Horizon 2020 Call: H2020-SC6-TRANSFORMATIONS-2018-2019-2020
Horizon 2020 Call: H2020-SC6-TRANSFORMATIONS-2018-2019-2020 |
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School-community Partnership for Reversing Inequality and Exclusion: Transformative Practises of Segregated Schools
The leitmotif of this programme is primarily educational, the proposed action targets such (imaginary, symbolic, and real) walls of exclusion which are intended to segregate children (based on class, ethnicity, gender, etc.), which are meant to divide and alienate the local communities to which those children nonetheless belong, thus actively (re)producing inequalities. In contrast to the power-relations of exclusion, the culture of silence, and the reproduction of unjust structures, the project aims to foster and promote pedagogical relations of inclusion, a culture of dialogue, and the transformation of unjust structures through education. Running in parallel to the research and innovation actions the central objectives of the proposed action are (1) to support and coordinate community schools (as being central to the constitution and maintenance of cohesive local communities) and their respective communities of practice, and (2) to create a place and culture of sharing (knowledge, praxis, solidarity) between such communities by initiating and coordinating the convergence and synergies of local, regional and transnational communities. The expected impact of the proposed project is to contribute to the European initiatives and interventions that aim at reversing inequalities. Adopting a mission-oriented, impact-focused approach to address the specific challenges of the call, synergies will be enhanced between the relevant stakeholders through coordinating and supporting the cooperation between teachers, researchers, local communities and other relevant stakeholders (such as policy-makers), in order to generate networks of policy development and to promote the policy uptake of the project.
The aim of the proposed action is to strive against the logic of exclusion in education and against the systemic (re)production of inequalities - insisting on a bottom-up strategy - in the context of segregated schools and communities.
The specific objectives of the proposed action are:
- to study and exploit efficient approaches in the field of educational research and development, in particular of projects which focus on reversing educational inequalities;
- to analyse and evaluate school practices, which are supported by evidence based research;
- to enhance access and application of knowledge and data on territorial/regional and educational exclusion;
- to coordinate and support interdisciplinary and cross-sectoral think-tank to develop ideas and suggestions in order to enlarge the efficiency of the EU policy concerning social inclusion;
- to improve the network activity among the stakeholders of inequality discourses (municipal authorities, Roma organisations, civil right movements, centralized state actors and local authorities, welfare institutions, public health and social care systems, churches, academic associations, research institutes, community media etc.);
- to support local communities (maintainers and clients of schools, local organisations, entrepreneurs etc.) to create a platform for discussing their local issues;
- to promote the dissemination and policy uptake of transformative practices in segregated contexts which contribute to cooperation and partnership between schools and communities.
- to develop tools to support network building and sharing the experiences of schools with community-centred pedagogical programmes on national and international level;
- to foster and facilitate the transformation of pedagogical practices and stimulate change in the communities’ self-understanding in order to increase cohesion, collaboration and the development of competencies;
- to define and establish techniques and strategies for the sustainability of transformative practices and networking within and across the supported RIAs and communities in order to ensure the overall long-term impact of the project.
1 (Coordinator) |
John Wesley Theological College |
Hungary |
2 |
Regional Centre for Information and Scientific Development |
Hungary |
3 |
C.E.G.A. Foundation |
Bulgaria |
4 |
J. Selye University |
Slovakia |
5 |
Oltalom Charity Society |
Hungary |
6 |
Albanian National Orphans Association |
Albania |
You can request more information from:
Dr. habil. PaedDr. Melinda Nagy, PhD.