, BDM, BDN, CBA, CBB)
Počet záznamov: 15
ADM Vedecké práce v zahraničných časopisoch registrovaných v databázach Web of Science alebo SCOPUS (15)

Skupina D - Ostatné - mimo kategórií MŠSR
Počet záznamov: 0

Počet záznamov spolu: 70

Štatistika ohlasov:

[1] Citácie, resp. recenzie v zahr. publ. registrované v cit. indexoch (WoS, Scopus) (26)
Spolu: 26

Menný zoznam publikácií:

ADC  Vedecké práce v zahraničných karentovaných časopisoch
Počet záznamov: 6

ADC 001 SZÉNÁSI, Sándor. Segmentation of colon tissue sample images using multiple graphics accelerators. DOI 10.1016/j.compbiomed.2014.05.002 Computers in Biology and Medicine. Vol. 51, no. Aug. 1 (2014), p. 93-103. ISSN 0010-4825. CCC, WoS. IF (2012): 1,162. SNIP (2013): 1,439.

ADC 002 SZÉNÁSI, Sándor a Domokos JANKÓ. A method to identify black spot candidates in built-up areas. DOI 10.1080/19439962.2015.1084409 Journal of Transportation Safety and Security. Vol. 9, no. 1 (2017), p. 20-44. ISSN 1943-9962. WoS, SCOPUS. SNIP (2015): 0,367.

2018  [1] ZHANG, J. - QU, X. - B. - YAN, Y. - D. A Comparative Study of Weather Effects on Black Spot Identification for Motorways and Urban Arterials Roads. In CICTP 2018: Intelligence, Connectivity, and Mobility - Proceedings of the 18th COTA International Conference of Transportation Professionals. Reston : American Society of Civil Engineers, 2018. ISBN 978-078448152-3, p. 1827-1836. SCOPUS

2017  [1] RYDER, B. - GAHR, B. - EGOLF, P. et al. Preventing traffic accidents with in-vehicle decision support systems - The impact of accident hotspot warnings on driver behaviour. In Decision Support Systems. ISSN 0167-9236, 2017, vol. 99, no. SI, p. 64-74. WoS ; SCOPUS

ADC 003 FELDE, Imre a Sándor SZÉNÁSI. Using multiple graphics accelerators to solve the two-dimensional inverse heat conduction problem. DOI 10.1016/j.cma.2018.03.024 Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering. Vol. 336 (2018), p. 286-303. ISSN 0045-7825. CCC, WoS, SCOPUS. IF (2020): 6.756.

Q WoS=Q1 Q Scopus=Q1

ADC 004 FINTA, István, Sándor SZÉNÁSI a Lóránt FARKAS. Input pattern classification based on the markov property of the IMBT with related equations and contingency tables. DOI 10.3390/e22020245 Entropy. Vol. 22, no. 2 (2020), p. 5-15. ISSN 1099-4300 (online). CCC, WoS, SCOPUS. IF (2020): 2,524.

Q WoS=Q2 Q Scopus=Q2

ADC 005 SZÉNÁSI, Sándor. Analysis of historical road accident data supporting autonomous vehicle control strategies. DOI 10.7717/peerj-cs-399 PeerJ. Computer science. online, art. no. e399 (2021), p. 24-25. ISSN 2376-5992 (online). CCC, WoS, SCOPUS.

Q WoS=Q1 Q Scopus=Q1

ADC 006 KERTÉSZ, Gábor, Sándor SZÉNÁSI a Zoltán VÁMOSSY. Comparative analysis of image projection-based descriptors in Siamese neural networks. DOI 10.1016/j.advengsoft.2020.102963 Advances in Engineering Software. Vol. 154 (2021), art. no. 102963, p. 2963-2963. ISSN 0965-9978. CCC, WoS, SCOPUS. IF (2020): 4,141.

Q WoS=Q1 Q Scopus=Q1

ADE  Vedecké práce v ostatných zahraničných časopisoch
Počet záznamov: 2

ADE 001 SERGYÁN, Szabolcs, Sándor SZÉNÁSI a Zoltán VÁMOSSY. A grafikus hardveren (GPGPU) implementált alkalmazások sebezhetőségei. Hadmérnök. Évf. 9, sz. 1 (2014), p. 249-257. ISSN 1788-1919.

ADE 002 SZÉNÁSI, Sándor a Domokos JANKÓ. Data-parallel Implementation of Accident Black Spot Searching Method. Óbuda University e-Bulletin. Vol. 6, no. 1 (2016), p. [1-7]. ISSN 2062-2872.

ADM  Vedecké práce v zahraničných časopisoch registrovaných v databázach Web of Science alebo SCOPUS
Počet záznamov: 15

ADM 001 SZÉNÁSI, Sándor a Zoltán VÁMOSSY. Evolutionary algorithm for optimizing parameters of GPGPU-based image segmentation. DOI 10.12700/APH.10.05.2013.5.2 Acta Polytechnica Hungarica. Vol. 10, no. 5 (2013), p. 7-28. ISSN 1785-8860. WoS, SCOPUS.

2018  [1] GUO, S. Limb movement anatomy model based on evolutionary algorithm. In Journal of advanced oxidation technologies. ISSN 1203-8407, 2018, vol. 21, no.2. SCOPUS

ADM 002 SZÉNÁSI, Sándor a Zoltán VÁMOSSY. Implementation of a Distributed Genetic Algorithm for Parameter Optimization in a Cell Nuclei Detection Project. Acta Polytechnica Hungarica. Vol. 10, no. 4 (2013), p. 59-86. ISSN 1785-8860. WoS, SCOPUS.

2013  [1] KISS, B. - SÁPI, J. - KOVÁCS, L. Imaging method for model-based control of tumor diseases. In SISY 2013 - IEEE 11th International Symposium on Intelligent Systems and Informatics, Proceedings. Subotica : IEEE, 2013. p. 271-275. ISBN 978-147990305-4. SCOPUS

2013  [1] KÓSI, K. - VÁRKONYI, T. A. - TAR, J. K. et al. On the simulation of RFPT-based adaptive control of systems of 4 th order response. In SISY 2013 - IEEE 11th International Symposium on Intelligent Systems and Informatics, Proceedings. Subotica : IEEE, 2013. p. 259-264. ISBN 978-147990305-4. SCOPUS

2013  [1] KÁDÁR, P. - KARACSI, M. Requirements of island mode controller for microCHP in micro grid. In SISY 2013 - IEEE 11th International Symposium on Intelligent Systems and Informatics, Proceedings. Subotica : IEEE, 2013. p. 83-86. ISBN 978-147990305-4. SCOPUS

2013  [1] KOPJÁK, J. Dynamic analysis of distributed control network based on event driven software gates. In SISY 2013 - IEEE 11th International Symposium on Intelligent Systems and Informatics, Proceedings. Subotica : IEEE, 2013. p. 293-297. ISBN 978-147990305-4. SCOPUS

2013  [1] HORVÁTH, L. - RUDAS, I. J. New features and contexts for expert level automation of product definition. In SISY 2013 - IEEE 11th International Symposium on Intelligent Systems and Informatics, Proceedings. Subotica : IEEE, 2013. p. 313-318. ISBN 978-147990305-4. SCOPUS

2013  [1] SÁNTHA, G. - HERMANN, G. Accelerometer based activity monitoring system for behavioural analysis of free-roaming animals. In SISY 2013 - IEEE 11th International Symposium on Intelligent Systems and Informatics, Proceedings. Subotica : IEEE, 2013. p. 199-203. ISBN 978-147990305-4. SCOPUS

ADM 003 SZÉNÁSI, Sándor. Distributed region growing algorithm for medical image segmentation. International Journal of Circuits. Vol. 8 (2014), p. 173-181. ISSN 1998-4464. SCOPUS. SNIP (2013): 0,591.

ADM 004 FELDE, Imre a Sándor SZÉNÁSI. Estimation of temporospatial boundary conditions using a particle swarm optimisation technique. DOI 10.1504/IJMMP.2016.079155 International Journal of Microstructure and Materials Properties. Vol. 11, no. 3-4 (2016), p. 288-300. ISSN 1741-8410. SCOPUS. SNIP (2015): 0,534.

2017  [1] PRANESH RAO, K. M. - NARAYAN PRABHU, K. Effect of Bath Temperature on Cooling Performance of Molten Eutectic NaNO3-KNO3 Quench Medium for Martempering of Steels. In Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A: Physical Metallurgy and Materials Science. ISSN 1073-5623, 2017, vol. 48, no. 10, p. 4895-4904. WoS ; SCOPUS

ADM 005 FELDE, Imre, Zoltán FRIED a Sándor SZÉNÁSI. Solution of 2-D inverse heat conduction problem with graphic accelerator. DOI 10.1520/MPC20170008 Materials Performance and Characterization. Vol. 6, no. 5 (2017), p. 882-893. ISSN 2165-3992. SCOPUS. SNIP (2016): 0,323.

ADM 006 SZÉNÁSI, Sándor. Solving the inverse heat conduction problem using NVLink capable Power architecture. DOI 10.7717/peerj-cs.138 PeerJ Computer Science. Vol. 2017, no. 11, art. no. e138 (2017), p. [1-20]. ISSN 2376-5992. WoS, SCOPUS.

ADM 007 KERTÉSZ, Gábor, Sándor SZÉNÁSI a Zoltán VÁMOSSY. Multi-Directional Image Projections with Fixed Resolution for Object Matching. Acta Polytechnica Hungarica : An international peer-reviewed scientific journal of Óbuda University, Hungarian Academy of Engineering and IEEE Hungary Section : journal of applied sciences. Roč. 15, č. 2 (2018), s. 211-229 [print, online]. ISSN 1785-8860. WoS, SCOPUS.

2020  [1] OLDAL, L. G. - KOVÁCS, A. Hand geometry and palmprint-based authentication using image processing. In SISY 2020 - IEEE 18th International Symposium on Intelligent Systems and Informatics. Subotica : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2020. ISBN 978-172817352-8, p. 125-130. SCOPUS

ADM 008 SZÉNÁSI, Sándor a Imre FELDE. Database for Research Projects to Solve the Inverse Heat Conduction Problem. DOI 10.3390/data4030090 data. Vol. 4, no. 3 (2019), p. 1-11. ISSN 2306-5729. WoS, SCOPUS.

ADM 009 PINTÉR, Ádám, Balázs SCHMUCK a Sándor SZÉNÁSI. Short text evaluation with neural network. DOI 10.1556/606.2018.13.3.11 Pollack Periodica : An International Journal for Engineering and Information Sciences. Vol. 13, no. 3 (2018), p. 107-118. ISSN 1788-1994. SCOPUS.

ADM 010 FINTA, István a Sándor SZÉNÁSI. State-space analysis of the interval merging binary tree. DOI 10.12700/APH.16.5.2019.5.5 Acta Polytechnica Hungarica : An international peer-reviewed scientific journal of Óbuda University, Hungarian Academy of Engineering and IEEE Hungary Section : journal of applied sciences. Vol. 16, no. 5 (2019), p. 71-85. ISSN 1785-8860. WoS, SCOPUS.

Q WoS=Q3

ADM 011 BATHLA, Yatish a Sándor SZÉNÁSI. A web server to store the modeled behavior data and zone information of the multidisciplinary product model in the cad systems. DOI 10.31449/inf.v44i2.2660 Informatica : an International Journal of Computing and Informatics. Vol. 44, no. 2 (2020), p. 275-283. ISSN 0350-5596. SCOPUS.

Q Scopus=Q4

ADM 012 KISS, Dániel, Gábor KERTÉSZ, Máté JASKÓ, Sándor SZÉNÁSI, Anna LOVRICS a Zoltán VÁMOSSY. Evaluation of colony formation dataset of simulated cell cultures. DOI 10.33039/ami.2020.07.010 Annales Mathematicae et Informaticae. Vol. 51 (2020), p. 41-52. ISSN 1787-5021. WoS, SCOPUS.

ADM 013 TÓTH, Bence Tamás a Sándor SZÉNÁSI. Tree Growth Simulation based on Ray-Traced Lights Modelling. Acta Polytechnica Hungarica : An international peer-reviewed scientific journal of Óbuda University, Hungarian Academy of Engineering and IEEE Hungary Section : journal of applied sciences. Vol. 17, no. 4 (2020), p. 221-237. ISSN 1785-8860. WoS, SCOPUS. IF (2020): 1,806.

Q WoS=Q3 Q Scopus=Q2

ADM 014 SZÉNÁSI, Sándor a Gábor KERTÉSZ. Special Issue on Bio-Inspired Algorithms for Image Processing. DOI 10.3390/a13120320 Algorithms. online vol. 13, no. 12 (2020), p. [1-2]. ISSN 1999-4893 (online). WoS, SCOPUS.

Q Scopus=Q3

ADM 015 SZÉNÁSI, Sándor, Gábor KERTÉSZ, Imre FELDE a László NADAI. Statistical accident analysis supporting the control of autonomous vehicles. DOI 10.3233/JCM-204186 Journal of computational methods in sciences and engineering. Vol. 21, no. 1 (2021), p. 85-97. ISSN 1472-7978. WoS, SCOPUS.

Q Scopus=Q4

AEC  Vedecké práce v zahraničných recenzovaných vedeckých zborníkoch, monografiách
Počet záznamov: 1

AEC 001 SZÉNÁSI, Sándor. Highway Safety of Smart Cities. In: The Internet of Things: Foundation for Smart Cities, eHealth and Ubiquitous Computing. [s.l.]: CRC Press, 2017, P. 243-272. ISBN 978-1-4987-8902-8.

AFC  Publikované príspevky na zahraničných vedeckých konferenciách
Počet záznamov: 35

AFC 001 KEREKES, Zoltán, Zoltán TÓTH, Sándor SZÉNÁSI, Zoltán VÁMOSSY a Szabolcs SERGYÁN. Colon cancer diagnosis on digital tissue images. DOI 10.1109/ICCCyb.2013.6617580 In: ICCC 2013 - IEEE 9th International Conference on Computational Cybernetics. Budapest: IEEE, pp. 159-163. ISBN 978-1-4799-0060-2. SCOPUS.

AFC 002 SZÉNÁSI, Sándor. Genetic algorithm for parameter optimization of image segmentation algorithm. CINTI 2013 - 14th IEEE International Symposium on Computational Intelligence and Informatics. P. 351-354. SCOPUS. SNIP (2013): 0,828.

AFC 003 KOZLOVSZKY, Miklós, Krisztina HEGEDŰS, Sándor SZÉNÁSI, Gábor KISZLER, Barnabás WICHMANN, István BANDI, György EIGNER, Péter István SAS, Levente KOVÁCS, Zoltán GARAGULY, V. JONAS, Gábor KISS, Gábor VALCZ a Béla MOLNÁR. Parameter assisted HE colored tissue image classification. DOI 10.1109/INES.2013.6632811 In: INES 2013: IEEE 17th International Conference on Intelligent Engineering Systems., Art. no. 6632811, p. 203-207. ISBN 978-1-4799-0828. SCOPUS.

AFC 004 SZÉNÁSI, Sándor a Peter CSIBA. Clustering algorithm in order to find accident black spots identified by GPS coordiantes. DOI 10.5593/SGEM2014/B21/S8.063 SGEM 2014. Vol. 1 (2014), p. 497-504. ISSN 1314-2704. WoS, SCOPUS.

2021  [1] SANTOS, D. - SAIAS, J. - QUARESMA, P. - et al. Machine Learning Approaches to Traffic Accident Analysis and Hotspot Prediction. In. Computers. ISSN 2073-431X, 2021, vol. 10, no. 12. WoS ; SCOPUS

2020  [1] CHANTAMIT-O-PAS, P. - PONGPUM, W. - KONGSAKSRI, K. Road Traffic Injury Prevention Using DBSCAN Algorithm. In ICONIP 2020. 27th International Conference on Neural Information Processing. Berlin : Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland, 2020. ISBN 978-303063822-1, p. 180-187. SCOPUS

2018  [1] TÓTH, L. - KISS, G. The Relationship Between Standard and Autonomous Vehicles. In 2018 18th IEEE International Symposium on Computational Intelligence and Informatics (CINTI). New York : IEEE, 2018. ISBN 978-1-7281-1117-9, p. 269-272. WoS

2018  [1] SEVCIK, M. - GASPAROVICOVÁ, P. - ZIGOVA, M. -et al. The computation of real area using gis demonstrated on management of invasive plants. In Useful geography: Transfer from research to practice. Brno : Masaryk University Press, 2018. ISBN 978-80-210-8907, p. 326-335. WoS

2018  [1] ALMJEWAIL, A. - ALMJEWAIL, A. - ALSENAYDI, S. Analysis of traffic accident in riyadh using clustering algorithms. In Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing. Berlin : Springer Verlag, 2018. ISBN 978-331978752-7, p. 12-25. SCOPUS

2017  [1] RYDER, B. - GAHR, B. - EGOLF, P. et al. Preventing traffic accidents with in-vehicle decision support systems - The impact of accident hotspot warnings on driver behaviour. In Decision Support Systems. ISSN 0167-9236, 2017, vol. 99, no. SI, p. 64-74. WoS ; SCOPUS

AFC 005 SZÉNÁSI, Sándor. Optimizing General Purpose Computations using Kepler Based Graphics Accelerators. In: International Masaryk Conference. Hradec Králové: Magnanimitas, 2014, P. 3354-3360. ISBN 978-80-87952-07-8.

AFC 006 FINTA, István, Lóránt FARKAS, Sándor SZÉNÁSI a Szabolcs SERGYÁN. Buffering Strategies in HDFS Environment with STORM framework. DOI 10.1109/CINTI.2015.7382939 In: Computational Intelligence and Informatics (CINTI): 16th IEEE International Symposium on. Budapest: IEEE, 2015, P. 297-302. SCOPUS.

AFC 007 FELDE, Imre, Sándor SZÉNÁSI, Attila KENÉZ, Shi WEI a Rafael COLAS. Determination of complex thermal boundary conditions using a Particle Swarm Optimization method. In: Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Distortion Engineering, 2015. Bremen: IWT-Bremen, 2015, P. 227-237. ISBN 978-3-88722-749-4.

AFC 008 SZÉNÁSI, Sándor. GPU Implementation of dbscan algorithm for searching multiple accident black spots. In: International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference Surveying Geology and Mining Ecology Management, SGEM., Vol. 1, no. 2 (2015), p. 647-652. ISBN 978-619-7105-34-6. SCOPUS.

2017  [1] HEGYI, P. - BORSOS, A. - KOREN, C. Searching possible accident black spot locations with accident analysis and gis software based on GPS coordinates. In Pollack Periodica. ISSN 1788-1994, 2017, vol. 12, no. 3, p. 129-140. SCOPUS

AFC 009 SZÉNÁSI, Sándor a Imre FELDE. Modified particle swarm optimization method to solve one-dimensional IHCP. DOI 10.1109/CINTI.2015.7382899 In: Computational Intelligence and Informatics (CINTI): 16th International Symposium on. Budapest: IEEE, 2015, P. 85-88. SCOPUS.

AFC 010 KERTÉSZ, Gábor, Sándor SZÉNÁSI a Zoltán VÁMOSSY. Parallelization Methods of the Template Matching Method on Graphics Accelerators. DOI 10.1109/CINTI.2015.7382914 In: Computational Intelligence and Informatics (CINTI): 16th International Symposium on. Budapest: IEEE, 2015, P. 161-164. SCOPUS.

2018  [1] STOJCSICS, D. - DOMOZI, Z. - MOLNAR, A. Large-scale point cloud based volume analysis acceleration based on UAV images. In SACI 2018 - IEEE 12th International Symposium on Applied Computational Intelligence and Informatics, Proceedings. Piscataway : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2018. ISBN 978-153864640-3, p. 51-56. SCOPUS

AFC 011 SZÉNÁSI, Sándor a Peter CSIBA. Planar sliding window technique for searching accident hot spots. Informatics, Geoinformatics and Remote Sensing. Vol. 1, no. 2 (2015), p. 767-772. ISSN 1314-2704. WoS, SCOPUS.

