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Assoc. Professor Ing. Renáta Hajabáč Machová, PhD.

Assoc. Professor Ing. Renáta Hajabáč Machová, PhD.
Name: Assoc. Professor Ing. Renáta Hajabáč Machová, PhD.
Faculty: Faculty of Economics and Informatics
Department: Department of Management
Position: Professor
Office: G316
Phone +421 35 32 60 789
Person responsible for the study programme:
Corporate Ecnomics and Management (1. degree, full-time and external form)
Person responsible for the profile subjects of the study programme:
Business and Marketing (1. degree, full-time form)
Business Economics and Management (2. degree, full-time and external form)
Business Economics and Management (3. degree, full-time and external form)

University studies
University of Economics in Bratislava, Faculty of Commerce
Foreign Trade
1989 - 1994
PhD. study
University of Economics in Bratislava, Faculty of Commerce
International Business
1996 - 2005
Management and Organizational Sciences

J. Selye University, Faculty of Economics and Informatics
Vice-Rector for Education and External Relations
2021 -
J. Selye University, Faculty of Economics and Informatics
2017 - 2021
J. Selye University, Faculty of Economics
2011 - 2017
Office of Labor, Social Affairs and Family Komárno
head of ESF department and project manager
2007 - 2010
Rieker Slovakia Ltd.
Head of Exports for Central and Eastern Europe
2004 - 2007
GR NÚP (Directorate General of National Labour Office) Bratislava
International Relations Department
1997 - 2003
TECHNOPOL, Join Stock Company
Head of branch, specialist
1987 - 1997

Research projects Education quality increasing and innovation of study programmes
Európsky sociálny fond
2013 - 2015

Assesment of innovative potential of entrepreneurial networks in the early stages of its formation
VEGA 1/0381/13
2013 - 2015

Streamlining Managerial Sills of the generations Z and Y by gamification on the context of linking science and practice
KEGA 005UJS-4/2019
2019 - 2020

WORKMARKET - Cross-border cooperation of labor markets

2014 - 2014

Examining the effects of the uncertain economic environment of small and medium-sized enterprises on new work organization processes
VEGA 1/0070/23
2023 -

The application of innovative educational methods in the context of the development of critical thinking in higher education"
2024 - 2025

Category A1 - Book publications of scientific monograph character (AAA, AAB, ABA, ABB, ABC, ABD)
Number of entries: 7
AAA Scientific/scholarly monographs published abroad (3)
AAB Scientific/scholarly monographs published inland (1)
ABC Chapters in scientifric/scholarly monographs published abroad (1)
ABD Chapters in scientific/scholarly monographs published inland (2)

Category A2 - Miscellaneous book publications (ACA, ACB, BAA, BAB, BCB, BCI, EAI, CAA, CAB, EAJ, FAI)
Number of entries: 14
ACB University textbooks published inland (2)
BAA Specialised book-like publications published abroad (1)
BAB Specialised book-like publications published inland (1)
BCI University teaching notes and resource materials (5)
FAI Book-like editorial works (bibliographies, encyclopaedias, catalogues, dictionaries, proceedings books etc.) (5)

Category B - Journals listed in international databases, author warrants, patents, and discoveries (ADC, ADD, AEG, AEH, BDC, BDD, CDC, CDD, AGJ)
Number of entries: 0

Category C - Miscellaneous peer-reviewed publications (ACC, ACD, ADE, ADF, AEC, AED, AFA, AFB, AFC, AFD, AFE, AFF, AFG, AFH, BBA, BBB, BCK, BDA, BDB, BDE, BDF, BEC, BED, BFA, BFB, BGH, CDE, CDF)
Number of entries: 123
ADE Scientific/scholarly papers published abroad in journals not registered in the Current Contents Connect database (15)
ADF Scientific/scholarly papers published inland in journals not registered in the Current Contents Connect database (21)
AEC Scientific/scholarly papers published abroad in peer-reviewed proceedings or monographs (7)
AED Scientific/scholarly papers published inland in peer-reviewed proceedings or monographs (6)
AFC Published conference articles presented at conferences abroad (39)
AFD Published conference articles presented at conferences inland (26)
AFG Published abstracts of conference articles presented at conferences abroad (5)
AFH Published abstracts of conference articles presented at conferences inland (1)
BBA Chapters in specialised books published abroad (1)
BDE Specialised papers published abroad in journals not registered in the Current Contents Connect database (1)
BFA Abstracts of specialised papers presented at academic events (conferences, etc.) published abroad (1)

Category N - Miscellaneous non peer-reviewed publications (ADM, ADN, AEM, AEN, BDM, BDN, CBA, CBB)
Number of entries: 27
ADM Scientific/scholarly papers published abroad in journals registered in the databases Web of Science or SCOPUS (26)
ADN Scientific/scholarly papers published inland in journals registered in the databases Web of Science or SCOPUS (1)

Category D - Miscellaneous publications not classified by the MESR
Number of entries: 2
BEE Specialised papers published abroad in non-reviewed (conference and non-conference) proceedings books (1)
EDI Reviews published in journals and proceedings (1)

Total number of entries: 173


[1] Citations and reviews which appeared in a foreign publication and are listed in an international database (WoS or Scopus). (68)
[2] Citations and reviews which appeared in a domestic publication and are listed in an international database (WoS or Scopus). (3)
[3] Citations which appeared in a foreign publication and are not listed in any international database. (151)
[4] Citations which appeared in a domestic publication and are not listed in any international database. (42)
[5] Reviews which appeared in a foreign publication. (1)
Total: 265

List of publications:

AAA Scientific/scholarly monographs published abroad
Number of entries: 3

AAA 001 BENCSIK, Andrea, Renáta MACHOVÁ a Silvia TÓBIÁS KOSÁR. Znalostný manažment v praxi: Metódy a postupy na príkladoch z praxe. 1. vyd. Brno: Tribun EU, 2013. 132 s. ISBN 978-80-263-0390-9.

2018  [4] SKLENÁR, D. Nové manažérske tendencie v riadení podnikov. In Mladí vedci 2018 - Zborník vedeckých príspevkov doktorandov a mladých vedeckých pracovníkov. Bratislava : Paneurópska vysoká škola, 2018. ISBN 978-80-89453-46-7, p. 204-209.

AAA 002 MACHOVÁ, Renáta, Ladislav MURA, Enikő KORCSMÁROS, Erika SERES HUSZÁRIK, Ján BULECA a Katarína HAVIERNÍKOVÁ. Inovačné podnikanie a hodnotenie inovačného potenciálu podnikateľských sietí. 1. vyd. Brno: Tribun EU, 2015. 219 s. [10,95 AH]. ISBN 978-80-263-0598-9.

2020  [1] MADLEŇÁK, A. Performance Assessment of Cluster Management with Regard to the Planning of the Human Resources Development Concept and Marketing Communication. In RELIK 2020. Praha : Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze, 2020. ISBN 978-80-245-2394-1, p. 357-366. WoS

2020  [1] PAVLAK, M. - PISAR, P. Strategic management controlling system and its importance for SMEs in the EU. In Problems and Perspectives in Management. ISSN 1727-7051, 2020, vol. 18, no. 3, p. 362-372. SCOPUS

2018  [4] RAFAJOVÁ, I. Inovácie a rodinné podnikanie. In Integrácia sociálnych médií, geolokačných služieb a mobilných zariadení v záujme podpory environmentálnych inovácií. Trnava : FMK, 2018. ISBN 978-80-8105-975-9, p. 164-169.

2018  [1] VALACH, M. Social function of agriculture sector in the Slovak Republic. In Scientific papers-series management economic engineering in agriculture and rural development. ISSN 2284-7995, 2018, vol. 18, no. 3, p. 475-481. WoS

2018  [4] BEDNÁRIK, J. Environmentálne vzdelávanie ľudských zdrojov z hľadiska a kruhovej ekonomiky. In Zborník X. medzinárodnej vedeckej konferencie Univerzity J. Selyeho - 2018 : Sekcia ekonomických vied.. Komárno : Univerzita J. Selyeho, 2018. ISBN 978-80-8122-256-6, p. 29-35.

2018  [4] IVANOVÁ, E. - MASÁROVÁ, J. Evaluation of innovation performance of Visegrad countries regions putting a stress on human capital. In Sociálno-ekonomická revue. ISSN 1336-3727, 2018, vol. 2018, no. 2, p. 27-34.

2017  [4] ŠÚBERTOVÁ, E. Comparison of Business Environment in Czech Republic and in Slovak Republic. International Scientific Conference Current Problems of the Corporate Sector 2017. Bratislava : Ekonóm, 2017. ISBN 978-80-225-4422-1, p. 1022.

2017  [3] ŠÚBERTOVÁ, E. - TÓTH, M. - TÓTHOVÁ, A. Factors of Increasing the Enterprises Efficiency and Performance. Praha : Wolters Kluwer, 2017. ISBN 978-80-7552-872-8, p. 189.

2016  [1] UBREZIOVA, I. - HORSKA, E. - MORAVCIKOVA, K. Socio-responsible behavior of small and medium sized companies. In Economic Science for Rural Development: Rural Development and entrepreneurship Bioeconomy Home Economics. Latvia : Latvia University of Agriculture, 2016. ISBN 978-9984-48-223-1, 156-163. WoS

2016  [1] VALACH, M. - BALAZOVA, E. Socioeconomic functions of agricultural sector in the regions of Slovak Republic. In Actual Problems of Economics. ISSN 1993-6788, 2016, vol. 185, no. 11, p. 238-247. SCOPUS

2016  [4] POLIAČIKOVÁ, E. Obchodné centrá na Slovensku - Minulosť, súčasnosť, budúcnosť. In Acta Oeconomica Universitatis Selye. ISSN 1338-6581, 2016, roč. 5, č. 2, s. 166.

2016  [1] MORAVCIKOVA, K. - KOVACSOVA, B. Socio-Responsible Behavior of Small and Medium Sized Companies. In Proceedings of the 2016 International Conference Economic Science for Rural Development no. 41. Jelgava : LLU ESAF, 2016. ISBN 978-9984-48-223-1, p. 156-163. WoS

AAA 003 MACHOVÁ, Renáta a Ladislav MURA. Zhodnotenie organizačnej kultúry a znalostného manažmentu vo verejnej správe v kontexte odborného rastu zamestnancov. 1. vyd. Brno: Tribun EU, 2015. 127 s. [6,35 AH]. ISBN 978-80-8122-117-0.

2019  [4] VLACSEKOVÁ, D. Comparitive analysis of motivation of civil servants and public servants in the local state administration - case study of Slovakia. In Central European Journal of Labour Law and Personnel Management. ISSN 2644-4917, 2019, vol. 2, no. 1, p. 74-93.

2018  [4] VLACSEKOVÁ, D. Differences of motivation in public and private organizations. In Aktuálne problémy podnikovej sféry 2018 - Zborník vedeckých prác. Bratislava : EKONÓM, 2018. ISBN 978-80-225-4536-5, p. 1077-1085.

2016  [4] HANÁČKOVÁ, D. - BABULOVÁ, M. Inovácie v samospráve : Innovations in Self-government. In Acta Oeconomica Universitatis Selye. ISSN 1338-6581, 2016, roč. 5, č. 2, s. 95.

2016  [4] ČAPOŠOVÁ, E. Teoretické aspekty implementácie manažérstva kvality v inštitúciach verejnej správy. In Political Science Forum. ISSN 1338-6859, 2016, vol. 5, no. 1, p. 69.

2016  [4] ČAPOŠOVÁ, E. Modely manažérstva kvality v organizáciách verejnej správy. In e-studies [online]. 05/2016 [cit. 2016-06-10]. Dostupné na internete: . ISSN 1338-1598.

AAB Scientific/scholarly monographs published inland
Number of entries: 1

AAB 001 MACHOVÁ, Renáta, Silvia TÓBIÁS KOSÁR a Monika BÁLINTOVÁ. Iparfejlődési sajátosságok Kelet-Szlovákiában. 1. vyd. Komárno: Univerzita J. Selyeho, 2014. 177 s. ISBN 978-80-8122-110-1.

2016  [3] KARÁCSONY, P. - BÁLINT, F. Társadalmi és gazdasági tényezők hatása a Kassai kerület munkanélküliségének alakulására 1993-tól napjainkig. In Tér és Társadalom. ISSN 2062-9923, 2016. vol. 30, no. 2, p. 70-80.

ABC Chapters in scientifric/scholarly monographs published abroad
Number of entries: 1

ABC 001 BENCSIK, Andrea, Katalin DOBRAI, Renáta MACHOVÁ, József POÓR, Ildikó MAROSI, Tímea JUHÁSZ a Péter SZÁRMES. TM kutatási eredmények és további nyitott kérdések. In: A tudásmenedzsment elméletben és gyakorlatban. Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó, 2015, P. 285-320. ISBN 978 963 05 9589 6.

ABD Chapters in scientific/scholarly monographs published inland
Number of entries: 2

ABD 001 MACHOVÁ, Renáta, József POÓR, Martin VOLOŠIN, Imola JÓZSA a Zoltán ŠEBEN. Slovakia. In: Human Resource Management Issues and Challenges in Foreign owned Companies: Central and Eastern Europe (2011-2013). Komárno: Univerzita J. Selyeho, 2015, CD-ROM, p. 125-151. ISBN 978-80-8122-151-4.

ABD 002 MACHOVÁ, Renáta, Zoltán ŠEBEN, Martin VOLOŠIN, Barnabás AMBRUS a Ádám SZOBI. Slovakia [print]., 2017.

