Internationalization plays an essential role for J. Selye University in the field of international cooperation, developing dimensions for international research and education. The main goal of J. Selye University is to strengthen and support the internationalization process of education, research and science, thus strengthening the position of the institution in Europe and the global scientific environment. The membership in international organizations offers a unique opportunity to gain valuable knowledge and information in the field of research and modern trends in education. It helps participants to network with professionals and experts in different research fields, which contributes to increased quality of education and efficient development of the academic and scientific environment. The academic staff and researchers at J. Selye University are represented in the following international professional institutions:

The EUA was formed in 2001 as a result of the fusion of European University Association and the Confederation of European Rector’s Conference. The EUA has 850 members in 47 countries and has become the most comprehensive institutions playing crucial role in influencing EU policies in higher education, research and innovation. The EUA provides opportunity for its members to participate in projects and professional trainings, ensuring knowledge transfer and exchange. The association can also get involved in education and scientific research programs. The EUA organizes several international meetings to discuss the key issues related to financial resources in education, quality assurance, lifelong learning and cooperation in international research. The institution is open to building partnership between the conferences of rectors as well as supporting the introduction of European universities in international field.

The Danube Rector’s Conference is a network of about 70 universities in the Danube Region. The main goal of the institution is development of the tertiary education in the region and fostering inter-institutional cooperation through bilateral and multilateral contracts (in line with the decision of the Brijuni Conference). The DRC is focusing on coordinating activities and information of public interest, supporting cooperation, promoting stability and the development of open, democratic society. The DRC also acts as an advisory institution, presenting standpoint and proposals on problematic issues affecting universities and communicating these issues to the government and the institutions cooperating with universities. It provides field for communication with the EU, the EUA and the UNESCO. The DRC organizes practical conferences, workshops, summer schools and helps involve universities in EU projects.

INCHE / International Network for Christian Higher Education/ is an institution supporting the scientific and professional development of Christian higher education. The worldwide network is fostering the development of Christian higher education through development of professional cooperation, communication, scholarships and increasing the scientific capacity. The teachings of Jesus Christ plays a central role in the activities of the network as well as the institution maintains cooperation with organizations and partner institutions. The partner institutions and member organizations of INCHE /universities, colleges/ are operating on 6 continents.

The organization provides space for Slovak universities for mutual cooperation and problem solving in the field of quality informations systems and information technology applications.
European Association of Erasmus Coordinators – EAEC

The European Association of ERASMUS Coordinators (EAEC), is a membership network, which currently has more than 140 members. It was founded in 2004 in Lodz, in Poland. Aims of the network are to enable an information and experience among the European ERASMUS+ Programme Coordinators. Next, promote mobility of students, academic and administrative staff in the territory of the European Union; support the process of raising education and quality standards in the territory of the European Union; prepare and submit project proposals to be funded by the European Commission; cooperate as a partner in European funded projects and organize seminars and conferences.

The Magna Charta Universitatum is a document that was originally signed by 388 rectors from all over Europe and beyond on 18 September 1988, the 900th anniversary of the University of Bologna. It contains principles of academic freedom and institutional autonomy as a guideline for good governance and self-understanding of universities in the future. It strives to be responsive to and resonate with contemporary challenges and concerns. It recognises the more global nature of what universities do.

Program Baltských univerzít (BUP) je dynamická sieť približne 100 univerzít, ktoré sa nachádzajú v 10 krajinách povodia Baltského mora. Vznikla v roku 1991 ako nadšená snaha preklenúť informačnú priepasť, ktorú zanechala železná opona, a odvtedy sa neustále rozrastá. Po tridsiatich rokoch úspešnej spolupráce môže byť BUP a jej poslanie sotva aktuálnejšie: udržateľný rozvoj regiónu Baltského mora.
On the third day of the Magna Charta Observatory conference, on September 16, 2022, in the presence of 56 other new members, J. Selye University joined the signatures of the "Magna Charta Universitatum", which sets out the basic principles defining the mission and operation of universities. The ceremonial signing took place in the world's oldest higher education institution, the University of Bologna, which received the title of university from the German-Roman Emperor Frederick the Red-bearded in 1158.
The participants of the event were welcomed by the rector of the University of Bologna, Giovanni Molari, and the chairman of the supervisory board of the Magna Charta Observatory, Patrick Deane. The first charta was signed in 1988 in Bologna, when 435 higher education institutions joined the convention. Magna Charta Universitatum currently has 967 members. The fact that our institution joined the group of signatories of the document is a significant step forward in terms of expanding our international relations.
Magna Charta Observatory - YouTube

We are excited to announce our signature of the Magna Carta Universitatum - MCU 2020: a global commitment to promote and support academic freedom, institutional autonomy, the connection between teaching and research, social responsibility and the core values of higher education.
Join us by signing the 2020 MCU and become part of a community committed to continuously improving the future of higher education.
Apply now here: https://www.magna-charta.org/magna-charta-universitatum/mcu2020