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Mgr. Zsuzsanna Tóth, PhD.

Mgr. Zsuzsanna Tóth, PhD.
Name: Mgr. Zsuzsanna Tóth, PhD.
Faculty: Faculty of Economics and Informatics
Department: Department of Foreign Languages and Communication
Position: Assistant Professor
Office: G319
Phone +421 35 32 60 637

University studies
Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra, Faculty of Social Sciences
Hungarian language - English language
1992 - 1997
PhD. study
Business Behavior Characteristics in Various Cultures – Exploring Some Specifics of Slovak and Hunga
Economics and Management
2016 - 2019

J. Selye University, Komárno
2011 -
Hans Selye Secondary School, Komárno
2008 - 2011
Foundation for Hans Selye University
2002 - 2008
Secondary grammar school, Nové Zámky
1997 - 2002

Category A1 - Book publications of scientific monograph character (AAA, AAB, ABA, ABB, ABC, ABD)
Number of entries: 0

Category A2 - Miscellaneous book publications (ACA, ACB, BAA, BAB, BCB, BCI, EAI, CAA, CAB, EAJ, FAI)
Number of entries: 6
ACB University textbooks published inland (1)
BAA Specialised book-like publications published abroad (1)
BAB Specialised book-like publications published inland (1)
BCI University teaching notes and resource materials (3)

Category B - Journals listed in international databases, author warrants, patents, and discoveries (ADC, ADD, AEG, AEH, BDC, BDD, CDC, CDD, AGJ)
Number of entries: 0

Category C - Miscellaneous peer-reviewed publications (ACC, ACD, ADE, ADF, AEC, AED, AFA, AFB, AFC, AFD, AFE, AFF, AFG, AFH, BBA, BBB, BCK, BDA, BDB, BDE, BDF, BEC, BED, BFA, BFB, BGH, CDE, CDF)
Number of entries: 16
ADE Scientific/scholarly papers published abroad in journals not registered in the Current Contents Connect database (3)
AFC Published conference articles presented at conferences abroad (8)
AFD Published conference articles presented at conferences inland (5)

Category N - Miscellaneous non peer-reviewed publications (ADM, ADN, AEM, AEN, BDM, BDN, CBA, CBB)
Number of entries: 7
ADM Scientific/scholarly papers published abroad in journals registered in the databases Web of Science or SCOPUS (7)

Category D - Miscellaneous publications not classified by the MESR
Number of entries: 0

Total number of entries: 29


[1] Citations and reviews which appeared in a foreign publication and are listed in an international database (WoS or Scopus). (27)
[2] Citations and reviews which appeared in a domestic publication and are listed in an international database (WoS or Scopus). (2)
[3] Citations which appeared in a foreign publication and are not listed in any international database. (20)
[4] Citations which appeared in a domestic publication and are not listed in any international database. (6)
Total: 55

List of publications:

ACB University textbooks published inland
Number of entries: 1

ACB 001 MURA, Ladislav, Nikoleta NAGYOVÁ, Endre HEVESI, Erika SERES HUSZÁRIK, Dávid SZABÓ, Ádám SZOBI, Zsuzsanna TÓTH, Dominika VLACSEKOVÁ a Dániel HALASI. Bevezetés a vállalatgazdaságtanba [print] = Úvod do podnikového hospodárstva. 1. vyd. Komárno: Univerzita J. Selyeho, 2017. 131 s. [8,1AH]. ISBN 978-80-8122-212-2.

ADE Scientific/scholarly papers published abroad in journals not registered in the Current Contents Connect database
Number of entries: 3

ADE 001 BENCSIK, Andrea, Renáta MACHOVÁ a Zsuzsanna TÓTH. Cultural Background of Intergenerational and Knowledge Management. IJSR - International Journal of Scientific Research. Vol. 2, no. 9 (2013), p. 230-235. ISSN 2277-8179.

ADE 002 JÓZSA, László, Erika SERES HUSZÁRIK a Zsuzsanna TÓTH. Relationship Marketing on the Market of Advertising Agencies. GSTF Journal on Business Review (GBR). Vol. 5, no. 1 (2017), p. 17-20. ISSN 2010-4804.

ADE 003 MACHOVÁ, Renáta, Enikő KORCSMÁROS, Zoltán ŠEBEN, Lilla FEHÉR a Zsuzsanna TÓTH. Developing the Competences of Generation Z with Innovative Teaching Methods in the Context of the Requirement of Labour Market by Industry 4.0. International Journal of Advanced Corporate Learning. Vol. 14, no. 2 (2021), p. 17-26. ISSN 1867-5565 (online).

ADM Scientific/scholarly papers published abroad in journals registered in the databases Web of Science or SCOPUS
Number of entries: 7

ADM 001 BENCSIK, Andrea, Tímea JUHÁSZ, Renáta MACHOVÁ a Zsuzsanna TÓTH. Critical Questions of Knowledge Management Concerning Women on Maternity Leave in Hungary. Acta Polytechnica Hungarica. Vol. 12, no. 2 (2015), p. 175-194. ISSN 1785-8860. WoS. IF (2014): 0,649.

2020  [4] FARAGÓ, B. Management of the sport career model in Hungary - Dual career research. In Selye e-study. ISSN 1338-1598, 2020, vol. 11, no.1, 55-66.

2018  [3] STROE, C. - COJANU, S. - CIOBANU, G. Some influences of the romanian social assistance strategy regarding the incentive benefit on the sustainable strategic management of prganisation. In Economics, management, and financial markets. ISSN 1842-3191, 2018, vol. 14, no. 3.

ADM 002 MACHOVÁ, Renáta, Erika SERES HUSZÁRIK a Zsuzsanna TÓTH. Shockvertising in selected European countries: Hofstede’s dimensions analysis. Actual Problems of Economics. Vol. 173, no. 11 (2015), p. 32-42. ISSN 1993-6788. SCOPUS. SNIP (2015): 0,123.

2021  [3] HASHEM, T. N. - ALNSOUR, M. S. - ALI, N. N. - et al. The Impact of 'Shockvertising' on Consumer Behavior: Investigating Its Influence on the "Why Buy" Aspect. In WSEAS Transactions on Business and Economics. ISSN 2224-2899, 2021, vol. 18, p. 1333.

ADM 003 MACHOVÁ, Renáta, Erika SERES HUSZÁRIK a Zsuzsanna TÓTH. The role of shockvertising in the context of various generations. Problems and Perspectives in Management. Vol. 13, no. 1 (2015), p. 104-112. ISSN 1727-7051. SCOPUS. SNIP (2013): 0,148.

2021  [3] HASHEM, T. N. - ALNSOUR, M. S. - ALI, N. N. - et al. The Impact of 'Shockvertising' on Consumer Behavior: Investigating Its Influence on the "Why Buy" Aspect. In WSEAS Transactions on Business and Economics. ISSN 2224-2899, 2021, vol. 18, p. 1333.

2019  [1] DIMITRIOU, C. K. - ABOUELGHEIT, E. Understanding generation Z's social decision-making in travel. In Tourism and Hospitality Management. ISSN 1330-7533, 2019, vol. 25, no. 2, p. 311-334. WoS ; SCOPUS

2018  [1] BACHNIK, K. - NOWACKI, R. How to Build Consumer Trust: Socially Responsible or Controversial Advertising. In Sustainability. ISSN 2071-1050, 2018, vol. 10, no. 7. WoS ; SCOPUS

2018  [4] VINCZE, D. How does experience appear in young consumers ́social media posting activites? In Zborník X. medzinárodnej vedeckej konferencie Univerzity J. Selyeho - 2018 : Sekcia ekonomických vied. Komárno : Univerzita J. Selyeho, 2018. ISBN 978-80-8122-256-6, p. 359-371.

2016  [3] GHEORGE, C. M. - GHEORGE, I. R. - PURCĂREA, V. L. Public Awareness Campaigns: a Consumer-Oriented Perspective Regarding the Advertising on LGBT Minorities. In Procedia Economics and Finance. ISSN 2212-5671, 2016.

2015  [3] ZAPLETALOVÁ, Š. Internationalization Process of Entrepreneurial Activities: A Comparative Study of Czech Companies. In Working Papers in Interdisciplinary Economics and Business Research no. 18 [online]. [cit. 04.11.2015]. Dostupné z: http://www.iivopf.cz/images/Working_papers/WPIEBRS_18_Zapletalova.pdf

2015  [3] ZAPLETALOVÁ, Š. Internationalization of Czech Companies. Saarbrücken : LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, 2015. 120 s. ISBN 978-3-659-79233-5.

ADM 004 BENCSIK, Andrea, Renáta MACHOVÁ a Zsuzsanna TÓTH. Cheap and clever - symbiosis of frugal innovation and knowledge management. Problems and Perspectives in Management. Vol. 14, no. 1 (2016), p 85-93. ISSN 1727-7051. SCOPUS. SNIP (2014): 0,268.

2021  [1] MENGESHA, G. H. - WATSON, R. T. - NEGASH, S. Frugal Knowledge Sharing for Frugal Innovation Diffusion in Africa: The Church Woman and Related Models. In JOURNAL OF GLOBAL INFORMATION MANAGEMENT. ISSN 1062-7375, vol. 29, no. 6. WoS

2021  [3] HINDOCHA, C. N. - ANTONACCI, G. - BARLOW, J. - et al. Defining frugal innovation: a critical review. In BMJ Innovations [online]. 2021 [cit. 2021-12-16]. Dostupné na internete: . ISSN 2055-642X.

2021  [3] NHOKOVEDZO, S. Construction of Sustainable Frugal Innovations Index for the Agriculture Sector. In International Journal of Sustainable Agricultural Research. ISSN 2313-0393, 2021, vol. 8, no. 2, p. 94, 95.

2021  [3] TYLŻANOWSKI , R. Creativity as the main determinant of implementing frugal innovations in enterprises. In Organization and Management. Scientific paper no. 150. Modernity of Industry and Sciences. ISSN 1641-3466, 2021, no. 150, p. 310, 311.

2021  [3] PECHOVA, J - STEJSKALOVA, L. - VOLFOVA, H. Knowledge Management in a Globalized World and the Coronavirus Age. In SHS Web of Conferences. The 20th International Scientific Conference Globalization and its Socio-Economic Consequences 2020 [online]. 2021, vol. 92 [cit. 2021-2-18]. Dostupné na internete: . ISSN 2261-2424.

2020  [3] THEIS, G. - SILVA, D. A. K. - TAMANINE, A. M. B. Inovação Frugal no Brasil [Frugal Innovation in Brazil]. In VIII SINGEP. VIII Simpósio Internacional de Gestão de Projetos, Inovação e Sustentabilidade [VIII International Symposium on Project Management, Innovation and Sustainability]. ISSN 2317-8302, 2020.

ADM 005 MACHOVÁ, Renáta, Erika SERES HUSZÁRIK a Zsuzsanna TÓTH. Is advertising innovation the same as shocking?. Journal of Applied Economic Sciences. Vol. 11, no. 2 (2016), p. 247-250. ISSN 1843-6110. SCOPUS. SNIP (2015): 0,691.

2021  [1] MUKATTASH, I. L. - DANDIS, A. O. - THOMAS, R. - et al. Social marketing, shock advertising and risky consumption behavior. In International Journal of Emerging Markets. ISSN 1746-8809, 2021. WoS, SCOPUS

2020  [3] LINCÉNYI, M. - RABINA, D. Surveys of opinions of Slovak people on Slovak Presidency of the Council of the European Union in 2016. In University Review, ISSN 1339-5017, 2020, vol. 14, no. 2, p. 34.

2017  [3] LINCÉNYI, M. Research of opinion of the Slovak citizens on the current political and economic problems in the European Union. In Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference : Economic policy in global environment. Havířov : Vysoká škola sociálně správní, 2017. ISBN 978-80-87291-20-7, p. 165-175.

2017  [1] LINCENYI, M. Enteroreneurship Ecosystem Facets: the European Migran Crisis and Public Opinion in Slovakia. In Entreprenurship and Sustainability Issues. ISSN 2345-0282, 2017, vol. 5, no. 2, p. 357-367. WoS

2017  [1] BACIK, R. - GAVUROVA, B. - GBUROVA, J. Social Media, Corporate Website and its Impact on Consumer Purchasing Dimensions. In Journal of Applied Economic Sciences. ISSN 2393-5162, 2017, vol. XII, no. 5, p. 1522. SCOPUS

2017  [3] LINCÉNYI, M. Možnosti využitia mediálnej a marketingovej komunikácie v sociálnej politike. In Nové trendy a výzvy sociálnej politiky v súčasnosti. Brno : Tribun EU, 2017. ISBN 978-80-263-1170-6, p. 285.

2016  [4] LINCÉNYI, M. Prieskum názorov Slovákov na utečencov. In Zborník príspevkov zo 17. medzinárodnej vedeckej konferencie. Bratislava : Ekonóm Publishing, 2016. ISBN 978-80-225-4365-1, s. 779.

ADM 006 SERES HUSZÁRIK, Erika, László JÓZSA a Zsuzsanna TÓTH. Factors Determining the Development of Business Relationships in the Advertising Market. Acta Polytechnica Hungarica. Vol. 14, no. 8 (2017), p. 65-82. ISSN 1785-8860. WoS, SCOPUS. IF (2016): 0,745. SNIP (2016): 0,869.

2020  [3] MURA, L. Innovations and Marketing Management of Family Businesses: Results of Empirical Study. In International Journal of Entrepreneurial Knowledge. ISSN 2336-2960, 2020, vol. 8. no. 2, p. 58.