ACB University textbooks published inland
Number of entries: 2

ACB 001 KÚTNA, Angelika, Renáta MACHOVÁ a Silvia TÓBIÁS KOSÁR. Účtovníctvo 1. 1. vyd. Komárno: Univerzita J. Selyeho, 2020. 162 s. [8,1AH]. ISBN 978-80-8122-354-9.

ACB 002 ZSIGMOND, Tibor, Renáta MACHOVÁ a Andrea BENCSIK. Stratégiai menedzsment. 1. vyd. Komárno: Univerzita J. Selyeho, 2020. 183 s. [11,50AH]. ISBN 978-80-8122-372-3.

ADE Scientific/scholarly papers published abroad in journals not registered in the Current Contents Connect database
Number of entries: 15

ADE 001 VÉGHOVÁ, Katarína a Renáta MACHOVÁ. Specific Form of Corporate Financing at Hungarian Market. Journal on Law, Economy & Management. Vol. 1, No. 2 (2011), s. 106-110. ISSN 2048-4186.

ADE 002 POÓR, József, Martin VOLOŠIN, Allen ENGLE, Renáta MACHOVÁ a Mártonné KAROLINY. Human resource management under changes at foreign subsidiaries in Slovakia in light of regional comparison. Scientific Papers of the University of Pardubice, Series D. Vol. 18, no. 24 (2012), p. 137-151. ISSN 1211-555X.

ADE 003 BENCSIK, Andrea a Renáta MACHOVÁ. Znalostný manažment a etika z pohľadu podnikania. Trendy v podnikání. (2012), s. 88-95. ISSN 1805-0603.

2020  [1] STACHOVÁ, K. - STACHO, Z. - CAGÁŇOVÁ, D. -et al. Use of digital technologies for intensifying knowledge sharing. In Applied sciences. ISSN 2076-3417, 2020, vol.10, no. 12. WoS ; SCOPUS

2018  [4] ZSIGMOND, T. - CSEREOVÁ, A. A mesterséges intelligencia szerepe a tudás szervezés folyamatában. In Selye e-studies. ISSN 1338-1598, 2018, vol. 9/2018, no. 2, p. 35-42.

2018  [4] CSÓKÁS, L. A bizalom, mint az etikus szervezeti környezet kialakításának kulcsa. In Zborník X. medzinárodnej vedeckej konferencie Univerzity J. Selyeho - 2018 : Sekcia ekonomických vied. Komárno : Univerzita J. Selyeho, 2018. ISBN 978-80-8122-256-6, p. 48-56.

2013  [4] SZABO, S. - BOBENIČ HINTOŠOVÁ, A. - DEMJANOVÁ, L. Etika a etiketa pre manažérov. Košice : Technická univerzita v Košiciach, 2013. ISBN 978-80-553-1659-8, s. 6, 179.

ADE 004 POÓR, József, Renáta MACHOVÁ, Kinga KEREKES, Ágnes KIRÁLY a Taras VAS. Az X-Culture nemzetközi esettanulmány program tanulságai és tapasztalatai. Humánpolitika Szemle. Sz. szeptember-október, (2013), p. 13-23. ISSN 0865-7009.

2016  [4] BENCSIK, A. - CSANADI, A. - HORVATH-CSIKOS, G. et al. Health-awareness of Youngsters among Slovakian University Students. In Acta Oeconomica Universitatis Selye. ISSN 1338-6581, 2016, roč. 5, č. 2, s. 18.

ADE 005 MURA, Ladislav, Renáta MACHOVÁ a Endre HEVESI. Background to trends in youth unemployment. Journal for Labour and Social Affairs in Eastern Europe. Vol. 16, no. 3 (2013), pp. 299-312. ISSN 1435-2869.

2021  [4] SÁRKÖZI, B. Sz. Čerství absolventi na trhu práce. In Zborník príspevkov z konferencie Trendy vo využívaní štatistických metód v marketingu 2021. Bratislava : Vydavateľstvo EKONÓM, 2021. ISBN 978-80-225-4829-8, p. 150-155.

2016  [4] BOGNÁR, T. - BENCSIK, A. Career Crises as a Validity Factor of Prognosis. In Acta Oeconomica Universitatis Selye. ISSN 1338-6581, 2016, roč. 5, č. 2, s. 30.

ADE 006 BENCSIK, Andrea, Renáta MACHOVÁ a Zsuzsanna TÓTH. Cultural Background of Intergenerational and Knowledge Management. IJSR - International Journal of Scientific Research. Vol. 2, no. 9 (2013), p. 230-235. ISSN 2277-8179.

ADE 007 VÉGHOVÁ, Katarína a Renáta MACHOVÁ. The Economic consequences of Mitigation of the Population aging through the Fiscal Policy. Journal of Economics and Business Research. Vol. 19, no. 1 (2013), s. 134-152. ISSN 2068-3537.

2016  [3] MÁTÉ, D. - FENYVES, V. A foglalkoztatás regionális kérdései a tudás-intenzív üzleti szolgáltatásokat nyújtó ágazatokban a Kárpát-medencei országok összevetésében. In Gazdálkodás- és szervezéstudományi folyóirat. ISSN 2064-4361, 2016, VIII. évf., 5. sz., 5-12. old.

ADE 008 POÓR, József, Györgyi LAKATOSNÉ SZUHAI, Silvia TÓBIÁS KOSÁR a Renáta MACHOVÁ. A munkaerő fluktuáció összehasonlító elemzése a magyar és a szlovák munkaerőpiacon. Munkaügyi Szemle. Évf. 58, sz. 5 (2014), p. 23-32. ISSN 0541-3559.

2016  [3] FENYVES, V. - KONDOROSI, F. - KEREZSI, D. et al. Vezetői döntést segítő információk a munkaerővándorlás sajátosságai alapján. In Controller Info. ISSN 2063-9309, 2016, 4. évf., 3. sz., 42-51. old.

2015  [3] FENYVES, V. - DAJNOKI, K. Controlling Opportunities in Area of the Human Resources Management. In Annals of the Oradea University. 1583-0691, vol. 2015, no. 1, p. 137-142.

2015  [4] FENYVES, V. - DAJNOKI, K. Controlling eszközök a humán erőforrás gazdálkodás területén. In Controller Info. ISSN 2063-9309, 2015, roč. III, č. 3., s. 68-73.

ADE 009 BENCSIK, Andrea a Renáta MACHOVÁ. Esélyegyenlőség - érték vagy illúzió?: Diszkrimináció a munkahelyen. Vezetéstudomány. Évf. 45, sz. 6 (2014), p. 61-68. ISSN 0133-0179.

ADE 010 MACHOVÁ, Renáta, Monika BÁLINTOVÁ a Silvia TÓBIÁS KOSÁR. Területi egyenlőtlenségek kutatási módszereinek alkalmazása Kelet-Szlovákia példáján. Tér - gazdaság - ember. Évf. 1, sz. 4 (2013), p. 46-60. ISSN 2064-1176.

ADE 011 STOR, Marzena, József POÓR, Katalin SZABÓ, Ágnes SLAVIC, Monica ZAHARIE a Renáta MACHOVÁ. The Emerging Outline of Selected HRM Business Practices in MNC in Central Europe - The Empirical Research Findings. DOI 10.1515/joim-2016-0019 Journal of Intercultural Management. Vol. 3, no. 3 (2016), p. 105-136. ISSN 2080-0150.

2018  [3] STOR, M. Istotność i konfiguracja wybranych subfunkcji ZZL z perspektywy wyników uzyskiwanych przez polskie przedsiębiorstwa działające na rynkach międzynarodowych. In Zarządzanie i Finanse. ISSN 2084-5189, 2018, vol. 16, no. 1, p. 153-171.

ADE 012 BENCSIK, Andrea, Renáta MACHOVÁ, Tímea JUHÁSZ a Lilla CSÓKÁS. Vezető/Leader versus etika avagy az etikus leaderi magatartás jellemzői. DOI 10.14267/VEZTUD.2018.10.09 Vezetéstudomány : budapesti Corvinus Egyetem, Corvinus School of Management havi szakfolyóirata : budapest management review. Roč. 49, č. 10 (2018), s. 93-104. ISSN 0133-0179.

2021  [3] CSERHÁTI, G. - OBERMAYER, N. - FEHÉRVÖLGYI, B. - et al. Az autentikus vezetés jellemzőinek vizsgálata hazai felső vezetők élettörténetében. [The Characteristics of Authentic Leadership in the Life Stories of Hungarian CEOs]. In Vezetéstudomány / Budapest Management Review. ISSN 0133-0179, 2021, vol. 52, no. 4, p. 110.

2020  [3] MÁRMAROSI, A. A vezetés sötét oldala (hübrisztikus vezetés) - The dark side of leadership - hubristic leadership. In Vezetéstudomány. ISSN 0133-0179 , 2020, vol. 2020, no. 3, p. 30-42.

2019  [3] SNEIDER, T. Unethical Behavior and Business Culture: A Case for Business Ethics in Hungary. In FIKUSZ – Symposium for Young Researchers 2019. Proceedings. Budapest : Óbuda University, 2019. ISBN 978-963-449-175-0, 216.

2019  [3] BARIZSNÉ HADHÁZI, E. What is an ethical leader like? – A study based on business students’ opinions. In Annals of the University of Oradea, Economic Science Series. ISSN 1222-569X, 2019, vol. 28, no. 2, p. 231-240.

2018  [3] SNEIDER, T. Unethical behavior and business culture: A case for business ethics in Hungary. In Fikusz'19 Symposium for young researchers. Budapest : Obuda University, 2019. ISBN 978-963-449-175-0, p. 210-220.

ADE 013 POÓR, József, Tímea JUHÁSZ, Tamás HÁMORI, Péter KARÁCSONY, Renáta MACHOVÁ a Ildikó CSAPÓ. A munkaerőhiány néhány kérdése a közép-magyarországi régióban - empirikus vizsgálat alapján. DOI 10.18392/metsz/2018/4/1 Metszetek = Cross-sections : Társadalomtudományi folyóirat. = Cross-sections Évf. 7, sz. 4 (2018), p. 7-23. ISSN 2063-6415.

2020  [3] GELENCSÉR, M. - SZIGETI, O. - SZABÓ-SZENTGRÓTI, G. A feldolgozóipari munkavlállaók munkaerő-megtartása. In Vezetéstudomány. ISSN 0133-0179, 2020, vol. LI., no. 09, p. 67-79.

ADE 014 MACHOVÁ, Renáta, Zoltán ŠEBEN a Angelika KÚTNA. Generation Z and Y versus Tax Literacy in the 21st Century. Journal of Applied Economic Sciences. Vol. 14, no. 2 (2019), p. 433-439. ISSN 1843-6110.

ADE 015 MACHOVÁ, Renáta, Enikő KORCSMÁROS, Zoltán ŠEBEN, Lilla FEHÉR a Zsuzsanna TÓTH. Developing the Competences of Generation Z with Innovative Teaching Methods in the Context of the Requirement of Labour Market by Industry 4.0. International Journal of Advanced Corporate Learning. Vol. 14, no. 2 (2021), p. 17-26. ISSN 1867-5565 (online).

ADF Scientific/scholarly papers published inland in journals not registered in the Current Contents Connect database
Number of entries: 21

ADF 001 VÉGHOVÁ, Katarína a Renáta MACHOVÁ. Factors motivating and discouragin innovation performance of the small and medium sized enterprises. Journal of innovations and applied statistics - Vedecký internetový časopis. roč. 2, č. 1 (2012), s. 43-47. ISSN 1338-5224.

ADF 002 VÉGHOVÁ, Katarína, Renáta MACHOVÁ a Ladislav MURA. Komparácia inovačného výkonu maďarského a slovenského sektoru malého a stredného podnikania. Forum Statisticum Slovacum. č. 3. (2012), s. 146-151. ISSN 1336-7420.

2013  [3] BOBENIČ HINOTOŠOVÁ, A. - BROUTHOVÁ, M. - DEMJANOVÁ, L. Efekt veľkosti podniku na inovačnú aktivitu. In "Inovačný potenciál, inovačné podnikanie a podnikateľské siete". Brno : TRIBUN EU, 2013. ISBN 978-80-8122-088-3.

ADF 003 VAS, Taras, Renáta MACHOVÁ a József POÓR. Skúsenosti z medzinárodného programu "X-Culture". Acta Oeconomica Universitatis Selye. Roč. 1, č. 2 (2012), s. 229-236. ISSN 1338-6581.

ADF 004 MURA, Ladislav, Renáta MACHOVÁ a Katarína VÉGHOVÁ. Štatistika pracovných úrazov na Slovensku. Forum Statisticum Slovacum. č. 2 (2012), s. 136-140. ISSN 1336-7420.

ADF 005 MACHOVÁ, Renáta a Katarína VÉGHOVÁ. A kis- és középvállalatok támogatási rendszere Szlovákiában. Acta Oeconomica Universitatis Selye. roč. 2, č. 1 (2013), s. 167-176. ISSN 1338-6581.

2013  [3] MURA, L. Ľudské zdroje a ich úloha v malých a stredných podnikoch. In Sborník příspěvků RELIK 2013 : Reproduction of the Human Capital connections and relations [CD-ROM]. Slaný : MELANDRIUM, 2013. ISBN 978-80-86175-89-8.

ADF 006 MACHOVÁ, Renáta a Katarína VÉGHOVÁ. Az innovatív vállalkozói tevékenység támogatási fokának elemzése Szlovákiában és Magyarországon. Acta Oeconomica Universitatis Selye. Roč. 2, č. 2 (2013), s. 121-137. ISSN 1338-6581.

