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Quality assurance documents

  1. Internal System for Assurance of Higher Education Quality at J. Selye University
  2. Rules of the Quality Assurance Council of J. Selye University
  3. Directive on Internal Quality Assurance System Processes at JSU SK

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  1. Rector's Directive No. 4/2021 on archiving documents proving the fulfilment of educational outcomes SK
  2. Rector's Order No. 16/2021 Methodological Instruction for the Creation, Harmonisation and Modification of Study Programmes at J. Selye University SK
  3. Rector's Directive No. 5/2021 on the Responsibilities of the Persons in Charge of Study Programmes, Habilitation and Inauguration Proceedings and Other Teachers at JSU SK
  4. Rules of procedure of the Quality Assurance Council of JSU
  5. Rector's Directive No. 5/2022 on scheduling the workload of academic staff and their remuneration strategy at UJS SK
  6. Rector's Directive No. 7/2022 on the regular monitoring of the teaching process and courses in the form of observation at J. Selye University SK
  7. Rector's Directive No. 1/2025 on the procedures following the approval of a new study programme, the harmonisation, modification and cancellation of the study programme at JSU and related matters of the approval process SK

Quality Assurance System – Faculty of Economics and Informatics   SK
Quality Assurance System – Faculty of Education   SK
Quality Assurance System – Faculty of Reformed Theology   SK
Quality Assurance System – University Library   SK
Quality Assurance System – Dormitories   SK
Quality Assurance System – Information Services Centre   SK

Smernica o procesoch vnútorného systému kvality UJS - príloha č. 1 - procesný diagram: Procesy schvaľovania nových študijných programov a habilitačného a inauguračného konania na UJS

Smernica o procesoch vnútorného systému kvality UJS - príloha č. 2 - procesný diagram: Procesy zosúlaďovania, úpravy a zrušovania  študijných programov a habilitačného a inauguračného konania na UJS

Smernica o procesoch vnútorného systému kvality UJS - príloha č. 3 - procesný diagram: Procesy hodnotenia kvality a schvaľovania vnútorného systému kvality na UJS

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