2018  [1] ZHANG, X. - DING, X, MA, L. - et al. Identifying Factors Preventing Sustainable Brand Loyalty among Consumers: A Mixed Methods Approach. In Sustainability. ISSN 2071-1050, 2018, vol. 10, no. 12. WoS ; SCOPUS

2018  [1] BENCSIK, A. - TÓBIÁS KOSÁR, S. - MACHOVÁ, R. Corporate culture in service companies that support knowledge sharing. In Journal of tourism and services. ISSN 1804-5650, 2018, vol. IX, no. 16. WoS

ADM 007 MACHOVÁ, Renáta, Ladislav MURA, Katarína HAVIERNIKOVÁ a Zsuzsanna TÓTH. The Entrepreneur’s Network as a Cooperation Form of Entrepreneurship: Case of Slovakia. Journal of Applied Economic Sciences. Vol. 12, no. 1 (2017), p. 160-169. ISSN 2393-5162. SCOPUS. SNIP (2015): 0,691.

2021  [4] KÉZAI, P. K. Social Startup Enterprises: The Case of Hungary. In E-Studies. ISSN 1338-1598, 2021, vol. 12, no. 2, p. 28, 33.

2020  [1] HALASKOVA, M. - GAVUROVA, B. - KORONY, S. Change of EU28 countries research and development indicatiors between 2010 and 2015. In Economy & sociology. ISSN 2306-3459, 2020, vol. 13, no. 1, p. 230-248. WoS

2020  [4] FARAGÓ, B. Management of the sport career model in Hungary - Dual career research. In Selye e-study. ISSN 1338-1598, 2020, vol. 11, no.1, 55-66.

2020  [1] KHARLAMOV, M. M. - KOLMYKOVA, T. S. - TOLSTYKH, T. O. -et al. Analytical procedures for assessing the risks of introducing innovative technologies into the organization’s activities. In Lecture notes in networks and systems. ISSN 2367-3370, 2020, vol. 91, p. 654-662. SCOPUS

2019  [1] LEMANSKA-MAJDZIK, A. - OKREGLICKA, M. Organizational flexibility from the perspective of the creation of cooperation networks in family business. In 2019 IEEE International symposium on innovational and entrepreneurship. Hangzhou : TEMS-ISIE, 2019. ISBN 978-172810435-5. SCOPUS

2019  [3] MIKOLÁŠ, Z. - FIALOVÁ, V. - FOLVARČNÁ, A. -et al. The current legislative framework of family owned small and medium enterprises: Case study of the Czech Republic and Poland. In Journal of applied economic sciences. ISSN 2393-5162, 2019, vol. XIV, no. 1 (63), p. 229-239.

2018  [1] LORINCOVA, S. - VETRAKOVA, M. - LIZBETINOVA, L. The efficiency of selected employee education methods. In Innovation management and education excellence through vision 2020. Norristown : INT Business Information Management ASSOC-IBIMA, 2018. ISBN 978-0-9998551-0-2, p. 3810-3819. WoS

2018  [1] BELAS, J. - GAVUROVÁ, B. - CEPEL, M. -et al. Relationship of gender to the position of Slovak University students on the socio-economic determinants of the business environmnet and the development of entrepreneurship. In Entrepreneurship and sustainability issues. ISSN 2345-0282, 2018, vol. 8, no. 2, p. 968-978. WoS

2018  [1] BELAS, J. - GAVUROVA, B. - TOTH, P. Impact of selected characteristics of SMEs on the capital structure. In Journal of business economics and management. ISSN 1611-1699, 2018, vol. 19, no. 4, p. 592-608. WoS

2018  [1] KOZUBÍKOVÁ, L. - ČEPEL, M. - ZLÁMALOVÁ, M. Attitude toward innovativeness based on personality traits in the SME sector. Czech Republic case study. In Sciendo. ISSN 1842-0206, 2018, vol. 13, no. 2, 913-928. SCOPUS

AFC Published conference articles presented at conferences abroad
Number of entries: 8

AFC 001 TÓTH, Zsuzsanna. Selected problems of the international entrepreneurship in the context of internationalization. In: International Days of Statistics and Economics: proceedings from international conference. Praha: VŠE, 2012, P. 1111-1119. ISBN 978-80-86175-86-7. WoS.

AFC 002 MACHOVÁ, Renáta, Andrea BENCSIK a Zsuzsanna TÓTH. Equal Opportunities - Value or Illusion?. In: 8. International Days of Statistics and Economics: Conference Proceedings. Slaný, Czech Republic: Melandrium, 2014, P. 933-945. ISBN 978-80-87990-02-5. WoS.

AFC 003 MACHOVÁ, Renáta, Erika SERES HUSZÁRIK a Zsuzsanna TÓTH. Shockvertising to shock various generations. In: Knowledge for Market Use 2014: Media and Communication in the 21. Century. Olomouc: Univerzita Palackého v Olomouci, 2014, P. 478-489. ISBN 978-80-87533-07-9. WoS.

AFC 004 TÓTH, Zsuzsanna a Ladislav MURA. Support for Small and Medium Enterprises in the Economic Crisis in Selected EU Countries. In: Hradec Economic Days 2014. Hradec Králové: Gaudeamus, 2014, P. 424-429. ISBN 978-80-7435-370-3. WoS.

2019  [1] HAVIERNIKOVÁ, K. - KORDOŠ, M. - SROVNALÍKOVÁ, P. Risks of SMEs entry into clusters in terms of some human resources. In Proceedings of the 32nd International Business Information Management Association Conference, IBIMA 2018. Seville : International Business Information Management Association, IBIMA, 2019. ISBN 978-099985511-9, p. 5089-5099. SCOPUS

2018  [3] HAVIERNIKOVA, K. - IVANOVA, E. Evaluation of selected risk categories related to marketing activities by SMEs in case of potentioal cluster cooperation. In Advances in economics, business and management research. ISSN 2352-5428, vol. 56, p.433-436.

2018  [1] LORINCOVA, S. - VETRAKOVA, M. - LIZBETINOVA, L. The Efficiency of selected employsee education methods. In Innovation management and education excellence through vision 2020. Norristown : INT Business Information Management ASSOC-IBIMA, 2018. ISBN 978-0-9998551-0-2, p. 3810-3819. WoS

2018  [1] FABUŠ, M. - LINCÉNYI, M. Analysis of the development terms of the radio market in the Slovak Republic. In In Entrepreneurship and sustainability issues. ISSN 2345-0282, 2018, vol. 6, no. 2, p. 591-601. WoS

2018  [1] OTTER, C. - HALASI, D. Payment discipline of business in the EU contries. In Ad alta-journal of interdisciplinary research. ISSN 1804-7890, 2018, vol. 8, no. 1, p. 90-94. WoS

2018  [1] KOCISOVA, K. - GAVUROVÁ, B. - BEHUN, M. The evaluation of stability of Czeh and Slovak banks. In Oeconomia copernicana. ISSN 2083-1277, 2018, vol. 9, no. 2, p. 205-223. WoS

2017  [2] RAFAJOVÁ, L. - PAFCO, M. Family business in selected regions of Slovakia. In Managerial trends in the development of enterprises in globalization era. Nitra : Slovak Univ Agriculture Nitra, 2017. ISBN 978-80-552-1739-0, p. 196-203. WoS

2017  [1] LINCENYI, M. Entrepreneurship ecosystem facets: the European migrant crisis and public opinion in Slovakia. In Entrepreneurship and sustainability issues. ISSN 2345-0282, 2017, vol. 5, no. 2, p. 357-367. WoS

AFC 005 MURA, Ladislav, Renáta MACHOVÁ a Zsuzsanna TÓTH. Evaluation of innovation performance of the business networks. In: Peer-Reviewe Conference Proceedings, Vol. 5: Economic Development and Management of Regions. Hradec Králové: Gaudeamus, 2015, online, s. 41-47. ISBN 978-80-7435-550-9. WoS.

2019  [1] HAVIERNIKOVÁ, K. - KORDOŠ, M. - SROVNALÍKOVÁ, P. Risks of SMEs entry into clusters in terms of some human resources. In Proceedings of the 32nd International Business Information Management Association Conference, IBIMA 2018. Seville : International Business Information Management Association, IBIMA, 2019. ISBN 978-099985511-9, p. 5089-5099. SCOPUS

2018  [4] IVANOVÁ, E. - MASÁROVÁ, J. Evaluation of innovation performance of Visegrad countries regions putting a stress on human capital. In Sociálno-ekonomická revue. ISSN 1336-3727, 2018, vol. 2018, no. 2, p. 27-34.

2018  [3] HAVIERNIKOVA, K. - IVANOVA, E. Evaluation of selected risk categories related to marketing activities by SMEs in case of potentioal cluster cooperation. In Advances in economics, business and management research. ISSN 2352-5428, vol. 56, p.433-436.

2018  [3] KORCSMÁROS, E. - ŠIMONOVÁ, M. Factors affecting the development of SMEs. In Aktuálne problémy podnikovej sféry 2018 - Zborník vedeckých prác. Bratislava : EKONÓM, 2018. ISBN 978-80-225-4536-5, p. 573-580.

2018  [1] GAVUROVÁ, B. - BACIK, R. - FEDORKO, R. -et al. Analytical view of online marketing tools in the dimension of marketing campaigns ́ personalization in Slovakia. In Marketing and management of innovations. ISSN 2218-4511, 2018, no. 2, p. 186-200. WoS

2017  [2] KORCSMÁROS, E. - SIMONOVÁ, M. The Main Barriers to the Development of SMEs. In Managerial trends in the development of enterprises in globalization era. Nitra : Slovak Univ Agriculture, 2017. ISBN 978-80-552-1739-0, p. 146-152. WoS

AFC 006 SERES HUSZÁRIK, Erika, László JÓZSA a Zsuzsanna TÓTH. Customer Groups in the Course of Advertising Cooperations. In: Proceedings of 2017 China Marketing International Conference : Marketing Strategy in the Sharing Economy: Localization and Globalization: Marketing Strategy in the Sharing Economy: Localization and Globalization. Zaili Yang. Hong Kong: Asian Business Assoc., 2017, s. 289-304. WoS.

2019  [1] BAŠA, P. - SÁNTA, K. - MACHOVÁ, R. The Economic Impacts of Social Media's Implementation. In RELIK 2019. Reproduction of Human Capital - mutual links and connections. Prague : Oeconomica Publishing House, 2019. ISBN 978-80-245-2329-3, p. 33-42. WoS

AFC 007 TÓTH, Zsuzsanna a László JÓZSA. Business Behavioral Characteristics of Different Cultures. In: Proceedings of 2017 China Marketing International Conference : Marketing Strategy in the Sharing Economy: Localization and Globalization: Marketing Strategy in the Sharing Economy: Localization and Globalization. Zaili Yang. Hong Kong: Asian Business Assoc., 2017, s. 189-204. WoS.

2020  [1] PAULSRUD, B. - TOTH, J. English as a medium of instruction. In Routledge Hnadbook of Translation and Education. Oxford : Routledge, 2020. ISBN 978-0-367-85485-0, p. 143-155. WoS

2020  [1] LAVIOSA, S. Content-based instruction. In Routledge Handbook of Translation and Education. Oxford : Routledge, 2020. ISBN 978-0-367-85485-0, p. 127-142. WoS

2019  [1] KARPAVA, S. - RINGBLOM, N. - ZABRODSKAJA, A. Translanguaging in the Family Context: Evidence from Cyprus, Sweden and Estonia. In Russian Journal of Linguistics. ISSN 2312-9182, 2019, vol. 23, no. 3, p. 619-641. WoS ; SCOPUS

AFC 008 KORCSMÁROS, Enikő, Renáta MACHOVÁ, Lilla FEHÉR a Zsuzsanna TÓTH. An Innovative Teaching Method and Its Practical Applicability – Focus on the Playful Interaction Among the Students. DOI 10.36689/uhk/hed/2021-01-039 In: Hradec economic days. Jan Mačí, Petra Marešová, Krzysztof Firlej. Hradec Králové: Univerzita Hradec Králové, 2021, P. 386-394. ISBN 978-80-7435-822-7. DOI 10.36689/uhk/hed/2021-01-000. WoS.

AFD Published conference articles presented at conferences inland
Number of entries: 5

AFD 001 SIMON, Mónika a Zsuzsanna TÓTH. Szimbolizmus Charlotte Gilman Perkins "A sárga tapéta" c. elbeszélésében. In: Podnikanie v konkurečnom prostredí: Zborník príspevkov z vedeckého seminára konaného 13. februára 2012. Komárno: Univerzita J. Selyeho, Ekonomická fakulta, 2012, S. 506-513. ISBN 978-80-8122-025-8.

AFD 002 MURA, Ladislav, Zsuzsanna TÓTH a Endre HEVESI. Úloha miestnej samosprávy v rozvoji podnikania. In: Spolupráca mestských regiónov v znalostnej ekonomike: Zborník príspevkov z medzinárodnej vedeckej on-line konferencie. Trenčín: Inštitút aplikovaného manažmentu, 2013, S. 43-48. ISBN 978-80-89600-10-6.

AFD 003 JÓZSA, László, Erika SERES HUSZÁRIK a Zsuzsanna TÓTH. Az üzleti kapcsolatok kialakulását befolyásoló tényezők faktorelemzése. In: Zborník medzinárodnej vedeckej konferencie Univerzity J. Selyeho - 2016: "Súčasné aspekty vedy a vzdelávania" - Sekcie ekonomických vied. = A Selye János Egyetem 2016-os "Korszerű szemlélet a tudományban és az oktatásban" Nemzetközi Tudományos Konferenciájának tanulmánykötete - Gazdaságtudományi szekciók Komárno: Univerzita J. Selyeho, 2016, CD-ROM, s. 158-168. ISBN 978-80-8122-186-6.

AFD 004 TÓTH, Zsuzsanna a László JÓZSA. Az üzleti viselkedés sajátosságai eltérő kultúrákban. In: Zborník medzinárodnej vedeckej konferencie Univerzity J. Selyeho - 2017: "Hodnota, kvalita a konkurencieschopnosť - výzvy 21. storočia" - Sekcia ekonomických vied. Komárno: Univerzita J. Selyeho, 2017, CD-ROM, s. 568-575. ISBN 978-80-8122-225-2.