ADF 007 MACHOVÁ, Renáta a Katarína VÉGHOVÁ. Fiscal politics versus migration. Selye e-studies. Roč. 4, č. 4 (2013), s. 25-35. ISSN 1338-1598.

ADF 008 VÉGHOVÁ, Katarína, Renáta MACHOVÁ a Lilla FEHÉR. Kisvállalati marketing magatartás - innováció a 2010-es években Magyarországon. Acta Oeconomica Universitatis Selye. roč. 2, č. 1 (2013), s. 285-293. ISSN 1338-6581.

2020  [4] ZSIGMOND, T. - PUSKÁR, L. Az Y és Z generáció a reklámok tükrében. In Mladí vedci 2020. Zborník vedeckých príspevkov doktorandov a mladých vedeckých pracovníkov. Bratislava : Paneurópska vysoká škola, Fakulta ekonómie a podnikania v spolupráci s Univerzitou J. Selyeho, Fakultou ekonómie a informatiky a s Odborom ekonomiky a manažmentu Slovenskej akadémie pôdohospodárskych vied, 2020. ISBN 978-80-89453-73-3 , p. 197-113.

ADF 009 VÉGHOVÁ, Katarína a Renáta MACHOVÁ. The current trend modelling of the conscious in healthy lifstyle in the context of intergenerational management. In: Management: Science and education. Žilina: Edis, 2013, Vol. 2, no. 1 (2013), p. 92-97.

ADF 010 POÓR, József, Renáta MACHOVÁ, Kinga KEREKES a Monica ZAHARIE. The new trends of Human Resource Management at the local subsidiaries of multinational companies - in focus Hungary, Romania and Slovakia. Selye e-studies. Roč. 4, č. 3 (2013), s. 4-14. ISSN 1338-1598.

ADF 011 MACHOVÁ, Renáta. Mi mozgatja az embert?: What motivates a human?. Acta Oeconomica Universitatis Selye. Roč. 3, č. 2 (2014), p. 88-100. ISSN 1338-6581.

2019  [3] LORINCOVÁ, S. - ŠTARCHOŇ, P. - WEBEROVÁ, D. -et al. Employee motivation as a tool to achieve sustainability of business processes. In Sustainability. ISSN 2071-1050, 2019, vol. 11, no. 13, p. 10-15.

2018  [1] STRAKOVÁ, R. Regional disparities and unemployment rate: Role of education in regional development. In Journal of Applied Economic Sciences. ISSN 1843-6110, vol. 13, no. 3, p. 663-672. SCOPUS

2018  [1] HITKA, M. - LIŽBETINOVÁ, L. - SCHMIDTOVÁ, J. - et al How to manage careers in Slovak small and medium-sized Wood-processing enterprises. In bioresources.com. ISSN 1930-2126, 2018, vol. 13, no. 3, p. 6300-6320. WoS

2018  [1] STRAKOVÁ, R. Regional disparities and unemployment rate: role of education in regional development. In Journal of applied economic sciences. ISSN 2393-5162, 2018, vol. XIII, no. 3(57), p. 663-672. SCOPUS

2018  [1] HITKA, M. - LORINCOVÁ, S. - BARTÁKOVÁ, G. P. -et al. Strategic tool of human resource management for operation of SMEs in the wood-processing industry. In BioResources. ISSN 1930-2126, 2018, vol. 13, no. 2, p. 2759-2774. SCOPUS

ADF 012 MACHOVÁ, Renáta, Ladislav MURA a Monika BÁLINTOVÁ. Regionálne nerovnosti v kontexte východného Slovenska. Sociálno - ekonomická revue. Roč. 12, č. 3 (2014), p. 44-55. ISSN 1336-3727.

ADF 013 MACHOVÁ, Renáta a Silvia TÓBIÁS KOSÁR. Slovensko v srdci geopolitických síl: Slovakia in the heart of geopolitical forces. Acta Oeconomica Universitatis Selye. Roč. 3, č. 1 (2014), p. 143-152. ISSN 1338-6581.

2020  [4] FARAGÓ, B. Management of the sport career model in Hungary - Dual career research. In Selye e-study. ISSN 1338-1598, 2020, vol. 11, no.1, 55-66.

ADF 014 MACHOVÁ, Renáta a Ladislav MURA. Ľudské zdroje ako determinant inovácií = Human resources as a determinant of Innovatio. Sociálno-ekonomická revue. = Social and Economic Revue - Scientific Journal Roč. 13, č. 1 (2015), s. 67-78. ISSN 1336-3727.

ADF 015 CSÓKÁS, Lilla a Renáta MACHOVÁ. Hatékony vezetési stílus. Acta Oeconomica Universitatis Selye. Roč. 6, č. 1 (2017), s. 39-51. ISSN 1338-6581.

2020  [1] HITKA, M. - LORINCOVÁ, S. - VETRÁKOVÁ, M. - et al. Factors related to gender and education affecting the employee motivation. In Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Issues. ISSN 2345-0282, 2020, vol. 7, no. 4, p. 3226-3241. WoS ; SCOPUS

2020  [4] FARAGÓ, B. Management of the sport career model in Hungary - Dual career research. In Selye e-study. ISSN 1338-1598, 2020, vol. 11, no.1, 55-66.

2020  [4] ŠVEC, M. - MURA, L. Impact of Covid-19 on Innovation of Internal Communication and Information Sharing Emong Employees. In Marketing Identity: COVID-2.0. Trnava : Faculty of Mass Media Communication, University of Ss. Cyril and Methodius in Trnava, 2020. ISBN 978-80-752-0107-6, p. 598.

2019  [1] HITKA, M. - KUCHARČÍKOVÁ, A. - ŠTARCHOŇ, P. -et al. Knowledge and human capital as sustainable competitive advantage in human resource management. In Sustainability. ISSN 2071-1050, 2019, vol. 11, no. 18. WoS

2019  [1] PERACEK, T. Family business and its anchoring in the legal order of the Slovak Republic and the Czech Republic. In Education excellence and innovation management through vision 2020 . Norristown : INT Business Information Management ASSOC-IBIMA, 2019. ISBN 978-0-9998551-2-6, p. 7290-7298. WoS

2019  [1] PERACEK, T. Selected issues of electronic delivery in the slovak public administration. In Education excellence and innovation management through vision 2020 . Norristown : INT Business Information Management ASSOC-IBIMA, 2019. ISBN 978-0-9998551-2-6 , p. 3255-3263. WoS

2019  [1] MURA, L. - GONTKOVICOVA, B. - SPISAKOVA, E. D. -et al. Position of employee benefits in remuneration structure. In Transformations in business & economics. ISSN 1648-4460 , 2019, vol. 18, no. 2, p. 156-173. WoS

2018  [2] SVEC, M. - MADLENAK, A. - HORECKY, J. GDPR and its impact on the direct marketing management. In Marketing identitiy: Digital mirrors, pt II. Trnava : Univerzita sv. Cyrila a Metoda, 2018. ISBN 978-80-8105-984-1, p. 344-353. WoS

2018  [1] DURIS, M. - OLVECKA, V. - STRAZOVSKA, L. -et al. Influence of the globalization on doing business in Slovakia . Vision 2020: Sustainable economic development and application of innovation management. Norristown : INT Business Information Management ASSOC-IBIMA, 2018. ISBN 978-0-9998551-1-9, p. 7310-7318. WoS

2018  [1] SZEINER, Z - SZOBI, A. - SKLENAR, D. Employee benefits practice in Slovakia. In Ad Alta-Journal of Interdisciplinary Research. ISSN 1804-7890, 2018, vol. 8, no. 2, p. 246-253. WoS

ADF 016 LENTNER, Csaba, Krisztína SZEGEDI, Tibor TATAY a Renáta MACHOVÁ. Spoločenská zodpovednosť centrálnych bánk = Corporate Social Responsibility in the Contex of Central Banks. Podniková Revue. = Business Review - A scientific journal focusing on developing the economic theory, management, marketing, finance and their application in business practice Roč. 16, č. 37 (2017), s. 7-25. ISSN 1335-9746.

ADF 017 POÓR, József, Erika VARGA, Renáta MACHOVÁ a Taras VAS. Nové formy vzdelávania prostredníctvom projektu "X-Culture" = New Forms of Education under Project "X-Culture". Ekonomické rozhľady = Economic review : vedecký časopis Ekonomickej univerzity v Bratislave. = Economic review Roč. 47, č. 1 (2018), s. 7-23. ISSN 0323-262X.

ADF 018 MACHOVÁ, Renáta, Silvia TÓBIÁS KOSÁR a Lucia ANDOVÁ. Regionálny rozvoj v intenciách cestovného ruchu. Selye e-studies : online recenzovaný vedecký časopis. Roč. 9, č. 1 (2018), s. 22-31 [online]. ISSN 1338-1598 (online).

ADF 019 MACHOVÁ, Renáta, Zoltán ŠEBEN a Angelika KÚTNA. Z és Y generáció versus adók a 21. században. Selye e-studies : online recenzovaný vedecký časopis. Roč. 9, č. 2 (2018), s. 4-15 [online]. ISSN 1338-1598 (online).

ADF 020 GÓDÁNY, Zsuzsanna, Renáta MACHOVÁ, Lilla FEHÉR, Enikő KORCSMÁROS, Erika SERES HUSZÁRIK a Silvia TÓBIÁS KOSÁR. Játékosítás (gamifikáció) a felsőoktatásban. Eruditio - Educatio : Vedecký časopis Pedagogickej fakulty Univerzity J. Selyeho v Komárne : a Selye János Egyetem Tanárképző Karának tudományos folyóirata : Research Journal of the Faculty of Education of J. Selye University. Évf. 14, sz. 3 (2019), p. 101-108. ISSN 1336-8893.

ADF 021 MACHOVÁ, Renáta, Enikő KORCSMÁROS, Zsuzsanna GÓDÁNY, Lilla FEHÉR, Silvia TÓBIÁS KOSÁR a Erika SERES HUSZÁRIK. The Concept of Performance Evaluation of the Faculty of Economics at S. Selye University Through the BSC Method in the Context of Innovation. Selye e-studies : online recenzovaný vedecký časopis. online, roč. 10, č. 2 (2019), s. 4-10. ISSN 1338-1598 (online).

ADM Scientific/scholarly papers published abroad in journals registered in the databases Web of Science or SCOPUS
Number of entries: 26

ADM 001 BENCSIK, Andrea, Tímea JUHÁSZ a Renáta MACHOVÁ. Mentoring practice on behalf of knowledge sharing in the light of education. Acta Polytechnica Hungarica. Vol. 11, no. 9 (2014), pp. 95-114. ISSN 1785-8860. WoS, SCOPUS. SNIP (2013): 0,828.

2021  [3] DAJNOKI, K. - SZONDI, R. - FILEP, R. The Role of Career and Knowledge Management in Retention. In Studia Mundi - Economica. ISSN 2415-9395, 2021, vol. 8, no. 1, p. 68.

2020  [1] MOHAMED, M. A. Persuasion of tacit knowledge in teaching information technology and information systems. In Vine journal of information and knowledge management systems. ISSN 20059-5891, 2020, doi: 10.1108/VJIKMS-01-2020-0013. WoS ; SCOPUS

2020  [1] ADEYEMI, O. - OKE, A. Factors affecting mentoring of professionals in construction firms: Nigerian quantity surveyors' perspective. In International jorunal of construction managemnet. ISSN 1562-3599, 2020, doi: 10.1080/15623599.2020.1783601. WoS ; SCOPUS

2019  [3] SÁNDOR, B. - FEHÉR, D. J. Kiberbiztonsági bérek megoszlásának felmérése Magyarországon. In Vállalkozásfejlesztés a XXI. században IX. Budapest : Óbudai Egyetem, 2019. ISBN 978-963-449-165-1, p.226-237.

2018  [1] MENESES-ORTEGON, J. P. - JOVE, T. - FABREGAT, R. - et al. Knowledge Management Tools and Technics to Support co-Creation Process of Educational Material. In 11th Annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation (ICERI2018). Spain : ICERI Proceedings, 2018. ISBN 978-84-09-05948-5, p. 6424-6431. WoS

2018  [1] CHARBAND, Y. JAFARI NAVIMIPOUR, N. Knowledge sharing mechanisms in the education: A systematic review of the state of the art literature and recommendations for future research. In Kybernetes. ISSN 0368-492X, 2018, vol. 47, no.7, p. 1456-1490. SCOPUS

2018  [3] HORVÁTH-CSIKÓS, G. Why should mentoring still be an issue on the future labour market? In Studia Mundi- Economica. ISSN 2415-9395, 2018, vol.5, no. 2, p. 110-117.

2018  [3] SZONDI, R. A globális karrier vizsgálatának lehetősége : The opportunity of analysing global career. In International Journal of Engineering and Management Sciences. ISSN 2229-6425, 2018, vol. 3 (2018), no. 4, p. 115-124.

2017  [3] VARGA, E. - MAROSNÉ KUNA, ZS. - MISKOLCINÉ MIKÁCZÓ, A. et al. A hazai felsőfokú képzésben oktatott vállalkozói ismeretek hallgatói megítélése. In Polgári Szemle [online]. 2017, 12. évf., 4-6. sz. [cit. 2017-11-08]. Dostupné na internete: . ISSN 1786-6553.

2017  [2] VLACSEKOVÁ, D. - MURA, L. Effect of motivational tools on employee satisfaction in small and medium enterprises. In Oeconomica. ISSN 2353-1827, 2017, vol. 8, no. 1, p. 113, 121. WoS

2017  [3] ZIEMBA, E. - EISENBARDT, M. - MULLINS, R- et al. Investigating incentives that encouraged and can encourage Polish and UK-based prosumers to engage in knowledge sharing. In Online Journal of Applied Knowledge Management. ISSN 2325-4688, 2017, vol. 5, no. 1, p. 72-100.

