Professional editorial works in book series
In the field of Hatvani István Teológiai Kutatóközpont Series (Science and Theology, Calvinism and Theology )
Professor, researcher Prof. Dr. Baráth L. Béla is a member of the Hungarian Protestant Theological Library, which is the last of the conference in 2014.
Professor and Deputy Director Prof. Dr. Bölcskei Gusztáv ny. at the Korean Kortárs Teológia series in 2015.
The Hun-Han Theological Forum (Magyar-koreai rendszeres teológiai fórum) is a member of the United States Forum. A Studies in Hungarian and Korean Protestant Theology társ-főszerkesztője
The Hungarian Reformed Church, the College's Doctorate, the State Education Section and the State Review Conference, and the Ministry of Education.
The United Kingdom's International Conference of International Conference (2008 (DRHE), 2011 and 2013 (Langham), 2015 (DRHE), 2011 (Korea (DRHE), 2016 (Gwangju-Seoul, South Korea), 2018 (SRTA), 2020 (Seoul-South Korea), Revival, Social Reform and Spiritual Reform (PKE, 2018 Nagyvárad-Oradea, Romania) .
In some cases, there is a need to improve the scope of the Erasmus Mobility (including the Erasmus Mobility):
2020 - Protestant Theological Institute, invited guest Professor
2019 - Pretoria University, South Africa, invited guest professor
2018 - Sogang University, South Korea, invited guest professor
2018 - Selye János University, professor, Sytematic Theology
2017 - Yonsei University, South Korea, professional professor (intenstive course for PhD student)
2015 - University of Science and Technology, professor, theology and state studies
2015 - Edinburgh University, Glasgow University Guest lecturer
2014 - PUTS, South Korea, guest professor
2014 - Seoul National University, invited lecturer
2012 - Kolozsvár, Protestant Theological Institute, Romania, Erdely,
2011 - Vienna University, Austria, guest lecturer
2010 - University of Edinburgh, guest lecturer
2010 - Yale-Edinburgh Conference, Edinburgh, guest lecturer
2009 - Protestant Theological Institute, Romania, Kolozsvár guest lecturer
2008 - Yale University, USA, guest lecturer
2008 - Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary, Austin USA, guest lecturer
2008 - Vienna University, Austria, guest lecturer
2007 - Osijek-Eszék, Evangelical Theological Seminary, Croatia, guest lecturer
2005 - Edinburgh University, Skócia, guest lecturer
2003 - AAR, Atlanta, USA, guest lecturer
2003 - EASR, Bergen, Norway conference paper
2002 - EASR, Paris, France, conference paper
2001 - EASR, Cambridge, United Kingdom, conference paper
1999 - Wroclaw, Poland, guest lecturer