AFD 005 TÓTH, Zsuzsanna, Erika SERES HUSZÁRIK, Veronika KELLER a László JÓZSA. Az üzleti viselkedés sajátosságai a szlovák üzleti környezetben. In: A hatékony marketing - EMOK 2018 Nemzetközi Tudományos Konferencia konferenciakötete. Józsa László, Korcsmáros Enikő, Seres Huszárik Erika. Komárno: Univerzita J. Selyeho, 2018, S. 434-448 [online]. ISBN 978-80-8122-236-8.

BAA Specialised book-like publications published abroad
Number of entries: 1

BAA 001 MACHOVÁ, Renáta, Lilla FEHÉR, Zsuzsanna GÓDÁNY, Enikő KORCSMÁROS, Zoltán ŠEBEN, Erika SERES HUSZÁRIK, Silvia TÓBIÁS KOSÁR, Zsuzsanna TÓTH, Adriana MEZEIOVÁ, Tibor ZSIGMOND a Andrea BENCSIK. Gamifikácia a vzdelávanie manažérov: Inovatívne metódy vo vzdelávaní v teórii a v praxi. 1. vyd. Brno: Tribun EU, 2020. 194 s. [9,91AH]. ISBN 978-80-263-1575-9.

2021  [3] MARINIČ, P. Expectation as Competence of Managers. In The current issues of business. České Budějovice : Vysoká škola evropských a regionálních studií, 2021. ISBN 978-80-7556-093-3, p. 87.

BAB Specialised book-like publications published inland
Number of entries: 1

BAB 001 DUDÁŠ, Tomáš, Lilla FEHÉR, Endre HEVESI, Zsuzsanna KULCSÁR, Ladislav MURA, Vanda PAPP, Erika PISOŇOVÁ a Zsuzsanna TÓTH. Anglicko-maďarsko-nemecko-slovenský tematický ekonomický slovník II. = Angol-magyar-német-szlovák tematikus gazdasági szótár II. 1. vyd. Bratislava: Paneurópska vysoká škola, 2017. 112 s. [6AH] [print]. ISBN 978-80-89453-38-2.

BCI University teaching notes and resource materials
Number of entries: 3

BCI 001 SÁNTA, Szilárd, Lilla FEHÉR, Endre HEVESI, Vanda PAPP, Monika ŠIMONOVÁ a Zsuzsanna TÓTH. Felvételi útmutató és segédanyag : angol és német nyelv. Komárno: UJS Komárno, 2012. 92 s. ISBN 978-80-8122-032-6.

BCI 002 HEVESI, Endre, Vanda PAPP, Szilárd SÁNTA, Monika ŠIMONOVÁ a Zsuzsanna TÓTH. Business english practice tests: Üzleti angol gyakorló- és tesztkönyv. 1. vyd. Komárno: Univerzita J. Selyeho, 2013. 187 s. ISBN 978-80-8122-070-8.

BCI 003 MURA, Ladislav, Zoltán BODÓ, Ádám CZIBULA, Ádám SZOBI, Zsuzsanna TÓTH, Dániel HALASI, Endre HEVESI, Andor MATUS, Nikoleta NAGYOVÁ, Mária PARÁDIOVÁ, Erika SERES HUSZÁRIK, Dávid SZABÓ, Florián SZAKÁL, Tímea SZÉNÁSSY a Dominika VLACSEKOVÁ. Üzleti terv = Podnikateľský plán: egyetemi jegyzet : vysokoškolské skriptá. 1. vyd. Komárno: Univerzita J. Selyeho, 2017. 199 s. ISBN 978-80-8122-214-6.

Počet výstupov spolu: 35

Štatistika ohlasov s kategóriou podľa Vyhlášky č. 397/2020 Z. z: počet ohlasov: 50

Citácia v publikácii vrátane citácie v publikácii registrovanej v iných databázach okrem citačných indexov: počet ohlasov: 12

Citácia v publikácii registrovaná v citačných indexoch: počet ohlasov: 38

Štatistika ohlasov s kategóriou podľa Vyhlášky č. 456/2012 Z. z: počet ohlasov: 45

Citácie v zahraničných publikáciách neregistrované v citačných indexoch: počet ohlasov: 18

Citácie v domácich publikáciách registrované v citačných indexoch Web of Science a v databáze SCOPUS: počet ohlasov: 2

Citácie v zahraničných publikáciách registrované v citačných indexoch Web of Science a v databáze SCOPUS: počet ohlasov: 19

Citácie v domácich publikáciách neregistrované v citačných indexoch: počet ohlasov: 6

Štatistika ohlasov: počet ohlasov: 95

Menný zoznam publikácií:

V2 Vedecký výstup publikačnej činnosti ako časť editovanej knihy alebo zborníka

Počet výstupov: 1

V2_001 A rugalmas munkavégzés lehetőségeinek hasznosítása a KKV-knál / Seres Huszárik, Erika (Autor) [fellow] [UJSEFKEK] (25%) ; Gódány, Zsuzsanna (Autor) [fellow] [UJSEFKM] (25%) ; Fehér, Lilla (Autor) [assistant] [UJSEFKJP] (25%) ; Tóth, Zsuzsanna (Autor) [fellow] [UJSEFKJP] (25%) ; International Conference of J. Selye University, 15 [13.09.2023-14.09.2023, Komárno, Slovensko]. – [maďarčina]. – [OV 080]. – [ŠO 6213]. – [príspevok z podujatia]. – DOI 10.36007/4782.2023.129

In: 15th International Conference of J. Selye University [elektronický dokument] : Section of Economics, Mathematics and Informatics / Korcsmáros, Enikő [Zostavovateľ, editor] ; Filip, Ferdinánd [Zostavovateľ, editor] ; Gódány, Zsuzsanna [Zostavovateľ, editor]. – 1. vyd. – Komárno (Slovensko) : Univerzita J. Selyeho, 2023. – ISBN 978-80-8122-478-2, s. 129-138 [online]

V3 Vedecký výstup publikačnej činnosti z časopisu

Počet výstupov: 3

V3_001 Tóth, Zsuzsanna (Autor) [fellow] [UJSEFKJP] (20%) ; Józsa, László (Autor) [professor] [UJSEFKEK] (20%) ; Seres Huszárik, Erika (Autor) [fellow] [UJSEFKEK] (20%) ; Fam, Kim-Shyan (Autor) (15%) ; Salehhuddin Sharipudin, Mohamad-Noor (Autor) (15%) ; Ayub, Suffian Hadi (Autor) (10%)The Changing Business Ethics and Etiquette, in Slovakia and Hungary, due to Globalization. – [OV 080]. – [ŠO 6213]. – [článok]. – [recenzované]. – DOI 10.12700/APH.21.6.2024.6.5. – WOS CC ; SCO

In: Acta Polytechnica Hungarica [textový dokument (print)] [elektronický dokument] : An international peer-reviewed scientific journal of Óbuda University, Hungarian Academy of Engineering and IEEE Hungary Section : journal of applied sciences. – Budapešt (Maďarsko) : Óbudai Egyetem. – ISSN 1785-8860. – ISSN (online) 2064-2687. – Roč. 21, č. 6 (2024), s. 89-106 [tlačená forma] [online] . – Nordic List: 1

V3_002 Sharipudin, Mohamad-Noor Salehhuddin (Autor) (15%) ; Abdullah, Noor Aziah (Autor) (15%) ; Foo, Kai Wan (Autor) (10%) ; Hassim, Nurzihan (Autor) (20%) ; Tóth, Zsuzsanna (Autor) [fellow] [UJSEFKJP] (20%) ; Chan, Tak Jie (Autor) (20%)The influence of social media influencer (SMI) and social influence on purchase intention among young consumers. – [OV 080]. – [ŠO 6213]. – [článok]. – [recenzované]. – WOS CC ; SCO

In: Journal of Media and Communication Research [textový dokument (print)] . – ISSN 2672-7080. – Roč. Spec. issue (2023), s. 1-13

V3_003 Tóth, Zsuzsanna (Autor) [fellow] [UJSEFKJP] (25%) ; Józsa, László (Autor) [professor] [UJSEFKEK] (25%) ; Seres Huszárik, Erika (Autor) [fellow] [UJSEFKEK] (25%) ; Fam, Kim-Shyan (Autor) (25%)Business culture and behavioral characteristics. – [OV 080]. – [ŠO 6213]. – [článok]. – [recenzované]. – WOS CC ; SCO

In: Acta Polytechnica Hungarica [textový dokument (print)] [elektronický dokument] : An international peer-reviewed scientific journal of Óbuda University, Hungarian Academy of Engineering and IEEE Hungary Section : journal of applied sciences. – Budapešt (Maďarsko) : Óbudai Egyetem. – ISSN 1785-8860. – ISSN (online) 2064-2687. – Roč. 19, č. 7 (2022), s. 69-86 [tlačená forma] [online] . – IF: 1.7 ; SNIP: 0,692 ; SJR: 0,353 ; CiteScore: 4,5 ; AIS: 0.170

AIS - Engineering, multidisciplinary - Q4

JCI - Engineering, multidisciplinary - Q2

JIF - Engineering, multidisciplinary - Q3

Scimago - Engineering (miscellaneous) - Q2, Multidisciplinary - Q2

Ohlasy:Ohlasy (6):

2022 [2/20] CZE - Korcsmáros, Enikő, Csinger, Bence. Meniace sa potreby spotrebiteľov počas Covid-19: vo fokuse marketingové výzvy pre MSP = The Changing Needs of Consumers During Covid-19: Marketing Challenges for SMEs in Focus In: CZE - RELIK 2022: reprodukce lidského kapitálu - vzájemné vazby a souvislosti : sborník příspěvků. Praha: Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze. Oeconomica Nakladatelstvi VŠE, 2022, s. 332-346 [online]. ISBN 978-80-245-2466-5. [slovenčina]

2024 [1/20] GBR - Jaškevičiūtė, Vaida, Zsigmond, Tibor, Berke, Szilárd, Berber, Nemanja. Investigating the impact of person-organization fit on employee well-being in uncertain conditions: a study in three central European countries [elektronický dokument]. DOI 10.1108/ER-12-2022-0535 In: GBR - Employee Relations: The International Journal. Bingley: Emerald Group Publishing, 2024, Roč. 46, č. 1, s. 188-211 [tlačená forma] [online]. ISSN 0142-5455. ISSN (online) 1758-7069. [angličtina]. - WOS CC ; SCO ; CCC

2023 [2/20] SVK - Tóbiás Kosár, Silvia, Csinger, Bence, Machová, Renáta. Közösségi média hatása a KKV-k munkaerőpiaci stratégiáira - elméleti szintű tanulmány. DOI 10.36007/4782.2023.148 In: SVK - 15th International Conference of J. Selye University: Section of Economics, Mathematics and Informatics. Komárno: Univerzita J. Selyeho, 2023, s. 148-154 [online]. ISBN 978-80-8122-478-2. [maďarčina]

2024 [1/20] GBR - Éltető, Andrea, Martin, József Péter. Captured institutions and permeated business–the longevity of Hungarian autocracy [elektronický dokument]. DOI 10.1080/14631377.2024.2306423 In: GBR - Post-Communist Economies. Londýn: Taylor & Francis Group, 2024, [tlačená forma] [online]. ISSN 1463-1377. ISSN (online) 1465-3958. [angličtina]. - WOS CC ; SCO

2023 [1/20] USA - Jackel, Katalin, Garai-Fodor, Monika, Lukacs, Zoltan Gabor. Jaycustomers in the Hungarian healthcare system. DOI 10.1109/SACI58269.2023.10158545 In: USA - SACI 2023 - 17th International Symposium on Applied Computational Intelligence and Informatics. Piscataway: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2023, s. 267-272. ISBN 979-8350-321-10-4. [angličtina]. - SCO

2022 [1/20] USA - Csiszarik-Kocsir, Agnes, Varga, Janos, Garai-Fodor, Monika. External professional assistance for small and medium-sized enterprises to solving the challenges of the pandemic. DOI 10.1109/SISY56759.2022.10036255 In: USA - SISY 2022: IEEE 20th Jubilee International Symposium on Intelligent Systems and Informatics. Piscataway: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2022, s. 189-194 [online]. ISBN 978-1-6654-8988-1. [angličtina]. - SCO

O2 Odborný výstup publikačnej činnosti ako časť knižnej publikácie alebo zborníka

Počet výstupov: 1

O2_001 Kis és középvállalkozások az Ipar 4.0 időszakában / Gódány, Zsuzsanna (Autor) [fellow] [UJSEFKM] (15%) ; Józsa, László (Autor) [professor] [UJSEFKEK] (15%) ; Korcsmáros, Enikő (Autor) [docent] [UJSEFKEK] (15%) ; Machová, Renáta (Autor) [professor] [UJSEFKM] (15%) ; Seres Huszárik, Erika (Autor) [fellow] [UJSEFKEK] (10%) ; Tóth, Zsuzsanna (Autor) [fellow] [UJSEFKJP] (10%) ; Zsigmondová, Annamária (Autor) [phd_internal] [UJSEFKM] (10%) ; Zsigmond, Tibor (Autor) [fellow] [UJSEFKM] (10%) ; International Conference of J. Selye University, 13 [08.09.2021-09.09.2021, Komárno, Slovensko]. – [maďarčina]. – [OV 080]. – [ŠO 6213]. – [príspevok z podujatia]. – DOI 10.36007/4119.2022.125

In: 13th International Conference of J. Selye University - Economics Section / Korcsmáros, Enikő [Zostavovateľ, editor] ; Seres Huszárik, Erika [Recenzent] ; Šeben, Zoltán [Recenzent] ; Mezeiová, Adriana [Recenzent]. – 1. vyd. – Komárno (Slovensko) : Univerzita J. Selyeho, 2022. – ISBN 978-80-8122-411-9, s. 125-133 [online]