2017  [1] RUZICIC, V. S. - MICIC, Z. M. Creating a strategic national knowledge architecture: A comparative analysis of knowledge source innovation in the ICS subfields of multimedia and IT security. In Computers & Security. ISSN 0167-4048, 2017, vol. 70, p. 455-466. WoS

2016  [4] VLACSEKOVÁ, D. Vplyv pracovnej dôvery na motiváciu zamestnancov. In Journal of Innovation and Applied Statistics. ISSN 1338-5224, 2016, roč. 6, č. 2, s.144, 152.

2016  [3] MURA, L. Human Resource Management in Global Entrepreneurial Environment. In RELIK 2016 : Conference Proceedings. Prague : University of Economics, 2016. ISBN 978-80-245-2166-4, p. 418-427.

2016  [3] VLACSEKOVÁ, D. - TÓBIÁS KOSÁR, S. The Examination of Motivational Factors of Chosen Generations. In RELIK 2016 : Conference Proceedings. Prague : University of Economics, 2016. ISBN 978-80-245-2166-4, p. 607-619.

2016  [3] MADARÁSZ, T. Stratégiai lehetőségek a birkózás versenyképességének fenntartása Magyarországon. In Taylor : Gazdálkodás- és szervezéstudományi folyóirat. ISSN 2064-4361, 2016, VIII. évf., 4. sz. No 25, p. 29, 34.

2016  [3] ZIEMBA, E. - EISENBARDT, M. Incentives encouraging prosumers to knowledge sharing - framework based on Polish study. In Online journal of applied knowledge management. ISSN 2325-4688, 2016, vol. 4, no. 2, p. 146-166.

2016  [1] MURA, L. - ORLÍKOVÁ, M. Social entrepreneurship and social enterprises: The case of Slovakia. In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference. Prague : University of Economics, 2016. ISBN 978-80-245-2153-4, p. 495-505. WoS

2016  [3] BÁCSNÉ BÁBA, É. Futballvállalkozások lehetséges szervezeti formái nemzetközi jó gyakorlat alapján - esettanulmány a Manchaster United Fc-ról (az angol modell). In Taylor : gazdálkodás- és szervezéstudományi folyóirat. ISSN 2064-4361, 2016, vol. 8, no. 2, p. 95-102.

2016  [3] ŠVEC, M. - MADLEŇÁK, A. Human resources in the light of current trends in labour law and personnel management in Slovakia. In RELIK 2016 : Conference Proceedings. Prague : University of Economics, 2016. ISBN 978-80-245-2166-4, p. 572-581.

2016  [3] JUHÁSZ, CS. Kommunikációs elvárások a szervezetben. In Közép-európai közlemények. ISSN 1789-6339, 2016, vol. 9, no. 2, p. 124-133.

2016  [3] ZIEMBA, E. - EISENBARDT, M. Incentives encouraging prosumers to knowledge sharing - framework based on Polish study. In Online Journal of Applied Knowledge Management. ISSN 2325-4688, 2016, vol. 4, no. 2, p. 146-166.

2015  [4] JUHASZ KLER, A. The Personal Aspects of Organizational Commitment. In Corporate Social Responsibility and Human Resource Management in V4 Countries. Nitra : Proceedings from International Scientific Conference, 2015. ISBN 978-80-552-1432-0, p. 278, 284.

2015  [3] MADARÁSZ, T. - KUCSMA, D. A cselgáncs versenyképessége Magyarországon. In Acta scientiarum socialium. ISSN 1418-7191, 2015, vol. 44, p. 131-140.

2015  [1] OLŠOVSKÁ, A. MURA, L. - ŠVEC, M. The most recent legislative changes and their impact on interest by enterprises in agency employment: What is next in human resource management?. In Problems and Perspectives in Management. ISSN 1727-7051, 2015, vol. 13, no. 3, p. 47-54. SCOPUS

ADM 002 BRÁNYI, Tamás, László JÓZSA a Renáta MACHOVÁ. The role of dominant power in supply chains. Problems and Perspectives in Management. Vol. 12, no. 3 (2014), p. 91-98. ISSN 1727-7051. SCOPUS. SNIP (2013): 0,148.

2019  [1] KMETEC, A. - ROSI, B. - MLAKER KAČ, S. The importance of partnerships in supply chains.In Management : Journal of contemporary management issues. ISSN 1331-0194, 2019, vol. 24, no. 2, p. 95-106. WoS

ADM 003 BENCSIK, Andrea, Tímea JUHÁSZ, Renáta MACHOVÁ a Zsuzsanna TÓTH. Critical Questions of Knowledge Management Concerning Women on Maternity Leave in Hungary. Acta Polytechnica Hungarica. Vol. 12, no. 2 (2015), p. 175-194. ISSN 1785-8860. WoS. IF (2014): 0,649.

2020  [4] FARAGÓ, B. Management of the sport career model in Hungary - Dual career research. In Selye e-study. ISSN 1338-1598, 2020, vol. 11, no.1, 55-66.

2018  [3] STROE, C. - COJANU, S. - CIOBANU, G. Some influences of the romanian social assistance strategy regarding the incentive benefit on the sustainable strategic management of prganisation. In Economics, management, and financial markets. ISSN 1842-3191, 2018, vol. 14, no. 3.

ADM 004 BENCSIK, Andrea, Renáta MACHOVÁ a Endre HEVESI. Knowledge management done by the Hungarians. DOI 10.3923/ibm.2015.169.181 International Business Management. Vol. 9, no. 2 (2015), p. 169-181. ISSN 1993-5250. SCOPUS. SNIP (2013): 0,504.

ADM 005 MACHOVÁ, Renáta, Erika SERES HUSZÁRIK a Zsuzsanna TÓTH. Shockvertising in selected European countries: Hofstede’s dimensions analysis. Actual Problems of Economics. Vol. 173, no. 11 (2015), p. 32-42. ISSN 1993-6788. SCOPUS. SNIP (2015): 0,123.

2021  [3] HASHEM, T. N. - ALNSOUR, M. S. - ALI, N. N. - et al. The Impact of 'Shockvertising' on Consumer Behavior: Investigating Its Influence on the "Why Buy" Aspect. In WSEAS Transactions on Business and Economics. ISSN 2224-2899, 2021, vol. 18, p. 1333.

ADM 006 MACHOVÁ, Renáta, Silvia TÓBIÁS KOSÁR, József POÓR a Endre HEVESI. The analysis of labor fluctuation in the Nitra region of Slovakia. Problems and Perspectives in Management. Vol. 13, no. 1 (2015), p. 143-151. ISSN 1727-7051. SCOPUS. SNIP (2013): 0,148.

2017  [3] OLŠOVSKÁ, A. - ŠVEC, M. Use of Phsychological Examinations of Employees and Job Applicants in Pesronnel Management. In Issues of Human Resource Management. Rijeka : InTech, 2017. ISBN 978-953-51-3228-8, p. 40.

2015  [1] OLŠOVSKÁ, A. - MURA, L. - ŠVEC, M. The most recent legislative changes and their impact on interest by enterprises in agency employment: what is next in human recource management?. In Problems and Perspectives in Management. ISSN 1727-7051, 2015, vol. 13, no. 3, p. 47-54. SCOPUS

ADM 007 MACHOVÁ, Renáta, Erika SERES HUSZÁRIK a Zsuzsanna TÓTH. The role of shockvertising in the context of various generations. Problems and Perspectives in Management. Vol. 13, no. 1 (2015), p. 104-112. ISSN 1727-7051. SCOPUS. SNIP (2013): 0,148.

2021  [3] HASHEM, T. N. - ALNSOUR, M. S. - ALI, N. N. - et al. The Impact of 'Shockvertising' on Consumer Behavior: Investigating Its Influence on the "Why Buy" Aspect. In WSEAS Transactions on Business and Economics. ISSN 2224-2899, 2021, vol. 18, p. 1333.

2019  [1] DIMITRIOU, C. K. - ABOUELGHEIT, E. Understanding generation Z's social decision-making in travel. In Tourism and Hospitality Management. ISSN 1330-7533, 2019, vol. 25, no. 2, p. 311-334. WoS ; SCOPUS

2018  [1] BACHNIK, K. - NOWACKI, R. How to Build Consumer Trust: Socially Responsible or Controversial Advertising. In Sustainability. ISSN 2071-1050, 2018, vol. 10, no. 7. WoS ; SCOPUS

2018  [4] VINCZE, D. How does experience appear in young consumers ́social media posting activites? In Zborník X. medzinárodnej vedeckej konferencie Univerzity J. Selyeho - 2018 : Sekcia ekonomických vied. Komárno : Univerzita J. Selyeho, 2018. ISBN 978-80-8122-256-6, p. 359-371.

2016  [3] GHEORGE, C. M. - GHEORGE, I. R. - PURCĂREA, V. L. Public Awareness Campaigns: a Consumer-Oriented Perspective Regarding the Advertising on LGBT Minorities. In Procedia Economics and Finance. ISSN 2212-5671, 2016.

2015  [3] ZAPLETALOVÁ, Š. Internationalization Process of Entrepreneurial Activities: A Comparative Study of Czech Companies. In Working Papers in Interdisciplinary Economics and Business Research no. 18 [online]. [cit. 04.11.2015]. Dostupné z: http://www.iivopf.cz/images/Working_papers/WPIEBRS_18_Zapletalova.pdf

2015  [3] ZAPLETALOVÁ, Š. Internationalization of Czech Companies. Saarbrücken : LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, 2015. 120 s. ISBN 978-3-659-79233-5.

ADM 008 BRÁNYI, Árpád, László JÓZSA a Renáta MACHOVÁ. The role of social capital elements: Hungarian winery networks case study. Actual Problems of Economics. Vol. 170, no. 8 (2015), p. 100-110. ISSN 1993-6788. SCOPUS. SNIP (2014): 0,085.

2019  [3] UYS, G. - MEYER, A. - NIEMANN, W. Taxonomies of trust in supply chain risk management in the South African third party logistics industry. In Acta Commercii. ISSN 2413-1903, 2019, vol. 19, no. 01, p. 1-14.

ADM 009 BENCSIK, Andrea, Renáta MACHOVÁ a Zsuzsanna TÓTH. Cheap and clever - symbiosis of frugal innovation and knowledge management. Problems and Perspectives in Management. Vol. 14, no. 1 (2016), p 85-93. ISSN 1727-7051. SCOPUS. SNIP (2014): 0,268.

2021  [1] MENGESHA, G. H. - WATSON, R. T. - NEGASH, S. Frugal Knowledge Sharing for Frugal Innovation Diffusion in Africa: The Church Woman and Related Models. In JOURNAL OF GLOBAL INFORMATION MANAGEMENT. ISSN 1062-7375, vol. 29, no. 6. WoS

2021  [3] HINDOCHA, C. N. - ANTONACCI, G. - BARLOW, J. - et al. Defining frugal innovation: a critical review. In BMJ Innovations [online]. 2021 [cit. 2021-12-16]. Dostupné na internete: . ISSN 2055-642X.

2021  [3] NHOKOVEDZO, S. Construction of Sustainable Frugal Innovations Index for the Agriculture Sector. In International Journal of Sustainable Agricultural Research. ISSN 2313-0393, 2021, vol. 8, no. 2, p. 94, 95.

2021  [3] TYLŻANOWSKI , R. Creativity as the main determinant of implementing frugal innovations in enterprises. In Organization and Management. Scientific paper no. 150. Modernity of Industry and Sciences. ISSN 1641-3466, 2021, no. 150, p. 310, 311.

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ADM 013 BENCSIK, Andrea, Renáta MACHOVÁ a Endre HEVESI. The relation between motivation and personality types. DOI 10.3923/ibm.2016.183.193 International Business Management. Vol. 10, no. 3 (2016), p. 183-193. ISSN 1993-5250. SCOPUS. SNIP (2014): 0,445.

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ADM 018 MACHOVÁ, Renáta, Ladislav MURA, Katarína HAVIERNIKOVÁ a Zsuzsanna TÓTH. The Entrepreneur’s Network as a Cooperation Form of Entrepreneurship: Case of Slovakia. Journal of Applied Economic Sciences. Vol. 12, no. 1 (2017), p. 160-169. ISSN 2393-5162. SCOPUS. SNIP (2015): 0,691.

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2021  [3] DIDENKO, I. - SIDELNYK, N. Insurance Innovations as a Part of the Financial Inclusion. In Business Ethics and Leadership. ISSN 2520-6311, vol. 5, no. 1, p. 135.

2020  [5] SADIGOV, M. - PAKHNENKO, O. - LYEONOV, S. Linking between financial literacy and extending of fintech services. In Economic and social development. ISSN 1849-7535, 2020, vol. 1/4, p. 915-924.

ADM 023 ZSIGMOND, Tibor, Enikő KORCSMÁROS, Renáta MACHOVÁ a Zoltán ŠEBEN. Interconnection of Consumer Behaviour of Different Generations and Marketing Strategy of a Football Club - Experience in Slovakia. DOI 10.21272/mmi.2020.2-16 Marketing and Management of Innovations = Marketyng i menedžment innovacij. = Маркетинг і менеджмент інновацій No. 2 (2020), p. 221-234. ISSN 2218-4511. WoS.

2021  [3] MURA, L. - HAJDUOVÁ, Z. Small and Medium Enterprises in Regions - Empirical and Quantitative Approach. In Insights into Regional Development. ISSN 2669-0195, 2021, vol. 3, no. 2, p. 263.

