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prof. Ábrahám Kovács, PhD.

prof. Ábrahám Kovács, PhD.
Name: prof. Ábrahám Kovács, PhD.
Head of Department
Faculty: Reformed Theological Faculty
Department: Department of Historical Sciences
Position: Professor
Office: E 15
Phone +421 35 32 60 811
Person responsible for the study programme:
Reformed Theology (combined 1.-2. degree, full-time form)
Theology (3. degree, full-time and external form)

University studies
Lajos Kossuth University, Faculty of Art, Debrecen
History teacher MA
1992 - 1997
Debrecen Reformed Theological University
1990 - 1997
Princeton Theological Seminary
Theology and Religious Studies
1997 - 1998
PhD. study
University of Edinburgh, UK
Divinity, Science of Religion, World Christianity
1999 - 2003
Lutheran Theological University, Hungary
Systematic Theology
Inauguration for professor
Partium Christian University, Romania

J. Selye University
Professor and Chair
2018 -
Debrecen Reformed Theological University
Associate Professor
2005 -
Partium Christian University
2017 - 2018

Research area As a theologian, he focuses on the relationship between traditional and liberal theological theology and Reformed theology and the theology of world religions within Christian theology. His main interests include Christology, Eschatology and Anthropology. He has written extensively on Jewish missions, millennialism, and eschatology. In his regular theological work, he made excellent use of his degree in history and professional knowledge of the history of religion through his scholarship research. He has been involved in a number of joint projects with the Department of Theology, Religious Studies and Church History at the University of Edinburgh. Stellenbosch, South Africa, organizes international conferences on various dogmatic topics with its regular Department of Theology at the University of Glasgow.

Research projects A Comparative Study of the Theological Views of Two Major Centers of Christian Faith: Princeton Theological Seminary and Debrecen
Fulbright Research Professor Fellowship
2016 - 2016

The role of György Lichtenstein, mnemotechnician, Hungarian musician and philosopher in Edinburgh in the life of the British royal family and the Scottish elite
Magyar Tudományos Akadémia Balassi Intézet
2017 - 2017

The perceptions and concepts of Protestantism about religion in Hungary and its social effects (1840-1940)
Bolyai János ösztöndíj, Magyar Tudományos Akadémia

Publications listed in the CREPČ2 central database


Professional editorial  works in book series

In the field of Hatvani István Teológiai Kutatóközpont Series (Science and Theology, Calvinism and Theology )

Professor, researcher Prof. Dr. Baráth L. Béla is a member of the Hungarian Protestant Theological Library, which is the last of the conference in 2014.

Professor and Deputy Director Prof. Dr. Bölcskei Gusztáv ny. at the Korean Kortárs Teológia series in 2015.

The Hun-Han Theological Forum (Magyar-koreai rendszeres teológiai fórum) is a member of the United States Forum. A Studies in Hungarian and Korean Protestant Theology társ-főszerkesztője

The Hungarian Reformed Church, the College's Doctorate, the State Education Section and the State Review Conference, and the Ministry of Education.

The United Kingdom's International Conference of International Conference (2008 (DRHE), 2011 and 2013 (Langham), 2015 (DRHE), 2011 (Korea (DRHE), 2016 (Gwangju-Seoul, South Korea), 2018 (SRTA), 2020 (Seoul-South Korea), Revival, Social Reform and Spiritual Reform (PKE, 2018 Nagyvárad-Oradea, Romania) .

In some cases, there is a need to improve the scope of the Erasmus Mobility (including the Erasmus Mobility):

2020 - Protestant Theological Institute, invited guest Professor

2019 - Pretoria University, South Africa, invited guest professor

2018 - Sogang University, South Korea, invited guest professor

2018 - Selye János University, professor, Sytematic Theology

2017 - Yonsei University, South Korea, professional professor (intenstive course for PhD student)

2015 - University of Science and Technology, professor, theology and state studies

2015 - Edinburgh University, Glasgow University Guest lecturer

2014 - PUTS, South Korea, guest professor

2014 - Seoul National University, invited lecturer

2012 - Kolozsvár, Protestant Theological Institute, Romania, Erdely,

2011 - Vienna University, Austria, guest lecturer

2010 - University of Edinburgh, guest lecturer

2010 - Yale-Edinburgh Conference, Edinburgh, guest lecturer

2009 - Protestant Theological Institute, Romania, Kolozsvár guest lecturer

2008 - Yale University, USA, guest lecturer

2008 - Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary, Austin USA, guest lecturer

2008 - Vienna University, Austria, guest lecturer

2007 - Osijek-Eszék, Evangelical Theological Seminary, Croatia, guest lecturer

2005 - Edinburgh University, Skócia, guest lecturer

2003 - AAR, Atlanta, USA, guest lecturer

2003 - EASR, Bergen, Norway conference paper

2002 - EASR, Paris, France, conference paper

2001 - EASR, Cambridge, United Kingdom, conference paper

1999 - Wroclaw, Poland, guest lecturer


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