ACB Vysokoškolské učebnice vydané v domácich vydavateľstvách

Počet výstupov: 1

ACB_001 Bevezetés a vállalatgazdaságtanba [textový dokument (print)] [učebnica pre vysoké školy (do 2021)] = Úvod do podnikového hospodárstva / Mura, Ladislav (Autor) [docent] [PEUFEPUMP] (10%) ; Nagyová, Nikoleta (Autor) [phd_internal] [UJSEFKEK] (10%) ; Hevesi, Endre (Autor) [phd_internal] [UJSEFKEK] (14%) ; Seres Huszárik, Erika (Autor) [phd_internal] [UJSEFKEK] (13%) ; Szabó, Dávid (Autor) [phd_internal] [UJSEFKEK] (17%) ; Szobi, Ádám (Autor) [phd_internal] [UJSEFKM] (7%) ; Tóth, Zsuzsanna (Autor) [phd_internal] [UJSEFKEK] (6%) ; Vlacseková, Dominika (Autor) [phd_internal] [UJSEFKEK] (14%) ; Halasi, Dániel (Autor) [phd_internal] [UJSEFKEK] (9%) ; Schwarczová, Loreta (Recenzent) ; Machová, Renáta (Recenzent) . – 1. vyd. – Komárno (Slovensko) : Univerzita J. Selyeho ; Bratislava (Slovensko) : Paneurópska vysoká škola, 2017. – 131 s. [8,1 AH] [tlačená forma]. – [maďarčina]. – [OV 080]. – ISBN 978-80-8122-212-2. – PEVŠ 2017ACB0012

Ohlasy:Ohlasy (1):

2023 [2/20] SVK - Kinczerová, Adriana. A KKV-k helye és szerepe a nemzetgazdaságokban kiemelten Szlovákia és Magyarország terén = The Place and Role of SMEs in National Economies with a Special Focus on Slovakia and Hungary In: SVK - Mladí vedci 2023: zborník vedeckých príspevkov doktorandov a mladých vedeckých pracovníkov. Bratislava: Ekonomická univerzita v Bratislave. Obchodná fakulta, 2023, s. 94-108 [tlačená forma]. ISBN 978-80-8275-015-0. [maďarčina]

ADE Vedecké práce v ostatných zahraničných časopisoch

Počet výstupov: 3

ADE_001 Machová, Renáta (Autor) [professor] [UJSEFKM] (20%) ; Korcsmáros, Enikő (Autor) [docent] [UJSEFKEK] (20%) ; Šeben, Zoltán (Autor) [fellow] [UJSEFKM] (20%) ; Fehér, Lilla (Autor) [assistant] [UJSEFKJP] (20%) ; Tóth, Zsuzsanna (Autor) [fellow] [UJSEFKJP] (20%)Developing the Competences of Generation Z with Innovative Teaching Methods in the Context of the Requirement of Labour Market by Industry 4.0. – [OV 080]. – [článok]

In: International Journal of Advanced Corporate Learning [elektronický dokument] . – ISSN (online) 1867-5565. – Roč. 14, č. 2 (2021), s. 17-26 [online]

Ohlasy:Ohlasy (1):

2024 [1/20] AUT - Benaida, Mohamed. A framework model for exploring factors for measuring E-learning systems and its relevant outcomes via AHP [elektronický dokument]. DOI 10.3991/ijep.v14i5.47295 In: AUT - International Journal of Engineering Pedagogy. Viedeň: International Association of Online Engineering, 2024, Roč. 14, č. 5, s. 123-148 [online]. ISSN (online) 2192-4880. [angličtina]. - WOS CC

ADE_002 Józsa, László (Autor) [professor] [UJSEFKEK] (34%) ; Seres Huszárik, Erika (Autor) [phd_internal] [UJSEFKEK] (33%) ; Tóth, Zsuzsanna (Autor) [fellow] [UJSEFKJP] (33%)Relationship Marketing on the Market of Advertising Agencies. – [OV 080]. – [článok]

In: GSTF Journal on Business Review [textový dokument (print)] . – ISSN 2010-4804. – ISSN (online) 2251-2888. – Roč. 5, č. 1 (2017), s. 17-20 [tlačená forma]

ADE_003 Bencsik, Andrea (Autor) [professor] [UJSEFKM] (35%) ; Machová, Renáta (Autor) [fellow] [UJSEFKM] (35%) ; Tóth, Zsuzsanna (Autor) [fellow] [UJSEFKJP] (30%)Cultural Background of Intergenerational and Knowledge Management. – [OV 080]. – [článok]

In: IJSR - International Journal of Scientific Research [textový dokument (print)] . – ISSN 2277-8179. – Roč. 2, č. 9 (2013), s. 230-235 [tlačená forma]

ADM Vedecké práce v zahraničných časopisoch registrovaných v databázach Web of Science alebo SCOPUS

Počet výstupov: 7

ADM_001 Machová, Renáta (Autor) [docent] [UJSEFKM] (25%) ; Mura, Ladislav (Autor) [docent] [PEUFEPUMP] (25%) ; Havierniková, Katarína (Autor) [fellow] [TNFSEVKEAE] (25%) ; Tóth, Zsuzsanna (Autor) [fellow] [UJSEFKJP] (25%)The Entrepreneur’s Network as a Cooperation Form of Entrepreneurship: Case of Slovakia [Podnikateľská sieť ako forma spolupráce v podnikaní: prípad Slovenska]. – [OV 080]. – [článok]. – SCO

In: Journal of Applied Economic Sciences [textový dokument (print)] [elektronický dokument] . – Craiova (Rumunsko) : Association for Sustainable Education Research and Science - ASERS Publishing. – ISSN 2393-5162. – ISSN (online) 1843-6110. – Roč. 12, č. 1 (2017), s. 160-169 [tlačená forma] [online] . – SNIP: 0,713 ; SJR: 0,173 ; CiteScore: 0,6

Scimago - Business, management and accounting (miscellaneous) - Q3, Economics, econometrics and finance (miscellaneous) - Q3

Ohlasy:Ohlasy (10):

2018 [1/12] KOZUBÍKOVÁ, L. - ČEPEL, M. - ZLÁMALOVÁ, M. Attitude toward innovativeness based on personality traits in the SME sector. Czech Republic case study. In Sciendo. ISSN 1842-0206, 2018, vol. 13, no. 2, 913-928.. [s.l.] : [s.n.], 2018

2018 [1/12] BELAS, J. - GAVUROVA, B. - TOTH, P. Impact of selected characteristics of SMEs on the capital structure. In Journal of business economics and management. ISSN 1611-1699, 2018, vol. 19, no. 4, p. 592-608.. [s.l.] : [s.n.], 2018

2018 [1/12] BELAS, J. - GAVUROVÁ, B. - CEPEL, M. -et al. Relationship of gender to the position of Slovak University students on the socio-economic determinants of the business environmnet and the development of entrepreneurship. In Entrepreneurship and sustainability issues. ISSN 2345-0282, 2018, vol. 8, no. 2, p. 968-978.. [s.l.] : [s.n.], 2018

2018 [1/12] LORINCOVA, S. - VETRAKOVA, M. - LIZBETINOVA, L. The efficiency of selected employee education methods. In Innovation management and education excellence through vision 2020. Norristown : INT Business Information Management ASSOC-IBIMA, 2018. ISBN 978-0-9998551-0-2, p. 3810-3819.. [s.l.] : [s.n.], 2018

2019 [3/12] MIKOLÁŠ, Z. - FIALOVÁ, V. - FOLVARČNÁ, A. -et al. The current legislative framework of family owned small and medium enterprises: Case study of the Czech Republic and Poland. In Journal of applied economic sciences. ISSN 2393-5162, 2019, vol. XIV, no. 1 (63), p. 229-239.. [s.l.] : [s.n.], 2019

2020 [1/12] KHARLAMOV, M. M. - KOLMYKOVA, T. S. - TOLSTYKH, T. O. -et al. Analytical procedures for assessing the risks of introducing innovative technologies into the organization’s activities. In Lecture notes in networks and systems. ISSN 2367-3370, 2020, vol. 91, p. 654-662.. [s.l.] : [s.n.], 2020

2020 [4/12] FARAGÓ, B. Management of the sport career model in Hungary - Dual career research. In Selye e-study. ISSN 1338-1598, 2020, vol. 11, no.1, 55-66.. [s.l.] : [s.n.], 2020

2019 [1/12] LEMANSKA-MAJDZIK, A. - OKREGLICKA, M. Organizational flexibility from the perspective of the creation of cooperation networks in family business. In 2019 IEEE International symposium on innovational and entrepreneurship. Hangzhou : TEMS-ISIE, 2019. ISBN 978-172810435-5.. [s.l.] : [s.n.], 2019

2020 [1/12] HALASKOVA, M. - GAVUROVA, B. - KORONY, S. Change of EU28 countries research and development indicatiors between 2010 and 2015. In Economy & sociology. ISSN 2306-3459, 2020, vol. 13, no. 1, p. 230-248.. [s.l.] : [s.n.], 2020

2021 [4/12] KÉZAI, P. K. Social Startup Enterprises: The Case of Hungary. In E-Studies. ISSN 1338-1598, 2021, vol. 12, no. 2, p. 28, 33.. [s.l.] : [s.n.], 2021

ADM_002 Seres Huszárik, Erika (Autor) [phd_internal] [UJSEFKEK] (34%) ; Józsa, László (Autor) [professor] [UJSEFKEK] (33%) ; Tóth, Zsuzsanna (Autor) [fellow] [UJSEFKJP] (33%)Factors Determining the Development of Business Relationships in the Advertising Market. – [OV 080]. – [článok]. – WOS CC ; SCO

In: Acta Polytechnica Hungarica [textový dokument (print)] [elektronický dokument] : An international peer-reviewed scientific journal of Óbuda University, Hungarian Academy of Engineering and IEEE Hungary Section : journal of applied sciences. – Budapešt (Maďarsko) : Óbudai Egyetem. – ISSN 1785-8860. – ISSN (online) 2064-2687. – Roč. 14, č. 8 (2017), s. 65-82 [tlačená forma] [online] . – IF: 0.909 ; SNIP: 0,934 ; SJR: 0,255 ; CiteScore: 2

Ohlasy:Ohlasy (3):

2020 [3/12] MURA, L. Innovations and Marketing Management of Family Businesses: Results of Empirical Study. In International Journal of Entrepreneurial Knowledge. ISSN 2336-2960, 2020, vol. 8. no. 2, p. 58.. [s.l.] : [s.n.], 2020

2018 [1/20] CZE - Bencsik, Andrea, Tóbiás Kosár, Silvia, Machová, Renáta. Corporate Culture in Service Companies that Support Knowledge Sharing. DOI 10.29036/jots.v9i16.41 In: CZE - Journal of tourism and services. Praha: Vysoká škola obchodní v Praze, 2018, Roč. 9, č. 16, s. 1-13 [tlačená forma] [online]. ISSN 1804-5650. [angličtina]. - WOS CC

2018 [1/20] CHE - Zhang, Xin, Ding, Xiaoyan, Ma, Liang, Wang, Gaoshan. Identifying factors preventing sustainable brand loyalty among consumers: A mixed methods approach [elektronický dokument]. DOI 10.3390/su10124685 In: CHE - Sustainability. Bazilej: Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute, 2018, Roč. 10, č. 12, s. [online]. ISSN (online) 2071-1050. [angličtina]. - WOS CC ; SCO ; CCC

ADM_003 Bencsik, Andrea (Autor) [professor] [UJSEFKM] (33.334%) ; Machová, Renáta (Autor) [professor] [UJSEFKM] (33.333%) ; Tóth, Zsuzsanna (Autor) [fellow] [UJSEFKJP] (33.333%)Cheap and clever - symbiosis of frugal innovation and knowledge management. – [OV 080]. – [ŠO 6213]. – [článok]. – [recenzované]. – DOI 10.21511/ppm.14(1).2016.10. – SCO

In: Problems and Perspectives in Management [textový dokument (print)] [elektronický dokument] . – Sumy (Ukrajina) : Business Perspectives. – ISSN 1727-7051. – ISSN (online) 1810-5467. – Roč. 14, č. 1 (2016), s. 85-93 [tlačená forma] [online] . – SNIP: 0,372 ; SJR: 0,148 ; CiteScore: 0,3

Ohlasy:Ohlasy (28):

2022 [1/20] GBR - Jayabalan, Jayamalathi, Dorasamy, Magiswary, Raman, Murali, Sambasivan, Murali, Harun, Sharbani. Unleashing frugal innovation in private higher education institutions via intellectual capital and Information technology capability: a systematic literature review [elektronický dokument]. DOI 10.12688/f1000research.73329.2 In: GBR - F1000Research. Londýn: Faculty of 1000, 2022, Roč. 10, s. 1-27 [online]. ISSN (online) 2046-1402. [angličtina]. - SCO

2018 [1/20] GBR - Bhatti, Yasser, Basu, Radha Ramaswami, Barron, David, Ventresca, Marc J. Frugal innovation: models, means, methods. DOI 10.1017/9781316986783 In: GBR - Frugal Innovation: Models, Means, Methods. [s.l.]: Cambridge University Press, 2018, s. 1-314. ISBN 9781316986783. ISBN 9781107188976. [angličtina]. - SCO

2022 [1/20] GBR - Nguyen, Tu Ngoc, Shen, Chao Hong, Le, Phong Ba. Influence of transformational leadership and knowledge management on radical and incremental innovation: the moderating role of collaborative culture [elektronický dokument]. DOI 10.1108/K-12-2020-0905 In: GBR - Kybernetes. Bingley: Emerald Publishing Limited, 2022, Roč. 51, č. 7, s. 2240-2258 [online]. ISSN (online) 0368-492X. [angličtina]. - WOS CC ; SCO ; CCC