ADM 024 GÓDÁNY, Zsuzsanna, Renáta MACHOVÁ, Ladislav MURA a Tibor ZSIGMOND. Entrepreneurship motivation in the 21st century in terms of pull and push factors. TEM Journal : Technology, Education, Management, Informatics. Vol. 10, no. 1 (2021), p. 334-342. ISSN 2217-8309. WoS, SCOPUS.

2021  [4] ŠTEFKO, R. - SVETOZAROVOVÁ, N. - NATIŠIN, Ľ. Perception of the Ethical Aspect of Business Reputation Management in the Online Environment. In Megatrends and Media: Home Officetainment. Fakulta masmediálnej komunikácie : Trnava, 2021. ISBN 978-80-572-0183-0, p. 456.

ADM 025 KORCSMÁROS, Enikő a Renáta MACHOVÁ. Challenges of burnout prevention in slovac smes– focus on optimal employment. DOI 10.12700/APH.18.2.2021.2.5 Acta Polytechnica Hungarica : An international peer-reviewed scientific journal of Óbuda University, Hungarian Academy of Engineering and IEEE Hungary Section : journal of applied sciences. Vol. 18, no. 2 (2021), p. 87-104. ISSN 1785-8860. WoS, SCOPUS.

Q WoS=Q3 Q Scopus=Q2

2021  [3] ESSEOVÁ, M. - MARČA, E. Business Closures and the Changing Number of Self-Employed People Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic in Slovakia and Hungary. In RELIK 2021. Conference Proceedings. Praha : Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze, 2021. ISBN 978-80-245-2429-0, p. 142.

2021  [3] ZSIGMOND, T. - SÁRKÖZI, B. Sz. Graduates in the Labor Market: Expectations and Opportunities. In RELIK 2021. Conference Proceedings. Praha : Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze, 2021. ISBN 978-80-245-2429-0, p. 906.

ADM 026 KORCSMÁROS, Enikő, Renáta MACHOVÁ, Zoltán ŠEBEN a Tibor ZSIGMOND. The regional innovations governance: Slovakia with regard to convergence criteria. DOI 10.21272/mmi.2021.1-13 Marketing and Management of Innovations = Marketyng i menedžment innovacij. = Маркетинг і менеджмент інновацій No. 1 (2021), p. 170-180. ISSN 2218-4511. WoS.

2021  [3] BOTHOVÁ, F. Impact of the Coronavirus Epidemic on Erasmus+. In Teadmus. Sustainable Development: Modern Theories and Best Practices. ISSN 2733-2942, 2021, p. 46-47.

ADN Scientific/scholarly papers published inland in journals registered in the databases Web of Science or SCOPUS
Number of entries: 1

ADN 001 ZSIGMOND, Tibor, Renáta MACHOVÁ a Annamária ZSIGMONDOVÁ. Strategic management from the perspective of SMEs operating in service sector. DOI 10.12776/qip.v25i2.1549 Kvalita Inovácia Prosperita = Quality Innovation Prosperity. = Quality Innovation Prosperity Roč. 25, č. 2 (2021), p. 37-53. ISSN 1335-1745. WoS, SCOPUS.

Q Scopus=Q3

2021  [3] GALABOVA, B. - TRIFONOVA, B. - PETROVA, V. - et al. Strategies for adapting human resource management policies in mineral resource enterprises in the covid-19 contex: theoretical and applied aspects. In Annual of the University of Mining and Geology "St. Ivan Rilski" - Sofia. ISSN 2738-8808, 2021, vol. 64, p. 190.

2021  [3] GALABOVA, B. - TRIFONOVA, B. - PETROVA, V. - et al. Управление на човешките ресурси в предприятията: иновативни практики в контекста на кризиceh [Human Resource Management in the Enterprises: Innovative Practices in a Crises Context]. In Управление на човешките ресурси [Human Resource Management]. Varna : University of Economics – Varna, 2021. ISBN 978-954-21-1092-7, p. 167.

AEC Scientific/scholarly papers published abroad in peer-reviewed proceedings or monographs
Number of entries: 7

AEC 001 VÉGHOVÁ, Katarína a Renáta MACHOVÁ. Inovačný potenciál malých a stredných podnikov na Slovensku. In: "Inovačný potenciál, inovačné podnikanie a podnikateľské siete": Monografický zborník vedeckých prác. Brno: Tribun EU, S. 190-197. ISBN 978-80-8122-088-3.

AEC 002 MACHOVÁ, Renáta. A Railjet prémium vonat catering cégeinek stratégiái. In: Nemzetközi menedzsment. Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó, 2015, P. 397-406. ISBN 978 963 05 9536 0.

AEC 003 DOBRAI, Katalin, Renáta MACHOVÁ a József POÓR. Tudásmenedzsment a HR-ben nemzetközi vállalatok helyi leányvállalatainál - empirikus kutatások tükrében. In: A tudásmenedzsment elméletben és gyakorlatban. Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó, 2015, P. 285-293. ISBN 978 963 05 9589 6.

AEC 004 POÓR, József, Erika VARGA, Renáta MACHOVÁ a Vas TARAS. X-Culture: a nemzetközi együttműködés egy példája. In: Vállalati kommunikációmenedzsment: tanulmánykötet. Budapest: L´Harmattan, 2016, P. 134-148. ISBN 978-963-414-267-6.

AEC 005 ZSIGMOND, Tibor a Renáta MACHOVÁ. The mobile app usage habits among users and its possibilities in the tourism industry. In: Development and Transformation Processes in the Tourism Industry under the Conditions of Globalization. Remigijus Kinderis. Klaipeda: Klaipeda State University of Applied Sciences, 2019, P. 114-126. ISBN 978-609-454-384-5 (online).

AEC 006 ZSIGMOND, Tibor, Renáta MACHOVÁ a Emese REHLINGOVÁ. Idegenforgalom a Covid-19 világjárvány idején a Nyitrai kerületben = Field of Tourism in Nitra District During COVID-19. In: Kommunikáció - Gazdagság - Kultúra - Nyelv : 50 éve a közgazdász képzés szolgálatában - Tiszteletkötet Borgulya Istvánné részére: 50 éve a közgazdász képzés szolgálatában - Tiszteletkötet Borgulya Istvánné részére. Konczosné Szombathelyi, Balogh Gábor, Jarjabka Ákos. Pécs: Pécsi Tudományegyetem Közgazdaságtudományi Kar (PTE KTK), 2021, P. 184-192. ISBN 978-963-429-836-6.

AEC 007 BENCSIK, Andrea, Tibor ZSIGMOND a Renáta MACHOVÁ. Interim menedzsment, mint a tudásátadás eszköze. In: LIMES : A II. Rákóczi Ferenc Kárpátaljai Magyar Főiskola tudományos évkönyve: A II. Rákóczi Ferenc Kárpátaljai Magyar Főiskola tudományos évkönyve. Orosz Ildikó. Užgorod: Ferenc Rákóczi II. Transcarpathian Hungarian College, 2019, P. 95-104.

AED Scientific/scholarly papers published inland in peer-reviewed proceedings or monographs
Number of entries: 6

AED 001 VÉGHOVÁ, Katarína a Renáta MACHOVÁ. Az erkölcsi kockázat kevésbé ismert dimenzió a kockázatok kezelésére a pénzügyi és gazdasági válság idején. Actual problems of modern education in 21st century. (2012), s. 171-177.

AED 002 BENCSIK, Andrea a Renáta MACHOVÁ. Kulturálne pozadie intergeneračného a znalostného manažmentu. In: Managements Trend sin Theory and Practice: Scientific Papers. Žilina: EDIS Žilina, 2013, S. 67-69. ISBN 978-80-554-0736-4.

AED 003 POÓR, József, Katalin SZABÓ, Zsuzsa KAROLINY, Kinga KEREKES, Monica ZAHARIE, Renáta MACHOVÁ, Ágnes SZLÁVICZ a Allen ENGLE. The new trends of human resource management at the local subsidiaries of multinational companies - in focus Hungary, Romania and Slovakia. Research Studies and Case Compilation on SHRM in Transition Countries of Europe. S. 25-35.

AED 004 DOBRAI, Katalin, D. Allen ENGLE, Ferenc FARKAS, Mártonné KAROLINY, József POÓR a Renáta MACHOVÁ. Theoretical background: Socio-economic and cultural characteristics of countries surveyed. In: Human Resource Management Issues and Challenges in Foreign Owned Companies: Central and Eastern Europe. Komárno: Univerzita J. Selyeho, 2012, S. 18-31. ISBN 978-80-8122-047-0.

AED 005 DOBRAI, Katalin, Allen D. ENGLE, Ferenc FARKAS, Mártonné KAROLINY, Ruth ALAS, József POÓR a Renáta MACHOVÁ. Theoretical background: Socio-economic and cultural characteristics of countries surveyed. In: Human Resource Management Issues and Challenges in Foreign owned Companies: Central and Eastern Europe (2011-2013). Komárno: Univerzita J. Selyeho, 2015, CD-ROM, p. 17-31. ISBN 978-80-8122-151-4.

AED 006 BÁLINTOVÁ, Monika a Renáta MACHOVÁ. Eko-inovácie a ich význam z pohľadu slovenskej ekonomiky = Eco-Innovations and Their Importance from the Perspective of the Slovac Economy. In: Aplikácia princípov kruhovej ekonomiky na Slovensku : zborník vedeckých prác 2 z projektu VEGA 1/0705/19: zborník vedeckých prác 2 z projektu VEGA 1/0705/19. Zdenka Musová, Alena Kusá, Martina Minárová. Banská Bystrica: Vydavateľstvo Univerzity Mateja Bela v Banskej Bystrici - Belianum, 2021, S. 19-31. ISBN 978-80-557-1920-7.

AFC Published conference articles presented at conferences abroad
Number of entries: 39

AFC 001 MACHOVÁ, Renáta. Aspects of human potential development as a factor of regional development in the region. In: Sborník příspevků: IV. Mezinárodní vědecké konference doktorandů a mladých vědeckých pracovníků. Karviná: Slezská univerzita v Opavě, 2011, P. 1039-1047. ISBN 978-80-7248-711-0.

2012  [4] Véghová, K.-Buleca, J.-Mura, L. The Importance of Marketing Strategy In: Transactions of the Universieties of Košice 2/2012, Research reports from the Universities of Košice. Technical University of Košice, p. 103-111. ISSN 1335-2334

2012  [3] Véghová, K. Nyitott innováció - a szlovákiai kis- és középvállalkozások kitörési lehetősége. In Absztraktkötet. Szakmai nap és üzletember-találkozó "Társadalmi-gazdasági kihívások a határ menti térségekben". SJE GTK, Komárno, EDUTUS Főiskola Tatabánya, s. 58-68, 2012, ISBN 978-80-8122-027-2

AFC 002 MACHOVÁ, Renáta. Vplyv implementácie štrukturálnych fondov na ekonomickú prosperitu regiónu Komárno v kontexte trhu práce. Sborník príspevku z mezinárodní vedecké konference. (2011), s. 244-253.

AFC 003 BENCSIK, Andrea a Renáta MACHOVÁ. Knowledge Management and Ethics from the Business point of view. In: International Days of Statistics and Economics: proceedings from international conference. Praha: VŠE, 2012, P. 1-12. ISBN 978-80-86175-79-9. WoS.

2021  [3] PECHOVA, J - STEJSKALOVA, L. - VOLFOVA, H. Knowledge Management in a Globalized World and the Coronavirus Age. In SHS Web of Conferences. The 20th International Scientific Conference Globalization and its Socio-Economic Consequences 2020 [online]. 2021, vol. 92 [cit. 2021-2-18]. Dostupné na internete: . ISSN 2261-2424.

2015  [3] DOBAI KORCSMÁROS, E. - SERES HUSZÁRIK, E. Teoretické vymedzenie základných inovačných možnosti malých a stredných podnikov. In Mezinárodní vědecká konference Hradecké ekonomické dny 2015 Ekonomický rozvoj a management regionů Hradec Králové 3. a 4. února 2015. Sborník recenzovaných příspěvků. Díl I. Hradec Kráolvé : Gaudeamus, 2015. ISBN 978-80-7435-546-2, s. 440, 445.

AFC 004 MACHOVÁ, Renáta. Ľudské zdroje vo svetle nezamestnanosti. Sborník příspěvku. (2012), s. 1-12.

2013  [3] TÓBIÁS KOSÁR, S. Projektek a tudásmenedzsment világában. In Növekedés és egyensúly. Győr : Széchenyi István Egyetem, 2013. ISBN 978-615-5391-11-8, p. 1-8.

AFC 005 MACHOVÁ, Renáta, Monika BÁLINTOVÁ a Endre HEVESI. Application of regional disparity assessment methods on the example of Eastern Slovakia. In: Knowledge for Market Use 2014: Media and Communication in the 21. Century. Olomouc: Univerzita Palackého v Olomouci, 2014, P. 79-91. ISBN 978-80-87533-07-9. WoS.

AFC 006 MACHOVÁ, Renáta, Andrea BENCSIK a Zsuzsanna TÓTH. Equal Opportunities - Value or Illusion?. In: 8. International Days of Statistics and Economics: Conference Proceedings. Slaný, Czech Republic: Melandrium, 2014, P. 933-945. ISBN 978-80-87990-02-5. WoS.

AFC 007 MACHOVÁ, Renáta, Erika SERES HUSZÁRIK a Zsuzsanna TÓTH. Shockvertising to shock various generations. In: Knowledge for Market Use 2014: Media and Communication in the 21. Century. Olomouc: Univerzita Palackého v Olomouci, 2014, P. 478-489. ISBN 978-80-87533-07-9. WoS.

