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prof. Katalin Ambrus Attila Józsefné, DSc.

prof. Katalin Ambrus Attila Józsefné, DSc.
Name: prof. Katalin Ambrus Attila Józsefné, DSc.
Faculty: Faculty of Education
Department: Department of Pre-school and Elementary Education
Position: Professor
Office: T511
Phone +421 35 32 60 741
Person responsible for the study programme:
Pedagogy for primary education (2. degree, full-time external form)
Pedagogy (3. degree, full-time and external form)
Person responsible for the profile subjects of the study programme:
Pre-school and primary pedagogy (1. degree, full-time and external form)

University studies
University Janus Pannonius, Pécs
Primary and secondary school teacher of History and Russian
1984 - 1989
Examina rigorosa
(dr. univ.)
1991 - 1993
PhD. study
University Janus Pannonius, Pécs
PhD in History
1994 - 1997
University of Debrecen
Inauguration for professor
University of Pécs
Doctor of Sciences
Academy of Science (MTA), Budapest

University J. Selye
2020 -
University of Pécs
1989 - 2020

Research area History of women's education (18th and 19th centuries); History of childhood and kindergartens (19th and 20th centuries); History of teacher training; Representation of the history of non-Western education in European sources (19th century); Medieval history of Islamic education; History of education in Spain.

Research projects Status, identity and education of minority: social self-realization strategies of the Hungarian minority in Slovakia

VEGA 1/0117/19
2019 - 2022

Further development of networks supporting teacher training in the Southern Transdanubia region (2014-2016)
2014 - 2016

Modern university in the modern city. Development of a digital education cabinet and electronic curriculum development in teacher education (2018-2021)
EFOP-3.4.3-16-2016-00005 –
2018 - 2021

2012 - 2013

Az egyetemes neveléstörténet bemutatása a 19-20. századi hazai neveléstörténet-írásban
MTA Bolyai János Kutatási Ösztöndíj
2009 - 2010

Nevelésügy a középkori iszlámban
OTKA ifjúsági pályázat
2000 - 2002

2006 -

Nemzeti Kulturális Alap
1996 -

Nemzeti Kulturális Alap
1995 -

 Ambrus Attila Józsefné Prof. Dr. Kéri Katalin was born in 1966. Nowadays she is full professor of Pedagogy at J. Selye University. She is the member of various international and Hungarian scientific societies, for example the Scientific Committee for Pedagogy and of the Subcommittee of the History of Education at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, president from 2024. She works in several editorial boards: Eruditio – Educatio, Pedagógiatörténeti Szemle, Neveléstudomány, Autonómia és Felelősség, Új Pedagógiai Szemle, Per Aspera ad Astra, Neveléstudomány, Kisgyermeknevelés. Between 2009 and 2018 she was the member of Hungarian Accreditation Committee, and from 2013 she works in the Board of the Teacher Training Committee within the framework of the Hungarian Rectors’ Conference. She has extensive international connections, especially in Spain, France, Chile and Brazil. Her teaching and research work has been recognized with many awards in Hungary.
She has been involved in the work of the J. Selye University for several years. She is a member of the editorial board of the journal Eruditio – Educatio, in which journal her studies also appeared. She has been a visiting professor at the University several times and has attended various conferences and celebrations, in 2016 she was the plenary speaker at the international conference of the University.


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