AFC 012 SZÉNÁSI, Sándor, Imre FELDE a István KOVÁCS. Solving One-dimensional IHCP with Particle Swarm Optimization using Graphics Accelerators. In: Proceedings ot the 10th IEEE International Symposium on Applied Computational Intelligence and Informatics (SACI 2015). Budapest: Óbudai Egyetem, 2015, P. [5]. ISBN 978-1-4799-9910-1. SCOPUS.

AFC 013 FINTA, István, Lóránt FARKAS, Sándor SZÉNÁSI a Szabolcs SERGYÁN. A Method for Virtual Extension of LZW Compression Dictionary. In: Proceedings of the 19th IEEE International Conference on Innovation on Cloud Internet and Networking. Paris: IEEE, 2016, P. 184-188. ISBN 978-3-901882-82-1.

AFC 014 KERTÉSZ, Gábor, Sándor SZÉNÁSI a Zoltán VÁMOSSY. A novel method for robust multi-directional image projection computation. DOI 10.1109/INES.2016.7555128 In: INES 2016 - 20th Jubilee IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Engineering Systems, Proceedings. Budapest: IEEE, 2016, P. 239-244. ISBN 978-150901216-9. SCOPUS.

AFC 015 VARGA, Tamás a Sándor SZÉNÁSI. Design and implementation of parallel list data structure using graphics accelerators. DOI 10.1109/INES.2016.7555142 In: INES 2016 - 20th Jubilee IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Engineering Systems, Proceedings. Budapest: IEEE, 2016, P. 315-318. ISBN 978-1-5090-1215-2. SCOPUS.

AFC 016 SZÉNÁSI, Sándor a Imre FELDE. Heat transfer simulation using GPUs. DOI 10.1109/INES.2016.7555132 In: INES 2016 - 20th Jubilee IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Engineering Systems, Proceedings. Budapest: IEEE, 2016, P. 263-268. ISBN 978-1-5090-1215-2. SCOPUS.

AFC 017 KERTÉSZ, Gábor, Dániel KISS, Anna LOVRICS, Sándor SZÉNÁSI a Zoltán VÁMOSSY. Multiprocessing of an individual-cell based model for parameter testing. DOI 10.1109/SACI.2016.7507427 In: SACI 2016 - 11th IEEE International Symposium on Applied Computational Intelligence and Informatics, Proceedings. Timisoara: IEEE, 2016, P. 491-496. ISBN 978-1-5090-2379-0. SCOPUS.

AFC 018 FELDE, Imre, Sándor SZÉNÁSI, Gergő PINTÉR, Wei SHI, Rafael COLÁS a Oscar ZAPATA-HERNÁNDEZ. Parallel PSO method for estimation heat transfer coefficients. In: Proceedings of the 23rd International Federation of Heat Treatment and Surface Engineering Congress 2016, IFHTSE 2016. Savannah: ASM International, 2016, P. 348-353. ISBN 978-16-270811-6-0. SCOPUS.

AFC 019 FELDE, Imre, Sándor SZÉNÁSI, Gábor KEREKES, Wei SHI a Rafael COLAS. Estimation of Temporospatial Heat Transfer Coefficients by Parallel PSO Approach. In: European Conference on Heat Treatment 2016: 3rd International Conference on Heat Treatment and Surface Engineering in Automotive Applications. Prague: [s.n], 2016, USB kľúč, p. [1-11]. ISBN 978-80-904462-9-8.

AFC 020 SZÉNÁSI, Sándor a Imre FELDE. GPU-based heat transfer model. DOI 10.5593/sgem2017/21/S07.044 In: International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference Surveying Geology and Mining Ecology Management, SGEM. Albena: SGEM, 2017, Vol. 17, no. 21 (2017), p. 343-350. SCOPUS.

AFC 021 KERTÉSZ, Gábor, Szabolcs SERGYÁN, Sándor SZÉNÁSI a Zoltán VÁMOSSY. Implementation of object recognition based on image projection signatures using Matlab. DOI 10.1109/CINTI.2016.7846390 In: CINTI 2016 - 17th IEEE International Symposium on Computational Intelligence and Informatics: Proceedings. [s.l.]: IEEE, 2017, P. 123-128. ISBN 978-150903909-8. WoS, SCOPUS.

AFC 022 FINTA, István, Lóránt FARKAS, Sándor SZÉNÁSI a Szabolcs SERGYÁN. Interval merging binary tree. DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-65482-9_32 Algorithms and Architectures for Parallel Processing. P. 452-464. SCOPUS. SNIP (2016): 0,552.

AFC 023 SZÉNÁSI, Sándor. Parallel Implementation of DBSCAN Algorithm Using Multiple Graphics Accelerators. DOI 10.5593/SGEM2016/B21/S07.042 In: Proceedings of the 16th International Multidisciplinary Scientific Geoconference. Albena, Bulgaria: STEF92, 2016, P. 327-334. ISBN 978-619-7105-58-2.

2017  [1] HEGYI, P. - BORSOS, A. - KOREN, C. Searching possible accident black spot locations with accident analysis and gis software based on GPS coordinates. In Pollack Periodica. ISSN 1788-1994, 2017, vol. 12, no. 3, p. 129-140. SCOPUS

AFC 024 FINTA, István, Lóránt FARKAS, Sándor SZÉNÁSI a Szabolcs SERGYÁN. Transient analysis of virtual dictionary extension compression method. DOI 10.1109/CINTI.2016.7846381 In: CINTI 2016 - 17th IEEE International Symposium on Computational Intelligence and Informatics: Proceedings. [s.l.]: IEEE, 2017, Art. no. 7846381, p. 67-74. ISBN 978-150903909-8. SCOPUS.

AFC 025 SZÉNÁSI, Sándor. Variable Sized Planar Sliding Window Technique for Searching Accident Hot Spots. DOI 10.5593/SGEM2016/B21/S08.120 In: Proceedings of the 16th International Multidisciplinary Scientific Geoconference. Albena, Bulgaria: STEF92, 2016, P. 957-964. ISBN 978-619-7105-58-2.

AFC 026 SZÉNÁSI, Sándor. Static load balancing on heterogeneous systems containing CPU and GPU. DOI 10.5593/sgem2018/2.1/S07.091 In: SGEM 2018 conference proceedings. 2.1. Informatics, Geoinformatics and Remote Sensing : informatics. [bez zostavovateľa]. Sofia: STEF92 Technology, 2018, P. 717-722. ISBN 978-619-7408-39-3. SCOPUS.

AFC 027 KERTÉSZ, Gábor, Sándor SZÉNÁSI a Zoltán VÁMOSSY. Vehicle Image Matching using Siamese Neural Networks with Multi-Directional Image Projections. DOI 10.1109/SACI.2018.8440917 In: SACI 2018. [bez zostavovateľa]. Danvers: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2018, online. p. 491-496. ISBN 978-1-5386-4639-7. WoS, SCOPUS.

AFC 028 PINTÉR, Ádám a Sándor SZÉNÁSI. Comparison of Source Code Storage Methods. DOI 10.1109/CINTI-MACRo49179.2019.9105260 In: IEEE Joint CINTI-MACRo 2019 : IEEE Joint 19th International Symposium on Computational Intelligence and Informatics and 7 th International Conference on Recent Achievements in Mechatronics, Automation, Computer Sciences and Robotics: IEEE Joint 19th International Symposium on Computational Intelligence and Informatics and 7 th International Conference on Recent Achievements in Mechatronics, Automation, Computer Sciences and Robotics. [bez zostavovateľa]. Szeged: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2019, P. 231-236. ISBN 978-17-28156-25-5. WoS, SCOPUS.

AFC 029 BENHAMIDA, Abdallah, Miklós KOZLOVSZKY a Sándor SZÉNÁSI. GPU Usage trends in Medical Image processing. DOI 10.1109/SACI46893.2019.9111626 In: Applied Computational Intelligence and Informatics. [bez zostavovateľa]. Timişoara: Universitatea Politehnica Timisoara, 2019, online, p. 320-325. ISBN 978-1-7281-0685-4. SCOPUS.

2021  [1] MYKHAYLOV, P. - VYATKIN, S. - CHEKHMESTRUK, R. - et al. Multi-Volume Data Visualization Using Bounding Shells. In 2021 11th International Conference on Advanced Computer Information Technologies, ACIT 2021 - Proceedings. Piscataway : IEEE, 2021. ISBN 978-166541854-6, p. 195-199. SCOPUS

AFC 030 KERTÉSZ, Gábor, Sándor SZÉNÁSI a Zoltán VÁMOSSY. Multi-Directional Projection Transformations for Machine Learning based Object Matching. DOI 10.1109/SACI46893.2019.9111566 In: Applied Computational Intelligence and Informatics. [bez zostavovateľa]. Timişoara: Universitatea Politehnica Timisoara, 2019, online, s. 269-274. ISBN 978-1-7281-0685-4. SCOPUS.

AFC 031 FRIED, Zoltán, Sándor SZÉNÁSI a Imre FELDE. Prediction of objective function value for heat transfer coefficient function reconstruction by FWA. DOI 10.1109/SACI46893.2019.9111623 In: Applied Computational Intelligence and Informatics. [bez zostavovateľa]. Timişoara: Universitatea Politehnica Timisoara, 2019, online, p. 304-307. ISBN 978-1-7281-0685-4. SCOPUS.

AFC 032 PINTÉR, Ádám a Sándor SZÉNÁSI. Automatic Analysis and Evaluation of Student Source Codes. DOI 10.1109/CINTI51262.2020.9305819 In: 20th IEEE international symposium on Computational intelligence and informatics : proceedings: proceedings. [bez zostavovateľa]. Danvers: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2020, P. 161-166 [USB-key]. ISBN 978-1-7281-8339-8 (online). SCOPUS.

AFC 033 SZÉNÁSI, Sándor, Imre FELDE a Gábor KERTÉSZ. Comparison of Accident Black Spot Identification Methods based on GPS Coordinates. DOI 10.1109/CINTI51262.2020.9305831 In: 20th IEEE international symposium on Computational intelligence and informatics : proceedings: proceedings. [bez zostavovateľa]. Danvers: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2020, P. 61-64 [USB-key]. ISBN 978-1-7281-8339-8 (online). SCOPUS.

AFC 034 FINTA, István, Lóránt FARKAS a Sándor SZÉNÁSI. Data Structure for Packet De-Duplication in Distributed Environments. DOI 10.1109/BigDataService49289.2020.00036 In: IEEE BigDataService 2020 : 6. International Conference on Big Data Computing Service and Machine Learning Applications: 6. International Conference on Big Data Computing Service and Machine Learning Applications. [bez zostavovateľa]. Oxford: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2020, P. 183-188. ISBN 978-1728-17-022-0. SCOPUS.

AFC 035 VARALJAI, Gábor a Sándor SZÉNÁSI. Projectile Detection and Avoidance using Computer Vision. DOI 10.1109/CINTI51262.2020.9305816 In: 20th IEEE international symposium on Computational intelligence and informatics : proceedings: proceedings. [bez zostavovateľa]. Danvers: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2020, P. 157-160 [USB-key]. ISBN 978-1-7281-8339-8 (online). SCOPUS.

AFD  Publikované príspevky na domácich vedeckých konferenciách
Počet záznamov: 11

AFD 001 KERTÉSZ, Gábor, Sándor SZÉNÁSI a Zoltán VÁMOSSY. Performance Measurement of a General Multi-Scale Template Matching Method. DOI 10.1109/INES.2015.7329697 In: Intelligent Engineering Systems (INES), 2015 IEEE 19th International Conference on. [s.l.]: IEEE, 2015, P. 153-157. ISBN 978-146737939-7. SCOPUS.

2018  [1] STOJCSICS, D. - DOMOZI, Z. - MOLNAR, A. Large-scale point cloud based volume analysis acceleration based on UAV images. In SACI 2018 - IEEE 12th International Symposium on Applied Computational Intelligence and Informatics, Proceedings. Piscataway : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2018. ISBN 978-153864640-3, p. 51-56. SCOPUS

2017  [1] MONISHA, M. - MOHAN, P. S. A real-time embedded system for human action recognition using template matching. In Proceedings - 2017 IEEE International Conference on Electrical, Instrumentation and Communication Engineering, Piscataway : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2017. ISBN 978-150904996-7, p. 1-5. WoS ; SCOPUS

AFD 002 KERTÉSZ, Gábor, Sándor SZÉNÁSI a Zoltán VÁMOSSY. Application and properties of the radon transform for object image matching. DOI 10.1109/SAMI.2017.7880333 In: SAMI 2017 - IEEE 15th International Symposium on Applied Machine Intelligence and Informatics, Proceedings. [s.l.]: IEEE, 2017, Art. no. 7880333, p. 353-358. ISBN 978-150905654-5. WoS, SCOPUS.

AFD 003 SZÉNÁSI, Sándor a Imre FELDE. Configuring Genetic Algorithm to Solve the Inverse Heat Conduction Problem. DOI 10.1109/SAMI.2017.7880340 In: SAMI 2017 - IEEE 15th International Symposium on Applied Machine Intelligence and Informatics, Proceedings. [s.l.]: IEEE, 2017, Art. no. 7880340, p. 387-392. ISBN 978-150905654-5. WoS, SCOPUS.

2021  [1] PERAKIS, N. - PREIS, L. - HAIDN, O. J. Wall Heat Flux Evaluation in Regeneratively Cooled Rocket Thrust Chambers. In Journal of Thermophysics and Heat Transfer. ISSN 0887-8722, 2021, vol. 35, no. 1, p. 127-141. WoS ; SCOPUS

2018  [1] STOJCSICS, D. - DOMOZI, Z. - MOLNAR, A. Large-scale point cloud based volume analysis acceleration based on UAV images. In SACI 2018 - IEEE 12th International Symposium on Applied Computational Intelligence and Informatics, Proceedings. Piscataway : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2018. ISBN 978-153864640-3, p. 51-56. SCOPUS

AFD 004 KERTÉSZ, Gábor, Sándor SZÉNÁSI a Zoltán VÁMOSSY. A novel method for Convolutional Neural Architecture Generation with memory limitation. DOI 10.1109/SAMI.2019.8782734 In: SAMI 2019 : IEEE 17th World Symposium on Applied Machine Intelligence and Informatics: IEEE 17th World Symposium on Applied Machine Intelligence and Informatics. [bez zostavovateľa]. Danvers: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2019, P. 229-234. ISBN 978-1-7281-0249-8. WoS, SCOPUS.

AFD 005 ROMHÁNYI, Ágoston a Sándor SZÉNÁSI. OpenGL-based Modular Lightweight 3D Framework with Physics Capabilities. DOI 10.1109/SAMI.2019.8782777 In: SAMI 2019 : IEEE 17th World Symposium on Applied Machine Intelligence and Informatics: IEEE 17th World Symposium on Applied Machine Intelligence and Informatics. [bez zostavovateľa]. Danvers: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2019, P. 239-244. ISBN 978-1-7281-0249-8. WoS, SCOPUS.

2020  [1] PARK, H. - BAEK, N. Developing an Open-Source Lightweight Game Engine with DNN Support. In Electronics. ISSN 2079-9292, 2020, vol. 9, no. 9. WoS ; SCOPUS

AFD 006 TÓTH, Bence Tamás a Sándor SZÉNÁSI. The Simulation of Tree Growth in the Light of Environmental Effects. DOI 10.1109/SAMI.2019.8782746 In: SAMI 2019 : IEEE 17th World Symposium on Applied Machine Intelligence and Informatics: IEEE 17th World Symposium on Applied Machine Intelligence and Informatics. [bez zostavovateľa]. Danvers: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2019, P. 245-249. ISBN 978-1-7281-0249-8. WoS, SCOPUS.

AFD 007 SZÉNÁSI, Sándor, Zoltán FRIED a Imre FELDE. GPU Accelerated Heat Transfer Simulation Supporting Heuristics to Solve the Inverse Heat Conduction Problem. DOI 10.1109/SAMI48414.2020.9108768 In: IEEE 18th World Symposium on Applied Machine Intelligence and Informatics : proceedings: proceedings. [bez zostavovateľa]. Danvers: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2020, [USB-key], s. 287-292. ISBN 978-1-7281-3149-8. WoS, SCOPUS.

AFD 008 FRIED, Zoltán, Imre FELDE a Sándor SZÉNÁSI. Reconstruction of the heat transfer coefficients by using hybrid (FWA + gradient) approach. DOI 10.1109/SAMI48414.2020.9108767 In: IEEE 18th World Symposium on Applied Machine Intelligence and Informatics : proceedings: proceedings. [bez zostavovateľa]. Danvers: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2020, [USB-key], s. 299-304. ISBN 978-1-7281-3149-8. WoS, SCOPUS.

AFD 009 SZÉNÁSI, Sándor, Zoltán FRIED a Imre FELDE. Training of Artificial Neural Network to Solve the Inverse Heat Conduction Problem. DOI 10.1109/SAMI48414.2020.9108733 In: IEEE 18th World Symposium on Applied Machine Intelligence and Informatics : proceedings: proceedings. [bez zostavovateľa]. Danvers: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2020, [USB-key], s. 293-298. ISBN 978-1-7281-3149-8. WoS, SCOPUS.

AFD 010 SALEH, Kaziwa, Sándor SZÉNÁSI a Zoltán VÁMOSSY. Occlusion Handling in Generic Object Detection: A Review. DOI 10.1109/SAMI50585.2021.9378657 In: SAMI 2021 : IEEE 19th World Symposium on Applied Machine Intelligence and Informatics: IEEE 19th World Symposium on Applied Machine Intelligence and Informatics. [bez zostavovateľa]. Danvers: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2021, online, p. 477-483. ISBN 978-1-7281-8053-3 (online). WoS, SCOPUS.

AFD 011 MAGYAR, Dávid a Sándor SZÉNÁSI. Parsing via Regular Expressions. DOI 10.1109/SAMI50585.2021.9378647 In: SAMI 2021 : IEEE 19th World Symposium on Applied Machine Intelligence and Informatics: IEEE 19th World Symposium on Applied Machine Intelligence and Informatics. [bez zostavovateľa]. Danvers: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2021, online, p. 235-238. ISBN 978-1-7281-8053-3 (online). WoS, SCOPUS.

