Name: doc. PaedDr. Patrik Šenkár, PhD. Head of Department Faculty: Faculty of Education Department: Department of Slovak Language and Literature Position: Associate Professor Office: Sirály B 107b E-mail: Phone +421 35 32 60 753 CV Research Publications Other informations University studies Constantine the Philosopher University Slovak language and literature - politology 1998 - 2003 Examina rigorosa Slovak language and literature Slovak language and literature 2005 - 2005 PhD. study theory and history of Slovak literature theory and history of Slovak literature 2003 - 2006 Habilitation University of Pavol Jozef Šafárik - Košice 2.1.36 literary science 2016 Employment J. Selye University, Faculty of Education, Department of Slovak Language and Literature assistant professor 2007 - 2016 J. Selye University, Faculty of Education, Department of Slovak Language and Literature associate professor 2016 - Research area literature of Lowland Slovaks Research projects The contribution of personalities of Slovak literature and culture from beyond the borders of Slovakia to the cultural development of the Central European region 1/3724/06 VEGA 2006 - 2008 Increasing the quality of education through creation and innovation study programs, human resources development and career counseling support 2012/1.2/05-SORO OPV 2013 - 2015 Internationalization of study programme of preschool and elementary pedagogy for II. university degree 005UJS-4/2015 KEGA 2015 - 2017 Transculturalism and bilingualism in Slovak and Hungarian literature 1/0034/17 VEGA - University teaching materials Sociolinguistics v Slovak-Hungarian context.) 001UJS-4/2018 KEGA 2018 - 2020 "School-community Partnership for Reversing Inequality and Exclusion: Transformative Practices of Segregated Schools" 101004653 Európska únia Inclusion4Schools (Horizon2020) 2020 - 2024 Slovak as a second language in undergraduate teacher training - SLOV2LIN 06R02-20-V01-00001 MŠVVaM SR 2024 - Download