2021 [1/20] USA - Knizkov, Stephanie, Arlinghaus, Julia C. Frugal processes: An empirical investigation into the operations of resource-constrained firms [elektronický dokument]. DOI 10.1109/TEM.2020.3016776 In: USA - Innovation Efficiency Evaluation Based on a Two-Stage DEA Model With Shared-Input: A Case of Patent-Intensive Industry in China. Piscataway: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2021, Roč. 68, č. 3, s. 667-684. ISSN 0018-9391. ISSN (online) 1558-0040. [angličtina]. - WOS CC ; SCO ; CCC

2021 [1/20] GBR - Le, Phong Ba. Determinants of frugal innovation for firms in emerging markets: the roles of leadership, knowledge sharing and collaborative culture [elektronický dokument]. DOI 10.1108/IJOEM-02-2021-0258 In: GBR - International Journal of Emerging Markets. Bingley: Emerald Group Publishing, 2021, [tlačená forma]. ISSN 1746-8809. ISSN (online) 1746-8817. [angličtina]. - WOS CC ; SCO

2020 [1/20] GBR - AlMulhim, Abdullah Fahad. The role of internal and external sources of knowledge on frugal innovation: moderating role of innovation capabilities [elektronický dokument]. DOI 10.1108/IJIS-09-2020-0130 In: GBR - International Journal of Innovation Science. Bingley: Emerald Group Publishing, 2020, Roč. 13, č. 3, s. 341-363 [online] [tlačená forma]. ISSN 1757-2223. ISSN (online) 1757-2231. [angličtina]. - WOS CC ; SCO

2020 [1/20] GBR - Lei, Hui, Gui, Linnan, Le, Phong Ba. Linking transformational leadership and frugal innovation: the mediating role of tacit and explicit knowledge sharing [elektronický dokument]. DOI 10.1108/JKM-04-2020-0247 In: GBR - Journal of knowledge management. Bedford: IFS International, 2020, Roč. 25, č. 7, s. 1832-1852 [tlačená forma]. ISSN 1367-3270. ISSN (online) 1758-7484. [angličtina]. - WOS CC ; SCO ; CCC

2018 [1/20] GBR - Pisoni, Alessia, Michelini, Laura, Martignoni, Gloria. Frugal approach to innovation: State of the art and future perspectives [elektronický dokument]. DOI 10.1016/j.jclepro.2017.09.248 In: GBR - Journal of Cleaner Production. Oxon: Elsevier, 2018, Roč. 171, s. 107-126 [tlačená forma] [online]. ISSN 0959-6526. ISSN (online) 1879-1786. [angličtina]. - WOS CC ; SCO ; CCC

2022 [1/20] CHE - Čajková, Andrea, Gogová, Adriána. Case Study of the Knowledge Management Process in Selected Department of State Administration in Slovakia [elektronický dokument]. DOI 10.1007/978-3-030-95813-8_21 In: CHE - Developments in information and knowledge management for business applications. Cham: Springer Nature, 2022. - SCO, s. 533-545 [tlačená forma] [online]. ISBN 978-3-030-95812-1. ISBN (online) 978-3-030-95813-8. [angličtina]. - SCO

2022 [1/20] GBR - Gui, Linnan, Lei, Hui, Le, Phong Ba. Fostering product and process innovation through transformational leadership and knowledge management capability: the moderating role of innovation culture [elektronický dokument]. DOI 10.1108/EJIM-02-2022-0063 In: GBR - European Journal of Innovation Management. West Yorkshire: Emerald Group Publishing, 2022, [tlačená forma] [online]. ISSN 1460-1060. ISSN (online) 1758-7115. [angličtina]. - WOS CC ; SCO

2022 [1/20] GBR - Le, Phong Thai, Le, Phong Ba. Influence of knowledge-oriented leadership and knowledge sharing on radical and incremental innovation: the moderating role of market turbulence. DOI 10.1108/VJIKMS-07-2022-0238 In: GBR - VINE Journal of Information and Knowledge Management Systems. [s.l.]: Emerald Group Publishing, 2022. ISSN 20595891. [angličtina]. - WOS CC ; SCO

2023 [2/20] BRA - Alves, Karen, Hermann Nodari, Cristine, Bohnenberger, Maria, Aloise, Pedro. PREDISPOSIÇÃO À INOVAÇÃO FRUGAL: ANÁLISE DE FATORES DIFERENCIAIS EM PEQUENAS E MÉDIAS EMPRESAS In: BRA - Revista Gestão Organizacional. Chapecó: Universidade Estadual de Santa Catarina, 2023, Roč. 16, č. 1, s. 153-173. ISSN 1983-6635. [portugalčina]

2023 [1/20] CHE - Woźniak, Jacek, Wereda, Wioletta Sylwia. Shaping frugal innovation processes, and ensuring security and sustainable development of enterprises in the environment [elektronický dokument]. DOI 10.3390/su15043165 In: CHE - Sustainability. Bazilej: Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute, 2023, Roč. 15, č. 4, [online]. ISSN (online) 2071-1050. [angličtina]. - WOS CC ; SCO ; CCC

2023 [1/20] GBR - Le, Hung Manh, Le, Phong Ba. How high-involvement HRM practices motivate knowledge sharing and innovation: the role of market turbulence [elektronický dokument]. DOI 10.1108/EBHRM-11-2022-0281 In: GBR - Evidence-based HRM. [s.l.]: Emerald Group Publishing, 2023. ISSN 20493983. ISSN (online) 20493991. [angličtina]. - WOS CC ; SCO

2022 [1/20] GBR - Stephens, Melanie, Wynn, Matthew, Pradeep, Sheba, Bowshall, Janine. Frugal innovation in wound care: A critical discussion of what we can learn from low-resource settings [elektronický dokument]. DOI 10.12968/bjon.2022.31.20.S16 In: GBR - British journal of nursing. Londýn: MA Healthcare, 2022, Roč. 31, č. 20, s. 16-23 [tlačená forma] [online]. ISSN 0966-0461. ISSN (online) 2052-2819. [angličtina]. - SCO

2021 [3/12] PECHOVA, J - STEJSKALOVA, L. - VOLFOVA, H. Knowledge Management in a Globalized World and the Coronavirus Age. In SHS Web of Conferences. The 20th International Scientific Conference Globalization and its Socio-Economic Consequences 2020 [online]. 2021, vol. 92 [cit. 2021-2-18]. Dostupné na internete: . ISSN 2261-2424.. [s.l.] : [s.n.], 2021

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2020 [3/12] THEIS, G. - SILVA, D. A. K. - TAMANINE, A. M. B. Inovação Frugal no Brasil [Frugal Innovation in Brazil]. In VIII SINGEP. VIII Simpósio Internacional de Gestão de Projetos, Inovação e Sustentabilidade [VIII International Symposium on Project Management, Innovation and Sustainability]. ISSN 2317-8302, 2020.. [s.l.] : [s.n.], 2020

2021 [3/12] NHOKOVEDZO, S. Construction of Sustainable Frugal Innovations Index for the Agriculture Sector. In International Journal of Sustainable Agricultural Research. ISSN 2313-0393, 2021, vol. 8, no. 2, p. 94, 95.. [s.l.] : [s.n.], 2021

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2021 [1/12] MENGESHA, G. H. - WATSON, R. T. - NEGASH, S. Frugal Knowledge Sharing for Frugal Innovation Diffusion in Africa: The Church Woman and Related Models. In JOURNAL OF GLOBAL INFORMATION MANAGEMENT. ISSN 1062-7375, vol. 29, no. 6.. [s.l.] : [s.n.], 2021

2023 [1/20] GBR - Le, Phong Ba, Do, Yen Hai. Stimulating innovation performance through knowledge-oriented leadership and knowledge sharing: the moderating role of market turbulence [elektronický dokument]. DOI 10.1108/IJIS-08-2022-0166 In: GBR - International Journal of Innovation Science. Bingley: Emerald Group Publishing, 2023, [online] [tlačená forma]. ISSN 1757-2223. ISSN (online) 1757-2231. [angličtina]. - SCO

2023 [1/20] GBR - Hindocha, Chandni N., Antonacci, Grazia, Barlow, James, Harris, Matthew. Defining frugal innovation: A critical review [elektronický dokument]. DOI 10.1136/bmjinnov-2021-000830 In: GBR - BMJ Innovations. [s.l.]: British Medical Association. BMJ Publishing Group, 2023. ISSN 20558074. ISSN (online) 2055642X. [angličtina]. - SCO

2023 [2/20] GBR - Vindigni, Giovani. Eclectic-procedural innovation management approach with regard to community management within the German-Language gaming industry. DOI 10.14738/tecs.112.14607 In: GBR - Transactions on Engineering and Computing Sciences. [s.l.]: Services for Science and Education, 2023, Roč. 11, č. 2, s. 93-131. ISSN 2756-2638. [angličtina]

2023 [2/20] PHL - Suarez, Marc. Knowledge management practices, employee work engagement and balanced scorecard [elektronický dokument]: Basis for organizational performance framework. DOI 10.5861/ijrsm.2023.1050 In: PHL - International Journal of Research Studies in Management. [s.l.]: Consortia Academia Publishing, 2023, Roč. 11, č. 5, s. 23-38. ISSN 2243-7770. ISSN (online) 2243-7789. [angličtina]

2024 [1/20] GBR - Le, Phong Ba, Son, Than Thanh. How knowledge-based HRM practices and market turbulence foster organizational innovation capability: a two-path mediating role of knowledge sharing [elektronický dokument]. DOI 10.1108/JAMR-02-2023-0027 In: GBR - Journal of advances in management research. [s.l.]: Emerald Group Publishing, 2024, [tlačená forma] [online]. ISSN 0972-7981. ISSN (online) 2049-3207. [angličtina]. - WOS CC ; SCO

2021 [2/20] ROM - Nhokovedzo, Simbarashe, Chinakidzwa, More. The effect of Sustainable Frugal Innovations on agriculture productivity. DOI 10.33727/JRISS.2021.2.20:185-195 In: ROM - Journal of Research and Innovation for Sustainable Society. Târgu-Jiu: Wordpress, 2021, Roč. 3, č. 2, s. 185-195. ISSN 2668-0416. [angličtina]

2022 [2/20] CAN - Mignenan, Victor. Management of frugal innovation projects: research approach and perspectives [elektronický dokument]. DOI 10.5539/ibr.v15n4p121 In: CAN - International Business Research. Beaver Creek: Canadian Center of Science and Education, 2022, Roč. 15, č. 4, s. 121-142 [online]. ISSN 1913-9004. ISSN (online) 1913-9012. [angličtina]

ADM_004 Machová, Renáta (Autor) [fellow] [UJSEFKM] (34%) ; Seres Huszárik, Erika (Autor) [phd_internal] [UJSEFKEK] (33%) ; Tóth, Zsuzsanna (Autor) [fellow] [UJSEFKJP] (33%)Is advertising innovation the same as shocking?. – [OV 080]. – [ŠO 6213]. – [článok]. – SCO

In: Journal of Applied Economic Sciences [textový dokument (print)] [elektronický dokument] . – Craiova (Rumunsko) : Association for Sustainable Education Research and Science - ASERS Publishing. – ISSN 2393-5162. – ISSN (online) 1843-6110. – Roč. 11, č. 2 (2016), s. 247-250 [tlačená forma] [online] . – SNIP: 0,455 ; SJR: 0,2 ; CiteScore: 0,5

Ohlasy:Ohlasy (8):

2022 [2/20] CZE - Korcsmáros, Enikő, Csinger, Bence. Meniace sa potreby spotrebiteľov počas Covid-19: vo fokuse marketingové výzvy pre MSP = The Changing Needs of Consumers During Covid-19: Marketing Challenges for SMEs in Focus In: CZE - RELIK 2022: reprodukce lidského kapitálu - vzájemné vazby a souvislosti : sborník příspěvků. Praha: Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze. Oeconomica Nakladatelstvi VŠE, 2022, s. 332-346 [online]. ISBN 978-80-245-2466-5. [slovenčina]

2016 [4/12] LINCÉNYI, M. Prieskum názorov Slovákov na utečencov. In Zborník príspevkov zo 17. medzinárodnej vedeckej konferencie. Bratislava : Ekonóm Publishing, 2016. ISBN 978-80-225-4365-1, s. 779.. [s.l.] : [s.n.], 2016

2017 [3/12] LINCÉNYI, M. Možnosti využitia mediálnej a marketingovej komunikácie v sociálnej politike. In Nové trendy a výzvy sociálnej politiky v súčasnosti. Brno : Tribun EU, 2017. ISBN 978-80-263-1170-6, p. 285.. [s.l.] : [s.n.], 2017

2017 [1/12] BACIK, R. - GAVUROVA, B. - GBUROVA, J. Social Media, Corporate Website and its Impact on Consumer Purchasing Dimensions. In Journal of Applied Economic Sciences. ISSN 2393-5162, 2017, vol. XII, no. 5, p. 1522.. [s.l.] : [s.n.], 2017

2017 [3/12] LINCÉNYI, M. Research of opinion of the Slovak citizens on the current political and economic problems in the European Union. In Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference : Economic policy in global environment. Havířov : Vysoká škola sociálně správní, 2017. ISBN 978-80-87291-20-7, p. 165-175.. [s.l.] : [s.n.], 2017

2020 [3/12] LINCÉNYI, M. - RABINA, D. Surveys of opinions of Slovak people on Slovak Presidency of the Council of the European Union in 2016. In University Review, ISSN 1339-5017, 2020, vol. 14, no. 2, p. 34.. [s.l.] : [s.n.], 2020

2021 [1/12] MUKATTASH, I. L. - DANDIS, A. O. - THOMAS, R. - et al. Social marketing, shock advertising and risky consumption behavior. In International Journal of Emerging Markets. ISSN 1746-8809, 2021.. [s.l.] : [s.n.], 2021

2017 [1/20] LTU - Lincényi, Marcel. Entrepreneurship ecosystem facets: The European migrant crisis and public opinion in Slovakia [elektronický dokument]. DOI 10.9770/jesi.2017.5.2(14) In: LTU - Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Issues. Vilnius: Entrepreneurship and sustainability center, 2017, Roč. 5, č. 2, s. 357-367 [online]. ISSN (online) 2345-0282. [angličtina]. - SCO

