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doc. PaedDr. Andrea Puskás, PhD.

doc. PaedDr. Andrea Puskás, PhD.
Name: doc. PaedDr. Andrea Puskás, PhD.
Vice-rector | Head of Department
Faculty: Faculty of Education
Department: Department of English Language and Literature
Position: Associate Professor
Office: R14 | T208
Phone +421 35 32 60 693 | 738
Person responsible for the profile subjects of the study programme:
English language and literature teacher training in combination (1. and 2. degree, full-time form)

University studies
University of Constantine the Philosopher in Nitra, Slovakia
English language and literature – History
1998 - 2003
Examina rigorosa
University of Constantine the Philosopher in Nitra, Slovakia
English language and literature
2005 - 2006
PhD. study
Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, Hungary
Doctoral School of Literary Studies: Renaissance and Baroque English Literature
2003 - 2012
University of Presov, Slovakia
Foreign languages and cultures

J. Selye Univerzity
associate professor
2004 -
teacher of English
2003 - 2004
Marianum Religious Secondary Grammar School
teacher of English
2003 - 2004
Private Business Secondary School
teacher of English
2001 - 2002

Research area English literary studies, the methodology of teaching English as a foreign language, drama techniques in teaching English as a foreign language

Research projects The Internalization of the Study Programme of Preprimary and Elementary Education at the Second Leve
2015 - 2017

Improving the quality of education by creating and innovating study programs, developing human resources and supporting career counselling
Agentúra Ministerstva školstva, vedy, výskumu a športu SR pre štrukturálne fondy EU
- 2015

Improving creativity and teaching English as a foreign language creatively at primary and secondary schools
2019 - 2021

Web-Based Applications in Transdisciplinary Training of Teacher Education
2017 - 2018

Innovative Digital Development of Health Pedagogics (INDEHEP) Pedagogical innovative digital development of health sciences
Európska komisia Program KA2


• 14 September 2018 – the Prize of the Rector of the J. Selye University for Scientific and Publishing Activities

• 18 September 2015 – the Prize of the Rector of the J. Selye University for Scientific and Publishing Activities

• International Humour Symposium. 14.11.2014. Komárno: J. Selye University, Department of Modern Philology, head of Organizing Committee

• SUUPER, J. Selye University – University of Pécs English Roundtable, Komárno, UJS, PF, KMF, 8-9. 11. 2016, head of Organizing Committee, member of Programme Committee

• The New Challenges of Teaching English as a Foreign Language in the 21st Century – international symposium, Komárno, 8 November 2017, head of Organizing Committee, head of Programme Committee


Invited lectures at international conferences:

  • VI. Hungarian Interdisciplinary Conference of Humour – Eger, Hungary, 3-4 October 2019, title of presentation: "The Revision of Social Stereotypes with the Help of Humour in an American Sitcom Titled The Big Bang Theory"
  • The 10th International Multi-Conference on Complexity, Informatics and Cybernetics: IMCIC 2019©. 12-15 May 2019, Orlando, Florida, USA. Online conference. Session: Inter-Disciplinary Communication, title of presentation: "Higher Education Challenges: Improving Cooperation and Creativity by Using Drama Techniques in EFL Teacher Training“


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