Prehľad publikačnej činnosti evidované v "repco.ujs.sk"

Počet výstupov spolu: 105

Štatistika ohlasov s kategóriou podľa Vyhlášky č. 397/2020 Z. z: počet ohlasov: 37

Citácia v publikácii registrovaná v citačných indexoch: počet ohlasov: 37

Štatistika ohlasov s kategóriou podľa Vyhlášky č. 456/2012 Z. z: počet ohlasov: 23

Citácie v zahraničných publikáciách registrované v citačných indexoch Web of Science a v databáze SCOPUS: počet ohlasov: 23

Štatistika ohlasov: počet ohlasov: 60

Menný zoznam publikácií:

V2 Vedecký výstup publikačnej činnosti ako časť editovanej knihy alebo zborníka

Počet výstupov: 30

V2_001 Resource estimation for executing program codes using machine learning / Kovacs, Andras (Autor) (33%) ; Szénási, Sándor (Autor) [docent] [UJSFEIKI] (34%) ; Lovas, Róbert (Autor) (33%) ; World Symposium on Applied Machine Intelligence and Informatics, 22 [25.01.2024-27.01.2024, Stará Lesná, Slovensko]. – [angličtina]. – [OV 160]. – [ŠO 2508]. – [príspevok z podujatia]. – DOI 10.1109/SAMI60510.2024.10432832. – SCO

In: IEEE 22nd World Symposium on Applied Machine Intelligence and Informatics [textový dokument (print)] [elektronický dokument] : Proceedings / [bez zostavovateľa] [Zostavovateľ, editor]. – 1. vyd. – Danvers (USA) : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2024. – ISBN 979-8-3503-1720-6. – ISBN (online) 979-8-3503-1719-0, s. 249-252 [tlačená forma] [USB kľúč]

V2_002 Exploring the Potential of Convolutional Neural Networks in Sequential Data Analysis: A Comparative Study with LSTMs and BiLSTMs / Tyagi, Suryakant (Autor) (50%) ; Szénási, Sándor (Autor) [docent] [UJSFEIKI] (50%) ; World Symposium on Applied Machine Intelligence and Informatics, 22 [25.01.2024-27.01.2024, Stará Lesná, Slovensko]. – [angličtina]. – [OV 160]. – [ŠO 2508]. – [príspevok z podujatia]. – [recenzované]. – DOI 10.1109/SAMI60510.2024.10432861. – SCO

In: IEEE 22nd World Symposium on Applied Machine Intelligence and Informatics [textový dokument (print)] [elektronický dokument] : Proceedings / [bez zostavovateľa] [Zostavovateľ, editor]. – 1. vyd. – Danvers (USA) : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2024. – ISBN 979-8-3503-1720-6. – ISBN (online) 979-8-3503-1719-0, s. 243-248 [tlačená forma] [USB kľúč]

V2_003 A Novel Machine Learning Solution for the Inverse Heat Conduction Problem with Synthetic Datasets / Biczó, Zoltán (Autor) (33%) ; Szénási, Sándor (Autor) [docent] [UJSFEIKI] (34%) ; Felde, Imre (Autor) (33%) ; International Symposium on Applied Computational Intelligence and Informatics, 17 [23.05.2023-26.05.2023, Timisoara, Rumunsko]. – [angličtina]. – [OV 160]. – [ŠO 2508]. – [príspevok z podujatia]. – [recenzované]. – DOI 10.1109/SACI58269.2023.10158590. – SCO

In: SACI 2023 - 17th International Symposium on Applied Computational Intelligence and Informatics [elektronický dokument] / [bez zostavovateľa] [Zostavovateľ, editor]. – 1. vyd. – Piscataway (USA) : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2023. – ISBN 979-8350-321-10-4, s. 117-121

V2_004 Machine Learning Assisted Temporal Continuous Clustering / Bonnyai, Gergő (Autor) (50%) ; Szénási, Sándor (Autor) [docent] [UJSFEIKI] (50%) ; IEEE World Symposium on Applied Machine Intelligence and Informatics, 21 [19.01.2023-21.01.2023, Herľany, Slovensko]. – [angličtina]. – [OV 160]. – [ŠO 2508]. – [príspevok z podujatia]. – [recenzované]. – DOI 10.1109/SAMI58000.2023.10044525. – WOS CC ; SCO

In: IEEE 21st World Symposium on Applied Machine Intelligence and Informatics / [bez zostavovateľa] [Zostavovateľ, editor]. – 1 vyd. – Piscataway (USA) : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2023. – ISBN 979-8-3503-1987-3. – ISBN (online) 979-8-3503-1986-6, s. 81-84 [online]

V2_005 Procedural City Generation / Erdei, Barnabás (Autor) (50%) ; Szénási, Sándor (Autor) [docent] [UJSFEIKI] (50%) ; International Symposium on Applied Computational Intelligence and Informatics, 17 [23.05.2023-26.05.2023, Timisoara, Rumunsko]. – [angličtina]. – [OV 160]. – [ŠO 2508]. – [príspevok z podujatia]. – [recenzované]. – DOI 10.1109/SACI58269.2023.10158565. – SCO

In: SACI 2023 - 17th International Symposium on Applied Computational Intelligence and Informatics [elektronický dokument] / [bez zostavovateľa] [Zostavovateľ, editor]. – 1. vyd. – Piscataway (USA) : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2023. – ISBN 979-8350-321-10-4, s. 473-476

V2_006 Optimization and representation of a network of food delivery drones in simulation / Kelemen, Dávid (Autor) (50%) ; Szénási, Sándor (Autor) [docent] [UJSFEIKI] (50%) ; International Symposium on Intelligent Systems and Informatics, 21 [21.09.2023-23.09.2023, Pula, Chorvátsko]. – [angličtina]. – [OV 160]. – [ŠO 2508]. – [príspevok z podujatia]. – [recenzované]. – SCO

In: IEEE 21st International Symposium on Intelligent Systems and Informatics [elektronický dokument] : proceedings / Szakál, Anikó [Zostavovateľ, editor]. – 1. vyd. – Budapest (Maďarsko) : IEEE Hungary Section, 2023. – ISBN 979-83-50343-36-6. – ISBN (online) 979-8-3503-4335-9, s. 1-5

V2_007 Simulation of Fluvial Erosion / Klopp, Bálint (Autor) (50%) ; Szénási, Sándor (Autor) [docent] [UJSFEIKI] (50%) ; 2023 IEEE 23rd International Symposium on Computational Intelligence and Informatics, 23 [20.11.2023-22.11.2023, Budapešť, Maďarsko]. – [angličtina]. – [OV 160]. – [ŠO 2508]. – [príspevok z podujatia]. – SCO

In: 2023 IEEE 23rd International Symposium on Computational Intelligence and Informatics [elektronický dokument] / [bez zostavovateľa] [Zostavovateľ, editor]. – 1. vyd. – Danvers (USA) : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2023. – ISBN (online) 979-8-3503-4294-9. – ISBN (online) 979-8-3503-4293-2, s. 281-283 [online] [USB kľúč]

V2_008 Vectorisation of Program Codes for Machine Learning Based Resource Estimation / Kovács, András (Autor) (33%) ; Szénási, Sándor (Autor) [docent] [UJSFEIKI] (34%) ; Lovas, Róbert (Autor) (33%) ; International Symposium on Applied Computational Intelligence and Informatics, 17 [23.05.2023-26.05.2023, Timisoara, Rumunsko]. – [angličtina]. – [OV 160]. – [ŠO 2508]. – [príspevok z podujatia]. – [recenzované]. – DOI 10.1109/SACI58269.2023.10158583. – SCO

In: SACI 2023 - 17th International Symposium on Applied Computational Intelligence and Informatics [elektronický dokument] / [bez zostavovateľa] [Zostavovateľ, editor]. – 1. vyd. – Piscataway (USA) : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2023. – ISBN 979-8350-321-10-4, s. 135-140

V2_009 GPU Database for Large Geospatial Datasets / Mogyorósi, Péter (Autor) (50%) ; Szénási, Sándor (Autor) [docent] [UJSFEIKI] (50%) ; International Symposium on Applied Computational Intelligence and Informatics, 17 [23.05.2023-26.05.2023, Timisoara, Rumunsko]. – [angličtina]. – [OV 160]. – [ŠO 2508]. – [príspevok z podujatia]. – [recenzované]. – SCO

In: SACI 2023 - 17th International Symposium on Applied Computational Intelligence and Informatics [elektronický dokument] / [bez zostavovateľa] [Zostavovateľ, editor]. – 1. vyd. – Piscataway (USA) : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2023. – ISBN 979-8350-321-10-4, s. 399-403

V2_010 Fuzzy-based Approach for Road Accident Risk Estimation on GPU / Mogyorósi, Péter (Autor) (50%) ; Szénási, Sándor (Autor) [docent] [UJSFEIKI] (50%) ; 2023 IEEE 23rd International Symposium on Computational Intelligence and Informatics, 23 [20.11.2023-22.11.2023, Budapešť, Maďarsko]. – [angličtina]. – [OV 160]. – [ŠO 2508]. – [príspevok z podujatia]. – [recenzované]. – DOI 10.1109/CINTI59972.2023.10382074. – SCO

In: 2023 IEEE 23rd International Symposium on Computational Intelligence and Informatics [elektronický dokument] / [bez zostavovateľa] [Zostavovateľ, editor]. – 1. vyd. – Danvers (USA) : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2023. – ISBN (online) 979-8-3503-4294-9. – ISBN (online) 979-8-3503-4293-2, s. 415-420 [online] [USB kľúč]

V2_011 Longest Common Subsequence-based Source Code Similarity / Pintér, Ádám (Autor) (50%) ; Szénási, Sándor (Autor) [docent] [UJSFEIKI] (50%) ; International Symposium on Applied Computational Intelligence and Informatics, 17 [23.05.2023-26.05.2023, Timisoara, Rumunsko]. – [angličtina]. – [OV 160]. – [ŠO 2508]. – [príspevok z podujatia]. – [recenzované]. – SCO

In: SACI 2023 - 17th International Symposium on Applied Computational Intelligence and Informatics [elektronický dokument] / [bez zostavovateľa] [Zostavovateľ, editor]. – 1. vyd. – Piscataway (USA) : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2023. – ISBN 979-8350-321-10-4, s. 123-128

V2_012 GPU Acceleration of Longest Common Substrings Algorithm / Pintér, Ádám (Autor) (50%) ; Szénási, Sándor (Autor) [docent] [UJSFEIKI] (50%) ; International Symposium on Applied Computational Intelligence and Informatics, 17 [23.05.2023-26.05.2023, Timisoara, Rumunsko]. – [angličtina]. – [OV 160]. – [ŠO 2508]. – [príspevok z podujatia]. – [recenzované]. – SCO

In: SACI 2023 - 17th International Symposium on Applied Computational Intelligence and Informatics [elektronický dokument] / [bez zostavovateľa] [Zostavovateľ, editor]. – 1. vyd. – Piscataway (USA) : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2023. – ISBN 979-8350-321-10-4, s. 189-194

V2_013 Bacteria Colony Simulation / Polónyi, Richard William (Autor) (50%) ; Szénási, Sándor (Autor) [docent] [UJSFEIKI] (50%) ; 2023 IEEE 23rd International Symposium on Computational Intelligence and Informatics, 23 [20.11.2023-22.11.2023, Budapešť, Maďarsko]. – [angličtina]. – [OV 160]. – [ŠO 2508]. – [príspevok z podujatia]. – SCO

In: 2023 IEEE 23rd International Symposium on Computational Intelligence and Informatics [elektronický dokument] / [bez zostavovateľa] [Zostavovateľ, editor]. – 1. vyd. – Danvers (USA) : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2023. – ISBN (online) 979-8-3503-4294-9. – ISBN (online) 979-8-3503-4293-2, s. 249-253 [online] [USB kľúč]

V2_014 Automated Moderation Helper System Using Artificial Intelligence Based Text Classification and Recommender System Techniques / Rőczey, Barnabás (Autor) (50%) ; Szénási, Sándor (Autor) [docent] [UJSFEIKI] (50%) ; International Symposium on Applied Computational Intelligence and Informatics, 17 [23.05.2023-26.05.2023, Timisoara, Rumunsko]. – [angličtina]. – [OV 160]. – [ŠO 2508]. – [príspevok z podujatia]. – [recenzované]. – DOI 10.1109/SACI58269.2023.10158593. – SCO

In: SACI 2023 - 17th International Symposium on Applied Computational Intelligence and Informatics [elektronický dokument] / [bez zostavovateľa] [Zostavovateľ, editor]. – 1. vyd. – Piscataway (USA) : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2023. – ISBN 979-8350-321-10-4, s. 477-481

V2_015 Lightweight Blockchain Simulation with Transaction Graph Visualizer / Sipos, Miklós (Autor) (50%) ; Szénási, Sándor (Autor) [docent] [UJSFEIKI] (50%) ; 2023 IEEE 23rd International Symposium on Computational Intelligence and Informatics, 23 [20.11.2023-22.11.2023, Budapešť, Maďarsko]. – [angličtina]. – [OV 160]. – [ŠO 2508]. – [príspevok z podujatia]. – [recenzované]. – DOI 10.1109/CINTI59972.2023.10382093. – SCO

In: 2023 IEEE 23rd International Symposium on Computational Intelligence and Informatics [elektronický dokument] / [bez zostavovateľa] [Zostavovateľ, editor]. – 1. vyd. – Danvers (USA) : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2023. – ISBN (online) 979-8-3503-4294-9. – ISBN (online) 979-8-3503-4293-2, s. 31-36 [online] [USB kľúč]

V2_016 Speech Emotion Recognition using Long Short-Term Memory Models and Grey Wolf Optimization / Tyagi, Suryakant (Autor) (50%) ; Szénási, Sándor (Autor) [docent] [UJSFEIKI] (50%) ; IEEE 2023, 21 [21.09.2023-23.09.2023, Pula, Chorvátsko]. – [angličtina]. – [OV 160]. – [ŠO 2508]. – [príspevok z podujatia]. – [recenzované]. – DOI 10.1109/SISY60376.2023.10417879. – SCO

In: IEEE 21st International Symposium on Intelligent Systems and Informatics [elektronický dokument] : proceedings / Szakál, Anikó [Zostavovateľ, editor]. – 1. vyd. – Budapest (Maďarsko) : IEEE Hungary Section, 2023. – ISBN 979-83-50343-36-6. – ISBN (online) 979-8-3503-4335-9, s. 643-648

V2_017 Speech Emotion Recognition using AdaMax and Weighted Adam Optimizers / Tyagi, Suryakant (Autor) (33%) ; Szénási, Sándor (Autor) [docent] [UJSFEIKI] (34%) ; Neumann, John Von (Autor) (33%) ; 2023 IEEE 23rd International Symposium on Computational Intelligence and Informatics, 23 [20.11.2023-22.11.2023, Budapešť, Maďarsko]. – [angličtina]. – [OV 160]. – [ŠO 2508]. – [príspevok z podujatia]. – [recenzované]. – DOI 10.1109/CINTI59972.2023.10382013. – SCO

In: 2023 IEEE 23rd International Symposium on Computational Intelligence and Informatics [elektronický dokument] / [bez zostavovateľa] [Zostavovateľ, editor]. – 1. vyd. – Danvers (USA) : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2023. – ISBN (online) 979-8-3503-4294-9. – ISBN (online) 979-8-3503-4293-2, s. 177-184 [online] [USB kľúč]

V2_018 A Comprehensive Investigation into The Noise Reduction Techniques for Speech / Tyagi, Suryakant (Autor) (33%) ; Várkonyiné Kóczy, Annamária (Autor) [professor] [UJSFEIKI] (33%) ; Szénási, Sándor (Autor) [docent] [UJSFEIKI] (34%) ; IEEE World Symposium on Applied Machine Intelligence and Informatics, 21 [19.01.2023-21.01.2023, Herľany, Slovensko]. – [angličtina]. – [OV 160]. – [ŠO 2508]. – [príspevok z podujatia]. – DOI 10.1109/SAMI58000.2023.10044486. – WOS CC ; SCO

In: IEEE 21st World Symposium on Applied Machine Intelligence and Informatics / [bez zostavovateľa] [Zostavovateľ, editor]. – 1 vyd. – Piscataway (USA) : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2023. – ISBN 979-8-3503-1987-3. – ISBN (online) 979-8-3503-1986-6, s. 207-212 [online]

V2_019 Fault detection in GPU-enabled Cloud Systems – An Overview / Asádová, Farida (Autor) (25%) ; Kertész, Gábor (Autor) (25%) ; Lovas, Róbert (Autor) (25%) ; Szénási, Sándor (Autor) [docent] [UJSFEIKI] (25%) ; IEEE 20th Jubilee World Symposium on Applied Machine Intelligence and Informatics, 20 [02.03.2022-05.03.2022, Poprad, Slovensko]. – [angličtina]. – [OV 160]. – [ŠO 2508]. – [príspevok z podujatia]. – [recenzované]. – SCO

In: SAMI 2022 [elektronický dokument] [textový dokument (print)] : IEEE 20th Jubilee World Symposium on Applied Machine Intelligence and Informatics / [bez zostavovateľa] [Zostavovateľ, editor]. – 1. vyd. – Piscataway (USA) : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2022. – ISBN 978-1-6654-9704-6, s. 317-322 [tlačená forma] [online]

V2_020 Safe Overfitting of Boosted Tree Algorithm in Heat Transfer Modeling / Biczó, Zoltán (Autor) (33%) ; Szénási, Sándor (Autor) [docent] [UJSFEIKI] (34%) ; Felde, Imre (Autor) (33%) ; IEEE 20th Jubilee World Symposium on Applied Machine Intelligence and Informatics, 20 [02.03.2022-05.03.2022, Poprad, Slovensko]. – [angličtina]. – [OV 160]. – [ŠO 2508]. – [príspevok z podujatia]. – DOI 10.1109/SAMI54271.2022.9780808. – SCO

In: SAMI 2022 [elektronický dokument] [textový dokument (print)] : IEEE 20th Jubilee World Symposium on Applied Machine Intelligence and Informatics / [bez zostavovateľa] [Zostavovateľ, editor]. – 1. vyd. – Piscataway (USA) : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2022. – ISBN 978-1-6654-9704-6, s. 379-382 [tlačená forma] [online]

V2_021 Evaluation of a distributed deep learning framework as a reference architecture for a cloud environment / Farkas, Attila (Autor) (20%) ; Póra, Krisztián (Autor) (20%) ; Szénási, Sándor (Autor) [docent] [UJSFEIKI] (20%) ; Kertész, Gábor (Autor) (20%) ; Lovas, Róbert (Autor) (20%) ; IEEE 10th Jubilee International Conference on Computational Cybernetics and Cyber-Medical Systems [06.07.2022-09.07.2022, Reykjavík, Island]. – [angličtina]. – [OV 160]. – [ŠO 2508]. – [príspevok z podujatia]. – [recenzované]. – DOI 10.1109/ICCC202255925.2022.9922765. – SCO

In: ICCC 2022 : 23rd International carpathian control conference. Sinaia, Romania. May 29 - June 1, 2022 / Popescu, Dan [Zostavovateľ, editor] ; Bărbulescu, Lucian [Zostavovateľ, editor] ; Popescu, Elvira [Zostavovateľ, editor] ; Roman, Monica [Zostavovateľ, editor] ; Şendrescu, Dorin [Zostavovateľ, editor]. – 1 vyd. – Danvers (USA) : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. IEEE Computer Society, 2022. – ISBN 978-1-6654-6636-3. – ISBN 978-1-6654-6635-6, s. 83-88

V2_022 PSO based Optimization of DBSCAN Algorithm Parameters for Road Accident Blackspot Localization / Szénási, Sándor (Autor) [docent] [UJSFEIKI] (34%) ; Sipos, Miklós (Autor) (33%) ; Mogyorósi, Péter (Autor) (33%) ; IEEE 10th Jubilee International Conference on Computational Cybernetics and Cyber-Medical Systems [06.07.2022-09.07.2022, Reykjavík, Island]. – [angličtina]. – [OV 160]. – [ŠO 2508]. – [príspevok z podujatia]. – [recenzované]. – DOI 10.1109/ICCC202255925.2022.9922768. – SCO

In: 2022 IEEE 10th Jubilee International Conference on Computational Cybernetics and Cyber-Medical Systems [elektronický dokument] [textový dokument (print)] : proceedings / [bez zostavovateľa] [Zostavovateľ, editor]. – 1. vyd. – Piscataway (USA) : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2022. – ISBN (online) 978-1-6654-8177-9, s. 43-48 [online]

V2_023 A Review And Analysis of Emotion Based Harmful Speech Detection Using Machine And Deep Learning And Future Direction / Tyagi, Suryakant (Autor) (50%) ; Szénási, Sándor (Autor) [docent] [UJSFEIKI] (50%) ; IEEE 10th Jubilee International Conference on Computational Cybernetics and Cyber-Medical Systems [06.07.2022-09.07.2022, Reykjavík, Island]. – [angličtina]. – [OV 160]. – [ŠO 2508]. – [príspevok z podujatia]. – [recenzované]. – DOI 10.1109/ICCC202255925.2022.9922704. – SCO

In: ICCC 2022 : 23rd International carpathian control conference. Sinaia, Romania. May 29 - June 1, 2022 / Popescu, Dan [Zostavovateľ, editor] ; Bărbulescu, Lucian [Zostavovateľ, editor] ; Popescu, Elvira [Zostavovateľ, editor] ; Roman, Monica [Zostavovateľ, editor] ; Şendrescu, Dorin [Zostavovateľ, editor]. – 1 vyd. – Danvers (USA) : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. IEEE Computer Society, 2022. – ISBN 978-1-6654-6636-3. – ISBN 978-1-6654-6635-6, s. 89-94

Ohlasy:Ohlasy (1):

2022 [1/20] USA - Yashwanth, V., Sumalatha, M. R., Yukan, A. S., Narayan, Aditya B., Paliyela, Lakshmi Harika. Real-time speech emotion detection using artificial intelligence. DOI 10.1109/CCET56606.2022.10080772 In: USA - Proceedings of International Conference on Current Development in Engineering and Technology. Piscataway: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2022. ISBN 9781665454155. [angličtina]. - SCO

