Quality assurance council of J. Selye University
Membership in the J. Selye University Quality Assurance Council (excluding Vice-Rectors) is discussed and approved by the J. Selye University Academic Senate on the basis of the Rector's proposal. The members of the Quality Assurance Board of J. Selye University are appointed by the Rector of the University pursuant to Article 6 of the Rules of the Quality Assurance Council of J. Selye University. The term of office of the members of the Quality Assurance Board of JSU is four years, in the case of students it is two years.
Dr. habil. PaedDr. Melinda Nagy, PhD.
Prof. PaedDr. Štefan Porubský, PhD. – external assessor
Prof. ThDr. Juraj Bándy – external assessor
Prof. RNDr. Michal Fečkan, DrSc. – external assessor
Dr. habil. Mgr. Árpád Popély, PhD. – representative of FE JSU
PhDr. Silvia Tóbiás Kosár, PhD. – representative of FEI JSU
Mgr. Zsolt Görözdi, PhD. – representative of FRT JSU
Mgr. Stela Járosiová – student representative
Mgr. Tilla Izsák – student representative
Mgr. Judit Károlyi Szikonya – employers' representative