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Dr. habil. Viktor Kókai-Nagy, PhD.

Dr. habil. Viktor Kókai-Nagy, PhD.
Name: Dr. habil. Viktor Kókai-Nagy, PhD.
Head of Department
Faculty: Reformed Theological Faculty
Department: Department of Old and New Testament Studies
Position: Associate Professor
Office: E 11
Phone +421 35 32 60 749
Person responsible for the profile subjects of the study programme:
Reformed Theology (combined 1.-2. degree, full-time form)
Theology (3. degree, full-time and external form)

University studies
Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church in Hungary
1991 - 1998
Examina rigorosa
2004 - 2004
PhD. study
Károli Gáspár University of the Refomed Church in Hungary
1999 - 2002
Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church in Hungary

Selye János University Komarom
associate professor
2015 -
Debrecen Reformed Theological University
associate professor
2015 -
Debrecen Reformed Theological University
assistant professor
2007 - 2015

Research area Theology of the New Tastament, Corpus Paulinum, History of the New Testament, Josephus

Research projects Oath Speaking in Society - Exploring the concept of oaths in the church and in society.
VEGA 1/0246/21

2021 - 2023

Josephus Conferences
Podpora konferencií Regensburg–Komárno

2024 - 2026

Publications listed in the CREPČ2 central database


Founder and Head of the Josephus Research Institute, Selye János University Komárom, Faculty of Reformed Theology
Secretary of the New Testament Section of the College of Doctors
Member of SNTS (Studiorum Novi Testamenti Societas)
Member of the Board of Interfilm


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