V2_024 Emotion Extraction from Speech using Deep Learning / Tyagi, Suryakant (Autor) (50%) ; Szénási, Sándor (Autor) [docent] [UJSFEIKI] (50%) ; IEEE 20th Jubilee World Symposium on Applied Machine Intelligence and Informatics, 20 [02.03.2022-05.03.2022, Poprad, Slovensko]. – [angličtina]. – [OV 160]. – [ŠO 2508]. – [príspevok z podujatia]. – [recenzované]. – DOI 10.1109/SAMI54271.2022.9780779. – SCO

In: SAMI 2022 [elektronický dokument] [textový dokument (print)] : IEEE 20th Jubilee World Symposium on Applied Machine Intelligence and Informatics / [bez zostavovateľa] [Zostavovateľ, editor]. – 1. vyd. – Piscataway (USA) : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2022. – ISBN 978-1-6654-9704-6, s. 181-185 [tlačená forma] [online]

V2_025 A Review on Emotion Based Harmful Speech Detection Using Machine Learning / Tyagi, Suryakant (Autor) (25%) ; Várkonyiné Kóczy, Annamária (Autor) [professor] [UJSFEIKI] (25%) ; Marta, Takacs (Autor) (25%) ; Szénási, Sándor (Autor) [docent] [UJSFEIKI] (25%) ; IEEE Joint 22nd International Symposium on Computational Intelligence and Informatics and 8th IEEE International Conference on Recent Achievements in Mechatronics, Automation, Computer Science and Robotics [21.11.2022-22.11.2022, Budapešť, Maďarsko]. – [angličtina]. – [OV 160]. – [ŠO 2508]. – [príspevok z podujatia]. – DOI 10.1109/CINTI-MACRo57952.2022.10029592. – WOS CC

In: IEEE Joint 22nd International Symposium on Computational Intelligence and Informatics and 8th IEEE International Conference on Recent Achievements in Mechatronics, Automation, Computer Science and Robotics [elektronický dokument] : proceedings / [bez zostavovateľa] [Zostavovateľ, editor]. – 1. vyd. – Budapešť (Maďarsko) : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2022. – ISBN 979-8-3503-9882-3. – ISBN (online) 979-8-3503-9881-6, s. 17-23

V2_026 Distorsion Prediction of Additive Manufacturing Process using Machine Learning Methods / Biczó, Zoltán (Autor) (33%) ; Felde, Imre (Autor) (33%) ; Szénási, Sándor (Autor) [docent] [UJSFEIKI] (34%) ; International Symposium on Applied Computational Intelligence and Informatics, 15 [19.05.2021-21.05.2021, Timisoara, Rumunsko]. – [angličtina]. – [OV 160]. – [ŠO 2508]. – [príspevok z podujatia]. – [recenzované]. – DOI 10.1109/SACI51354.2021.9465625

In: SACI 2021 - IEEE 15th International Symposium on Applied Computational Intelligence and Informatics, Proceedings [textový dokument (print)] [elektronický dokument] / Szakál, Anikó [Zostavovateľ, editor]. – 1. vyd. – New York (USA) : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2021. – ISBN 978-1-7281-9545-2. – ISBN 978-1-7281-9543-8. – ISBN (online) 978-1-7281-9544-5, s. 249-252

V2_027 Evaluation of GPU Virtualisation Approaches for Machine Learning Enhanced Debugging of Cloud Orchestration / Emődi, Márk (Autor) (25%) ; Kovács, József (Autor) (25%) ; Lovas, Róbert (Autor) (25%) ; Szénási, Sándor (Autor) [docent] [UJSFEIKI] (25%) ; International Symposium on Applied Computational Intelligence and Informatics, 15 [19.05.2021-21.05.2021, Timisoara, Rumunsko]. – [angličtina]. – [OV 160]. – [príspevok z podujatia]. – [recenzované]. – DOI 10.1109/SACI51354.2021.9465570

In: SACI 2021 - IEEE 15th International Symposium on Applied Computational Intelligence and Informatics, Proceedings [textový dokument (print)] [elektronický dokument] / Szakál, Anikó [Zostavovateľ, editor]. – 1. vyd. – New York (USA) : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2021. – ISBN 978-1-7281-9545-2. – ISBN 978-1-7281-9543-8. – ISBN (online) 978-1-7281-9544-5, s. 425-430

V2_028 Quantity Analysis on the Chaining of Repetition Free Words Considering the VDE Composition Rule / Finta, István (Autor) (33%) ; Farkas, Lóránt (Autor) (33%) ; Szénási, Sándor (Autor) [docent] [UJSFEIKI] (34%) ; International Symposium on Applied Computational Intelligence and Informatics, 15 [19.05.2021-21.05.2021, Timisoara, Rumunsko]. – [angličtina]. – [OV 160]. – [ŠO 2508]. – [príspevok z podujatia]. – [recenzované]. – DOI 10.1109/SACI51354.2021.9465549. – SCO

In: SACI 2021 - IEEE 15th International Symposium on Applied Computational Intelligence and Informatics, Proceedings [textový dokument (print)] [elektronický dokument] / Szakál, Anikó [Zostavovateľ, editor]. – 1. vyd. – New York (USA) : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2021. – ISBN 978-1-7281-9545-2. – ISBN 978-1-7281-9543-8. – ISBN (online) 978-1-7281-9544-5, s. 431-436

V2_029 Adaptive Fireworks Algorithm to solve 2D Inverse Heat Conduction Problem / Szabó-Gali, Ákos (Autor) (33%) ; Felde, Imre (Autor) (33%) ; Szénási, Sándor (Autor) [docent] [UJSFEIKI] (34%) ; International Symposium on Applied Computational Intelligence and Informatics, 15 [19.05.2021-21.05.2021, Timisoara, Rumunsko]. – [angličtina]. – [OV 160]. – [príspevok z podujatia]. – [recenzované]. – DOI 10.1109/SACI51354.2021.9465543

In: SACI 2021 - IEEE 15th International Symposium on Applied Computational Intelligence and Informatics, Proceedings [textový dokument (print)] [elektronický dokument] / Szakál, Anikó [Zostavovateľ, editor]. – 1. vyd. – New York (USA) : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2021. – ISBN 978-1-7281-9545-2. – ISBN 978-1-7281-9543-8. – ISBN (online) 978-1-7281-9544-5, s. 443-448

V2_030 Enhancing the Firework Algorithm ecosystem for the reconstruction of the HTC function / Fried, Zoltán (Autor) (33%) ; Felde, Imre (Autor) (33%) ; Szénási, Sándor (Autor) [docent] [UJSFEIKI] (34%) ; Hungarian Conference on Materials Science, 12 [13.10.2019-15.10.2019, Balatonkenese, Maďarsko]. – [angličtina]. – [OV 160]. – [príspevok z podujatia]. – [recenzované]. – DOI 10.1088/1757-899X/903/1/012020

In: IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering / [bez zostavovateľa] [Zostavovateľ, editor]. – 1. vyd. – č. 903. – Bristol (Veľká Británia) : IOP Publishing, 2020. – ISSN 1757-8981. – ISSN (online) 1757-899X, s. 1-8

V3 Vedecký výstup publikačnej činnosti z časopisu

Počet výstupov: 5

V3_001 Mogyorósi, Péter (Autor) (33%) ; Szénási, Sándor (Autor) [docent] [UJSFEIKI] (34%) ; Tóth-Laufer, Edit (Autor) (33%)Fuzzy-Based Road Accident Risk Assessment. – [OV 160]. – [ŠO 2508]. – [článok]. – [recenzované]. – DOI 10.3390/math12081144. – WOS CC ; SCO ; CCC

In: Mathematics [elektronický dokument] . – Bazilej (Švajčiarsko) : Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute. – ISSN (online) 2227-7390. – Roč. 12, č. 8 (2024), s. 1-18 [online] . – Nordic List: 1

V3_002 Tyagi, Suryakant (Autor) (50%) ; Szénási, Sándor (Autor) [docent] [UJSFEIKI] (50%)Optimizing Speech Emotion Recognition with Deep Learning and Grey Wolf Optimization: A Multi-Dataset Approach. – [OV 160]. – [ŠO 2508]. – [článok]. – [recenzované]. – DOI 10.3390/a17030090. – WOS CC ; SCO

In: Algorithms [elektronický dokument] . – Basel (Švajčiarsko) : Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute. – ISSN (online) 1999-4893. – Roč. 17, č. 3 (2024), s. [1-15] [online]

V3_003 Saleh, Kaziwa (Autor) (33%) ; Szénási, Sándor (Autor) [docent] [UJSFEIKI] (34%) ; Vámossy, Zoltán (Autor) (33%)Generative Adversarial Network for Overcoming Occlusion in Images: A Survey. – [OV 160]. – [ŠO 2508]. – [článok]. – [recenzované]. – DOI 10.3390/a16030175. – WOS CC ; SCO

In: Algorithms [elektronický dokument] . – Basel (Švajčiarsko) : Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute. – ISSN (online) 1999-4893. – Roč. 16, č. 3 (2023), art. no. 175, s. 1-32 [online]

V3_004 Tyagi, Suryakant (Autor) (50%) ; Szénási, Sándor (Autor) [docent] [UJSFEIKI] (50%)Semantic speech analysis using machine learning and deep learning techniques: a comprehensive review. – [OV 160]. – [ŠO 2508]. – [článok]. – [recenzované]. – DOI 10.1007/s11042-023-17769-6. – WOS CC ; SCO

In: Multimedia Tools and Applications [textový dokument (print)] [elektronický dokument] : An International Journal. – [s.l.] (Švajčiarsko) : Springer Nature. – ISSN 1380-7501. – ISSN (online) 1573-7721. – 2023, s. [1-30] [tlačená forma] [online]

V3_005 Pintér, Ádám (Autor) (50%) ; Szénási, Sándor (Autor) [docent] [UJSFEIKI] (50%)Index Dependent Nested Loops Parallelization with an Even Distributed Number of Steps. – [OV 160]. – [ŠO 2508]. – [článok]. – [recenzované]. – DOI 10.31449/inf.v45i4.3130. – WOS CC ; SCO

In: Informatica [textový dokument (print)] : an International Journal of Computing and Informatics. – Ľubľana (Slovinsko) : Slovensko društvo informatika. – ISSN 0350-5596. – ISSN (online) 1854-3871. – Roč. 45, č. 4 (2021), 493-506 [tlačená forma] . – SNIP: 0,708 ; SJR: 0,299 ; CiteScore: 1,4 ; AIS: 0.110

AIS - Computer science, software engineering - Q3

Scimago - Artificial intelligence - Q4, Computer science applications - Q3, Software - Q4, Theoretical computer science - Q4

ADC Vedecké práce v zahraničných karentovaných časopisoch

Počet výstupov: 6

ADC_001 Kertesz, Gabor (Autor) (33%) ; Szénási, Sándor (Autor) [docent] [UJSFEIKI] (34%) ; Vamossy, Zoltan (Autor) (33%)Comparative analysis of image projection-based descriptors in Siamese neural networks. – [OV 160]. – [článok]. – DOI 10.1016/j.advengsoft.2020.102963. – WOS CC ; SCO ; CCC

In: Advances in Engineering Software [textový dokument (print)] . – Barking (Veľká Británia) : Elsevier. – ISSN 0965-9978. – ISSN (online) 1873-5339. – č. 154 (2021), Art. no. 102963 2963-2963 [tlačená forma] . – IF: 4.255 ; SNIP: 1,764 ; SJR: 0,92 ; CiteScore: 9,3 ; AIS: 1.387

AIS - Computer science, interdisciplinary applications - Q1, Computer science, software engineering - Q1, Engineering, multidisciplinary - Q1

JIF - Computer science, interdisciplinary applications - Q2, Computer science, software engineering - Q1, Engineering, multidisciplinary - Q1

Scimago - Engineering (miscellaneous) - Q1, Software - Q2

Ohlasy:Ohlasy (8):

2022 [1/20] GBR - Liu, Jie, Dey, Nilanjan, Crespo, Ruben González, Shi, Fuqian, Liu, Chanjuan. Inadequate dataset learning for major depressive disorder MRI semantic classification [elektronický dokument]. DOI 10.1049/ipr2.12437 In: GBR - IET Image Processing. Londýn: The Institution of Engineering and Technology, 2022, [tlačená forma] [online]. ISSN 1751-9659. ISSN (online) 1751-9667. - WOS CC ; SCO

2022 [1/20] GBR - Shan, Feng, Wang, Youya. Animation Design Based on 3D Visual Communication Technology [elektronický dokument]. DOI 10.1155/2022/6461538 In: GBR - Scientific Programming. Londýn: Hindawi Publishing Corporation, 2022, Roč. 2022, [tlačená forma]. ISSN 1058-9244. ISSN (online) 1875-919X. - WOS CC ; SCO ; CCC

2021 [1/20] GBR - Tang, Hongxin. Parabolic Detection Algorithm of Tennis Serve Based on Video Image Analysis Technology [elektronický dokument]. DOI 10.1155/2021/7901677 In: GBR - Security and Communication Networks. Chichester: John Wiley & Sons, 2021, Roč. 2021, [tlačená forma] [online]. ISSN 1939-0114. ISSN (online) 1939-0122. - SCO

2021 [1/20] USA - Odry, Akos, Vizvari, Zoltan, Gyorfi, Nina, Kovács, Levente, Eigner, Gyorgy, Klincsik, Mihaly, Sari, Zoltan, Odry, Peter, Toth, Attila. Application of Heuristic Optimization in Bioimpedance Spectroscopy Evaluation [elektronický dokument]. DOI 10.1109/SACI51354.2021.9465617 In: USA - SACI 2021 - IEEE 15th International Symposium on Applied Computational Intelligence and Informatics, Proceedings. New York: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2021, 105-112. ISBN 978-1-7281-9545-2. ISBN 978-1-7281-9543-8. ISBN (online) 978-1-7281-9544-5. - WOS CC ; SCO

2021 [1/20] NLD - Guo, Zhenfei, Bai, Ruixiang, Lei, Zhenkun, Jiang, Hao, Liu, Da, Zou, Jianchao, Yan, Cheng. CPINet: Parameter identification of path-dependent constitutive model with automatic denoising based on CNN-LSTM. DOI 10.1016/j.euromechsol.2021.104327 In: NLD - European Journal of Mechanics - A/Solids. Amsterdam: Elsevier, 2021, Roč. 90, [online]. ISSN 0997-7538. - WOS CC ; SCO ; CCC

2023 [1/20] USA - Huang, Yuejuan, Zeng, Fanju, Hou, Dan. Simulation research on artificial intelligence matching of image database based on neural network. DOI 10.1109/ICNETIC59568.2023.00083 In: USA - Proceedings - 2023 International Conference on Networking, Informatics and Computing. Piscataway: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. IEEE Computer Society, 2023, s. 370-374. ISBN 9798350313314. [angličtina]. - SCO

2022 [1/20] CHE - Pap, Jozsef, Mako, Csaba, Illessy, Miklos, Dedaj, Zef, Ardabili, Sina, Torok, Bernat, Mosavi, Amir. Correlation analysis of factors affecting firm performance and employees wellbeing: application of advanced machine learning analysis [elektronický dokument]. DOI 10.3390/a15090300 In: CHE - Algorithms. Basel: Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute, 2022, Roč. 15, č. 9, [online]. ISSN (online) 1999-4893. [angličtina]. - WOS CC ; SCO

2023 [1/20] USA - D'Amicantonio, Giacomo, Bondarau, Egor, De With, Peter H.N. Homography estimation for camera calibration in complex topological scenes. DOI 10.1109/IV55152.2023.10186786 In: USA - IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium. Piscataway: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2023. ISBN 9798350346916. [angličtina]. - SCO

ADC_002 Szénási, Sándor (Autor) [docent] [UJSFEIKI] (100%)Analysis of historical road accident data supporting autonomous vehicle control strategies. – [OV 160]. – [článok]. – DOI 10.7717/peerj-cs-399. – WOS CC ; SCO ; CCC

In: PeerJ. Computer science [elektronický dokument] . – San Francisco (USA) : Peerj INC. – ISSN (online) 2376-5992. – Roč. 7, č. February 23 (2021), art. no. e399, s. 24-25 [online] . – IF: 2.411 ; SNIP: 1,304 ; SJR: 0,612 ; CiteScore: 2,2 ; AIS: 1.572

AIS - Computer science, artificial intelligence - Q1, Computer science, information systems - Q1, Computer science, theory & methods - Q1

JIF - Computer science, artificial intelligence - Q3, Computer science, information systems - Q3, Computer science, theory & methods - Q2

Scimago - Computer science (miscellaneous) - Q2

Ohlasy:Ohlasy (4):

2022 [1/20] CHE - Koppel, Sjaan, McDonald, Hayley, Peiris, Sujanie, Zou, Xin, Logan, David B. Parents’ Willingness to Allow Their Unaccompanied Children to Use Emerging and Future Travel Modes [elektronický dokument]. DOI 10.3390/su14031585 In: CHE - Sustainability. Bazilej: Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute, 2022, Roč. 14, č. 3, [online]. ISSN (online) 2071-1050. - WOS CC ; SCO ; CCC

2021 [1/20] USA - Mitchell, Ann. Autonomous vehicle algorithms, big geospatial data analytics, and interconnected sensor networks in urban transportation systems [elektronický dokument]. DOI 10.22381/CRLSJ13120215 In: USA - Contemporary readings in law and social justice. New York: Addleton Academic Publishers, 2021, Roč. 13, č. 1, 50-59 [tlačená forma] [online]. ISSN 1948-9137. ISSN (online) 2162-2752. - SCO

2023 [1/20] CHE - Németh, Balázs. Coordinated control Design for ethical maneuvering of autonomous vehicles [elektronický dokument]. DOI 10.3390/en16104254 In: CHE - Energies. Bazilej: Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute, 2023, Roč. 16, č. 10, [online]. ISSN (online) 1996-1073. [angličtina]. - WOS CC ; SCO ; CCC

2023 [1/20] USA - Maxim, Vladislav, Liguš, Ján, Ligušová, Jana, Kovaľuk, Dávid, Sabol, Matúš. Processing of collected data using an industrial 2D visual camera system [elektronický dokument]. DOI 10.1109/SAMI58000.2023.10044529 In: USA - IEEE 21st World Symposium on Applied Machine Intelligence and Informatics. Piscataway: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2023, s. 45-51 [online]. ISBN 979-8-3503-1987-3. ISBN (online) 979-8-3503-1986-6. [angličtina]. - WOS CC ; SCO

ADC_003 Finta, István (Autor) (33%) ; Szénási, Sándor (Autor) [docent] [UJSEFKMI] (34%) ; Farkas, Lóránt (Autor) (33%)Input pattern classification based on the markov property of the IMBT with related equations and contingency tables. – [OV 160]. – [článok]. – DOI 10.3390/e22020245. – WOS CC ; SCO ; CCC

In: Entropy [elektronický dokument] . – Bazilej (Švajčiarsko) : Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute. – ISSN (online) 1099-4300. – Roč. 22, č. 2 (2020), Art. no. 245, s. 5-15 [online] . – IF: 2.524 ; SNIP: 1,059 ; SJR: 0,468 ; CiteScore: 4 ; AIS: 0.504

AIS - Physics, multidisciplinary - Q3

JIF - Physics, multidisciplinary - Q2

Scimago - Electrical and electronic engineering - Q2, Information systems - Q2, Mathematical physics - Q3, Physics and astronomy (miscellaneous) - Q2

ADC_004 Felde, Imre (Autor) (50%) ; Szénási, Sándor (Autor) [fellow] [UJSEFKMI] (50%)Using multiple graphics accelerators to solve the two-dimensional inverse heat conduction problem. – text. – [OV 160]. – [článok]. – DOI 10.1016/j.cma.2018.03.024. – WOS CC ; SCO ; CCC

In: Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering [textový dokument (print)] . – Amsterdam (Holandsko) : Elsevier. – ISSN 0045-7825. – ISSN (online) 1879-2138. – č. 336 (2018), s. 286-303 [tlačená forma] . – IF: 4.821 ; SNIP: 2,085 ; SJR: 2,996 ; CiteScore: 8,6

JIF - Engineering, multidisciplinary - Q1, Mathematics, interdisciplinary applications - Q1, Mechanics - Q1

Scimago - Computational mechanics - Q1, Computer science applications - Q1, Mechanical engineering - Q1, Mechanics of materials - Q1, Physics and astronomy (miscellaneous) - Q1