ADM_005 Bencsik, Andrea (Autor) [professor] [UJSEFKM] (25%) ; Juhász, Tímea (Autor) (25%) ; Machová, Renáta (Autor) [professor] [UJSEFKM] (25%) ; Tóth, Zsuzsanna (Autor) [fellow] [UJSEFKJP] (25%)Critical questions of knowledge management concerning women on maternity leave in Hungary. – [OV 080]. – [ŠO 6213]. – [článok]. – [recenzované]. – WOS CC ; SCO

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Ohlasy:Ohlasy (9):

2022 [2/20] CZE - Duda, Danuta, Turečková, Kamila, Buryová, Ivona. The comparison of maternity benefit in Poland and Czech Republic [elektronický dokument]. DOI 10.25142/aak.2022.003 In: CZE - Acta academica karviniensia: vědecký recenzovaný časopis. Karviná: Slezská univerzita v Opavě. Obchodně podnikatelská fakulta v Karviné, 2022, Roč. 22, č. 1, s. 31-44 [tlačená forma] [online]. ISSN 1212-415X. ISSN (online) 2533-7610. [čeština]

2018 [1/20] CZE - Mura, Ladislav, Svec, Marek. Human resources in public and private sector: a comparative study of Slovakia [elektronický dokument] In: CZE - RELIK 2017: REPRODUCTION OF HUMAN CAPITAL - MUTUAL LINKS AND CONNECTIONS. Praha: Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze. Oeconomica Nakladatelstvi VŠE, 2018, s. 327-336. ISBN (online) 978-80-245-2238-8. - WOS CC

2017 [1/20] SVK - Rafajová, Lucia, Pafčo, Martin. Family businesses in selected regions of Slovakia. PEVŠ 2017AFD0056 In: SVK - Managerial Trends in the Development of Enterprises in Globalization Era: International Scientific Conference. Nitra: Slovenská poľnohospodárska univerzita v Nitre, 2017, s. 196-203 [online]. ISBN 978-80-552-1739-0. [angličtina]. - WOS CC

2017 [1/20] SVK - Mura, Ladislav. Current situation in family businesses = Súčasná situácia v rodinných podnikoch. PEVŠ 2017AFD0055 In: SVK - Managerial Trends in the Development of Enterprises in Globalization Era: International Scientific Conference. Nitra: Slovenská poľnohospodárska univerzita v Nitre, 2017, s. 178-185 [online]. ISBN 978-80-552-1739-0. http://spu.fem.uniag.sk/fem/ICoM_2017/files/international_scientific_conference_icom_2017.pdf. [angličtina]. - WOS CC

2022 [1/20] ROM - Duda, Danuta, Tureckova, Kamila, Buryova, Ivona, Kubalova, Radka. Maternity benefit: comparison of systems and financing in V4 countries [elektronický dokument]. DOI 10.47743/ejes-2022-SI08 In: ROM - Eastern Journal of European Studies. Iasi: Alexandru Ioan Cuza University Press, 2022, Roč. 13, s. 141-163 [tlačená forma] [online]. ISSN 2068-651X. ISSN (online) 2068-6633. [angličtina]. - ESCI ; WOS CC ; SCO

2018 [3/12] STROE, C. - COJANU, S. - CIOBANU, G. Some influences of the romanian social assistance strategy regarding the incentive benefit on the sustainable strategic management of prganisation. In Economics, management, and financial markets. ISSN 1842-3191, 2018, vol. 14, no. 3.. [s.l.] : [s.n.], 2018

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ADM_006 Machová, Renáta (Autor) [fellow] [UJSEFKM] (34%) ; Seres Huszárik, Erika (Autor) [fellow] [UJSEFKEK] (33%) ; Tóth, Zsuzsanna (Autor) [fellow] [UJSEFKJP] (33%)The role of shockvertising in the context of various generations. – [OV 080]. – [článok]. – SCO

In: Problems and Perspectives in Management [textový dokument (print)] [elektronický dokument] . – Sumy (Ukrajina) : Business Perspectives. – ISSN 1727-7051. – ISSN (online) 1810-5467. – Roč. 13, č. 1 (2015), s. 104-112 [tlačená forma] [online] . – SNIP: 0,307 ; SJR: 0,158 ; CiteScore: 0,3

Ohlasy:Ohlasy (10):

2015 [3/12] ZAPLETALOVÁ, Š. Internationalization of Czech Companies. Saarbrücken : LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, 2015. 120 s. ISBN 978-3-659-79233-5.. [s.l.] : [s.n.], 2015

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2016 [3/12] GHEORGE, C. M. - GHEORGE, I. R. - PURCĂREA, V. L. Public Awareness Campaigns: a Consumer-Oriented Perspective Regarding the Advertising on LGBT Minorities. In Procedia Economics and Finance. ISSN 2212-5671, 2016.. [s.l.] : [s.n.], 2016

2022 [1/20] CHE - Dasmi, Costanza, Acuti, Diletta, Grazzini, Laura, Aiello, Gaetano. How Does the Use of Shockvertising Trigger Moral Emotions? A Focus on the Plastic Issue [elektronický dokument]. DOI 10.1007/978-3-031-12027-5_10 In: CHE - Managing Sustainability. Cham: Springer Nature, 2022, s. 169-184. ISSN 23668814. ISSN (online) 23668822. [angličtina]. - SCO

2019 [1/20] HRV - Dimitriou, Christina K., AbouElgheit, Emad. Understanding generation Z's social decision-making in travel [elektronický dokument]. DOI 10.20867/thm.25.2.4 In: HRV - Tourism and Hospitality Management: an international journal of multidisciplinary research for South-Eastern Europe. Opatija: Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality Management, 2019, Roč. 25, č. 2, s. 311-334 [tlačená forma] [online]. ISSN 1330-7533. ISSN (online) 1847-3377. [angličtina]. - WOS CC ; SCO

2018 [1/20] CHE - Bachnik, Katarzyna, Nowacki, Robert. How to build consumer trust: Socially responsible or controversial advertising [elektronický dokument]. DOI 10.3390/su10072173 In: CHE - Sustainability. Bazilej: Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute, 2018, Roč. 10, č. 7, [online]. ISSN (online) 2071-1050. [angličtina]. - WOS CC ; SCO ; CCC

2021 [1/20] GRC - Hashem, Tareq Nael, Alnsour, Mohammed S., Ali, Nafez Nimer, Hashem, Firas Nael, Hashem, Abdulrahman Nael, Abu Hamideh, Omar Saleh Moh"D. The impact of 'shockvertising' on consumer behavior: Investigating its influence on the "why buy" aspect [elektronický dokument]. DOI 10.37394/23207.2021.18.123 In: GRC - WSEAS Transactions on Business and Economics. Atény: World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society, 2021, Roč. 18, s. 1330-1338 [tlačená forma]. ISSN 1109-9526. ISSN (online) 2224-2899. [angličtina]. - SCO

2022 [1/20] USA - Sáez, Gemma, Muñiz-Velázquez, José Antonio, Corradi, Guido, Tapia Frade, Alejandro J., Aguilar, Pilar. Are Anti-Prostitution Advertising Campaigns Effective? An Experimental Study [elektronický dokument]. DOI 10.1017/SJP.2022.17 In: USA - Spanish journal of psychology. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2022, Roč. 25, č. 2. ISSN 1138-7416. ISSN (online) 1988-2904. [angličtina]. - WOS CC ; SCO

2023 [1/20] GBR - Mukucha, Paul, Jaravaza, Divaries Cosmas. Shockvertising of luxurious fast-foods brands in emerging markets: Differential effects of consumer demographic profiles. DOI 10.1080/23311975.2023.2220199 In: GBR - Cogent Business and Management. Londýn: Taylor & Francis Group. Cogent OA, 2023, Roč. 10, č. 2, [online]. ISSN 2331-1975. [angličtina]. - WOS CC ; SCO

ADM_007 Machová, Renáta (Autor) [fellow] [UJSEFKM] (34%) ; Seres Huszárik, Erika (Autor) [fellow] [UJSEFKEK] (33%) ; Tóth, Zsuzsanna (Autor) [fellow] [UJSEFKJP] (33%)Shockvertising in selected European countries: Hofstede’s dimensions analysis. – [OV 080]. – [článok]. – SCO

In: Actual Problems of Economics [textový dokument (print)] [elektronický dokument] . – Kyjev (Ukrajina) : National Academy of Management. – ISSN 1993-6788. – Roč. 173, č. 11 (2015), s. 32-42 [tlačená forma] [online] . – SNIP: 0,102 ; SJR: 0,124 ; CiteScore: 0,1

Ohlasy:Ohlasy (1):

2021 [3/12] HASHEM, T. N. - ALNSOUR, M. S. - ALI, N. N. - et al. The Impact of 'Shockvertising' on Consumer Behavior: Investigating Its Influence on the "Why Buy" Aspect. In WSEAS Transactions on Business and Economics. ISSN 2224-2899, 2021, vol. 18, p. 1333.. [s.l.] : [s.n.], 2021

AFC Publikované príspevky na zahraničných vedeckých konferenciách

Počet výstupov: 9

AFC_001 An Innovative Teaching Method and Its Practical Applicability – Focus on the Playful Interaction Among the Students / Korcsmáros, Enikő (Autor) [docent] [UJSEFKEK] (25%) ; Machová, Renáta (Autor) [docent] [UJSEFKM] (25%) ; Fehér, Lilla (Autor) [assistant] [UJSEFKJP] (25%) ; Tóth, Zsuzsanna (Autor) [fellow] [UJSEFKJP] (25%) ; Hradec economic days 2021, 11 [25.03.2021-26.03.2021, Hradec Králové, Česko]. – [angličtina]. – [OV 080]. – [príspevok z podujatia]. – [recenzované]. – DOI 10.36689/uhk/hed/2021-01-039. – WOS CC

In: Hradec economic days [textový dokument (print)] [elektronický dokument] / Mačí, Jan [Zostavovateľ, editor] ; Marešová, Petra [Zostavovateľ, editor] ; Firlej, Krzysztof [Zostavovateľ, editor] ; Soukal, Ivan [Zostavovateľ, editor]. – 1. vyd. – Hradec Králové (Česko) : Univerzita Hradec Králové, 2021. – ISBN 978-80-7435-822-7. – ISSN 2464-6059. – ISSN 2464-6067, s. 386-394 [tlačená forma] [online]

AFC_002 Customer Groups in the Course of Advertising Cooperations / Seres Huszárik, Erika (Autor) [phd_internal] [UJSEFKEK] (34%) ; Józsa, László (Autor) [professor] [UJSEFKEK] (33%) ; Tóth, Zsuzsanna (Autor) [phd_internal] [UJSEFKEK] (33%) ; 5th Annual China Marketing International Conference of Chinese-Scholar-Marketing-Association (CMIC) - Marketing Strategy in the Sharing Economy - Localization and Globalization, 5 [14.07.2017-17.07.2017, Peking, Čína]. – text. – [angličtina]. – [OV 080]. – [príspevok z podujatia]. – [recenzované]. – WOS CC

In: Proceedings of 2017 China Marketing International Conference [textový dokument (print)] : Marketing Strategy in the Sharing Economy: Localization and Globalization / Yang, Zaili [Zostavovateľ, editor]. – 1. vyd. – Hong Kong (Čína) : Asian Business Assoc., 2017. – ISSN 2357-190X, s. 289-304

Ohlasy:Ohlasy (1):

2019 [1/12] CZE - Baša, Patrik, Sánta, Kamilla, Machová, Renáta. The Economic Impacts of Social Media ́s Implementation In: CZE - RELIK 2019: the 12th international scientific conference: reproduction of human capital - mutual links and connections: 12. ročník mezinárodní vědecké konference RELIK 2019. Praha: Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze. Oeconomica Nakladatelstvi VŠE, 2019, s. 33-42 [online]. ISBN 978-80-245-2329-3. [angličtina]. - WOS CC

AFC_003 Business Behavioral Characteristics of Different Cultures / Tóth, Zsuzsanna (Autor) [fellow] [UJSEFKJP] (50%) ; Józsa, László (Autor) [professor] [UJSEFKEK] (50%) ; 5th Annual China Marketing International Conference of Chinese-Scholar-Marketing-Association (CMIC) - Marketing Strategy in the Sharing Economy - Localization and Globalization, 5 [14.07.2017-17.07.2017, Peking, Čína]. – [angličtina]. – [OV 080]. – [príspevok z podujatia]. – [recenzované]. – WOS CC

In: Proceedings of 2017 China Marketing International Conference [textový dokument (print)] : Marketing Strategy in the Sharing Economy: Localization and Globalization / Yang, Zaili [Zostavovateľ, editor]. – 1. vyd. – Hong Kong (Čína) : Asian Business Assoc., 2017. – ISSN 2357-190X, s. 189-204

AFC_004 Evaluation of innovation performance of the business networks / Mura, Ladislav (Autor) [UCMFSVKVPS] (34%) ; Machová, Renáta (Autor) [fellow] [UJSEFKM] (33%) ; Tóth, Zsuzsanna (Autor) [phd_internal] [UJSEFKEK] (33%) ; Hradec Economic Days, 5 [03.02.2015-04.02.2015, Hradec Králove, Česko]. – [angličtina]. – [OV 080]. – [príspevok z podujatia]. – [recenzované]. – WOS CC

In: Hradec Economic Days [textový dokument (print)] [elektronický dokument] : double-blind peer-reviewed proceedings part V. of the international scientific conference Hradec Economic Days 2015 Economic Development and Management of Regions / Jedlička, Pavel [Zostavovateľ, editor]. – 1 vyd. – Roč. 5, č. 5. – Hradec Králové (Česko) : Gaudeamus, 2015. – ISBN 978-80-7435-550-9. – ISSN 2464-6059. – ISSN (online) 2464-6067, s. 41-47

