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PhDr. Zsuzsanna Gódány, PhD.
Name: PhDr. Zsuzsanna Gódány, PhD.
Faculty: Faculty of Economics and Informatics
Department: Department of Management
Position: Assistant Professor
Office: G315
Phone +421 35 32 60 618

University studies
University J. Selye, Faculty of Economics
2005 - 2010
University J. Selye, Faculty of Economics
Economics and business management
2005 - 2008
Examina rigorosa
University J. Selye, Faculty of Economics
2010 - 2012
PhD. study
J. Selye University
Economics and Management
2018 - 2021

University J. Selye, Faculty of Economics
2013 -
University J. Selye, Faculty of Economics
2010 - 2013

Research area Management, Organisation Behavior

Category A1 - Book publications of scientific monograph character (AAA, AAB, ABA, ABB, ABC, ABD)
Number of entries: 0

Category A2 - Miscellaneous book publications (ACA, ACB, BAA, BAB, BCB, BCI, EAI, CAA, CAB, EAJ, FAI)
Number of entries: 1
ACA University textbooks published abroad (1)

Category B - Journals listed in international databases, author warrants, patents, and discoveries (ADC, ADD, AEG, AEH, BDC, BDD, CDC, CDD, AGJ)
Number of entries: 0

Category C - Miscellaneous peer-reviewed publications (ACC, ACD, ADE, ADF, AEC, AED, AFA, AFB, AFC, AFD, AFE, AFF, AFG, AFH, BBA, BBB, BCK, BDA, BDB, BDE, BDF, BEC, BED, BFA, BFB, BGH, CDE, CDF)
Number of entries: 0

Category N - Miscellaneous non peer-reviewed publications (ADM, ADN, AEM, AEN, BDM, BDN, CBA, CBB)
Number of entries: 0

Category D - Miscellaneous publications not classified by the MESR
Number of entries: 0

Total number of entries: 1

List of publications:

ACA University textbooks published abroad
Number of entries: 1

ACA 001 BALATON, Károly, Ernő TARI, Emma INCZE, Márk LACZKÓ, Lilla HORTOVÁNYI a Zsolt Roland SZABÓ. Stratégiai menedzsment. Budapest: AULA kiadó, 2010. 338 s. ISBN 978-963-9698-81-9. ISSN 1788-4713.


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