AFC 008 MURA, Ladislav, Renáta MACHOVÁ a Zsuzsanna TÓTH. Evaluation of innovation performance of the business networks. In: Peer-Reviewe Conference Proceedings, Vol. 5: Economic Development and Management of Regions. Hradec Králové: Gaudeamus, 2015, online, s. 41-47. ISBN 978-80-7435-550-9. WoS.

2019  [1] HAVIERNIKOVÁ, K. - KORDOŠ, M. - SROVNALÍKOVÁ, P. Risks of SMEs entry into clusters in terms of some human resources. In Proceedings of the 32nd International Business Information Management Association Conference, IBIMA 2018. Seville : International Business Information Management Association, IBIMA, 2019. ISBN 978-099985511-9, p. 5089-5099. SCOPUS

2018  [4] IVANOVÁ, E. - MASÁROVÁ, J. Evaluation of innovation performance of Visegrad countries regions putting a stress on human capital. In Sociálno-ekonomická revue. ISSN 1336-3727, 2018, vol. 2018, no. 2, p. 27-34.

2018  [3] HAVIERNIKOVA, K. - IVANOVA, E. Evaluation of selected risk categories related to marketing activities by SMEs in case of potentioal cluster cooperation. In Advances in economics, business and management research. ISSN 2352-5428, vol. 56, p.433-436.

2018  [3] KORCSMÁROS, E. - ŠIMONOVÁ, M. Factors affecting the development of SMEs. In Aktuálne problémy podnikovej sféry 2018 - Zborník vedeckých prác. Bratislava : EKONÓM, 2018. ISBN 978-80-225-4536-5, p. 573-580.

2018  [1] GAVUROVÁ, B. - BACIK, R. - FEDORKO, R. -et al. Analytical view of online marketing tools in the dimension of marketing campaigns ́ personalization in Slovakia. In Marketing and management of innovations. ISSN 2218-4511, 2018, no. 2, p. 186-200. WoS

2017  [2] KORCSMÁROS, E. - SIMONOVÁ, M. The Main Barriers to the Development of SMEs. In Managerial trends in the development of enterprises in globalization era. Nitra : Slovak Univ Agriculture, 2017. ISBN 978-80-552-1739-0, p. 146-152. WoS

AFC 009 BENCSIK, Andrea a Renáta MACHOVÁ. Higher Education Versus Practical Life from the Viewpoint of Competences. In: Recent Researches in Engineering Education: Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Engineering Education (EDUCATION ´15). Salerno: WSEAS Press, 2015, P. 63-71. ISBN 978-1-61804-312-2.

AFC 010 BENCSIK, Andrea, Renáta MACHOVÁ a Vera KELLER. Innovation and Knowledge Management. In: Economics, Law and Political Science: Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Economics, Political and Law Science (EPLS´15). Rome: WSEAS Press, 2015, P. 85-94. ISBN 978-1-61804-348-1.

AFC 011 BENCSIK, Andrea a Renáta MACHOVÁ. Knowledge Sharing Problems from the Viewpoint of Intergeneration Management. In: Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Management, Leadership and Governance. Sonning Common: Academic Conferences and Publishing International, 2016, P. 42-50. ISBN 978-1-910810-84-2. WoS, SCOPUS.


2021  [3] CSEPREGI, A. - CSANÁDY, B. Z generáció és a home office viszonya 2020-ban a COVID19 idején – Pilot kutatás eredményei. In Marketing & menedzsment. ISSN 1219-0349, 2021, no. 3, p. 61.

2021  [3] LISTYORINI, S. Generation Z Profile in Consumption Experience Using Local Fashion Brand Products. In Proceedings of the 3rd Annual International Conference on Public and Business Administration (AICoBPA 2020). Dordrecht : Atlantis Press, 2021. ISBN 978-94-6239-434-6, p. 12.

2021  [3] PUTERI, A. I. - SAUD, M. I. Ruang kerja bersama di banjarbaru. In Journal of Architecture. ISSN 1360-2365, 2021, vol. 10, no. 2, p. 217-228.

2021  [3] NICOLAS, D. G. Analisis Perpecahan Kepemimpinan Antargenerasi Di Lingkungan Gereja. In Syntax Literate: Jurnal Ilmiah Indonesia. ISSN 2541-0849, 2021, vol. 6, no. 5, p. 2140-2149.

2021  [3] YUNICA, E. - DEWI, D. A. Implementasi Nilai-Nilai Pendidikan Pancasila Dalam Mengantisipasi Interaksi Asosial Pada Generasi Z. In Konstruksi Sosial: Jurnal Penelitian Ilmu Sosial. ISSN 2775-586X, 2021, vol. 1, no. 4.

2021  [3] ASTUTI, W. - IRAMADHANI, D. - MUNA, Z. Kelas Online “How to Be Confident Public Speaker On Online Presentation” Bagi Generasi Z Sebagai Persiapan Menghadapi Kondisi New Normal Covid 19 [Online Class "How to Be Confident Public Speaker On Online Presentation" For Generation Z as Preparation for Facing the New Normal Condition of Covid 19]. In Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan, Psikologi Dan Kesehatan (J-P3K). ISSN 2721-5393, 2021, vol. 2, no. 1, p. 69.

2021  [3] RAKHMAN, R. T. - PILIANG, Y. A. - AHMAD, H. A. - et al. Pemetaan jenis dongeng nusantara dalam infografis. In Andharupa: Jurnal Desain Komunikasi Visual & Multimedia. ISSN 2477 - 2852, 2021, vol. 7, no. 1, p. 59-78.

2021  [3] PRATIWI, M. - DEWI, S. - HASYIM. The Role of Competency and Succession Program to Retain Millennial Healthcare Workers (Case Study in Indonesian Small Scale Maternity Hospital). In European Journal of Business and Management Research. ISSN 2507-1076, 2021, vol. 6, no. 1, p. 198-205.

2021  [3] WAHYU, I. - MOEINS, A. - SUNARYO, W. Enhancing the Organizational Citizenship Behavior: Comparative Research and ExPost-Facto Method on Generation X and Generation Y. In International Journal of Science and Management Studies (IJSMS). ISSN 2581-5946, 2021, vol. 4, no. 1, p. 23.

2021  [3] PALUPI MELIANI, Y. F. C. - TAN, J. D. - MURWANI, F. D. - et al. Motivating and Retaining Generation Z Faculty Members in Private Universities. In Journal of Educational and Social Research. ISSN 2239-978X, 2021, vol. 11, no. 1, p. 246.

2020  [3] WAHYU, I. - MOEINS, A. - SUNARYO, W. The Role of Servant Leadership and Work Motivation on Organizational Citizenship Behavior: Evidence from Indonesian Generation Y Employees. In International Journal of Science and Management Studies (IJSMS). ISSN 2581-5946, vol. 3, no. 6, p. 117.

2020  [3] SETIAWAN, D. E. Kepemimpinan Kristen di Era Bonus Demografi Pasca Sensus Penduduk Indonesia Tahun 2020. In Jurnal Kepemimpinan Kristen dan Pemberdayaan Jemaat. ISSN 2722-8819, 2021, vol. 2, no. 1, p. 24.

2020  [3] UMAROVA, Z. Y. - KURBANOVA, L. U. - KHASAEVA, T. Kh. - et al. Tolerant Consciousness and Spirituality of Human in the Information Society: Philosophical Conceptualization. In The European Proceedings of Social and Behavioural Sciences EpSBS. NININS 2020. International Scientific Forum «National Interest, National Identity and National Security». ISSN 2357-1330, 2020, p. 1067.

2020  [3] ATIEQ, M. Q. Hubungan Kualitas Kehidupan Kerja dan Etos Kerja terhadap Keterikatan Kerja Pada Karyawan Generasi Z . In Jurnal Inspirasi Bisnis dan Manajemen. ISSN 2579-9312, 2020, vol. 4, no. 2, p. 178.

2020  [3] HARLIANTO, J. - RUDI - LIE, Ch. Relationship Analysis Between Key Performance Indicator with Core Competency for Baby Boomer, X and Y Generation. In Advances In Natural And Applied Sciences. ISSN 1995-0772, 2020, vol. 14, no. 3, p. 47, 48.

2020  [3] MANGGABARANI, A. S. - MARZUKI, F. - MAHENDRO. The Effect Of Milenial Generation Characteristics Of Job Satisfaction Relations And Employee Engagement. In Ilomata International Journal of Management. ISSN 2714-8971, 2020, vol. 1, no. 4, p. 239-248.

2020  [3] NEŠIĆ, A. - KATIĆ, I. Fenomen "generacijskog menadžmenta" i njegov uticaj na oblikovanje oblikovanje obrazovnog procesa. In XXVI Skup Trendovi razvoja: "Ivonacje u modernom obrazovanju". Kopaonik : Fakultet tehničkih nauka Univerziteta u Novom Sadu, 2020. ISBN 978-86-6022-241-3.

2020  [3] OKTAVENDI, T. W. Islamic Financial Technology Usage: An Investing Perspectives On Generation Z. In Jurnal Riset Akuntansi dan Keuangan Indonesia. ISSN 1411-6510, 2020, vol. 5, no. 2, p. 151-158.

2020  [3] PALUPI, N. W. - SALMA, S. Persepsi terhadap harapan orangtua sebagai prediktor inisiatif pertumbuhan diri pada mahasiswa generasi z. In Jurnal Empati, ISSN 2337-375X, 2020, vol. 9, no. 4, p. 327-335.

2020  [3] CHRISTIANI, L. C. - IKASARI, P. N. Generasi Z dan pemeliharaan relasi antar generasi dalam persepektif budaya jawa. In Journal komunikasi dan kajian media. ISSN 2597-7490, 2020, vol. 4, no. 2, p. 84-105.

2020  [3] SUPINA, S. Generation z career options in the government sector in the tourism sector with the presence of the generation x minister as a moderating variable. In Journal of Indonesia tourism and policy studies. ISSN 2541-5360, 2020, vol. 5, no. 1.

2020  [3] PUTRI, P. T. - SIMANJUNTAK, M. The role of motivation, locus of control and financial literacy on women investment decisions across generations. In Journal of consumer sciences. ISSN 2460-8963, 2020, vol. 05, no. 02, p. 102-123.

2020  [3] SETIAWAN, A. - AMALIA, D. R. - ZAINI, M. - et al. Pelatihan penulisan arab pegon dan kaligrafi pada siswa sekolah menengah atas (sma/ma/smk) se-kota metro. In Journal pengabdian kepada masyarakat. ISSN 2615-7713, 2020, vol. 4, no. 01.

2020  [3] WICAKSANA, S. A. - ADHININGTYAS, N. P. Gambaran calon tenaga kerja gen Z. In Jurnal psikologi pendidikan. ISSN 2477-2518, 2020, vol. 13, no. 1.

2020  [1] SHARMA, P. - PANDIT, R. Workplace expectations of GenZ towards factors of motivation. In Studies in Indian Place Names. ISSN 2394-3114, 2020, vol. 40, sp. no. 08, p. 76-88.

2019  [3] CANDRA, A. A. - SURYADI, K. Mendayung di Antara Dua Karang: Keindonesiaan di Tengah Arus Perubahan Global . In Prosiding seminar nasional "Reaktualisasi konsep kewarganegaraan Indonesia". Medan : Gedung digital library Universitas Negeri Medan, 2019. ISBN 978-623-92463-0-3, p. 1-14.

2019  [3] KARADOĞAN, A. Z Kuşağı ve Öğretmenlik Mesleği. In Ağrı İbrahim Çeçen Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi. ISSN 2149-3006, 2019, vol.5, no. 2. p. 9-42.

2019  [3] KIZILDAĞ, D. With what expectations does generation Z enter the business life? An evaluation of recruitment and selection process. In Usak University journal of social sciences. ISSN 2651-4672, 2019, vol. XII, no. sp.-2019, p. 32-46.

2019  [3] SARI, V. D. A. Z generation towards the use of smartphone application for listening activities in blended-learning. In Research and innovation in language learning. ISSN 2614-5960, 2019, vol. 2, no. 3, p. 196-206.

2019  [3] MUTIA, A. - DEWI, A. Analisis Faktor Stimuli Pemasaran dalam Keputusan Pembelian Online Produk Fashion Pada Generasi Z. In Prosiding Festival Riset Ilmiah Manajemen & Akuntansi. ISSN

2019  [3] SZABÓ-SZENTGRÓTI, G. - GELENCSÉR, M. - SZABÓ-SZENTGRÓTI, E. -et al. Generációs hatás a munkahely konfliktusokban. On Vezetéstudomány/Budapest management review. ISSN 0133-0179, vol. L, no. 4, p. 77-88.

2019  [3] FERO, M. - DOKOUPILOVÁ, L. Factors of Work Motivation and Coexistence of Generations at the Workplace . In Research Papers Faculty of Materials Science and Technology Slovak University of Technology. ISSN 1336-1589, 2019, voll. 27, no. s1, p. 15-24.

2019  [3] TJONDRO, E. - SETIABUDI, J. - JOYO, A. CH. Intergenerational perceptions of coercive and legitimate power. In Journal Economia. ISSN 1858-2648, 2019, vol. 15, no. 1, p. 96-113.

2019  [3] PRATAMA, P. - NASUTION, H. - ABSAH, Y. Analysis Of The Influence Of Organizational Justice, Corporate Social Responsibility, And Job Satisfaction On Employee Commitment To Millenial Generation At PT Capella Dinamic Nusantara, North Sumatra, Indonesia. In American International Journal of Business Management. ISSN 2379-106X, 2019, vol. 2, no.1, p. 88-98.

