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Mgr. Kinga Süll, PhD.

Mgr. Kinga Süll, PhD.
Name: Mgr. Kinga Süll, PhD.
Faculty: Reformed Theological Faculty
Department: Department of systematic and practical theology
Position: Assistant Professor
Office: E 13
Phone +421 35 32 60 859

University studies
J. Selye University
Reformed Theological Faculty
1998 - 2004
Evangelische Hochschule für Kirchenmusik/Halle an der Saale
Church music
1998 - 2005
PhD. study
J. Selye University
Reformed Theological Faculty
2011 - 2014

Reformed Christian Church of Slovakia
Synod councillor responsible for church music
2004 -
J. Selye University
2005 -
Basic Art School, Komárno
music teacher
2004 - 2005

Research area Practical Theology, Church Music, Music Education in the Family, Early Music Education - Ringató, Choirimprovisation and its effects   Erasmus+ 2023-1-SK01-KA131-HED-000135317 8-12.04.2024 Buadpest, KGRE - HK

Publications listed in the CREPČ2 central database


Director of the Department of Church Music of the Reformed Christian Church in Slovakia, Synod Councillor for Church Music.

Member of the European Conference for Protestant Church Music.

Member of the Academic Senate of the Reformed Theological Faculty of Selye János University.

Member of the College of Doctors.

She is a practitioner of the Hungarian Heritage Award Ringató Method, and a session leader.

Conductor of the Comorra Chamber Orchestra of Komárom.
Conductor of the FIRESZ Cantate Domino choir.


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