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Mgr. Renáta Lengyel-Marosi, PhD.

Mgr. Renáta Lengyel-Marosi, PhD.
Name: Mgr. Renáta Lengyel-Marosi, PhD.
Faculty: Faculty of Education
Department: Department of English Language and Literature
Position: Assistant Professor
Office: T207
Phone +421 35 32 60 727

University studies
J. Selye University, Faculty of Education
English language and literature - history
2009 - 2014
PhD. study
Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest
Doctoral School of Literary Studies, Modern English and American Literature
2015 - 2022

J. Selye University
senior lecturer
2016 -
English language teacher
2017 -
2014 - 2015
2011 - 2012

Research area British and American Children's literature Twentieth-century English and American literature British and American culture and history Dramapedagogy  

Research projects Improving creativity and teaching English as a foreign language creatively at primary and secondary schools
2019 - 2021

New ways ansd challanges of pedagical diagnostics
Fond na podporu kultúry národnostných menšín
2021 - 2021

Innovative Digital Development of Health Pedagogics (INDEHEP) Pedagogical innovative digital development of health sciences
Európska komisia
2021 - 2024

Presentations and lectures at JSU:
1."Developing cognitive and language skills through visual arts."Bridging Theory and Practice in Teaching English as a Foreign Language. International On-line Symposium (10.11. 2021, UJS, Komárno)
2. "Fairy Tales in the EFL Classroom." Texts and Contexts in Teaching and Learning English as a Foreign Language. International On-line Symposium (9.11. 2020, UJS, Komárno)
3. “Mary Poppins: 'A Fairy-Tale Come True'.” Current Trends in Teaching and Learning English as a Foreign Language – International Symposium, Week of Science and Technology (7. 11. 2018, UJS, Komárno)
4. “Combining Literature and Drama Techniques to Enhance Learners’s Language and Social Skills.” SJE Nemzetközi Tudományos Konferencia 2017 (12-13. 9. 2017, UJS, Kormárno)
5. “Great Mothers in the Banks family: Aspects of the mother archetype in the Mary Poppins novels” SUUPER – J. Selye University and University of Pécs English Roundtable (8-9. 11. 2016, UJS, Komárno)
Organizing a workshop at JSU
"American studies with Stephen Morris." Online Workshop (20.4. 2021, UJS, Komárno)
Courses and invited lectures in other countries:
ELTE - 2018: The Mysterious World of Mary Poppins” (code: BBN-ANG-219/M2)
Lectures of the course entitled Mary Poppins with a Thousand Faces, organized by Pesti Bölcsész Akadémia: 
1.3. 2017 - Mary Poppins: a fairy tale come true
8. 3. 2017 - Meeting the Self: The Functions of Dreams in the Mary Poppins books.
22.3. 2017 - Great Mothers in the Banks family: the Good and Terrible Mother
29.3.2017 -  Mary Poppins in Cherry Tree Lane
30. 11. 2017 - Mary Poppins, the magic nanny and Zen Buddhism.
Invitations for a lecture in foreign countries:
Zrínyi Miklós Szabadegyetem, Budapest - 2019 - Mary Poppins: a fairy tale come true.
Organizing conferences:
“Carry our cry to the grave silently”: Literary and Historical Aspects of the First World War in the Eastern European Region. 2nd Conference of the National Union of PhD Students – Doctoral School of Literature (10-11. 2. 2017, ELTE, Budapest)
Editorial work:
Fodor, József Péter (szerk.); Marosi, Renáta (szerk.); Miklós, Dániel (szerk.); Péró, Krisztina (szerk.); Szabó, Roland (szerk.) Az első világháború irodalmi és történelmi aspektusai a kelet-európai régióban: Tanulmánykötet. Budapest, Magyarország: Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem Doktorandusz Önkormányzat, Trefort-kert Alapítvány (2017), 188 p.  ISBN: 9786155586194 
Proofreading work:
Eruditio Educatio (a scientific quarterly of the Faculty of Education, JSU) - from 2022
Travel Grant:
Talent Support Council of Eötvös Loránd University. Application for supporting active participation in national and international online or in-person academic competitions, conferences and workshops or short research trips - 2015


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