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J. Selye University provides social, pregnancy, motivational and doctoral scholarships to its students from the budget. Students with an unfavourable financial background are eligible for the social scholarship. The assessment is based on a ministerial decree. The documents required to apply for the scholarship can be found in the Academic Information System. According to the Higher Education Act, full-time doctoral students are entitled to a doctoral scholarship.

A pregnant student who has a permanent residence in the Slovak Republic and is not entitled to a pregnancy allowance can apply for a pregnancy scholarship. The pregnancy scholarship is awarded based on the student's written application. More information about the pregnancy scholarship can be found here, and the application form can be downloaded here.

Motivational scholarships consist of study and professional scholarships, which can be awarded to students who achieve the best academic results. In addition to all this, JSU also provides scholarships from its own resources, thereby motivating its students. From this, we support students who achieve outstanding results, winners of academic competitions, and scholarships for the best final theses and the best student. The motivation scholarship cannot be applied for, the student receives it based on their results.

You can get more information about the types of scholarships, eligibility, and how they are assessed and awarded in the Scholarship Regulations. Decisions on awarding scholarships are available to members of the university community in the Academic Information System.

If the student has been awarded a scholarship, he/she will be notified by e-mail and can track it in the Academic Information System, and will receive his/her scholarship by bank transfer. It is extremely important that students have a current account number so that the scholarship can be allocated after the award. This avoids possible longer administrative procedures and, in some cases, the loss of eligibility for the scholarship due to delays.

Scholarship Committee

Committee President:

PhDr. Seres Huszárik Erika, PhD. – Vice-Rector of JSU


PhDr. Kahler Korcsmáros Enikő, PhD. – Vice-Dean of FEI
Mgr. Bese László, PhD. – Vice-Dean of FE
ThDr. Szénási Lilla, PhD. – Vice-Dean of FRT
Mgr. Tornóczi Nagy Andrea – employee representation of FEI
Bc. Fábián Andrea – employee representation of FE
Mgr. Görözdi Zsolt, ThD. – employee representation of FRT
Ing. Kováčová Kaczová Eva – scholarship officer
Cseh Krisztina – student representation of FEI
Bc. Žemlička Adrián – student representation of FE
Noszkai Ágnes – student representation of FRT
Mgr. Mészáros János – the representation of the JSU Student Government

Contact details of scholarship administrators:

Social scholarships:
Faculty of Economics and Informatics: Mgr. Csomor Erika - e-mail: 
Faculty of Education: Mgr. Bartalos Lilla - e-mail: 
Faculty of Reformed Theology: Ing. Győrfy Ilona - e-mail: 

Doctoral, pregnancy and motivation scholarships, as well as scholarships from own resources:
Ing. Kováčová Kaczová Eva, e-mail: 



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