Ohlasy:Ohlasy (10):

2021 [1/20] GRC - Marinov, Tchavdar T., Marinova, Rossitza S. An inverse problem solution for thermal conductivity reconstruction [elektronický dokument]. DOI 10.37394/23202.2021.20.21 In: GRC - WSEAS Transactions on Systems. [S. l.]: World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society, 2021, Roč. 20, 187-195 [tlačená forma] [online]. ISSN 1109-2777. ISSN (online) 2224-2678. - SCO

2020 [1/20] USA - Thaher, Thaer, Sartawi, Badie. An Experimental Design Approach to Analyse the Performance of Island-Based Parallel Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm. DOI 10.1109/AICT50176.2020.9368747 In: USA - 14th IEEE International Conference on Application of Information and Communication Technologies, AICT 2020 - Proceedings. New York: IEEE. ISBN 9781728173856. - WOS CC ; SCO

2022 [1/20] NLD - Ahn, Chang uk, Park, Chanhun, Park, Dong Il, Kim, Jin Gyun. Optimal hybrid parameter selection for stable sequential solution of inverse heat conduction problem [elektronický dokument]. DOI 10.1016/j.ijheatmasstransfer.2021.122076 In: NLD - International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. Amsterdam: Elsevier, 2022, č. 183, Part B, [tlačená forma] [online]. ISSN 0017-9310. ISSN (online) 1879-2189. - WOS CC ; SCO ; CCC

2021 [1/20] USA - Kertész, Gábor. Different triplet sampling techniques for lossless triplet loss on metric similarity learning [elektronický dokument]. DOI 10.1109/SAMI50585.2021.9378628 In: USA - SAMI 2021: IEEE 19th World Symposium on Applied Machine Intelligence and Informatics. Danvers: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2021, 449-453 [online] [USB kľúč]. ISBN (online) 978-1-7281-8053-3. ISBN (online) 978-1-7281-8052-6. - WOS CC ; SCO

2020 [1/20] USA - Ngondiep, Eric. An Efficient Three-Level Explicit Time-Split Approach for Solving Two-Dimensional Heat Conduction Equation [elektronický dokument]. DOI 10.18576/amis/140615 In: USA - Applied mathematics & Information sciences. New York: Natural Sciences Publishing, 2020, Roč. 14, č. 6, 1075-1092 [tlačená forma] [online]. ISSN 1935-0090. ISSN (online) 2325-0399. - SCO

2020 [1/20] NLD - Tamaddon-Jahromi, Hamid Reza, Chakshu, Neeraj Kavan, Sazonov, Igor, Evans, Llion M., Thomas, Hywel, Nithiarasu, Perumal. Data-driven inverse modelling through neural network (deep learning) and computational heat transfer [elektronický dokument]. DOI 10.1016/j.cma.2020.113217 In: NLD - Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering. Amsterdam: Elsevier, 2020, Roč. 369, [tlačená forma]. ISSN 0045-7825. ISSN (online) 1879-2138. - WOS CC ; SCO ; CCC

2020 [1/20] CHE - Kertész, Gábor. Metric embedding learning on multi-directional projections [elektronický dokument]. DOI 10.3390/A13060133 In: CHE - Algorithms. Basel: Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute, 2020, Roč. 13, č. 6, [online]. ISSN (online) 1999-4893. - WOS CC ; SCO

2018 [1/20] USA - Dankó, Bence, Kertész, Gábor. Recognition of the Hungarian Fingerspelling Alphabet using Convolutional Neural Network based on Depth Data. DOI 10.1109/CINTI.2018.8928221 In: USA - 2018 IEEE 18th International Symposium on Computational Intelligence and Informatics (CINTI). New York: IEEE, 2018, 41-46 [online]. ISBN 9781728111179. - WOS CC ; SCO

2022 [1/20] NLD - Liu, Xiao Yu, Xie, Zhi, Yang, Jian, Meng, Hong Ji. Accelerating phase-change heat conduction simulations on GPUs [elektronický dokument]. DOI 10.1016/j.csite.2022.102410 In: NLD - Case Studies in Thermal Engineering. Amsterdam: Elsevier, 2022, Roč. 39, [online]. ISSN (online) 2214-157X. [angličtina]. - WOS CC ; SCO ; CCC

2022 [1/20] CHE - Kertész, Gábor. Deep metric learning using negative sampling probability annealing [elektronický dokument]. DOI 10.3390/s22197579 In: CHE - Sensors. Bazilej: Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute, 2022, Roč. 22, č. 19, [online] [tlačená forma]. ISSN 1424-3210. ISSN (online) 1424-8220. [angličtina]. - WOS CC ; SCO ; CCC

ADC_005 Szénási, Sándor (Autor) [fellow] [UJSEFKMI] (50%) ; Jankó, Domokos (Autor) (50%)A method to identify black spot candidates in built-up areas. – [OV 160]. – [článok]. – DOI 10.1080/19439962.2015.1084409. – CCC

In: Journal of Transportation Safety & Security [textový dokument (print)] : an Official Journal of the Southeastern Transportation Center. – ISSN 1943-9962. – ISSN (online) 1943-9970. – Roč. 9, č. 1 (2017), s. 20-44 [tlačená forma] . – SNIP: 0,946 ; SJR: 0,625 ; CiteScore: 1,7

Ohlasy:Ohlasy (2):

2017 [1/12] RYDER, B. - GAHR, B. - EGOLF, P. et al. Preventing traffic accidents with in-vehicle decision support systems - The impact of accident hotspot warnings on driver behaviour. In Decision Support Systems. ISSN 0167-9236, 2017, vol. 99, no. SI, p. 64-74.. [s.l.] : [s.n.], 2017

2018 [1/12] ZHANG, J. - QU, X. - B. - YAN, Y. - D. A Comparative Study of Weather Effects on Black Spot Identification for Motorways and Urban Arterials Roads. In CICTP 2018: Intelligence, Connectivity, and Mobility - Proceedings of the 18th COTA International Conference of Transportation Professionals. Reston : American Society of Civil Engineers, 2018. ISBN 978-078448152-3, p. 1827-1836.. [s.l.] : [s.n.], 2018

ADC_006 Szénási, Sándor (Autor) [fellow] [UJSEFKMI] (100%)Segmentation of colon tissue sample images using multiple graphics accelerators. – [OV 160]. – [článok]. – DOI 10.1016/j.compbiomed.2014.05.002

In: Computers in Biology and Medicine [textový dokument (print)] [elektronický dokument] : an international journal. – Amsterdam (Holandsko) : Elsevier. – ISSN 0010-4825. – ISSN (online) 1879-0534. – č. 51 (2014), s. 93-103 [tlačená forma] [online] . – SNIP: 1,107 ; SJR: 0,457 ; CiteScore: 2,7

ADE Vedecké práce v ostatných zahraničných časopisoch

Počet výstupov: 2

ADE_001 Szénási, Sándor (Autor) [fellow] [UJSEFKMI] (50%) ; Jankó, Domokos (Autor) (50%)Data-parallel Implementation of Accident Black Spot Searching Method. – [OV 160]. – [článok]

In: Obuda University e-Bulletin [elektronický dokument] . – Budapešť (Maďarsko) : Óbudai Egyetem. – ISSN (online) 2062-2872. – Roč. 6, č. 1 (2016), s. 1-7 [online]

ADE_002 Sergyán, Szabolcs (Autor) (34%) ; Szénási, Sándor (Autor) [fellow] [UJSEFKMI] (33%) ; Vámossy, Zoltán (Autor) (33%)A grafikus hardveren (GPGPU) implementált alkalmazások sebezhetőségei. – [OV 160]. – [článok]

In: Hadmérnök [elektronický dokument] : Katonai Műszaki Tudományok Online. – ISSN (online) 1788-1919. – Roč. 9, č. 1 (2014), s. 249-257 [online]

ADM Vedecké práce v zahraničných časopisoch registrovaných v databázach Web of Science alebo SCOPUS

Počet výstupov: 14

ADM_001 Szénási, Sándor (Autor) [docent] [UJSFEIKI] (25%) ; Kertész, Gábor (Autor) (25%) ; Felde, Imre (Autor) (25%) ; Nadai, Laszlo (Autor) (25%)Statistical accident analysis supporting the control of autonomous vehicles. – [OV 160]. – [článok]. – DOI 10.3233/JCM-204186. – WOS CC ; SCO

In: Journal of computational methods in sciences and engineering [textový dokument (print)] . – Amsterdam : IOS Press. – ISSN 1472-7978. – ISSN (online) 1875-8983. – Roč. 21, č. 1 (2021), 85-97 [tlačená forma] . – SNIP: 0,292 ; SJR: 0,165 ; CiteScore: 0,7 ; AIS: 0.053

AIS - Engineering, multidisciplinary - Q3

Scimago - Computational mathematics - Q4, Computer science applications - Q4, Engineering (miscellaneous) - Q4

ADM_002 Bathla, Yatish (Autor) (50%) ; Szénási, Sándor (Autor) [docent] [UJSFEIKI] (50%)A web server to store the modeled behavior data and zone information of the multidisciplinary product model in the cad systems. – [OV 160]. – [článok]. – DOI 10.31449/inf.v44i2.2660. – SCO

In: Informatica [textový dokument (print)] : an International Journal of Computing and Informatics. – Ľubľana (Slovinsko) : Slovensko društvo informatika. – ISSN 0350-5596. – ISSN (online) 1854-3871. – Roč. 44, č. 2 (2020), s. 275-283 [tlačená forma] . – SNIP: 0,393 ; SJR: 0,172 ; CiteScore: 1 ; AIS: 0.065

AIS - Computer science, software engineering - Q4

Scimago - Artificial intelligence - Q4, Computer science applications - Q4, Software - Q4, Theoretical computer science - Q4

Ohlasy:Ohlasy (1):

2022 [1/20] SVN - Tarigan, Jos Timanta, Sitompul, Opim Salim, Zarlis, Muhammad, Nababan, Erna Budhiarti. Dynamic terrain data exchange in a collaborative terrain editor [elektronický dokument]. DOI 10.31449/inf.v46i4.4412 In: SVN - Informatica: an International Journal of Computing and Informatics. Ľubľana: Slovensko društvo informatika, 2022, Roč. 46, č. 4, s. 575-582 [tlačená forma]. ISSN 0350-5596. ISSN (online) 1854-3871. [angličtina]. - SCO

ADM_003 Kiss, Dániel (Autor) (16.67%) ; Kertész, Gábor (Autor) (16.666%) ; Jaskó, Máté (Autor) (16.666%) ; Szénási, Sándor (Autor) [docent] [UJSEFKMI] (16.666%) ; Lovrics, Anna (Autor) (16.666%) ; Vámossy, Zoltán (Autor) (16.666%)Evaluation of colony formation dataset of simulated cell cultures. – [OV 160]. – [článok]. – DOI 10.33039/ami.2020.07.010. – WOS CC ; SCO

In: Annales Mathematicae et Informaticae [textový dokument (print)] . – Eger (Maďarsko) : EKF Líceum Kiadó. – ISSN 1787-5021. – ISSN (online) 1787-6117. – č. 51 (2020), s. 41-52 [tlačená forma] . – SNIP: 0,502 ; SJR: 0,154 ; CiteScore: 0,3 ; AIS: 0.152

AIS - Mathematics - Q3

Scimago - Computer science (miscellaneous) - Q4, Mathematics (miscellaneous) - Q4

ADM_004 Tóth, Bence Tamás (Autor) (50%) ; Szénási, Sándor (Autor) [docent] [UJSEFKMI] (50%)Tree Growth Simulation based on Ray-Traced Lights Modelling. – [OV 160]. – [článok]. – WOS CC ; SCO

In: Acta Polytechnica Hungarica [textový dokument (print)] [elektronický dokument] : An international peer-reviewed scientific journal of Óbuda University, Hungarian Academy of Engineering and IEEE Hungary Section : journal of applied sciences. – Budapešt (Maďarsko) : Óbudai Egyetem. – ISSN 1785-8860. – ISSN (online) 2064-2687. – Roč. 17, č. 4 (2020), s. 221-237 [tlačená forma] [online] . – IF: 1,806 ; SNIP: 0,820 ; SJR: 0,277 ; CiteScore: 4,4 ; AIS: 0.162

AIS - Engineering, multidisciplinary - Q4

JIF - Engineering, multidisciplinary - Q3

Scimago - Engineering (miscellaneous) - Q2, Multidisciplinary - Q2

Ohlasy:Ohlasy (1):

2021 [1/20] PRT - Oldal, Laura Gulyás, Kovács, András. Biometric Authentication System based on Hand Geometry and Palmprint Features. DOI 10.5220/0010408900580065 In: PRT - Proceedings of the International Conference on Image Processing and Vision Engineering, IMPROVE 2021. Setúbal: SciTePress, 58-65. ISBN 9789897585111. - SCO

ADM_005 Finta, István (Autor) (50%) ; Szénási, Sándor (Autor) [docent] [UJSEFKMI] (50%)State-space analysis of the interval merging binary tree. – [OV 240]. – [článok]. – DOI 10.12700/APH.16.5.2019.5.5. – WOS CC ; SCO

In: Acta Polytechnica Hungarica [textový dokument (print)] [elektronický dokument] : An international peer-reviewed scientific journal of Óbuda University, Hungarian Academy of Engineering and IEEE Hungary Section : journal of applied sciences. – Budapešt (Maďarsko) : Óbudai Egyetem. – ISSN 1785-8860. – ISSN (online) 2064-2687. – Roč. 16, č. 5 (2019), s. 71-85 [tlačená forma] [online] . – IF: 1,219 ; SNIP: 0,867 ; SJR: 0,298 ; CiteScore: 2,7

JIF - Engineering, multidisciplinary - Q3

Scimago - Engineering (miscellaneous) - Q2, Multidisciplinary - Q2

ADM_006 Szénási, Sándor (Autor) [docent] [UJSEFKMI] (50%) ; Felde, Imre (Autor) (50%)Database for Research Projects to Solve the Inverse Heat Conduction Problem. – [OV 160]. – [článok]. – DOI 10.3390/data4030090. – WOS CC ; SCO

In: Data [elektronický dokument] . – Basel (Švajčiarsko) : Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute. – ISSN 2306-5729. – Roč. 4, č. 3 (2019), s. 1-11 [online] . – SNIP: 1,015 ; SJR: 0,388 ; CiteScore: 2,1

Scimago - Computer science applications - Q3, Information systems - Q3, Information systems and management - Q2

ADM_007 Kertész, Gábor (Autor) (33%) ; Vámossy, Zoltán (Autor) (33%) ; Szénási, Sándor (Autor) [fellow] [UJSEFKMI] (34%)Multi-Directional Image Projections with Fixed Resolution for Object Matching. – text. – [OV 240]. – [článok]. – WOS CC ; SCO

In: Acta Polytechnica Hungarica [textový dokument (print)] [elektronický dokument] : An international peer-reviewed scientific journal of Óbuda University, Hungarian Academy of Engineering and IEEE Hungary Section : journal of applied sciences. – Budapešt (Maďarsko) : Óbudai Egyetem. – ISSN 1785-8860. – ISSN (online) 2064-2687. – Roč. 15, č. 2 (2018), s. 211-229 [tlačená forma] [online] . – IF: 1.286 ; SNIP: 0,822 ; SJR: 0,215 ; CiteScore: 2,2

JIF - Engineering, multidisciplinary - Q3

Scimago - Engineering (miscellaneous) - Q2, Multidisciplinary - Q2

ADM_008 Pintér, Ádám (Autor) (34%) ; Schmuck, Balázs (Autor) (33%) ; Szénási, Sándor (Autor) [fellow] [UJSEFKMI] (33%)Short text evaluation with neural network. – [OV 160]. – [článok]. – DOI 10.1556/606.2018.13.3.11. – SCO

In: Pollack Periodica [textový dokument (print)] [elektronický dokument] : An International Journal for Engineering and Information Sciences. – Budapešť (Maďarsko) : Akadémiai Kiadó. – ISSN 1788-1994. – ISSN (online) 1788-3911. – Roč. 13, č. 3 (2018), s. 107-118 [tlačená forma] [online] . – SNIP: 0,823 ; SJR: 0,219 ; CiteScore: 1

Scimago - Civil and structural engineering - Q3, Computer science applications - Q3, Materials science (miscellaneous) - Q3, Modeling and simulation - Q4, Software - Q3

ADM_009 Felde, Imre (Autor) (34%) ; Fried, Zoltán (Autor) (33%) ; Szénási, Sándor (Autor) [fellow] [UJSEFKMI] (33%)Solution of 2-D inverse heat conduction problem with graphic accelerator. – [OV 160]. – [článok]. – DOI 10.1520/MPC20170008

In: Materials Performance and Characterization [elektronický dokument] [textový dokument (print)] . – USA : ASTM International. – ISSN 2379-1365. – ISSN (online) 2165-3992. – Roč. 6, č. 5 (2017), s. 882-893 [online] [tlačená forma] . – SNIP: 0,522 ; SJR: 0,21 ; CiteScore: 0,6

ADM_010 Szénási, Sándor (Autor) [fellow] [UJSEFKMI] (100%)Solving the inverse heat conduction problem using NVLink capable Power architecture. – [OV 160]. – [článok]. – DOI 10.7717/peerj-cs.138

In: PeerJ. Computer science [elektronický dokument] . – San Francisco (USA) : Peerj INC. – ISSN (online) 2376-5992. – č. November 20 (2017), s. 1-20 [online] . – SNIP: 1,589 ; SJR: 0,502 ; CiteScore: 1,9

ADM_011 Felde, Imre (Autor) (50%) ; Szénási, Sándor (Autor) [fellow] [UJSEFKMI] (50%)Estimation of temporospatial boundary conditions using a particle swarm optimisation technique. – [OV 160]. – [článok]. – DOI 10.1504/IJMMP.2016.079155

In: International Journal of Microstructure and Materials Properties [textový dokument (print)] . – Ženeva (Švajčiarsko) : Inderscience Publishers. – ISSN 1741-8410. – ISSN (online) 1741-8429. – Roč. 11, č. 3 (2016), s. 288-300 [tlačená forma] . – SNIP: 0,218 ; SJR: 0,153 ; CiteScore: 0,7

Ohlasy:Ohlasy (1):

2017 [1/12] PRANESH RAO, K. M. - NARAYAN PRABHU, K. Effect of Bath Temperature on Cooling Performance of Molten Eutectic NaNO3-KNO3 Quench Medium for Martempering of Steels. In Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A: Physical Metallurgy and Materials Science. ISSN 1073-5623, 2017, vol. 48, no. 10, p. 4895-4904.. [s.l.] : [s.n.], 2017

ADM_012 Szénási, Sándor (Autor) [fellow] [UJSEFKMI] (100%)Distributed region growing algorithm for medical image segmentation. – [OV 160]. – [článok]

In: International Journal of Circuits, Systems and Signal Processing [textový dokument (print)] . – [s.n.] (Kanada) : North Atlantic University Union. – ISSN 1998-4464. – č. 8 (2014), s. 173-181 [tlačená forma] . – SNIP: 0,755 ; SJR: 0,245 ; CiteScore: 0,8

ADM_013 Szénási, Sándor (Autor) [fellow] [UJSEFKMI] (50%) ; Vámossy, Zoltán (Autor) (50%)Evolutionary algorithm for optimizing parameters of GPGPU-based image segmentation. – [článok]

In: Acta Polytechnica Hungarica [textový dokument (print)] [elektronický dokument] : An international peer-reviewed scientific journal of Óbuda University, Hungarian Academy of Engineering and IEEE Hungary Section : journal of applied sciences. – Budapešt (Maďarsko) : Óbudai Egyetem. – ISSN 1785-8860. – ISSN (online) 2064-2687. – Roč. 10, č. 5 (2013), s. 7-28 [tlačená forma] [online] . – SNIP: 0,802 ; SJR: 0,247 ; CiteScore: 2

Ohlasy:Ohlasy (1):

2018 [1/12] GUO, S. Limb movement anatomy model based on evolutionary algorithm. In Journal of advanced oxidation technologies. ISSN 1203-8407, 2018, vol. 21, no.2.. [s.l.] : [s.n.], 2018

