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Dr. habil. Gábor Vilmos Győri, PhD.

Dr. habil. Gábor Vilmos Győri, PhD.
Name: Dr. habil. Gábor Vilmos Győri, PhD.
Faculty: Faculty of Education
Department: Department of English Language and Literature
Position: Associate Professor
Office: T207
Phone +421 35 32 60 727

University studies
Lajos Kossuth University
English language and literature and German language and literature teacher training in combination
1977 - 1981
PhD. study
University of Debrecen
Cognitive Linguistics
2001 - 2004
University of Pécs

J. Selye University
Associate Professor
2022 -
University of Pécs
Associate Professor
2006 - 2021
University of Pécs
Assistant Professor
1992 - 2006
University of Pécs
1981 - 1992

Research projects European Telegram Project: A contrastive study of telegraphic style in aphasic and normal subjects in European languages.

1991 - 1992

A cognitive naturalist modelling of languagechange. OTKA project

1993 - 1995

Cognitive and affective aspects of narrative acts of meaning for the use-theoretical, cognitive linguistics interpretation of verbal accounts: empirical investigation of the acquisition, use and narra

2002 - 2004


Head of department: Department of English Linguistics, Institute of English Studies, University of Pécs, Hungary (01.07.2013 - 15.03.2021)

Deputy director: Institute of English Studies, University of Pécs, Hungary (01.09.2017 - 31.10.2019)

Program leader: English Specialized Translation Module, Institute of English Studies, University of Pécs, Hungary (2012 - 2021)

Review editor: Editorial Board of LOS Forum, Official Journal of the Language Origins Society, Univerity of Nijmegen, The Netherlands (1995 - 2002)

Board Member: Hungarian Society for the Study of English (1997 - 2001)


Overview of international mobilities:

Humboldt University, Department of German Studies and Linguistics (Berlin, GDR. 1. - 30.6.1987) - Hungarian Ministry of Education Grant

University of Michigan, Center for Russian and East European Studies (Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA. 01.02. - 31. 05. 1994) - Lecturer - employment contract

University of Colorado at Denver, Deptartment of Anthropology (Denver, Colorado, USA. 15. 09. - 15. 12. 1996) - Research associate - Eötvös Hungarian State Grant

Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Linguistics (Budapest, Hungary. 01. 02. -  30. 06. 1997) - Hungarian Academy of Sciences Telegdi Zsigmond Grant

University of Nevada Las Vegas, Department of Anthropology and Ethnic Studies (Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. 05. 07. - 25. 08. 1997) - Fulbright lecturer - Fulbright Grant

University of Colorado at Denver, Deptartment of Anthropology (Denver, Colorado, USA. 15. 09. - 15. 12. 1997) - Research associate - Eötvös Hungarian State Grant


Other relevant facts:

Participation in textbook declaration procedures of approximately 200 English and German language textbooks as scientific-professional and pedagogical expert for the Hungarian Educational Authority since 2006.







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