2019  [3] WIDJAJA, A. D. Millennial generation (Generation Y) in Surabaya construction projects: Perspective towards generation Y characteristics. In Advances in civil engineering and sustainable architecture. ISSN 2716-0890, vol. 2, no. 1.

2019  [3] MUFIDA ISTATI, R. Islamic guidance and counseling in developing skills youth communication in the digital era. In Advances in social science, Education and humanities research. ISSN 2352-5398,2019 vol. 274, p. 252-257.

2019  [3] GERO, M. - DOKOUPILOVÁ, L. Factors of work motivation and coexistence of generations at the workplace. In Research papers faculty of materials science and technology in Trnava. ISSN 1336-1589, 2019, vol. 27, sp. no., p. 15-24.

2019  [3] QOESATIEQ, M. Comparative analysis of employee engagement in employees generation X, Y, and Z. In Jurnal ekonomi dan perbankan syari'ah. ISSN 2303-1573, 2019, vol. 11, no.2, p. 285-299.

2019  [3] ARDA, M. - ANDRIANY, D. The effect of Halal tourism on millenial tourist statisfaction in Sabang Island as tourism object. In International seminar of islamic studies. ISSN 2722-7618, 2019, vol. 1, no. 1.

2019  [3] MAZURCHENKO, A. Generational approaches and preferences towards knowledge sharing: Implications for human resource ractices. In Conference proceedings: 15th Annual international bata conference for Ph.D. students and young researchers. Zlín: Tomas Bata University in Zlín, 2019. ISBN: 978-80-7454-893-2, p. 719-729.

2019  [3] UNTARI, A. D. - MILLATUSSA’ADIYYAH, A. Implementation of blended learning through Google Classroom in generation Z . In Advances in social science, education and humanities research. ISSN 2352-5398, 2019, vol. 410, p. 161-165.

2019  [3] JAYA, P. R. P. - RAHMAT, S. T. Pola asuh generasi alpha pada era digital. In Journal perennial pedagogi. ISSN 2686-648X, 2019, vol. 1, no. 1, p. 33-38.

2019  [3] IRENA, L. - RUSFIAN, E. Z. Hubangan gaya kepemimpinan transformasional dan komunikasi internal dengan kinerja haryawan generasi Z pada Tech Company. In Journal Komunikasi. ISSN 2085-1979, 2019, vol. 11, no. 2, p. 223-232.

2018  [3] PARAMARTA, V. Ridwan Kamil and Tri Rismaharini: Local and ideal leadership models in the millennial era. In JISPO. ISSN 2303-3169, 2018,vol. 8, no. 1, p. 232-251.

2016  [3] PUTRA, Y. S. Theoritical review: Teori perbedaan generasi. In Among Makarti. ISSN 1979-7400, 2016, vol. 9, no. 18, p. 123-134.

AFC 012 MACHOVÁ, Renáta. Osobnostný rozvoj zamestnancov vo verejnej správe a ich vplyv na veci verejné. In: RELIK 2016: Reprodukce lidského kapitálu (vzájemné vazby a souvislosti). Praha: VŠE, 2016, CD-ROM, s. 367-378. ISBN 978-80-245-2166-4.

AFC 013 BENCSIK, Andrea, Renáta MACHOVÁ a Endre HEVESI. The Personality Types and Motivation. In: RELIK 2016: Reprodukce lidského kapitálu (vzájemné vazby a souvislosti). Praha: VŠE, 2016, CD-ROM, s. 41-49. ISBN 978-80-245-2166-4.

AFC 014 MACHOVÁ, Renáta a Silvia TÓBIÁS KOSÁR. Generácia Z versus trh práce = Generation "Z" versus the Labour Market. In: RELIK 2017 - Conference Proceedings: Reprodukce lidského kapitálu - vzájemné vazby a souvislosti. Praha: VŠE, 2017, online, p. 274-285. ISBN 978-80-245-2238-8. WoS.

AFC 015 BENCSIK, Andrea, Tímea JUHÁSZ a Renáta MACHOVÁ. The Problems Created by the Arrival of Generations Z and Y in the Workplace. In: Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Management Leadership and Governance ICMLG 2017. Johannesburg: Business School University of Witwatersrand, 2017, P. 46-53. ISBN 978-1-911218-27-2. WoS, SCOPUS.

2020  [1] MURA, L. - ZSIGMOND, T. - KOVÁCS, A. - et al. Unemployment and GDP Relationship Analysis in the Visegrad Four Countries. In On-line Journal Modelling the New Europe. ISSN 2247-0514, 2020, no. 34, p. 123. SCOPUS

2020  [1] GYURÁK BABEĽOVÁ, Z. - STAREČEK, A. - KOLTNEROVÁ, K. - et al. Perceived organizational performance in recruiting and retaining employees with respect to different generational groups of employees and sustainable human resource management. In Sustainability. ISSN 2071-1050, 2020, vol. 12. p. 1-23. SCOPUS

2019  [3] KWIATKOWSKI, M. Pokolenie Y na wspólczesnym rynku pracy. Warsawa : Wydawnictwo akademii pedagogiki specjalnej, 2019. ISBN 978-83-66010-24-6, p. 23-24.

2018  [3] HEUPEL, T. Biokratie: Hat ein neues Konzept der Nachhaltigkeit vor dem Hintergruind der Generationen Y und Z sowie der künftigen Megatrends eine Chance?. In Nachhaltiges Wirtschaften im digitalen Zeitalter. Wiesbaden : Springer, 2018. ISBN 978-3-658-20173-9, p. 3-15.

2018  [3] HORVÁTH, D. - COSOVAN, A. HORVÁTH, D. -et al. Tanulás-munka interface. In Vezetéstudomány/Budapest management review. ISSN 0133-0179, 2018, vol. XLIX, no. 12, p. 67-76.

2018  [1] MURA, L. - VLACSEKOVÁ, D. Motivation of public employees: case study of Slovak teaching and professional staff. In Administratie si Management Public. ISSN 1583-9583, 2018, vol. 2018, no. 31, p. 67-80. SCOPUS

AFC 016 MACHOVÁ, Renáta a Tibor ZSIGMOND. Mobilné aplikácie z pohľadu rôznych generácií = The Mobile Applications in the Point of view of Diferent Generations. In: RELIK 2018 = reproduction of human capital - mutual links and connections : the 11th international scientific conference: the 11th international scientific conference. Tomáš Löster, Jitka Langhamrová, Jana Vrabcová. = reproduction of human capital - mutual links and connections Praha: Oeconomica Publishing House, 2018, S. 237-248 [online]. ISBN 978-80-245-2281-4. WoS.

AFC 017 BENCSIK, Andrea, Péter MOLNÁR, Tímea JUHÁSZ a Renáta MACHOVÁ. Relationship Between Knowledge Sharing Willingness and Life Goals of Generation Z. In: Proceedings of the 19th European Conference on Knowledge Management (EKCM 2018). Ettore Bolisani, Eleonora Di Maria, Enrico Scarso. Sonning Common: Academic conferences and publishing international limited, 2018, s. 84-103 [print]. ISBN 978-1-911218-94-4. SCOPUS.

AFC 018 BENCSIK, Andrea, Tímea JUHÁSZ a Renáta MACHOVÁ. Sharing Economy v kontexte firemnej kultúry = Sharing Economy in the Context of the Organisation Culture. In: RELIK 2018 = reproduction of human capital - mutual links and connections : the 11th international scientific conference: the 11th international scientific conference. Tomáš Löster, Jitka Langhamrová, Jana Vrabcová. = reproduction of human capital - mutual links and connections Praha: Oeconomica Publishing House, 2018, S. 22-32 [online]. ISBN 978-80-245-2281-4. WoS.

AFC 019 MACHOVÁ, Renáta, Andrea BENCSIK a Monika ŠIMONOVÁ. The Driving Forces of Business - Innovation, Success and Human Resources. In: Hradec Economic Days : Double-Blind Peer-Reviewed Proceedings Part I. of the International Scientific Conference : January 30-31, 2018, Hradec Králové, Czech Republic.Vol. 8 (1): Double-Blind Peer-Reviewed Proceedings Part I. of the International Scientific Conference : January 30-31, 2018, Hradec Králové, Czech Republic.Vol. 8 (1). Pavel Jedlička, Petra Marešová, Ivan Soukal. Hradec Králové: Univerzita Hradec Králové, 2018, s. 583-592 [online]. ISBN 978-80-7435-700-8. WoS.

2018  [3] LORINCOVÁ, S. Human resource and corporate culture: Gender-based differences in the assessment. In Central European journal of labour law and personnel management. ISSN 2644-4542, 2018, vol. 1, no. 1, p. 28-45.

AFC 020 BENCSIK, Andrea, Renáta MACHOVÁ, Tímea JUHÁSZ a Lilla CSÓKÁS. Vezető/Leader versus etika avagy az etikus leaderi magatartás jellemzői. In: Ferenc Farkas International Scientific Conference = Farkas Ferenc Nemzetközi Tudományos Konferencia 2018. Katalin Dobrai, Gyula László, Norbert Sipos. = Farkas Ferenc Nemzetközi Tudományos Konferencia 2018 Pécs: Pécsi Tudományegyetem, 2018, s. 497-499 [print]. ISBN 978-963-429-238-8.

AFC 021 AMBRUS, Rebeka a Renáta MACHOVÁ. An Economic Perspective on Generational Differences in the Book Market. In: RELIK 2019 : the 12th international scientific conference : reproduction of human capital - mutual links and connections: the 12th international scientific conference : reproduction of human capital - mutual links and connections. Jitka Langhamrová, Tomáš Löster, Jana Vrabcová Langhamrová. Praha: Oeconomica Publishing House, 2019, online, s. 1-12. ISBN 978-80-245-2329-3. WoS.

AFC 022 MACHOVÁ, Renáta, Zoltán ŠEBEN, Enikő KORCSMÁROS a Lilla FEHÉR. Daňová gramotnosť generácie Y a Z v kontexte zavedenia Eura = The Tax Literacy of the Generations Y and Z in the Context of the Introduction of the Euro. In: RELIK 2019 : the 12th international scientific conference : reproduction of human capital - mutual links and connections: the 12th international scientific conference : reproduction of human capital - mutual links and connections. Jitka Langhamrová, Tomáš Löster, Jana Vrabcová Langhamrová. Praha: Oeconomica Publishing House, 2019, online, s. 313-324. ISBN 978-80-245-2329-3. WoS.

AFC 023 KORCSMÁROS, Enikő, Renáta MACHOVÁ, Zoltán ŠEBEN a Lilla FEHÉR. Slovakia after the Introduction of the Euro (overview of the period 2009-2011). In: Hradec Economic Days : Double-Blind Peer-Reviewed Proceedings Part I. of the International Scientific Conference : January 30-31, 2018, Hradec Králové, Czech Republic.Vol. 8 (1): Double-Blind Peer-Reviewed Proceedings Part I. of the International Scientific Conference : January 30-31, 2018, Hradec Králové, Czech Republic.Vol. 8 (1). Pavel Jedlička, Petra Marešová, Ivan Soukal. Hradec Králové: Univerzita Hradec Králové, 2018, P. 439-446. ISBN 978-80-7435-700-8. WoS.

AFC 024 KORCSMÁROS, Enikő, Renáta MACHOVÁ, Zsuzsanna GÓDÁNY a Lilla FEHÉR. Streamlining Managerial Skills of Generation Z and Y by Gamification. In: ICERI 2019 : conference proceedings : 12th International conference of education, research and innovation : Seville (Spain) 11-13 November 2019: conference proceedings : 12th International conference of education, research and innovation : Seville (Spain) 11-13 November 2019. eds. L. Gómez Chova, A. López Martínez, I. Candel Torres. Valencia: IATED, 2019, s. 1454-1464 [USB-key]. ISBN 978-84-09-14755-7. WoS.

2020  [4] CSÓKÁS, L. Szolgáló vezetés: vezess szívvel. In 12th International Conference of J. Selye University. Economics Section. Conference Proceedings. Komárno : J. Selye University, 2020. ISBN 978-80-8122-375-4, p. 134.

AFC 025 BAŠA, Patrik, Kamilla BAŠA a Renáta MACHOVÁ. The Economic Impacts of Social Media ́s Implementation. In: RELIK 2019 : the 12th international scientific conference : reproduction of human capital - mutual links and connections: the 12th international scientific conference : reproduction of human capital - mutual links and connections. Jitka Langhamrová, Tomáš Löster, Jana Vrabcová Langhamrová. Praha: Oeconomica Publishing House, 2019, online, s. 33-42. ISBN 978-80-245-2329-3. WoS.

2020  [1] KOVÁCS, A. - ZSIGMOND, T. Economic Effects of COVID-19 on the V4 Countries. In RELIK 2020. Praha : Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze, 2020. ISBN 978-80-245-2394-1, p. 288-302. WoS

AFC 026 KORCSMÁROS, Enikő, Renáta MACHOVÁ, Zoltán ŠEBEN a Lilla FEHÉR. The euro celebrates 10 years in Slovakia - a brief economic background. In: KNOWCON 2019 : Knowledge on economics and management: profit or purpose : conference proceedings: Knowledge on economics and management: profit or purpose : conference proceedings. Tomáš Talášek, Jan Stoklasa, Pavla Slavíčková. Olomouc: Univerzita Palackého v Olomouci, 2019, P. 77-83. ISBN 978-80-244-5543-3 (online).