ADM_014 Szénási, Sándor (Autor) [fellow] [UJSEFKMI] (50%) ; Vámossy, Zoltán (Autor) (50%)Implementation of a Distributed Genetic Algorithm for Parameter Optimization in a Cell Nuclei Detection Project. – [článok]

In: Acta Polytechnica Hungarica [textový dokument (print)] [elektronický dokument] : An international peer-reviewed scientific journal of Óbuda University, Hungarian Academy of Engineering and IEEE Hungary Section : journal of applied sciences. – Budapešt (Maďarsko) : Óbudai Egyetem. – ISSN 1785-8860. – ISSN (online) 2064-2687. – Roč. 10, č. 4 (2013), s. 59-86 [tlačená forma] [online] . – SNIP: 0,802 ; SJR: 0,247 ; CiteScore: 2

Ohlasy:Ohlasy (6):

2013 [1/12] SÁNTHA, G. - HERMANN, G. Accelerometer based activity monitoring system for behavioural analysis of free-roaming animals. In SISY 2013 - IEEE 11th International Symposium on Intelligent Systems and Informatics, Proceedings. Subotica : IEEE, 2013. p. 199-203. ISBN 978-147990305-4.. [s.l.] : [s.n.], 2013

2013 [1/12] HORVÁTH, L. - RUDAS, I. J. New features and contexts for expert level automation of product definition. In SISY 2013 - IEEE 11th International Symposium on Intelligent Systems and Informatics, Proceedings. Subotica : IEEE, 2013. p. 313-318. ISBN 978-147990305-4.. [s.l.] : [s.n.], 2013

2013 [1/12] KOPJÁK, J. Dynamic analysis of distributed control network based on event driven software gates. In SISY 2013 - IEEE 11th International Symposium on Intelligent Systems and Informatics, Proceedings. Subotica : IEEE, 2013. p. 293-297. ISBN 978-147990305-4.. [s.l.] : [s.n.], 2013

2013 [1/12] KÁDÁR, P. - KARACSI, M. Requirements of island mode controller for microCHP in micro grid. In SISY 2013 - IEEE 11th International Symposium on Intelligent Systems and Informatics, Proceedings. Subotica : IEEE, 2013. p. 83-86. ISBN 978-147990305-4.. [s.l.] : [s.n.], 2013

2013 [1/12] KÓSI, K. - VÁRKONYI, T. A. - TAR, J. K. et al. On the simulation of RFPT-based adaptive control of systems of 4 th order response. In SISY 2013 - IEEE 11th International Symposium on Intelligent Systems and Informatics, Proceedings. Subotica : IEEE, 2013. p. 259-264. ISBN 978-147990305-4.. [s.l.] : [s.n.], 2013

2013 [1/12] KISS, B. - SÁPI, J. - KOVÁCS, L. Imaging method for model-based control of tumor diseases. In SISY 2013 - IEEE 11th International Symposium on Intelligent Systems and Informatics, Proceedings. Subotica : IEEE, 2013. p. 271-275. ISBN 978-147990305-4.. [s.l.] : [s.n.], 2013

AEC Vedecké práce v zahraničných recenzovaných vedeckých zborníkoch, monografiách

Počet výstupov: 1

AEC_001 Highway Safety of Smart Cities / Szénási, Sándor (Autor) [fellow] [UJSEFKMI] (100%). – [angličtina]. – [OV 160]. – [recenzované]

In: The Internet of Things : Foundation for Smart Cities, eHealth and Ubiquitous Computing / Armentano, Ricardo [Zostavovateľ, editor]. – 1. vyd. – Boca Raton (USA) : Taylor & Francis Group. CRC Press, 2017. – ISBN 978-1-4987-8902-8, s. 243-272

AFC Publikované príspevky na zahraničných vedeckých konferenciách

Počet výstupov: 35

AFC_001 Data Structure for Packet De-Duplication in Distributed Environments / Farkas, Lóránt (Autor) (34%) ; Finta, István (Autor) (33%) ; Szénási, Sándor (Autor) [docent] [UJSFEIKI] (33%) ; International Conference on Big Data Computing Service and Applications, 6 [03.08.2020-06.08.2020, Oxford, Veľká Británia]. – [angličtina]. – [OV 160]. – [príspevok z podujatia]. – [recenzované]. – DOI 10.1109/BigDataService49289.2020.00036. – SCO

In: IEEE BigDataService 2020 [textový dokument (print)] : 6. International Conference on Big Data Computing Service and Machine Learning Applications / [bez zostavovateľa] [Zostavovateľ, editor]. – 1. vyd. – Oxford (Veľká Británia) : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2020. – ISBN 978-1728-17-022-0, 183-188 [tlačená forma]

AFC_002 Automatic Analysis and Evaluation of Student Source Codes / Pintér, Ádám (Autor) (50%) ; Szénási, Sándor (Autor) [docent] [UJSFEIKI] (50%) ; International symposium on Computational intelligence and informatics, 20 [05.11.2020-07.11.2020, Budapešť, Maďarsko]. – [angličtina]. – [OV 160]. – [príspevok z podujatia]. – [recenzované]. – DOI 10.1109/CINTI51262.2020.9305819. – WOS CC ; SCO

In: 20th IEEE international symposium on Computational intelligence and informatics [elektronický dokument] : proceedings / [bez zostavovateľa] [Zostavovateľ, editor]. – 1. vyd. – Danvers (USA) : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2020. – ISBN (online) 978-1-7281-8339-8, Art. no. 9305819, s. 161-166 [USB kľúč]

Ohlasy:Ohlasy (1):

2021 [1/20] USA - Angelovski, Damjan, Stankov, Emil, Jovanov, Mile. DEMAx tool based on an improved model for semiautomatic C/C++ Source code assessment. DOI 10.1145/3470716.3470728 In: USA - Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Information and Education Innovations. New York: Association for Computing Machinery, 2021, s. 68-73. ISBN 9781450389488. [angličtina]. - SCO

AFC_003 Comparison of Accident Black Spot Identification Methods based on GPS Coordinates / Szénási, Sándor (Autor) [docent] [UJSFEIKI] (34%) ; Felde, Imre (Autor) (33%) ; Kertész, Gábor (Autor) (33%) ; International symposium on Computational intelligence and informatics, 20 [05.11.2020-07.11.2020, Budapešť, Maďarsko]. – [angličtina]. – [OV 160]. – [príspevok z podujatia]. – [recenzované]. – DOI 10.1109/CINTI51262.2020.9305831. – SCO

In: 20th IEEE international symposium on Computational intelligence and informatics [elektronický dokument] : proceedings / [bez zostavovateľa] [Zostavovateľ, editor]. – 1. vyd. – Danvers (USA) : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2020. – ISBN (online) 978-1-7281-8339-8, Art. no. 9305831, s. 61-64 [USB kľúč]

Ohlasy:Ohlasy (1):

2022 [1/20] DEU - Topcuoglu, B., Memisoglu Baykal, T., Tuydes Yaman, H. Speed-related traffic accident analysis using GIS-based DBscan and NNH clustering. DOI 10.5194/isprs-archives-XLVIII-4-W1-2022-487-2022 In: DEU - Free and Open Source Software for Geospatial: International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences - ISPRS Archives. Hannover: International Society of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 2022, s. 487-494. ISSN 16821750. [angličtina]. - SCO

AFC_004 Projectile Detection and Avoidance using Computer Vision / Varaljai, Gábor (Autor) (50%) ; Szénási, Sándor (Autor) [docent] [UJSFEIKI] (50%) ; International symposium on Computational intelligence and informatics, 20 [05.11.2020-07.11.2020, Budapešť, Maďarsko]. – [angličtina]. – [OV 160]. – [príspevok z podujatia]. – [recenzované]. – DOI 10.1109/CINTI51262.2020.9305816. – SCO

In: 20th IEEE international symposium on Computational intelligence and informatics [elektronický dokument] : proceedings / [bez zostavovateľa] [Zostavovateľ, editor]. – 1. vyd. – Danvers (USA) : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2020. – ISBN (online) 978-1-7281-8339-8, . Art. no. 9305816, s. 157-160 [USB kľúč]

Ohlasy:Ohlasy (1):

2021 [1/20] CHE - Canepa, Alessio, Ragusa, Edoardo, Zunino, Rodolfo, Gastaldo, Paolo. T-rexnet—a hardware-aware neural network for real-time detection of small moving objects [elektronický dokument]. DOI 10.3390/s21041252 In: CHE - Sensors. Bazilej: Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute, 2021, Roč. 21, č. 4, 1-18 [online] [tlačená forma]. ISSN 1424-3210. ISSN (online) 1424-8220. - WOS CC ; SCO ; CCC

AFC_005 GPU Usage trends in Medical Image processing / Benhamida, Abdallah (Autor) (33%) ; Kozlovszky, Miklós (Autor) (33%) ; Szénási, Sándor (Autor) [docent] [UJSEFKMI] (34%) ; International Symposium on Applied Computational Intelligence and Informatics, 13 [29.05.2019-31.05.2019, Timişoara, Rumunsko]. – [angličtina]. – [OV 160]. – [príspevok z podujatia]. – [recenzované]. – DOI 10.1109/SACI46893.2019.9111626. – SCO

In: Applied Computational Intelligence and Informatics [elektronický dokument] / [bez zostavovateľa] [Zostavovateľ, editor]. – 1. vyd. – Timişoara (Rumunsko) : Universitatea Politehnica Timisoara, 2019. – ISBN 978-1-7281-0685-4, Art. no. 9111626, s. 320-325 [online]

Ohlasy:Ohlasy (3):

2022 [1/20] NLD - Iqbal, Shahzaib, Khan, Tariq M., Naveed, Khuram, Naqvi, Syed S., Nawaz, Syed Junaid. Recent trends and advances in fundus image analysis: A review [elektronický dokument]. DOI 10.1016/j.compbiomed.2022.106277 In: NLD - Computers in Biology and Medicine: an international journal. Amsterdam: Elsevier, 2022, Roč. 151, [tlačená forma] [online]. ISSN 0010-4825. ISSN (online) 1879-0534. [angličtina]. - SCO

2022 [1/20] USA - Zhao, Lin, Khan, Arijit, Luo, Robby. ShaderNet: graph-based shader code analysis to accelerate GPU s performance improvement. DOI 10.1145/3534540.3534688 In: USA - Proceedings of the 5th ACM SIGMOD Joint International Workshop on Graph Data Management Experiences and Systems (GRADES) and Network Data Analytics (NDA), GRADES-NDA 2022. New York: Association for Computing Machinery, 2022. ISBN 9781450393843. [angličtina]. - SCO

2021 [1/20] USA - Mykhaylov, Pavlo, Vyatkin, Sergey, Chekhmestruk, Roman, Perun, Ivan. Multi-volume data visualization using bounding shells. DOI 10.1109/ACIT52158.2021.9548400 In: USA - 2021 11th International Conference on Advanced Computer Information Technologies (ACIT). Denver: The Institute of Electrical and Eelectronics Engineers, 2021, s. 195-199. ISBN 978-1-6654-1854-6. [angličtina]. - SCO

AFC_006 Prediction of objective function value for heat transfer coefficient function reconstruction by FWA / Fried, Zoltán (Autor) (33%) ; Szénási, Sándor (Autor) [docent] [UJSEFKMI] (34%) ; Felde, Imre (Autor) (33%) ; International Symposium on Applied Computational Intelligence and Informatics, 13 [29.05.2019-31.05.2019, Timişoara, Rumunsko]. – [angličtina]. – [OV 160]. – [príspevok z podujatia]. – [recenzované]. – DOI 10.1109/SACI46893.2019.9111623. – SCO

In: Applied Computational Intelligence and Informatics [elektronický dokument] / [bez zostavovateľa] [Zostavovateľ, editor]. – 1. vyd. – Timişoara (Rumunsko) : Universitatea Politehnica Timisoara, 2019. – ISBN 978-1-7281-0685-4, Art. no. 9111623, s. 304-307 [online]

AFC_007 Multi-Directional Projection Transformations for Machine Learning based Object Matching / Kertész, Gábor (Autor) (33%) ; Szénási, Sándor (Autor) [docent] [UJSEFKMI] (34%) ; Vámossy, Zoltán (Autor) (33%) ; International Symposium on Applied Computational Intelligence and Informatics, 13 [29.05.2019-31.05.2019, Timişoara, Rumunsko]. – [angličtina]. – [OV 160]. – [príspevok z podujatia]. – [recenzované]. – DOI 10.1109/SACI46893.2019.9111566. – SCO

In: Applied Computational Intelligence and Informatics [elektronický dokument] / [bez zostavovateľa] [Zostavovateľ, editor]. – 1. vyd. – Timişoara (Rumunsko) : Universitatea Politehnica Timisoara, 2019. – ISBN 978-1-7281-0685-4, Art. no. 9111566, s. 269-274 [online]

AFC_008 Comparison of Source Code Storage Methods / Pintér, Ádám (Autor) (50%) ; Szénási, Sándor (Autor) [docent] [UJSFEIKI] (50%) ; 19th IEEE Joint International Symposium on Computational Intelligence and Informatics and 7th International Conference on Recent Achievements in Mechatronics, Automation, Computer Sciences and Robotics, CINTI-MACRo 2019 [14.11.2019-16.11.2019, Szeged, Maďarsko]. – [angličtina]. – [OV 160]. – [príspevok z podujatia]. – [recenzované]. – DOI 10.1109/CINTI-MACRo49179.2019.9105260. – WOS CC ; SCO

In: 2019 IEEE 19th International Symposium on Computational Intelligence and Informatics and 7th IEEE International Conference on Recent Achievements in Mechatronics, Automation, Computer Sciences and Robotics (CINTI-MACRo 2019) [textový dokument (print)] [elektronický dokument] / [bez zostavovateľa] [Zostavovateľ, editor]. – 1. vyd. – New York (USA) : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2019. – ISBN 978-1-7281-5625-5. – ISSN 2380-8586, s. 231-236 [online]

AFC_009 Vehicle Image Matching using Siamese Neural Networks with Multi-Directional Image Projections / Kertész, Gábor (Autor) (34%) ; Vámossy, Zoltán (Autor) (33%) ; Szénási, Sándor (Autor) [fellow] [UJSEFKMI] (33%) ; International Symposium on Applied Computational Intelligence and Informatics, 12 [17.05.2018-19.05.2018, Timisoara, Rumunsko]. – [angličtina]. – [OV 160]. – [príspevok z podujatia]. – [recenzované]. – DOI 10.1109/SACI.2018.8440917. – WOS CC ; SCO

In: SACI 2018 [elektronický dokument] / [bez zostavovateľa] [Zostavovateľ, editor]. – 1. vyd. – Danvers (USA) : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2018. – ISBN 978-1-5386-4639-7, s. 491-496 [online]

AFC_010 Static load balancing on heterogeneous systems containing CPU and GPU / Szénási, Sándor (Autor) [docent] [UJSEFKMI] (100%) ; SGEM 2018, 18 [02.07.2018-08.07.2018, Albena, Bulharsko]. – [angličtina]. – [OV 160]. – [príspevok z podujatia]. – [recenzované]. – DOI 10.5593/sgem2018/2.1/S07.091. – SCO

In: SGEM 2018 conference proceedings (2.1. Informatics, Geoinformatics and Remote Sensing : informatics) [textový dokument (print)] / [bez zostavovateľa] [Zostavovateľ, editor]. – 1. vyd. – Roč. 18. – Sofia (Bulharsko) : STEF92 Technology, 2018. – (International multidisciplinary scientific GeoConference Surveying Geology and Mining Ecology Management, ISSN 1314-2704, SNIP: 0,459 ; SJR: 0,209 ; CiteScore: 0,3). – ISBN 978-619-7408-39-3, s. 717-722 [tlačená forma]

AFC_011 Implementation of object recognition based on image projection signatures using Matlab / Kertész, Gábor (Autor) (25%) ; Sergyán, Szabolcs (Autor) (25%) ; Szénási, Sándor (Autor) [fellow] [UJSEFKMI] (25%) ; Vámossy, Zoltán (Autor) (25%) ; 17th IEEE International Symposium on Computational Intelligence and Informatics, CINTI 2016 [Budapest]. – [s.a.]. – [angličtina]. – [OV 240]. – [príspevok z podujatia]. – [recenzované]. – DOI 10.1109/CINTI.2016.7846390. – WOS CC

In: CINTI 2016 - 17th IEEE International Symposium on Computational Intelligence and Informatics: Proceedings. – 1 vyd. – 7846381. – [s.l.] : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2017. – ISBN 978-150903909-8, s. 123-128

AFC_012 Transient analysis of virtual dictionary extension compression method / Finta, István (Autor) (25%) ; Farkas, Lóránt (Autor) (25%) ; Szénási, Sándor (Autor) [fellow] [UJSEFKMI] (25%) ; Sergyán, Szabolcs (Autor) (25%) ; 17th IEEE International Symposium on Computational Intelligence and Informatics, CINTI 2016 [Budapest]. – [s.a.]. – [angličtina]. – [OV 240]. – [príspevok z podujatia]. – [recenzované]. – DOI 10.1109/CINTI.2016.7846381

In: CINTI 2016 - 17th IEEE International Symposium on Computational Intelligence and Informatics: Proceedings. – 1 vyd. – 7846381. – [s.l.] : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2017. – ISBN 978-150903909-8, s. 67-74

AFC_013 GPU-based heat transfer model / Szénási, Sándor (Autor) [fellow] [UJSEFKMI] (50%) ; Felde, Imre (Autor) (50%) ; 17th International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference, SGEM 2017 [Albena, Bulgaria]. – [s.a.]. – [angličtina]. – [OV 160]. – [príspevok z podujatia]. – [recenzované]. – DOI 10.5593/sgem2017/21/S07.044

In: International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference Surveying Geology and Mining Ecology Management, SGEM. – 1 vyd. – Roč. 17, č. 21. – Albena : SGEM, 2017. – (International multidisciplinary scientific GeoConference Surveying Geology and Mining Ecology Management, ISSN 1314-2704, SNIP: 0,521 ; SJR: 0,211 ; CiteScore: 0,3). – ISSN 1314-2704, s. 343-350

AFC_014 Interval merging binary tree / Finta, István (Autor) (25%) ; Farkas, Lóránt (Autor) (25%) ; Szénási, Sándor (Autor) [fellow] [UJSEFKMI] (25%) ; Sergyán, Szabolcs (Autor) (25%) ; 17th International Conference on Algorithms and Architectures for Parallel Processing, ICA3PP 2017 [Helsinki]. – [s.a.]. – [angličtina]. – [OV 240]. – [príspevok z podujatia]. – [recenzované]. – DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-65482-9_32

In: Algorithms and Architectures for Parallel Processing [textový dokument (print)] [elektronický dokument] : 17th International Conference, ICA3PP 2017, Helsinki, Finland, August 21-23, 2017, Proceedings / Ibrahim, Ibrahim [Zostavovateľ, editor]. – 1 vyd. – Cham (Švajčiarsko) : Springer Nature. Springer, 2017. – ISBN 978-3-319-65481-2. – ISBN (online) 978-3-319-65482-9, s. 452-464 [tlačená forma] [online]

AFC_015 Parallel PSO method for estimation heat transfer coefficients / Felde, Imre (Autor) (20%) ; Szénási, Sándor (Autor) [fellow] [UJSEFKMI] (16%) ; Pintér, Gergő (Autor) (16%) ; Shi, Wei (Autor) (16%) ; Colás, Rafael (Autor) (16%) ; Zapata-Hernández, Oscar (Autor) (16%) ; 23rd International Federation of Heat Treatment and Surface Engineering Congress 2016, IFHTSE 2016 [Savannah]. – [s.a.]. – [angličtina]. – [OV 240]. – [príspevok z podujatia]. – [recenzované]

In: Proceedings of the 23rd International Federation of Heat Treatment and Surface Engineering Congress 2016, IFHTSE 2016. – 1 vyd. – Savannah : ASM International, 2016. – ISBN 978-16-270811-6-0, s. 348-353

AFC_016 Estimation of Temporospatial Heat Transfer Coefficients by Parallel PSO Approach / Felde, Imre (Autor) (20%) ; Szénási, Sándor (Autor) [fellow] [UJSEFKMI] (20%) ; Kerekes, Gábor (Autor) (20%) ; Shi, Wei (Autor) (20%) ; Colas, Rafael (Autor) (20%) ; 3rd International Conference on Heat Treatment and Surface Engineering in Automotive Applications [Prague]. – [s.a.]. – [angličtina]. – [OV 240]. – [príspevok z podujatia]. – [recenzované]

