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Szabolcs Simon, PhD.

Szabolcs Simon, PhD.
Name: Szabolcs Simon, PhD.
Faculty: Faculty of Education
Department: Department of Hungarian Language and Literature
Position: Associate Professor
Office: T222
Phone +421 35 32 60 869
Person responsible for the profile subjects of the study programme:
Hungarian language and literature teacher training in combination (1. and 2. degree, full-time form)

University studies
Comenius University in Bratislava Faculty of Arts CU
Hungarian language and literature – Slovak language and literature
1984 - 1989
PhD. study
Comparison of the languages of the Hungarian press in Slovakia and Hungary
/ linguistics; concrete languages groups (spec. hungaristics and Finno-Ugric languages)
1993 - 2003

J. Selye University
university teacher acting as an associate professor
2006 -
National Institute for Education in Slovak Republic
scientific researcher, developer
2005 - 2010
University in Bratislava Faculty of Arts CU
assistant professor
1992 - 2005
Agricultural High School, Dunajská Streda
language teacher
1989 - 1992

Research area mother tongue pedagogy, Hungarian-Slovak bilingualism, language policy

Research projects Professionalism and methodological issues of textbooks
Úrad vlády SR - a Szlovák Köztársaság Kormányhivatala
2014 - 2014

Design, implementation and evaluation of language teaching processes in a multilingual environment
MAV v Budapešti
2010 - 2011

Sociolinguistics in Slovak-Hungarian context. University teaching materials.
2018 - 2019

Bilingualism in Komárno in the townʼ s language landscape
č. 19-170-00615 / n. 19-170-00615
Fond na podporu kultúry národnostných menšín Úrad vlády Slovenskej republiky / Fonds for supporting
2019 - 2019

Teaching Hungarian language and literature in Slovakia and school documents of the subject Hungarian language and literature
č. 18-170-00739 / n. 18-170-00739
Fond na podporu kultúry národnostných menšín Úrad vlády Slovenskej republiky / Fonds for supporting
2018 - 2018

"Character of Komárno". Social changes in the last 100 years.
č. HSZ-01/2018 n. HSZ-01/2018
Maďarská akadémia vied Domus / Hungarian Academy of Sciences Domus
2018 - 2018

Varieties of Hungarian language in minority surroundings in Slovakia
KNM-1328/2017/2.3 n. KNM-1328/2017/2.3
Fond na podporu kultúry národnostných menšín Úrad vlády Slovenskej republiky / Fonds for supporting minority cultures Government Office of the Slovak Republic
2017 - 2017

- a member of the public body of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences

- founding member and head of the Variological Research Group at the Department of Hungarian Language and Literature, Faculty of Teacher Education, János Selye University, Komárom

 - internal staff member of the Gramma Language Office of the Forum Minority Research Institute in Somorja

 - member of the Mercurius Social Sciences Research Group, formerly based in Bratislava

 - the Cathedral c. member of the editorial board of the journal

 - Vice-President of the Vámbéry Civic Association in Dunaszerdahely

 - From 1999 to 2007, five minutes of regular speeches were broadcast on the Hungarian program of the Slovak Radio




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