Ohlasy:Ohlasy (8):

2017 [2/12] KORCSMÁROS, E. - SIMONOVÁ, M. The Main Barriers to the Development of SMEs. In Managerial trends in the development of enterprises in globalization era. Nitra : Slovak Univ Agriculture, 2017. ISBN 978-80-552-1739-0, p. 146-152.. [s.l.] : [s.n.], 2017

2018 [1/12] GAVUROVÁ, B. - BACIK, R. - FEDORKO, R. -et al. Analytical view of online marketing tools in the dimension of marketing campaigns ́ personalization in Slovakia. In Marketing and management of innovations. ISSN 2218-4511, 2018, no. 2, p. 186-200.. [s.l.] : [s.n.], 2018

2018 [3/12] KORCSMÁROS, E. - ŠIMONOVÁ, M. Factors affecting the development of SMEs. In Aktuálne problémy podnikovej sféry 2018 - Zborník vedeckých prác. Bratislava : EKONÓM, 2018. ISBN 978-80-225-4536-5, p. 573-580.. [s.l.] : [s.n.], 2018

2018 [3/12] HAVIERNIKOVA, K. - IVANOVA, E. Evaluation of selected risk categories related to marketing activities by SMEs in case of potentioal cluster cooperation. In Advances in economics, business and management research. ISSN 2352-5428, vol. 56, p.433-436.. [s.l.] : [s.n.], 2018

2018 [4/12] IVANOVÁ, E. - MASÁROVÁ, J. Evaluation of innovation performance of Visegrad countries regions putting a stress on human capital. In Sociálno-ekonomická revue. ISSN 1336-3727, 2018, vol. 2018, no. 2, p. 27-34.. [s.l.] : [s.n.], 2018

2019 [1/12] HAVIERNIKOVÁ, K. - KORDOŠ, M. - SROVNALÍKOVÁ, P. Risks of SMEs entry into clusters in terms of some human resources. In Proceedings of the 32nd International Business Information Management Association Conference, IBIMA 2018. Seville : International Business Information Management Association, IBIMA, 2019. ISBN 978-099985511-9, p. 5089-5099.. [s.l.] : [s.n.], 2019

2022 [1/20] CHE - Zhong, Shen, Liang, Shuqi, Zhong, Yuxin, Zheng, Yunying, Wang, Fengjun. Measure on innovation efficiency of China's pharmaceutical manufacturing industry [elektronický dokument]. DOI 10.3389/fpubh.2022.1024997 In: CHE - Frontiers in public health. Lausanne: Frontiers Media, 2022, Roč. 10, s. [online]. ISSN (online) 2296-2565. [angličtina]. - WOS CC ; SCO ; CCC

2019 [1/20] LTU - Havierniková, Katarína, Snieska, Vytautas, Navickas, Valentinas, Burksaitiene, Daiva. The attitudes of small and medium entrepreneurs toward cluster cooperation: The expectations and reality. TUAD PC017690 In: LTU - Transformations in Business & Economics: international Journal of Scholarly Papers. Kaunas: Vilniaus universitetas. Kauno fakultetas, 2019, Roč. 18, č. 3, 191-205 [tlačená forma] [online]. ISSN 1648-4460. https://www.webofscience.com/wos/woscc/full-record/WOS:000505154500013. [angličtina]. - SSCI ; WOS CC ; SCO

AFC_005 Shockvertising to shock various generations / Machová, Renáta (Autor) [fellow] [UJSEFKM] (34%) ; Seres Huszárik, Erika (Autor) [fellow] [UJSEFKEK] (33%) ; Tóth, Zsuzsanna (Autor) [fellow] [UJSEFKJP] (33%) ; Mládková, Ludmila (Recenzent) ; Jašek, Roman (Recenzent) ; Znalosti pro tržní praxi 2014: Média a komunikace v 21. století [11.12.2014, Olomouc]. – [s.a.]. – [angličtina]. – [OV 080]. – [ŠO 6213]. – [príspevok z podujatia]. – WOS CC

In: Znalosti pro tržní praxi 2014 : Médiá a komunikace v 21. století : sborník z mezinárodní vědecké konference konané 11. - 12. září 2014 v Olomouci / rec. Ludmila Mládková, Roman Jašek, Miloslava Chovancová. – 1 vyd. – Olomouc (Česko) : Univerzita Palackého v Olomouci. Filozofická fakulta, 2014. – ISBN 978-80-87533-07-9, s. 478-489

AFC_006 Equal Opportunities - Value or Illusion? / Machová, Renáta (Autor) [fellow] [UJSEFKM] (34%) ; Bencsik, Andrea (Autor) [professor] [UJSEFKM] (33%) ; Tóth, Zsuzsanna (Autor) [fellow] [UJSEFKJP] (33%) ; International Days of Statistics and Economics, 8 [11.09.2014-13.09.2014, Praha, Česko]. – [angličtina]. – [OV 080]. – [príspevok z podujatia]. – [recenzované]. – WOS CC

In: International days of statistics and economics [elektronický zdroj] / [bez zostavovateľa] [Zostavovateľ, editor]. – 1 vyd. – Slaný (Česko) ; Praha (Česko) : Melandrium , 2014. – ISBN 978-80-87990-02-5, s. 933-945

AFC_007 Support for Small and Medium Enterprises in the Economic Crisis in Selected EU Countries / Tóth, Zsuzsanna (Autor) [phd_internal] [UJSEFKEK] (50%) ; Mura, Ladislav (Autor) (50%) ; Hradec Economic Days 2014 [04.05.2014, Hradec Králové]. – [s.a.]. – [angličtina]. – [OV 080]. – [príspevok z podujatia]. – [recenzované]

In: The International Conference Hradec Economic Days 2014 : Economic Development and Management of Region: Hradec Králové, February 4th and 5th, 2014 : Peer-Reviewed Conference Proceedings / Jedlička, Pavel [Zostavovateľ, editor]. – 1. vyd. – Hradec Králové (Česko) : Gaudeamus, the University of Hradec Králové, 2014. – ISBN 978-80-7435-370-3, s. 424-429

Ohlasy:Ohlasy (8):

2018 [1/12] KOCISOVA, K. - GAVUROVÁ, B. - BEHUN, M. The evaluation of stability of Czeh and Slovak banks. In Oeconomia copernicana. ISSN 2083-1277, 2018, vol. 9, no. 2, p. 205-223.. [s.l.] : [s.n.], 2018

2018 [1/12] OTTER, C. - HALASI, D. Payment discipline of business in the EU contries. In Ad alta-journal of interdisciplinary research. ISSN 1804-7890, 2018, vol. 8, no. 1, p. 90-94.. [s.l.] : [s.n.], 2018

2017 [1/12] LINCENYI, M. Entrepreneurship ecosystem facets: the European migrant crisis and public opinion in Slovakia. In Entrepreneurship and sustainability issues. ISSN 2345-0282, 2017, vol. 5, no. 2, p. 357-367.. [s.l.] : [s.n.], 2017

2017 [2/12] RAFAJOVÁ, L. - PAFCO, M. Family business in selected regions of Slovakia. In Managerial trends in the development of enterprises in globalization era. Nitra : Slovak Univ Agriculture Nitra, 2017. ISBN 978-80-552-1739-0, p. 196-203.. [s.l.] : [s.n.], 2017

2018 [1/12] FABUŠ, M. - LINCÉNYI, M. Analysis of the development terms of the radio market in the Slovak Republic. In In Entrepreneurship and sustainability issues. ISSN 2345-0282, 2018, vol. 6, no. 2, p. 591-601.. [s.l.] : [s.n.], 2018

2018 [1/12] LORINCOVA, S. - VETRAKOVA, M. - LIZBETINOVA, L. The Efficiency of selected employsee education methods. In Innovation management and education excellence through vision 2020. Norristown : INT Business Information Management ASSOC-IBIMA, 2018. ISBN 978-0-9998551-0-2, p. 3810-3819.. [s.l.] : [s.n.], 2018

2018 [3/12] HAVIERNIKOVA, K. - IVANOVA, E. Evaluation of selected risk categories related to marketing activities by SMEs in case of potentioal cluster cooperation. In Advances in economics, business and management research. ISSN 2352-5428, vol. 56, p.433-436.. [s.l.] : [s.n.], 2018

2019 [1/12] HAVIERNIKOVÁ, K. - KORDOŠ, M. - SROVNALÍKOVÁ, P. Risks of SMEs entry into clusters in terms of some human resources. In Proceedings of the 32nd International Business Information Management Association Conference, IBIMA 2018. Seville : International Business Information Management Association, IBIMA, 2019. ISBN 978-099985511-9, p. 5089-5099.. [s.l.] : [s.n.], 2019

AFC_008 Support for small and medium enterprises in the economic crisis in selected EU countries / Tóth, Zsuzsanna (Autor) [fellow] [UJSEFKJP] (50%) ; Mura, Ladislav (Autor) [UCMFSVKVPS] (50%) ; Hradec Economic Days 2014 [04.02.2014-05.02.2014, Hradec Králové, Česko]. – [angličtina]. – [OV 080]. – [príspevok z podujatia]. – [recenzované]

In: The International Conference Hradec Economic Days 2014 : Economic Development and Management of Region: Hradec Králové, February 4th and 5th, 2014 : Peer-Reviewed Conference Proceedings / Jedlička, Pavel [Zostavovateľ, editor]. – 1. vyd. – Hradec Králové (Česko) : Gaudeamus, the University of Hradec Králové, 2014. – ISBN 978-80-7435-370-3, s. 424-429

AFC_009 Selected problems of the international entrepreneurship in the context of internationalization / Tóth, Zsuzsanna (Autor) [phd_internal] [UJSEFKEK] (100%) ; Löster, Tomáš (Recenzent) ; Pavelka, Tomáš (Recenzent) ; International days of statistics and economics, 12 [06.09.2018-08.09.2018, Praha, Česko]. – [angličtina]. – [príspevok z podujatia]

In: International Days of Statistics and Economics [textový dokument (print)] / [bez zostavovateľa] [Zostavovateľ, editor]. – 1 vyd. – Slaný (Česko) : Melandrium , 2012. – ISBN 978-80-86175-86-7

AFD Publikované príspevky na domácich vedeckých konferenciách

Počet výstupov: 5

AFD_001 Az üzleti viselkedés sajátosságai a szlovák üzleti környezetben / Tóth, Zsuzsanna (Autor) [phd_internal] [UJSEFKEK] (25%) ; Seres Huszárik, Erika (Autor) [phd_internal] [UJSEFKEK] (25%) ; Keller, Veronika (Autor) (25%) ; Józsa, László (Autor) [professor] [UJSEFKEK] (25%) ; A hatékony marketing - EMOK 2018 Nemzetközi Tudományos Konferencia [27.08.2018-28.08.2018, Komárno, Slovensko]. – text. – [maďarčina]. – [OV 080]. – [príspevok z podujatia]. – [recenzované]

In: A hatékony marketing - EMOK 2018 Nemzetközi Tudományos Konferencia konferenciakötete [elektronický dokument] / Józsa, László [Zostavovateľ, editor] ; Korcsmáros, Enikő [Zostavovateľ, editor] ; Seres Huszárik, Erika [Zostavovateľ, editor]. – 1. vyd. – Komárno (Slovensko) : Univerzita J. Selyeho, 2018. – ISBN 978-80-8122-236-8, s. 434-448 [online]

AFD_002 Az üzleti viselkedés sajátosságai eltérő kultúrákban / Tóth, Zsuzsanna (Autor) [fellow] [UJSEFKJP] (50%) ; Józsa, László (Autor) [professor] [UJSEFKEK] (50%) ; Hodnota, kvalita a konkurencieschopnosť - výzvy 21. storočia [12.09.2017-13.09.2017, Komárno, Slovensko]. – [maďarčina]. – [OV 080]. – [príspevok z podujatia]. – [recenzované]

In: Zborník medzinárodnej vedeckej konferencie Univerzity J. Selyeho - 2017 : "Hodnota, kvalita a konkurencieschopnosť - výzvy 21. storočia" - Sekcia ekonomických vied / Bukor, József [Zostavovateľ, editor] ; Korcsmáros, Enikő [Zostavovateľ, editor]. – 1. vyd. – Komárno (Slovensko) : Univerzita J. Selyeho, 2017. – ISBN 978-80-8122-225-2, s. 568-575 [CD-ROM]

AFD_003 Az üzleti kapcsolatok kialakulását befolyásoló tényezők faktorelemzése / Józsa, László (Autor) [professor] [UJSEFKEK] (34%) ; Seres Huszárik, Erika (Autor) [phd_internal] [UJSEFKEK] (33%) ; Tóth, Zsuzsanna (Autor) [fellow] [UJSEFKJP] (33%) ; Antalík, Imrich (Recenzent) ; Korcsmáros, Enikő (Recenzent) ; Súčasné aspekty vedy a vzdelávania [Komárno]. – [s.a.]. – [maďarčina]. – [OV 080]. – [príspevok z podujatia]

In: Zborník medzinárodnej vedeckej konferencie Univerzity J. Selyeho - 2016 : "Súčasné aspekty vedy a vzdelávania" - Sekcie ekonomických vied / Juhász, György [Zostavovateľ, editor] ; Korcsmáros, Enikő [Zostavovateľ, editor] ; Seres Huszárik, Erika [Zostavovateľ, editor]. – 1. vyd. – Komárno (Slovensko) : Univerzita J. Selyeho, 2016. – ISBN 978-80-8122-186-6, s. 158-168 [CD-ROM]