In: European Conference on Heat Treatment 2016 anf 3rd International Conference on Heat Treatment and Surface Engineering in Automotive Applications [elektronický zdroj]. 11-13 May 2016, Prague, Czech Republic. – 1. vyd. – Čerčany 2016 (Česko) : Association for the Heat Treatment of Metals, 2016. – ISBN 978-80-904462-9-8, s. 1-11

AFC_017 A novel method for robust multi-directional image projection computation / Kertész, Gábor (Autor) (34%) ; Szénási, Sándor (Autor) [fellow] [UJSEFKMI] (33%) ; Vámossy, Zoltán (Autor) (33%) ; 20th Jubilee IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Engineering Systems, INES 2016 [Budapest, Hungary]. – [s.a.]. – [angličtina]. – [OV 160]. – [príspevok z podujatia]. – [recenzované]. – DOI 10.1109/INES.2016.7555128

In: INES 2016 : 20th Jubilee IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Engineering Systems : Proceedings / [bez zostavovateľa] [Zostavovateľ, editor]. – 1 vyd. – Budapest (Maďarsko) : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2016. – ISBN 978-150901216-9, s. 239-244

AFC_018 Multiprocessing of an individual-cell based model for parameter testing / Kertész, Gábor (Autor) (20%) ; Kiss, Dániel (Autor) (20%) ; Lovrics, Anna (Autor) (20%) ; Szénási, Sándor (Autor) [fellow] [UJSEFKMI] (20%) ; Vámossy, Zoltán (Autor) (20%) ; 11th IEEE International Symposium on Applied Computational Intelligence and Informatics, SACI 2016 [Timisoara, Romania]. – [s.a.]. – [angličtina]. – [OV 160]. – [príspevok z podujatia]. – [recenzované]. – DOI 10.1109/SACI.2016.7507427

In: SACI 2016. – 1 vyd. – Danvers : IEEE, 2016 : N/A, 2016. – ISBN 978-150902379-0, s. 491-496

AFC_019 Parallel Implementation of DBSCAN Algorithm Using Multiple Graphics Accelerators / Szénási, Sándor (Autor) [fellow] [UJSEFKMI] (100%) ; 16th International Multidisciplinary Scientific Geoconference, SGEM 2016 [Albena, Bulgaria]. – [s.a.]. – [angličtina]. – [OV 240]. – [príspevok z podujatia]. – [recenzované]. – DOI 10.5593/SGEM2016/B21/S07.042

In: SGEM 2016. – 1 vyd. – Sofia : STEF92 Technology Ltd., 2016 : N/A, 2016. – ISBN 978-619-7105-58-2, s. 327-334

Ohlasy:Ohlasy (1):

2017 [1/12] HEGYI, P. - BORSOS, A. - KOREN, C. Searching possible accident black spot locations with accident analysis and gis software based on GPS coordinates. In Pollack Periodica. ISSN 1788-1994, 2017, vol. 12, no. 3, p. 129-140.. [s.l.] : [s.n.], 2017

AFC_020 Heat transfer simulation using GPUs / Szénási, Sándor (Autor) [fellow] [UJSEFKMI] (50%) ; Felde, Imre (Autor) (50%) ; 20th Jubilee IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Engineering Systems, INES 2016 [Budapest, Hungary]. – [s.a.]. – [angličtina]. – [OV 160]. – [príspevok z podujatia]. – [recenzované]. – DOI 10.1109/INES.2016.7555132

In: INES 2016 : 20th Jubilee IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Engineering Systems. June 30 - July 2, 2016, Budapest, Hungary / Szakál, Anikó [Zostavovateľ, editor]. – 1. vyd. – Budapest (Maďarsko) : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2016. – ISBN 978-1-5090-1215-2, s. 263-268

AFC_021 A Method for Virtual Extension of LZW Compression Dictionary / Finta, István (Autor) (25%) ; Farkas, Lóránt (Autor) (25%) ; Szénási, Sándor (Autor) [fellow] [UJSEFKMI] (25%) ; Sergyán, Szabolcs (Autor) (25%) ; 19th IEEE International Conference on Innovation on Cloud Internet and Networking [Paris, France]. – [s.a.]. – [angličtina]. – [OV 160]. – [príspevok z podujatia]. – [recenzované]

In: Proceedings of the 19th IEEE International Conference on Innovation on Cloud Internet and Networking. – 1 vyd. – Paris : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2016. – ISBN 978-3-901882-82-1, s. 184-188

AFC_022 Variable Sized Planar Sliding Window Technique for Searching Accident Hot Spots / Szénási, Sándor (Autor) [fellow] [UJSEFKMI] (100%) ; 16th International Multidisciplinary Scientific Geoconference, SGEM 2016 [Albena, Bulgaria]. – [s.a.]. – [angličtina]. – [OV 240]. – [príspevok z podujatia]. – [recenzované]. – DOI 10.5593/SGEM2016/B21/S08.120

In: SGEM 2016. – 1 vyd. – Sofia : STEF92 Technology Ltd., 2016 : N/A, 2016. – ISBN 978-619-7105-58-2, s. 957-964

AFC_023 Design and implementation of parallel list data structure using graphics accelerators / Varga, Tamás (Autor) (50%) ; Szénási, Sándor (Autor) [fellow] [UJSEFKMI] (50%) ; 20th Jubilee IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Engineering Systems, INES 2016 [Budapest, Hungary]. – [s.a.]. – [angličtina]. – [OV 160]. – [príspevok z podujatia]. – [recenzované]. – DOI 10.1109/INES.2016.7555142

In: INES 2016 : 20th Jubilee IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Engineering Systems. June 30 - July 2, 2016, Budapest, Hungary / Szakál, Anikó [Zostavovateľ, editor]. – 1. vyd. – Budapest (Maďarsko) : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2016. – ISBN 978-1-5090-1215-2, s. 315-318

AFC_024 Determination of complex thermal boundary conditions using a Particle Swarm Optimization method / Felde, Imre (Autor) (20%) ; Szénási, Sándor (Autor) [fellow] [UJSEFKMI] (20%) ; Kenéz, Attila (Autor) (20%) ; Wei, Shi (Autor) (20%) ; Colas, Rafael (Autor) (20%) ; 5th International Conference on Distortion Engineering [Bremen, Germany]. – [s.a.]. – [angličtina]. – [OV 160]. – [príspevok z podujatia]. – [recenzované]

In: Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Distortion Engineering, 2015. – 1 vyd. – Bremen : IWT-Bremen, 2015. – ISBN 978-3-88722-749-4, s. 227-237

AFC_025 Parallelization Methods of the Template Matching Method on Graphics Accelerators / Kertész, Gábor (Autor) (34%) ; Szénási, Sándor (Autor) [fellow] [UJSEFKMI] (33%) ; Vámossy, Zoltán (Autor) (33%) ; 16th IEEE International Symposium on Computational Intelligence and Informatics [Budapest, Hungary]. – [s.a.]. – [angličtina]. – [OV 160]. – [príspevok z podujatia]. – [recenzované]. – DOI 10.1109/CINTI.2015.7382914

In: Computational Intelligence and Informatics (CINTI) : 16th International Symposium on. – 1 vyd. – Budapest : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2015, s. 161-164

Ohlasy:Ohlasy (1):

2018 [1/12] STOJCSICS, D. - DOMOZI, Z. - MOLNAR, A. Large-scale point cloud based volume analysis acceleration based on UAV images. In SACI 2018 - IEEE 12th International Symposium on Applied Computational Intelligence and Informatics, Proceedings. Piscataway : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2018. ISBN 978-153864640-3, p. 51-56.. [s.l.] : [s.n.], 2018

AFC_026 Solving One-dimensional IHCP with Particle Swarm Optimization using Graphics Accelerators / Szénási, Sándor (Autor) [fellow] [UJSEFKMI] (34%) ; Felde, Imre (Autor) (33%) ; Kovács, István (Autor) (33%) ; 10th IEEE International Symposium on Applied Computational Intelligence and Informatics (SACI 2015) [Timisoara, Romania]. – [s.a.]. – [angličtina]. – [OV 160]. – [príspevok z podujatia]. – [recenzované]

In: Proceedings ot the 10th IEEE International Symposium on Applied Computational Intelligence and Informatics (SACI 2015). – 1 vyd. – Budapest : Óbudai Egyetem, 2015. – ISBN 978-1-4799-9910-1, s. 5-5

AFC_027 Buffering Strategies in HDFS Environment with STORM framework / Finta, István (Autor) (25%) ; Farkas, Lóránt (Autor) (25%) ; Szénási, Sándor (Autor) [fellow] [UJSEFKMI] (25%) ; Sergyán, Szabolcs (Autor) (25%) ; 16th IEEE International Symposium on Computational Intelligence and Informatics [Budapest, Hungary]. – [s.a.]. – [angličtina]. – [OV 160]. – [príspevok z podujatia]. – [recenzované]. – DOI 10.1109/CINTI.2015.7382939

In: Computational Intelligence and Informatics (CINTI) : 16th International Symposium on. – 1 vyd. – Budapest : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2015, s. 297-302

AFC_028 Planar sliding window technique for searching accident hot spots / Szénási, Sándor (Autor) [fellow] [UJSEFKMI] (50%) ; Csiba, Peter (Autor) [fellow] [UJSEFKMI] (50%) ; 15th GeoConference on INFORMATICS, GEOINFORMATICS AND REMOTE SENSING [Albena, Bulgaria]. – [s.a.]. – [angličtina]. – [OV 160]. – [príspevok z podujatia]. – [recenzované]. – WOS CC

In: International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference Surveying Geology and Mining Ecology Management, SGEM [textový dokument (print)] [elektronický dokument] / [bez zostavovateľa] [Zostavovateľ, editor]. – 1 vyd. – Roč. 1, č. 2. – Albena (Bulharsko) : SGEM World Science, 2015. – (International multidisciplinary scientific GeoConference Surveying Geology and Mining Ecology Management, ISSN 1314-2704). – ISBN 9786197105346, s. 767-772 [online]

AFC_029 GPU Implementation of dbscan algorithm for searching multiple accident black spots / Szénási, Sándor (Autor) [fellow] [UJSEFKMI] (100%) ; 15th GeoConference on INFORMATICS, GEOINFORMATICS AND REMOTE SENSING [Albena, Bulgaria]. – [s.a.]. – [angličtina]. – [OV 160]. – [príspevok z podujatia]. – [recenzované]

In: International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference Surveying Geology and Mining Ecology Management, SGEM [textový dokument (print)] [elektronický dokument] / [bez zostavovateľa] [Zostavovateľ, editor]. – 1 vyd. – Roč. 1, č. 2. – Albena (Bulharsko) : SGEM World Science, 2015. – (International multidisciplinary scientific GeoConference Surveying Geology and Mining Ecology Management, ISSN 1314-2704). – ISBN 9786197105346, s. 647-652 [online]

Ohlasy:Ohlasy (1):

2017 [1/12] HEGYI, P. - BORSOS, A. - KOREN, C. Searching possible accident black spot locations with accident analysis and gis software based on GPS coordinates. In Pollack Periodica. ISSN 1788-1994, 2017, vol. 12, no. 3, p. 129-140.. [s.l.] : [s.n.], 2017

AFC_030 Modified particle swarm optimization method to solve one-dimensional IHCP / Szénási, Sándor (Autor) [fellow] [UJSEFKMI] (50%) ; Felde, Imre (Autor) (50%) ; 16th IEEE International Symposium on Computational Intelligence and Informatics [Budapest, Hungary]. – [s.a.]. – [angličtina]. – [OV 160]. – [príspevok z podujatia]. – [recenzované]. – DOI 10.1109/CINTI.2015.7382899

In: Computational Intelligence and Informatics (CINTI) : 16th International Symposium on. – 1 vyd. – Budapest : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2015, s. 85-88

AFC_031 Optimizing General Purpose Computations using Kepler Based Graphics Accelerators / Szénási, Sándor (Autor) [fellow] [UJSEFKMI] (100%) ; International Masaryk Conference [Hradec Králové]. – [s.a.]. – [angličtina]. – [OV 160]. – [príspevok z podujatia]. – [recenzované]

In: MMK 2014 [elektronický dokument] : sborník příspěvků z mezinárodní vědecké konference, 15.-19. prosince 2014 Hradec Králové, Česká republika / [bez zostavovateľa] [Zostavovateľ, editor]. – 1. vyd. – Roč. 5. – Hradec Králové (Česko) : Magnanimitas akademické sdružení, 2014. – ISBN 978-80-87952-07-8, s. 3354-3360 [CD-ROM]

AFC_032 Clustering algorithm in order to find accident black spots identified by GPS coordiantes / Szénási, Sándor (Autor) [fellow] [UJSEFKMI] (50%) ; Csiba, Peter (Autor) [fellow] [UJSEFKMI] (50%) ; 14th SGEM GeoConference on Informatics [Albena, Bulgaria]. – [s.a.]. – [angličtina]. – [OV 160]. – [príspevok z podujatia]. – [recenzované]. – DOI 10.5593/SGEM2014/B21/S8.063

In: SGEM 2014. GeoConference on Informatics, Geoinformatics and Remote Sensing : conference proceedings. Volume I. – 1 vyd. – Sofia (Bulharsko) : SGEM, 2014. – ISBN 978-619-7105-10-0, s. 497-504

Ohlasy:Ohlasy (6):

2017 [1/12] RYDER, B. - GAHR, B. - EGOLF, P. et al. Preventing traffic accidents with in-vehicle decision support systems - The impact of accident hotspot warnings on driver behaviour. In Decision Support Systems. ISSN 0167-9236, 2017, vol. 99, no. SI, p. 64-74.. [s.l.] : [s.n.], 2017

2018 [1/12] ALMJEWAIL, A. - ALMJEWAIL, A. - ALSENAYDI, S. Analysis of traffic accident in riyadh using clustering algorithms. In Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing. Berlin : Springer Verlag, 2018. ISBN 978-331978752-7, p. 12-25.. [s.l.] : [s.n.], 2018

2018 [1/12] SEVCIK, M. - GASPAROVICOVÁ, P. - ZIGOVA, M. -et al. The computation of real area using gis demonstrated on management of invasive plants. In Useful geography: Transfer from research to practice. Brno : Masaryk University Press, 2018. ISBN 978-80-210-8907, p. 326-335.. [s.l.] : [s.n.], 2018

2020 [1/12] CHANTAMIT-O-PAS, P. - PONGPUM, W. - KONGSAKSRI, K. Road Traffic Injury Prevention Using DBSCAN Algorithm. In ICONIP 2020. 27th International Conference on Neural Information Processing. Berlin : Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland, 2020. ISBN 978-303063822-1, p. 180-187.. [s.l.] : [s.n.], 2020

2018 [1/12] TÓTH, L. - KISS, G. The Relationship Between Standard and Autonomous Vehicles. In 2018 18th IEEE International Symposium on Computational Intelligence and Informatics (CINTI). New York : IEEE, 2018. ISBN 978-1-7281-1117-9, p. 269-272.. [s.l.] : [s.n.], 2018

2021 [1/12] SANTOS, D. - SAIAS, J. - QUARESMA, P. - et al. Machine Learning Approaches to Traffic Accident Analysis and Hotspot Prediction. In. Computers. ISSN 2073-431X, 2021, vol. 10, no. 12.. [s.l.] : [s.n.], 2021

AFC_033 Parameter assisted HE colored tissue image classification / Kozlovszky, Miklós (Autor) (7%) ; Hegedűs, Krisztina (Autor) (7%) ; Szénási, Sándor (Autor) [fellow] [UJSEFKMI] (7%) ; Kiszler, Gábor (Autor) (7%) ; Wichmann, Barnabás (Autor) (7%) ; Bandi, István (Autor) (7%) ; Eigner, Gyorgy (Autor) (7%) ; Sas, Péter István (Autor) (7%) ; Kovács, Levente (Autor) (7%) ; Garaguly, Zoltán (Autor) (7%) ; Jonas, V. (Autor) (7%) ; Kiss, Gábor (Autor) (7%) ; Valcz, Gábor (Autor) (8%) ; Molnár, Béla (Autor) (8%) ; INES 2013 - IEEE 17th International Conference on Intelligent Engineering Systems [Costa Rica]. – [s.a.]. – [maďarčina]. – [príspevok z podujatia]. – [recenzované]

In: INES 2013: IEEE 17th International Conference on Intelligent Engineering Systems. – 6632811, [s.l.] : [s.n.], 2013. – ISBN 978-1-4799-0828, s. 203-207

AFC_034 Genetic algorithm for parameter optimization of image segmentation algorithm / Szénási, Sándor (Autor) [fellow] [UJSEFKMI] (100%) ; CINTI 2013 - 14th IEEE International Symposium on Computational Intelligence and Informatics [Budapest]. – [s.a.]. – [angličtina]. – [príspevok z podujatia]. – [recenzované]

In: CINTI 2013 - 14th IEEE International Symposium on Computational Intelligence and Informatics. – 1 vyd. – Budapest, Hungary : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2013. – ISBN 978-1-4799-0194-4, s. 351-354

AFC_035 Colon cancer diagnosis on digital tissue images / Kerekes, Zoltán (Autor) (20%) ; Tóth, Zoltán (Autor) (20%) ; Szénási, Sándor (Autor) [fellow] [UJSEFKMI] (20%) ; Vámossy, Zoltán (Autor) (20%) ; Sergyán, Szabolcs (Autor) (20%) ; ICCC 2013 - IEEE 9th International Conference on Computational Cybernetics [08.10.2013, Tihany, Hungary]. – [s.a.]. – [angličtina]. – [príspevok z podujatia]. – [recenzované]

In: ICCC 2013 : IEEE 9th International Conference on Computational Cybernetics. Proceedings. Tihany, Hungary July 8-10, 2013. – 1 vyd. – Piscataway (USA) : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2013. – ISBN 978-1-4799-0060-2, s. 159-163

AFD Publikované príspevky na domácich vedeckých konferenciách

Počet výstupov: 11

AFD_001 Parsing via Regular Expressions / Magyar, David (Autor) (50%) ; Szénási, Sándor (Autor) [docent] [UJSFEIKI] (50%) ; IEEE World Symposium on Applied Machine Intelligence and Informatics, 19 [21.01.2021-23.01.2021, Herľany, Slovensko]. – [angličtina]. – [OV 160]. – [príspevok z podujatia]. – [recenzované]. – DOI 10.1109/SAMI50585.2021.9378647. – WOS CC ; SCO

In: SAMI 2021 [elektronický dokument] : IEEE 19th World Symposium on Applied Machine Intelligence and Informatics / [bez zostavovateľa] [Zostavovateľ, editor]. – 1. vyd. – Danvers (USA) : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2021. – ISBN (online) 978-1-7281-8053-3. – ISBN (online) 978-1-7281-8052-6, art. no. 9378647, s. 235-238 [online] [USB kľúč]

AFD_002 Occlusion Handling in Generic Object Detection: A Review / Saleh, Kaziwa (Autor) (33%) ; Szénási, Sándor (Autor) [docent] [UJSFEIKI] (34%) ; Vamossy, Zoltan (Autor) (33%) ; IEEE World Symposium on Applied Machine Intelligence and Informatics, 19 [21.01.2021-23.01.2021, Herľany, Slovensko]. – [angličtina]. – [OV 160]. – [príspevok z podujatia]. – [recenzované]. – DOI 10.1109/SAMI50585.2021.9378657. – WOS CC ; SCO

In: SAMI 2021 [elektronický dokument] : IEEE 19th World Symposium on Applied Machine Intelligence and Informatics / [bez zostavovateľa] [Zostavovateľ, editor]. – 1. vyd. – Danvers (USA) : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2021. – ISBN (online) 978-1-7281-8053-3. – ISBN (online) 978-1-7281-8052-6, art. no. 9378657, s. 477-483 [online] [USB kľúč]

Ohlasy:Ohlasy (2):

