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Prof. István Pásztori-Kupán, PhD.

Prof. István Pásztori-Kupán, PhD.
Name: Prof. István Pásztori-Kupán, PhD.
Faculty: Reformed Theological Faculty
Department: Department of systematic and practical theology
Position: Professor
Office: E ***
Phone +421 35 32 60 ***
Person responsible for the study programme:
Missiology, Diakonia and Social Care (1.- 2. degree, full-time form)

University studies
Protestant Theological Institute Kolozsvár/Cluj
Reformed Theology
1991 - 1996
University of Edinburgh, Faculty of Divinity
History of Christian Doctrine (MTh with distinction)
1998 - 1999
PhD. study
University of Edinburgh, School of Divinity
Doctrinal history, Patristics
1999 - 2002
Debrecen Reformed Theological University
Systematic theology
Inauguration for professor
Protestant Theological Institute Kolozsvár/Cluj
Systematic theology

Bethlen Gábor College Nagyenyed/Aiud
religion teacher, youth minister
1996 - 1998
Protestant Theological Institute Kolozsvár/Cluj
university assistant, lecturer, associate professor, full professor
1999 - 2021
Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church in Hungary
associate professor
2015 -
János Selye University
2021 -

Research area  New Testament roots of the Ancient Church, Apostolic Fathers and Early Christian Apologists Points of convergence between Ancient Christian theology and Greek philosophy Christological controversies of the fifth century, with special focus upon the Antiochene theologians of the period between the Council of Ephesus (431) and Chalcedon (451) The life, work and heritage of the Syrian-Greek Church Father, Theodoret of Cyrus (393–460) Christian diaconial work The Correspondence of Theodoret of Cyrus: The Catholic University of America Press, Library of Early Christianity Monograph about Amphilochius of Iconium: Routledge Publishers, Early Church Fathers series This new book dedicated to Amphilochius of Iconium, a Church Father of the fourth century, would most likely appeal to academic researchers, teachers and students interested in Patristics, the development of Early Christian doctrine, ancient church history as well as in the main theological controversies of the Ancient Church. Students of Early Christianity and its interaction with classic Greek culture, poetry and philosophy, the relationship between ancient rhetoric and preaching would also be able to relate to some of the aspects of this prospective work. Similar to my Theodoret volume, I am also planning to provide some of the first English translations of Amphilochius’ surviving works, which would also benefit e.g. historians and other academics: teachers could refer their students to these primary texts presently unavailable for an English readership, thus enhancing their bibliographies related to undergraduate and postgraduate courses in Early Christianity, church history, Ancient Mediterranean culture and rhetoric etc. The primary aim of my proposed work, which would be the very first English monograph dedicated to Amphilochius, is a presentation of his life, influence and theological heritage. Due to the scarcity of data coming from him directly concerning his life, the biography of Amphilochius must be put together from the correspondence of his contemporaries and from the works of ancient church historians: this includes letters written not only by Christian leaders like Basil the Great or Gregory of Nazianzus, but also by his famous non-Christian teacher, the philosopher Libanius of Antioch. The biography will be followed by the assessment of his theological legacy, restricted to the themes discussed in his surviving works. The other objective of the book is to provide a representative selection of texts in English translation from Amphilochius’ oeuvre. I am already in possession of every modern critical edition of his surviving works.  The presentation of his ideas is considerably limited by the paucity of the surviving texts,  yet my choices were made with the aim to illustrate as much of his thought as possible. Since most of his works have not yet been translated into English, Amphilochius remains practically inaccessible to the majority of modern academic and non-academic readership, especially in comparison with the three famous Cappadocians, who were his contemporaries and closest friends and whose works have been translated, often repeatedly. Like my other Routledge monograph on Theodoret, this second part of the volume on Amphilochius will include a considerable amount of first-time English translations.

Research projects Theodoret of Cyrus

 Langham Research Scholarships (John Stott Ministries)
2000 - 2002

Monography on Theodoret

 Caledonian Research Foundation (Royal Society of Edinburgh)
2004 - 2004

Visiting Research Scholar

 Princeton Theological Seminary Research Grant
2008 - 2008

Hungarian Reformed Confessions

 Domus Hungarica Scientiarum et Artium
2010 - 2010

Theodoret: A Cure for Greek Maladies

MTA Bolyai János Kutatói Ösztöndíj
2012 - 2015

The Correspondence of Theodoret of Cyrus (Greek-Latin-English critical edition)

The Catholic University of America Press
2018 - 2025

Monograph about Amphilochius of Iconium

Routledge The Early Church Fathers Series
2022 - 2025

Knowledge of languages

· Hungarian - mother tongue, academic level

· Romanian - mother tongue academic level

· English - mother tongue academic level

· German - advanced

· French - intermediate, conversational level


Membership in various scientific organisations
Member of the Public Body of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences:
Joint Commission of the theological dialogue between the Orthodox Church and the World Alliance of Reformed Churches – member
Vice-president of the Theological Committee of CNATDCU (Consiliul Naţional de Atestare a Titlurilor, Diplomelor si Certificatelor Universitare) – between 2015 and 2020
Editorial Board of the Library of Early Christianity (Catholic University of America Press, Washington D.C.) – continuous membership

Institutional and scientific management & quality assurance activities
•    2012–2016: vice-rector of PTI with scientific duties, and chairman of the Scientific Research Council of PTI
•    2008–2016: chairman of Quality Assurance Committee in PTI
•    2010–2014: person responsible for quality assurance of the study programme ‘Pastoral Protestant Theology’
•    2006–2020: Person of liaison between the Protestant Theological Institute of Cluj-Napoca and ARACIS, charged with duties of accreditation and quality assurance
•    from 2016: Coordinator within the Department of General Humanities of Erasmus+, CEEPUS and Campus Mundi mobility programs at the Károli Gáspár University
•    from 2016: scientific mentor of first-year students at the Károli Gáspár University

from 2021: International Evaluation Expert for ARACIS, RO

from 2021: Guarantor of the Diaconia programme of the Reformed Theological Faculty of the J. Selye University


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