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prof. PhDr. Juraj Vaňko, CSc.
Name: prof. PhDr. Juraj Vaňko, CSc.
Faculty: Faculty of Education
Department: Department of Slovak Language and Literature
Position: Professor
Office: T****
Phone +421 35 32 60 ***
Person responsible for the study programme:
Slovak language and literature teacher training in combination (1. and 2. degree, full-time form)

University studies
P. J. Safarik University Košice, Faculty of Art Prešov
Slovak language and literature - Ukrainian language and literature
1963 - 1968
1963 - 1968
Examina rigorosa
Faculty of Arts Prešov
1973 - 1974
PhD. study
P. J. Šafárik University, Faculty of Arts Prešov
Slavic languages
1974 - 1979
Comenius University Bratislsva, Faculty of Arts
Slovak language
Inauguration for professor
Constantine the Philosopher University, Nitra
Slovak language

Study Center of the University of November 17th, Herľany
high school teacher
1968 - 1973
Faculty of Arts UPJŠ Prešov - Research Cabinet of Ukrainian Studies
1973 - 1975
Faculty of Education, Nitra/Faculty of Arts UKF Nitra
Teacher/Fellow, Assistance Professor, Professor
1975 - 2015
Humboldt University, Berlin
lecturer of the Slovak language
1980 - 1984
Panjab University, Chandigarh, India
lecturer of the Slovak language
1992 - 1994
School of Slavonic and East European Studies, University of London
1995 - 1996
lecturer of the Slovak language
lecturer of the Slovak language
1999 - 2003

Research area Morphosyntax of the Slovak language, Comparative slavic languages, Machine translation

Research projects The Government of the Slovak Republic, Task of the state program of research and development,
Úloha štátneho programu výskumu a vývoja, 5. ČVÚ: č. 2003 SP 51/0280600/028 06 01
Vláda SR,Úloha štátneho programu výskumu a vývoja
2003 - 2006

The spoken form of literary Slovak in the mass media
VEGA: č.1/2231/05
2005 - 2007

Slovak and Slavic languages ​​from a confrontational point of view
VEGA: č. 1/3707/06
2005 - 2007

Explanatory-descriptive morphology of contemporary Slovak
VEGA: č.2/6119/6
2006 - 2008

Anthropocentric semantic categories in Slovak
VEGA 1/0754/12
2012 - 2014

The Nitra model of improving the teaching of the Slovak language and literature in schools with the language of instruction of national minorities using the method of teaching foreign languages ​​(wit

Agentúra Ministerstva školstva, vedy, výskumu a športu SR pre štrukturálne fondy
2014 - 2015

Contemporary transformations of Slavic languages ​​(1945 – 1995)
Koordinátor Stanisław Gajda. Universytet Opolski. Čiastková úloha Klasifikácia a hlavné znaky karpatských rusínskych nárečí
Universytet Opolski
2003 - 2004

Typology of machine translation errors into Slovak as an inflectional type of language
APVV -14-0336
2015 - 2018

A machine translation error rate classification model: A step towards a more objective assessment of translation quality
2019 - 2023

Slovenčina ako drúj jazyk v pregraduálnej
przyzlne učilirov SLOV2LIN


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