AFD_004 Úloha miestnej samosprávy v rozvoji podnikania / Mura, Ladislav (Autor) [fellow] [UJSEFKEK] (40%) ; Tóth, Zsuzsanna (Autor) [fellow] [UJSEFKJP] (30%) ; Hevesi, Endre (Autor) [fellow] [UJSEFKJP] (30%) ; Hamalová, Marta (Recenzent) ; Nižňanský, Viktor (Recenzent) ; Spolupráca mestských regiónov v znalostnej ekonomike [21.01.2013, Trenčín]. – [s.a.]. – [slovenčina]. – [OV 080]. – [príspevok z podujatia]

In: Spolupráca mestských regiónov v znalostnej ekonomike : zborník príspevkov z medzinárodnej vedeckej on-line konferencie : Bratislava, január 2013 / [bez zostavovateľa] [Zostavovateľ, editor]. – 1 vyd. – Trenčín (Slovensko) : Inštitút aplikovaného manažmentu, 2013. – ISBN 978-80-89600-10-6, s. 43-48

AFD_005 Szimbolizmus Charlotte Gilman Perkins "A sárga tapéta" c. elbeszélésében / Simon, Mónika (Autor) (50%) ; Tóth, Zsuzsanna (Autor) [phd_internal] [UJSEFKEK] (50%). – [maďarčina]. – [príspevok z podujatia]

In: Podnikanie v konkurenčnom prostredí [textový dokument (print)] : Zborník príspevkov z vedeckého seminára konaného 13. februára 2012 / Mura, Ladislav [Zostavovateľ, editor] ; Rózsa, Zoltán [Zostavovateľ, editor] ; Gyurián, Norbert [Recenzent] ; Véghová, Katarína [Recenzent] ; Sánta, Szilárd [Recenzent] ; Seres Huszárik, Erika [Recenzent]. – 1 vyd. – Komárno (Slovensko) : Univerzita J. Selyeho, 2012. – ISBN 978-80-8122-025-8, s. 506-513

BAA Odborné knižné publikácie vydané v zahraničných vydavateľstvách

Počet výstupov: 1

BAA_001 Gamifikácia a vzdelávanie manažérov [textový dokument (print)] [knižná publikácia - odborná (do 2021)] : Inovatívne metódy vo vzdelávaní v teórii a v praxi / Machová, Renáta (Autor) [professor] [UJSEFKM] (9.1%) ; Fehér, Lilla (Autor) [assistant] [UJSEFKJP] (9.09%) ; Gódány, Zsuzsanna (Autor) [phd_internal] [UJSEFKM] (9.09%) ; Korcsmáros, Enikő (Autor) [docent] [UJSEFKEK] (9.09%) ; Šeben, Zoltán (Autor) [fellow] [UJSEFKM] (9.09%) ; Seres Huszárik, Erika (Autor) [fellow] [UJSEFKEK] (9.09%) ; Tóbiás Kosár, Silvia (Autor) [fellow] [UJSEFKM] (9.09%) ; Tóth, Zsuzsanna (Autor) [phd_internal] [UJSEFKEK] (9.09%) ; Mezeiová, Adriana (Autor) [fellow] [UJSEFKM] (9.09%) ; Zsigmond, Tibor (Autor) [fellow] [UJSEFKM] (9.09%) ; Bencsik, Andrea (Autor) [professor] [UJSEFKM] (9.09%) ; Okenka, Imrich (Recenzent) ; Dudáš, Tomáš (Recenzent) ; Skorková, Zuzana (Recenzent) . – 1. vyd. – Brno (Česko) : Tribun EU, 2020. – 194 s. [9,91 AH] [tlačená forma]. – [slovenčina]. – [OV 080]. – ISBN 978-80-263-1575-9

Ohlasy:Ohlasy (1):

2021 [2/20] CZE - České Budějovice : Vysoká škola evropských a regionálních studií ~ Hrušovská, Dana, Kmety Barteková, Mária, Trúchliková, Mária, Raková, Monika, Šlahor, Ľudomír, Rybárová, Daniela. The current issues of business [textový dokument (print)] : Proceedings of scientific papers. 1. vyd., 2021. ISBN 978-80-7556-093-3. [angličtina]

BAB Odborné knižné publikácie vydané v domácich vydavateľstvách

Počet výstupov: 1

BAB_001 Anglicko-maďarsko-nemecko-slovenský tematický ekonomický slovník II. [textový dokument (print)] [knižná publikácia - odborná (do 2021)] = Angol-magyar-német-szlovák tematikus gazdasági szótár II. / Dudáš, Tomáš (Autor) [docent] [PEUFEPUMP] (20%) ; Fehér, Lilla (Autor) [assistant] [UJSEFKJP] (5%) ; Hevesi, Endre (Autor) [phd_internal] [UJSEFKEK] (5%) ; Kulcsár, Zsuzsanna (Autor) (20%) ; Mura, Ladislav (Autor) (20%) ; Papp, Vanda (Autor) (5%) ; Pisoňová, Erika (Autor) (20%) ; Tóth, Zsuzsanna (Autor) [phd_internal] [UJSEFKEK] (5%) ; Mura, Ladislav (Zostavovateľ, editor) [docent] [PEUFEPUMP] (100%) ; Igazová, Mária (Recenzent) ; Orlíková, Monika (Recenzent) ; Mészáros, Attila (Recenzent) . – 1. vyd. – Bratislava (Slovensko) : Paneurópska vysoká škola, 2017. – 112 s. [6 AH] [tlačená forma]. – [slovenčina, maďarčina]. – [OV 080]. – ISBN 978-80-89453-38-2. – PEVŠ 2017BCI0003. – CREPČ1 BVŠP.Bratislava.78995

BCI Skriptá a učebné texty

Počet výstupov: 3

BCI_001 Üzleti terv [textový dokument (print)] [skriptum (do 2021)] : egyetemi jegyzet = vysokoškolské skriptá = Podnikateľský plán / Mura, Ladislav (Autor) [docent] [PEUFEPUMP] (13%) ; Bodó, Zoltán (Autor) (21%) ; Czibula, Ádám (Autor) (5%) ; Szobi, Ádám (Autor) [phd_internal] [UJSEFKM] (3%) ; Tóth, Zsuzsanna (Autor) [phd_internal] [UJSEFKEK] (4%) ; Halasi, Dániel (Autor) [phd_internal] [UJSEFKEK] (3%) ; Hevesi, Endre (Autor) [phd_internal] [UJSEFKEK] (4%) ; Matus, Andor (Autor) (7%) ; Nagyová, Nikoleta (Autor) [phd_internal] [UJSEFKEK] (4%) ; Parádiová, Mária (Autor) (6%) ; Seres Huszárik, Erika (Autor) [phd_internal] [UJSEFKEK] (8%) ; Szabó, Dávid (Autor) [phd_internal] [UJSEFKEK] (3%) ; Szakál, Flórián (Autor) (6%) ; Szénássy, Tímea (Autor) (4%) ; Vlacseková, Dominika (Autor) [phd_internal] [UJSEFKEK] (9%). – 1. vyd. – Komárno (Slovensko) : Univerzita J. Selyeho, 2017. – 199 s. [tlačená forma]. – [maďarčina]. – [OV 080]. – ISBN 978-80-8122-214-6. – PEVŠ 2017BCI0004

BCI_002 Business english practice tests [skriptum (do 2021)] : Üzleti angol gyakorló- és tesztkönyv / Hevesi, Endre (Autor) [fellow] [UJSEFKJP] (20%) ; Papp, Vanda (Autor) [assistant] [UJSEFKJP] (20%) ; Sánta, Szilárd (Autor) [fellow] [UJSEFKJP] (20%) ; Šimonová, Monika (Autor) [assistant] [UJSEFKJP] (20%) ; Tóth, Zsuzsanna (Autor) [fellow] [UJSEFKJP] (20%) ; Hegedüs, Orsolya (Recenzent) ; Balog, Mónika (Recenzent) . – 1. vyd. – Komárno (Slovensko) : Univerzita J. Selyeho, 2013. – 187 s. [tlačená forma]. – [angličtina]. – [OV 080]. – ISBN 978-80-8122-070-8

BCI_003 Felvételi útmutató és segédanyag : angol és német nyelv [skriptum (do 2021)] / Fehér, Lilla (Autor) [assistant] [UJSEFKJP] (20%) ; Hevesi, Endre (Autor) [fellow] [UJSEFKJP] (20%) ; Papp, Vanda (Autor) [assistant] [UJSEFKJP] (20%) ; Šimonová, Monika (Autor) [assistant] [UJSEFKJP] (15%) ; Sánta, Szilárd (Autor) [fellow] [UJSEFKJP] (10%) ; Tóth, Zsuzsanna (Autor) [fellow] [UJSEFKJP] (15%) ; Mészáros, Attila (Recenzent) ; Vojtek, Sándor (Recenzent) . – 1 vyd. – Komárno (Slovensko) : Univerzita J. Selyeho, 2012. – 92 s. [tlačená forma]. – [viaceré jazyky/mnohojazyčný]. – [OV 080]. – ISBN 978-80-8122-032-6

Štatistika záznamov

Štatistika záznamov indexovaných v databázach Current Content Connect, Web of Science Core Collection, Scopus a ich podradených databázach:

Databáza WOS CC. Počet zaznamov spolu: 11

Hlavná databáza WOS CC: 11

Databáza SCO. Počet zaznamov spolu: 10

Hlavná databáza SCO: 10

Štatistika záznamov

Podľa kategórie EPC od roku 2022

Počet všetkých záznamov: 5

V2 - Vedecký výstup publikačnej činnosti ako časť editovanej knihy alebo zborníka: 1

V3 - Vedecký výstup publikačnej činnosti z časopisu: 3

O2 - Odborný výstup publikačnej činnosti ako časť knižnej publikácie alebo zborníka: 1

Podľa kategórie EPC do roku 2021

Počet všetkých záznamov: 30

ACB - Vysokoškolské učebnice vydané v domácich vydavateľstvách: 1

ADE - Vedecké práce v ostatných zahraničných časopisoch: 3

ADM - Vedecké práce v zahraničných časopisoch registrovaných v databázach Web of Science alebo SCOPUS: 7

AFC - Publikované príspevky na zahraničných vedeckých konferenciách: 9

AFD - Publikované príspevky na domácich vedeckých konferenciách: 5

BAA - Odborné knižné publikácie vydané v zahraničných vydavateľstvách: 1

BAB - Odborné knižné publikácie vydané v domácich vydavateľstvách: 1

BCI - Skriptá a učebné texty: 3

Podľa kategórie ohlasov

Počet ohlasovaných záznamov: 14

Počet jedinečných ohlasov: 95

Počet ohlasov zapísaných do roku 2021: 45

Z toho bez autocitácií: 45

01 - Citácie v zahraničných publikáciách registrované v citačných indexoch Web of Science a v databáze SCOPUS: 19

Z toho bez autocitácií: : 19

02 - Citácie v domácich publikáciách registrované v citačných indexoch Web of Science a v databáze SCOPUS: 2

Z toho bez autocitácií: : 2

03 - Citácie v zahraničných publikáciách neregistrované v citačných indexoch: 18

Z toho bez autocitácií: : 18

04 - Citácie v domácich publikáciách neregistrované v citačných indexoch: 6

Z toho bez autocitácií: : 6

05 - Recenzie v zahraničných publikáciách: 0

Z toho bez autocitácií: : 0

06 - Recenzie v domácich publikáciách: 0

Z toho bez autocitácií: : 0

07 - Umelecké kritiky v zahraničných publikáciách: 0

Z toho bez autocitácií: : 0

08 - Umelecké kritiky v domácich publikáciách: 0

Z toho bez autocitácií: : 0

09 - Reprodukcie umeleckých diel autora v zahraničnej publikácii alebo médiu: 0

Z toho bez autocitácií: : 0

10 - Reprodukcie umeleckých diel autora v domácej publikácii alebo médiu: 0

Z toho bez autocitácií: : 0

Počet ohlasov zapísaných od roku 2022: 50

Z toho bez autocitácií: 50

01 - Citácia v publikácii registrovaná v citačných indexoch: 38

Z toho bez autocitácií: : 38

02 - Citácia v publikácii vrátane citácie v publikácii registrovanej v iných databázach okrem citačných indexov: 12

Z toho bez autocitácií: : 12

03 - Recenzia a umelecká kritika v publikácii: 0

Z toho bez autocitácií: : 0

Podľa krajiny vydania

Počet domácich vydaní: 12

Počet zahraničných vydaní: 20

Počet bez krajiny vydania: 3

Podľa krajiny zverejnenia

Počet domácich zverejnení na podujatí: 0

Počet domácich zverejnení v inštitúcii: 0

Počet zahraničných zverejnení na podujatí: 0

Počet zahraničných zverejnení v inštitúcii: 0

Podľa oblasti výskumu

080 Ekonómia a manažment: 33

Podľa študijného odboru

6213 ekonómia a manažment: 9

Podľa podujatia

Počet všetkých konferenčných publikácií a príspevkov: 11

Z toho na domácich podujatiach: 4

Z toho na zahraničných podujatiach: 7

Počet pozvaných konferenčných príspevkov: 0

Z toho na domácich podujatiach: 0

Z toho na zahraničných podujatiach: 0

Podľa projektov

Počet publikácií s naviazaným projektom: 1

Podľa databáz a citačných indexov



WOS CC Web of Science Core Collection: 11

WOS CC Web of Science Core Collection: 11

Podľa metrík

AIS: 1

CiteScore: 8

IF: 2

Nordic List: 1

SJR: 8


Podľa kvartilov

Počet záznamov s kvartilom AIS: 1

Z toho Q4: 1

Engineering, multidisciplinary: 1

Počet záznamov s kvartilom JCI: 1

Z toho Q2: 1

Engineering, multidisciplinary: 1

Počet záznamov s kvartilom JCR: 1

Z toho Q3: 1

Engineering, multidisciplinary: 1

Počet záznamov s kvartilom Scimago: 2

Z toho Q2: 1

Engineering (miscellaneous): 1

Multidisciplinary: 1

Z toho Q3: 1

Business, management and accounting (miscellaneous): 1

Economics, econometrics and finance (miscellaneous): 1


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