2022 [1/20] CHE - Jaruenpunyasak, Jermphiphut, de Herrera, Alba García Seco, Duangsoithong, Rakkrit. Anthropometric ratios for lower-body detection based on deep learning and traditional methods [elektronický dokument]. DOI 10.3390/app12052678 In: CHE - Applied sciences. Bazilej: Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute, 2022, Roč. 12, č. 5, [online]. ISSN (online) 2076-3417. - WOS CC ; SCO

2021 [1/20] CHN - Zhou, Xuan, Chen, Yi, Zhang, Qi. Trajectory analysis method based on video surveillance anomaly detection. DOI 10.1109/CAC53003.2021.9727735 In: CHN - Proceeding - 2021 China Automation Congress, CAC 2021. Bejing: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2021, s. 1141-1145. ISBN 9781665426473. - SCO

AFD_003 Reconstruction of the heat transfer coefficients by using hybrid (FWA + gradient) approach / Fried, Zoltán (Autor) (33%) ; Felde, Imre (Autor) (33%) ; Szénási, Sándor (Autor) [docent] [UJSEFKMI] (34%) ; IEEE World Symposium on Applied Machine Intelligence and Informatics, 18 [23.01.2020-25.01.2020, Herľany, Slovensko]. – [angličtina]. – [OV 160]. – [príspevok z podujatia]. – [recenzované]. – DOI 10.1109/SAMI48414.2020.9108767. – WOS CC ; SCO

In: IEEE 18th World Symposium on Applied Machine Intelligence and Informatics [elektronický dokument] : proceedings / [bez zostavovateľa] [Zostavovateľ, editor]. – 1. vyd. – Roč. 18. – Danvers (USA) : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2020. – ISBN 978-1-7281-3149-8. – ISBN (online) 978-1-7281-3148-1, s. 299-304 [USB kľúč]

AFD_004 Training of Artificial Neural Network to Solve the Inverse Heat Conduction Problem / Szénási, Sándor (Autor) [docent] [UJSEFKMI] (34%) ; Fried, Zoltán (Autor) (33%) ; Felde, Imre (Autor) (33%) ; IEEE World Symposium on Applied Machine Intelligence and Informatics, 18 [23.01.2020-25.01.2020, Herľany, Slovensko]. – [angličtina]. – [OV 160]. – [príspevok z podujatia]. – [recenzované]. – DOI 10.1109/SAMI48414.2020.9108733. – WOS CC ; SCO

In: IEEE 18th World Symposium on Applied Machine Intelligence and Informatics [elektronický dokument] : proceedings / [bez zostavovateľa] [Zostavovateľ, editor]. – 1. vyd. – Roč. 18. – Danvers (USA) : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2020. – ISBN 978-1-7281-3149-8. – ISBN (online) 978-1-7281-3148-1, s. 293-298 [USB kľúč]

AFD_005 GPU Accelerated Heat Transfer Simulation Supporting Heuristics to Solve the Inverse Heat Conduction Problem / Szénási, Sándor (Autor) [docent] [UJSEFKMI] (34%) ; Fried, Zoltán (Autor) (33%) ; Felde, Imre (Autor) (33%) ; IEEE World Symposium on Applied Machine Intelligence and Informatics, 18 [23.01.2020-25.01.2020, Herľany, Slovensko]. – [angličtina]. – [OV 160]. – [príspevok z podujatia]. – [recenzované]. – DOI 10.1109/SAMI48414.2020.9108768. – WOS CC ; SCO

In: IEEE 18th World Symposium on Applied Machine Intelligence and Informatics [elektronický dokument] : proceedings / [bez zostavovateľa] [Zostavovateľ, editor]. – 1. vyd. – Roč. 18. – Danvers (USA) : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2020. – ISBN 978-1-7281-3149-8. – ISBN (online) 978-1-7281-3148-1, s. 287-292 [USB kľúč]

Ohlasy:Ohlasy (1):

2021 [1/20] USA - Golovashkin, Dimitry, Yablokova, Liudmila. Experimental research of block algorithm for the difference solution of heat conduction equation. Implicit Difference Scheme Case. DOI 10.1109/ITNT52450.2021.9649300 In: USA - 7th IEEE International Conference on Information Technology and Nanotechnology. Danvers: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2021, [online]. ISBN 9781665432177. [angličtina]. - SCO

AFD_006 A novel method for Convolutional Neural Architecture Generation with memory limitation / Kertész, Gábor (Autor) (34%) ; Szénási, Sándor (Autor) [docent] [UJSEFKMI] (33%) ; Vámossy, Zoltán (Autor) (33%) ; IEEE World Symposium on Applied Machine Intelligence and Informatics, 17 [24.01.2019-26.01.2019, Herľany, Slovensko]. – [angličtina]. – [OV 160]. – [príspevok z podujatia]. – [recenzované]. – DOI 10.1109/SAMI.2019.8782734. – WOS CC ; SCO

In: SAMI 2019 [textový dokument (print)] [elektronický dokument] : IEEE 17th World Symposium on Applied Machine Intelligence and Informatics / [bez zostavovateľa] [Zostavovateľ, editor]. – Danvers (USA) : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2019. – ISBN 978-1-7281-0249-8. – ISBN 978-1-7281-0251-1. – ISBN (online) 978-1-7281-0250-4, s. 229-234 [tlačená forma] [online]

AFD_007 OpenGL-based Modular Lightweight 3D Framework with Physics Capabilities / Romhányi, Ágoston (Autor) (50%) ; Szénási, Sándor (Autor) [docent] [UJSEFKMI] (50%) ; IEEE World Symposium on Applied Machine Intelligence and Informatics, 17 [24.01.2019-26.01.2019, Herľany, Slovensko]. – [angličtina]. – [OV 160]. – [príspevok z podujatia]. – [recenzované]. – DOI 10.1109/SAMI.2019.8782777. – WOS CC ; SCO

In: SAMI 2019 [textový dokument (print)] [elektronický dokument] : IEEE 17th World Symposium on Applied Machine Intelligence and Informatics / [bez zostavovateľa] [Zostavovateľ, editor]. – Danvers (USA) : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2019. – ISBN 978-1-7281-0249-8. – ISBN 978-1-7281-0251-1. – ISBN (online) 978-1-7281-0250-4, s. 239-244 [tlačená forma] [online]

AFD_008 The Simulation of Tree Growth in the Light of Environmental Effects / Tóth, Bence Tamás (Autor) (50%) ; Szénási, Sándor (Autor) [docent] [UJSEFKMI] (50%) ; IEEE World Symposium on Applied Machine Intelligence and Informatics, 17 [24.01.2019-26.01.2019, Herľany, Slovensko]. – [angličtina]. – [OV 160]. – [príspevok z podujatia]. – [recenzované]. – DOI 10.1109/SAMI.2019.8782746. – WOS CC ; SCO

In: SAMI 2019 [textový dokument (print)] [elektronický dokument] : IEEE 17th World Symposium on Applied Machine Intelligence and Informatics / [bez zostavovateľa] [Zostavovateľ, editor]. – Danvers (USA) : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2019. – ISBN 978-1-7281-0249-8. – ISBN 978-1-7281-0251-1. – ISBN (online) 978-1-7281-0250-4, s. 245-249 [tlačená forma] [online]

AFD_009 Application and properties of the radon transform for object image matching / Kertész, Gábor (Autor) (34%) ; Szénási, Sándor (Autor) [fellow] [UJSEFKMI] (33%) ; Vámossy, Zoltán (Autor) (33%) ; 15th IEEE International Symposium on Applied Machine Intelligence and Informatics, SAMI 2017 [Herľany]. – [s.a.]. – [angličtina]. – [OV 240]. – [príspevok z podujatia]. – [recenzované]. – DOI 10.1109/SAMI.2017.7880333. – WOS CC

In: SAMI 2017 : IEEE 15th International Symposium on Applied Machine Intelligence and Informatics, January, 26-28, 2017, Herľany, Slovakia / [bez zostavovateľa] [Zostavovateľ, editor]. – 1. vyd. – New York (USA) : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2017. – ISBN 978-1-5090-5654-5, s. 353-358 [online]

Ohlasy:Ohlasy (3):

2019 [1/20] USA - Persico, Adriano Rosario, Ilioudis, Christos, Clemente, Carmine, Soraghan, John J. Novel classification algorithm for ballistic target based on HRRP frame [elektronický dokument]. DOI 10.1109/TAES.2019.2905281 In: USA - IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems. Piscataway: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2019, Roč. 55, č. 6, s. 3168-3189 [tlačená forma] [online]. ISSN 00189251. ISSN (online) 15579603. [angličtina]. - WOS CC ; SCO ; CCC

2022 [1/20] HRV - Samarah, Khalid. Finite radon transform as subcarriers mapping technique for OFDM system. DOI 10.24138/jcomss-2022-0043 In: HRV - Journal of Communications Software and Systems. Split: Sveučilište u Splitu, 2022, Roč. 18, č. 4, s. 323-335 [tlačená forma]. ISSN 1845-6421. [angličtina]. - WOS CC ; SCO

2020 [1/20] NLD - Lin, Jirui, Xiao, Laiyuan, Wu, Tao. Multi-target video-based face recognition and gesture recognition based on enhanced detection and multi-trajectory incremental learning [elektronický dokument]. DOI 10.3233/THC-209004 In: NLD - Technology and health care. Amsterdam: IOS Press, 2020, Roč. 28, s. 25-35. ISSN 0928-7329. ISSN (online) 1878-7401. [angličtina]. - WOS CC ; SCO

AFD_010 Configuring Genetic Algorithm to Solve the Inverse Heat Conduction Problem / Szénási, Sándor (Autor) [fellow] [UJSEFKMI] (50%) ; Felde, Imre (Autor) (50%) ; 15th IEEE International Symposium on Applied Machine Intelligence and Informatics, SAMI 2017 [Herľany]. – [s.a.]. – [angličtina]. – [OV 240]. – [príspevok z podujatia]. – [recenzované]. – DOI 10.1109/SAMI.2017.7880340

In: SAMI 2017 : IEEE 15th International Symposium on Applied Machine Intelligence and Informatics, January, 26-28, 2017, Herľany, Slovakia / [bez zostavovateľa] [Zostavovateľ, editor]. – 1. vyd. – New York (USA) : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2017. – ISBN 978-1-5090-5654-5, s. 387-392 [online]

Ohlasy:Ohlasy (2):

2018 [1/12] STOJCSICS, D. - DOMOZI, Z. - MOLNAR, A. Large-scale point cloud based volume analysis acceleration based on UAV images. In SACI 2018 - IEEE 12th International Symposium on Applied Computational Intelligence and Informatics, Proceedings. Piscataway : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2018. ISBN 978-153864640-3, p. 51-56.. [s.l.] : [s.n.], 2018

2021 [1/12] PERAKIS, N. - PREIS, L. - HAIDN, O. J. Wall Heat Flux Evaluation in Regeneratively Cooled Rocket Thrust Chambers. In Journal of Thermophysics and Heat Transfer. ISSN 0887-8722, 2021, vol. 35, no. 1, p. 127-141.. [s.l.] : [s.n.], 2021

AFD_011 Performance Measurement of a General Multi-Scale Template Matching Method / Kertész, Gábor (Autor) (34%) ; Szénási, Sándor (Autor) [fellow] [UJSEFKMI] (33%) ; Vámossy, Zoltán (Autor) (33%) ; 19th IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Engineering System [03.05.2015, Bratislava, Slovakia]. – [s.a.]. – [angličtina]. – [OV 160]. – [príspevok z podujatia]. – [recenzované]. – DOI 10.1109/INES.2015.7329697

In: Intelligent Engineering Systems (INES), 2015 IEEE 19th International Conference on. – 1 vyd. – [s.l.] : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2015, s. 153-157

Ohlasy:Ohlasy (2):

2017 [1/12] MONISHA, M. - MOHAN, P. S. A real-time embedded system for human action recognition using template matching. In Proceedings - 2017 IEEE International Conference on Electrical, Instrumentation and Communication Engineering, Piscataway : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2017. ISBN 978-150904996-7, p. 1-5.. [s.l.] : [s.n.], 2017

2018 [1/12] STOJCSICS, D. - DOMOZI, Z. - MOLNAR, A. Large-scale point cloud based volume analysis acceleration based on UAV images. In SACI 2018 - IEEE 12th International Symposium on Applied Computational Intelligence and Informatics, Proceedings. Piscataway : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2018. ISBN 978-153864640-3, p. 51-56.. [s.l.] : [s.n.], 2018

GII Rôzne publikácie a dokumenty, ktoré nemožno zaradiť do žiadnej z predchádzajúcich kategórií

Počet výstupov: 1

GII_001 Szénási, Sándor (Autor) [docent] [UJSFEIKI] (50%) ; Kertész, Gábor (Autor) (50%)Special Issue on Bio-Inspired Algorithms for Image Processing. – [OV 160]. – [iný]. – DOI 10.3390/a13120320. – WOS CC ; SCO

In: Algorithms [elektronický dokument] . – Basel (Švajčiarsko) : Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute. – ISSN (online) 1999-4893. – Roč. 13, č. 12 (2020), Art. no 320, s. [1-2] [online] . – SNIP: 0,896 ; SJR: 0,346 ; CiteScore: 2,9 ; AIS: 0.354

AIS - Computer science, artificial intelligence - Q2, Computer science, theory & methods - Q2

Scimago - Computational mathematics - Q3, Computational theory and mathematics - Q3, Numerical analysis - Q3, Theoretical computer science - Q3

Štatistika záznamov

Štatistika záznamov indexovaných v databázach Current Content Connect, Web of Science Core Collection, Scopus a ich podradených databázach:

Databáza WOS CC. Počet zaznamov spolu: 33

Hlavná databáza WOS CC: 33

Databáza SCO. Počet zaznamov spolu: 61

Hlavná databáza SCO: 61

Databáza CCC. Počet zaznamov spolu: 6

Hlavná databáza CCC: 6

Štatistika záznamov

Podľa kategórie EPC od roku 2022

Počet všetkých záznamov: 35

V2 - Vedecký výstup publikačnej činnosti ako časť editovanej knihy alebo zborníka: 30

V3 - Vedecký výstup publikačnej činnosti z časopisu: 5

Podľa kategórie EPC do roku 2021

Počet všetkých záznamov: 70

ADC - Vedecké práce v zahraničných karentovaných časopisoch: 6

ADE - Vedecké práce v ostatných zahraničných časopisoch: 2

ADM - Vedecké práce v zahraničných časopisoch registrovaných v databázach Web of Science alebo SCOPUS: 14

AEC - Vedecké práce v zahraničných recenzovaných vedeckých zborníkoch, monografiách: 1

AFC - Publikované príspevky na zahraničných vedeckých konferenciách: 35

AFD - Publikované príspevky na domácich vedeckých konferenciách: 11

GII - Rôzne publikácie a dokumenty, ktoré nemožno zaradiť do žiadnej z predchádzajúcich kategórií: 1

Podľa kategórie ohlasov

Počet ohlasovaných záznamov: 23

Počet jedinečných ohlasov: 60

Počet ohlasov zapísaných do roku 2021: 23

Z toho bez autocitácií: 23

01 - Citácie v zahraničných publikáciách registrované v citačných indexoch Web of Science a v databáze SCOPUS: 23

Z toho bez autocitácií: : 23

02 - Citácie v domácich publikáciách registrované v citačných indexoch Web of Science a v databáze SCOPUS: 0

Z toho bez autocitácií: : 0

03 - Citácie v zahraničných publikáciách neregistrované v citačných indexoch: 0

Z toho bez autocitácií: : 0

04 - Citácie v domácich publikáciách neregistrované v citačných indexoch: 0

Z toho bez autocitácií: : 0

05 - Recenzie v zahraničných publikáciách: 0

Z toho bez autocitácií: : 0

06 - Recenzie v domácich publikáciách: 0

Z toho bez autocitácií: : 0

07 - Umelecké kritiky v zahraničných publikáciách: 0

Z toho bez autocitácií: : 0

08 - Umelecké kritiky v domácich publikáciách: 0

Z toho bez autocitácií: : 0

09 - Reprodukcie umeleckých diel autora v zahraničnej publikácii alebo médiu: 0

Z toho bez autocitácií: : 0

10 - Reprodukcie umeleckých diel autora v domácej publikácii alebo médiu: 0

Z toho bez autocitácií: : 0

Počet ohlasov zapísaných od roku 2022: 37

Z toho bez autocitácií: 37

01 - Citácia v publikácii registrovaná v citačných indexoch: 37

Z toho bez autocitácií: : 37

02 - Citácia v publikácii vrátane citácie v publikácii registrovanej v iných databázach okrem citačných indexov: 0

Z toho bez autocitácií: : 0

03 - Recenzia a umelecká kritika v publikácii: 0

Z toho bez autocitácií: : 0

Podľa krajiny vydania

Počet domácich vydaní: 0

Počet zahraničných vydaní: 84

Počet bez krajiny vydania: 21

Podľa krajiny zverejnenia

Počet domácich zverejnení na podujatí: 0

Počet domácich zverejnení v inštitúcii: 0

Počet zahraničných zverejnení na podujatí: 0

Počet zahraničných zverejnení v inštitúcii: 0

Podľa oblasti výskumu

160 Informatické vedy, automatizácia a telekomunikácie: 89

240 Matematika a štatistika: 11

Podľa študijného odboru

2508 informatika: 32

Podľa podujatia

Počet všetkých konferenčných publikácií a príspevkov: 48

Z toho na domácich podujatiach: 15

Z toho na zahraničných podujatiach: 33

Počet pozvaných konferenčných príspevkov: 0

Z toho na domácich podujatiach: 0

Z toho na zahraničných podujatiach: 0

Podľa projektov

Počet publikácií s naviazaným projektom: 0

Podľa databáz a citačných indexov

CCC Current Content Connect: 6

CCC Current Content Connect: 6



WOS CC Web of Science Core Collection: 33

WOS CC Web of Science Core Collection: 33

Podľa metrík

AIS: 9

CiteScore: 24

IF: 7

Nordic List: 1

SJR: 24

SNIP: 24

Podľa kvartilov

Počet záznamov s kvartilom AIS: 9

Z toho Q1: 2

Computer science, artificial intelligence: 1

Computer science, information systems: 1

Computer science, interdisciplinary applications: 1

Computer science, software engineering: 1

Computer science, theory & methods: 1

Engineering, multidisciplinary: 1

Z toho Q2: 1

Computer science, artificial intelligence: 1

Computer science, theory & methods: 1

Z toho Q3: 4

Computer science, software engineering: 1

Engineering, multidisciplinary: 1

Mathematics: 1

Physics, multidisciplinary: 1

Z toho Q4: 2

Computer science, software engineering: 1

Engineering, multidisciplinary: 1

Počet záznamov s kvartilom JCR: 7

Z toho Q1: 2

Computer science, software engineering: 1

Engineering, multidisciplinary: 2

Mathematics, interdisciplinary applications: 1

Mechanics: 1

Z toho Q2: 3

Computer science, interdisciplinary applications: 1

Computer science, theory & methods: 1

Physics, multidisciplinary: 1

Z toho Q3: 4

Computer science, artificial intelligence: 1

Computer science, information systems: 1

Engineering, multidisciplinary: 3

Počet záznamov s kvartilom Scimago: 14

Z toho Q1: 2

Computational mechanics: 1

Computer science applications: 1

Engineering (miscellaneous): 1

Mechanical engineering: 1

Mechanics of materials: 1

Physics and astronomy (miscellaneous): 1

Z toho Q2: 7

Computer science (miscellaneous): 1

Electrical and electronic engineering: 1

Engineering (miscellaneous): 3

Information systems: 1

Information systems and management: 1

Multidisciplinary: 3

Physics and astronomy (miscellaneous): 1

Software: 1

Z toho Q3: 5

Civil and structural engineering: 1

Computational mathematics: 1

Computational theory and mathematics: 1

Computer science applications: 3

Information systems: 1

Materials science (miscellaneous): 1

Mathematical physics: 1

Numerical analysis: 1

Software: 1

Theoretical computer science: 1

Z toho Q4: 5

Artificial intelligence: 2

Computational mathematics: 1

Computer science (miscellaneous): 1

Computer science applications: 2

Engineering (miscellaneous): 1

Mathematics (miscellaneous): 1

Modeling and simulation: 1

Software: 2

Theoretical computer science: 2


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