AFC 027 BAŠA, Kamilla, Renáta MACHOVÁ a Zoltán ŠEBEN. Analýza preferencií štýlov učenia sa podľa demografických charakteristík u študentov ekonómov = The Examination of the Learning Style of Economic Students Based on Demographic Characteristics. In: RELIK 2020 : Reproduction of human capital - mutual links and connections : conference proceedings: Reproduction of human capital - mutual links and connections : conference proceedings. Jitka Langhamrová, Jana Vrabcová. Praha: Prague University of Economics and Business, 2020, online, p. 466-477. ISBN 978-80-245-2394-1. WoS.

AFC 028 MACHOVÁ, Renáta, Enikő KORCSMÁROS, Lilla FEHÉR, Zsuzsanna GÓDÁNY, Silvia TÓBIÁS KOSÁR a Erika SERES HUSZÁRIK. Gamification in the Focus of Innovative Education Methods. DOI 10.36689/uhk/hed/2020-01-057 In: Hradec economic days : proceedings of the international scientific conference Hradec economic days 2020: proceedings of the international scientific conference Hradec economic days 2020. Pavel Jedlička, Petra Marešová, Krzysztof Firlej. Hradec Králové: Univerzita Hradec Králové, 2020, P. 496-503. ISBN 978-80-7435-776-3. DOI 10.36689/uhk/hed/2020-01-000. WoS.

2020  [4] KÁLMÁN, B. - TÓTH, A. A COVID-19 hatása a felsőoktatásra oktatói vélemények kérdőíves felmérése alapján. In 12th International Conference of J. Selye University. Economics Section. Conference Proceedings. Komárno : J. Selye University, 2020. ISBN 978-80-8122-375-4, p. 212.

2020  [3] CASTRO CRESPO, G. C. - HERRERA, D. G. - ERAZO ÁLVAREZ, J. C. Juego de roles: una metodología innovadora para la comprensión lectora Role-playing: an innovative methodology for reading comprehension. In Revista arbitrada interdisciplinaria Kiononia. ISSN 2542-3088, 2020, vol. V, no. 1 p. 28-46.

AFC 029 MACHOVÁ, Renáta, Tibor ZSIGMOND a Angelika CSEREOVÁ. Implementation of Active Labor Market Policy Instruments in the Context of University Graduates in Slovakia. DOI 10.36689/uhk/hed/2020-01-058 In: Hradec economic days : proceedings of the international scientific conference Hradec economic days 2020: proceedings of the international scientific conference Hradec economic days 2020. Pavel Jedlička, Petra Marešová, Krzysztof Firlej. Hradec Králové: Univerzita Hradec Králové, 2020, P. 504-514. ISBN 978-80-7435-776-3. DOI 10.36689/uhk/hed/2020-01-000. WoS.

2021  [3] SCHULCZ, P. Integratigng Collected Labor Market Materials Into the Education: Students Opinion. In CER Comparative European Research 2021 Proceedings. Research Track of the 16th Biannual CER Comparative European Research Conference. London : Sciemcee Publishing, 2021. ISBN 978-1-7399378-0-5, p. 164.

AFC 030 MACHOVÁ, Renáta a Monika ESSEOVÁ. Motivačné faktory ďalšieho vzdelávania vo svetle rozvoja ľudských zdrojov = The Motivational Factors of Education in the Light of Human Resources Development. In: RELIK 2020 : Reproduction of human capital - mutual links and connections : conference proceedings: Reproduction of human capital - mutual links and connections : conference proceedings. Jitka Langhamrová, Jana Vrabcová. Praha: Prague University of Economics and Business, 2020, online, s. 367-378. ISBN 978-80-245-2394-1. WoS.

AFC 031 KORCSMÁROS, Enikő, Renáta MACHOVÁ, Lilla FEHÉR a Zsuzsanna TÓTH. An Innovative Teaching Method and Its Practical Applicability – Focus on the Playful Interaction Among the Students. DOI 10.36689/uhk/hed/2021-01-039 In: Hradec economic days. Jan Mačí, Petra Marešová, Krzysztof Firlej. Hradec Králové: Univerzita Hradec Králové, 2021, P. 386-394. ISBN 978-80-7435-822-7. DOI 10.36689/uhk/hed/2021-01-000. WoS.

AFC 032 ZSIGMOND, Tibor, Annamária ZSIGMONDOVÁ a Renáta MACHOVÁ. From Goods-dominant logic to Service-dominant logic. DOI 10.1051/shsconf/202112002015 In: SHS Web of Conferences : Business and Regional Development: Business and Regional Development. B. Stoykova, D. Stoyancheva. Starizagorski bani: Trakia University, 2021, online, p. [1-9].

2021  [3] KRISTINAE, V. Pelatihan menggunakan e-payment dan value innovation untuk meningkatkan kinerja bisnis usaha kecil masyarakat di palangka raya. In Media Bina Ilmiah. ISSN 1978-3787, 2021, vol. 16, no. 3, p. 6627, 6629.

AFC 033 BAŠA, Kamilla a Renáta MACHOVÁ. Knowledge and habits of the workforce regarding the preparation of job application documents. In: EDULEARN21 : 13th annual International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies, Barcelona, 5th - 6th of July, 2021: 13th annual International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies, Barcelona, 5th - 6th of July, 2021. Luis Goméz Chova, Agustín López Martínez, I. Torres. Barcelona: IATED, 2021, P. 10699-10707 [CD-ROM, USB-key]. ISBN 978-84-09-31267-2. DOI 10.21125/edulearn.2021.

AFC 034 BARCZIOVÁ, Anikó a Renáta MACHOVÁ. Methods of Education During the Pandemic in the Context of Demography. In: RELIK 2021 : conference proceedings: conference proceedings. Jitka Langhamrová, Jana Vrabcová. Praha: Prague University of Economics and Business, 2021, online, s. 41-50. ISBN 978-80-245-2429-0.

AFC 035 BAŠA, Kamilla a Renáta MACHOVÁ. Multiple Intelligences in Higher Education – How to Improve Student Performance in Undergraduate Economics Courses?. In: INTED Proceedings 2021 : 15th International Technology, Education and Development Conference: 15th International Technology, Education and Development Conference. Luis Goméz Chova, Agustín López Martínez, Ignacio Candel Torres. Valencia: IATED, 2021, online, p. 2387-2393. ISBN 978-84-09-27666-0.

AFC 036 ZSIGMOND, Tibor, Renáta MACHOVÁ, Kinga VASOVÁ a Zoltán ŠEBEN. Slovak consumer behaviour in the smartphone market. In: KNOWCON 2021 : Knowledge on economics and management : conference proceedings: Knowledge on economics and management : conference proceedings. Pavla Slavíčková, Jan Stoklasa. Olomouc: Univerzita Palackého v Olomouci, 2021, online, p. 74-80. ISBN 978-80-244-6032-1. DOI 10.5507/ff.21.24460321.

AFC 037 BAŠA, Kamilla a Renáta MACHOVÁ. Sociometry as a tool for building class community before and during Covid-19 pandemic. In: ICERI 2021 : 14th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation: 14th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation. Chova L. Gómez, Agustín López Martínez, Ignacio Candel Torres. Valencia: IATED, 2021, online, p. 8739-8748. ISBN 978-84-09-34549-6. DOI 10.21125/iceri.2021.

AFC 038 BARCZIOVÁ, Anikó a Renáta MACHOVÁ. The Bayh Dole Act, an American Patent Policy in Europe. In: 23th RSEP international economics, finance & business conference : Conference proceedings: Conference proceedings. M. Veysel Kaya, Patrycja Chodnicka - Jaworska. Ankara: BC Publishing, 2021, online, p. 199-209. ISBN 978-605-70583-5-5.

AFC 039 MACHOVÁ, Renáta, Kamilla BAŠA a Viktor Imre DEMJÁN. The Role of Social Networks and Social Capital in the Labour Market. In: RELIK 2021 : conference proceedings: conference proceedings. Jitka Langhamrová, Jana Vrabcová. Praha: Prague University of Economics and Business, 2021, online, s. 456-465. ISBN 978-80-245-2429-0.

AFD Published conference articles presented at conferences inland
Number of entries: 26

AFD 001 MACHOVÁ, Renáta. Aspekty rozvoja ľudského potenciálu ako jedného z činiteľov regionálneho rozvoja v regióne Komárno. Význam ľudského potenciálu v regionálnom rozvoji - 2. ročník. roč. 2 (2011), s. 159-167.

2015  [1] MURA, L. - HORVÁTH, P. Some Aspects of Human Resource Management. In International Multidisciplinary Scientific Conferences on Social Sciences and Arts. Sofia : STEF92 Technology LTD, 2015. ISBN 978-619-7105-44-5, p. 863-870. WoS

2013  [3] MURA, L. Ľudské zdroje a ich úloha v malých a stredných podnikoch. In Sborník příspěvků RELIK 2013 : Reproduction of the Human Capital connections and relations [CD-ROM]. Slaný : MELANDRIUM, 2013. ISBN 978-80-86175-89-8.

2012  [4] MURA, L. - BULECA, J. Vedenie ľudí v medzinárodne podnikajúcich agropotravinárskych podnikoch Slovenska. In Ekonomika poľnohospodárstva, Výskumný ústav ekonomiky poľnohospodárstva a potravinárstva Bratislava. ISSN 1335-6186, 2012, s. 113-126.

AFD 002 MACHOVÁ, Renáta a Katarína VÉGHOVÁ. Efektívnosť implementácie aktívnej politiky trhu práce. Podnikanie v konkurenčnom prostredí. (2012), s. 97-106.

AFD 003 MACHOVÁ, Renáta a Katarína VÉGHOVÁ. Implementácia znalostného manažmentu a vzdelávania ľudských zdrojov vo verejnej správe. In:. Trenčín: Trenčianska univerzita Alexandra Dubčeka. ISBN 978-80-8075-530-0.

AFD 004 BENCSIK, Andrea, Renáta MACHOVÁ a Tímea JUHÁSZ. Participácia mužov na rodičovskej dovolenke - empirický výskum v Maďarsku a Slovensku. Podnikanie v konkurenčnom prostredí - Zborník príspevkov z vedeckého seminára. (2012), s. 26-35.

AFD 005 MACHOVÁ, Renáta a Katarína VÉGHOVÁ. Az Euró bevezetésének hatása a gazdaság versenyképességére Szlovákiában. In: Zborník medzinárodnej vedeckej konferencie UJS - 2013: "Nové výzvy vo vede a vo vzdelávaní" Sekcia ekonomických vied. Komárno: Univerzita J. Selyeho, 2013, S. 391-422. ISBN 978-80-8122-074-6.

AFD 006 MACHOVÁ, Renáta a Silvia TÓBIÁS KOSÁR. Organizačná kultúra, leadership a znalostný manažment v praxi. In: Zborník medzinárodnej vedeckej konferencie UJS - 2013: "Nové výzvy vo vede a vo vzdelávaní" Sekcia ekonomických vied. Komárno: Univerzita J. Selyeho, 2013, S. 202-221. ISBN 978-80-8122-074-6.

AFD 007 MACHOVÁ, Renáta. Štrukturálne fondy EÚ v kontexte vybraného mikroregiónu. In: Zborník z medzinárodnej vedeckej konferencie Univerzity J. Selyeho - 2014: "Vzdelávanie a veda na začiatku XXI. storočia" - sekcia ekonomických vied. Komárno: Univerzita J. Selyeho, 2014, CD-ROM, p. 238-249. ISBN 978-80-8122-105-7.

AFD 008 KARÁCSONY, Péter a Renáta MACHOVÁ. Comparison of the Employee Motivational Tools in Industrial Companies. In: 5th Central European Conference in Regional Science: Conference Proceedings. Košice: Technical University of Košice, 2015, P. 346-350. ISBN 978-80-553-2015-1. WoS.

2019  [3] KURUCZ, A. Menedzsment ontológia versus ontológiamenedzsment. In Kultúratudomány szemle. ISSN 2676-9158, 2019, no. 2-3, p. 91-96.

2017  [1] RAFAJOVÁ, L. - PAFČO, M. - MAZÁK, M. Reproduction of the human capital: Case study from Slovakia. In RELIK 2017 : Conference Proceedings. Prague : University of Economics, 2017. ISBN 978-80-245-2238-8, p. 404-413. WoS

2017  [1] MURA, L. - KLJUČNIKOV, A. - TVARONAVIČIENÉ, M. et al. Development Trends in Human Resource Management in Small and Medium Enterprises in the Visegrad Group. In Acta Polytechnica Hungarica. ISSN 2064-2687, 2017, vol. 14, no. 7, p.105-120. WoS ; SCOPUS

2017  [3] MURA, L. Challenges of Employee Motivation in SMEs. In International Scientific Conference : Current Problems of the Corporate Sector. Bratislava : ekonóm, 2017. ISBN 978-80-225-4422-1, p. 788, 794.

AFD 009 MURA, Ladislav a Renáta MACHOVÁ. Evaluation of the Innovation Performance of Business Networks. In: 5th Central European Conference in Regional Science: Conference Proceedings. Košice: Technical University of Košice, 2015, P. 634-642. ISBN 978-80-553-2015-1. WoS.

2017  [3] SOBEKOVÁ MAJKOVÁ, M. - KLJUČNIKOV, A. The Specific Character Traits of Young Entereneurs in Slovakia. In International Journal of Entrepreneurial Knowledge. ISSN 2336-2960, 2017, vol. 5, no. 1, p. 48.

2016  [3] HALASI, D. Actual HR Issues in Small and Medium-sized Enterprises. In RELIK 2016 : Conference Proceedings. Prague : University of Economics, 2016. ISBN 978-80-245-2166-4, p. 134-144.

2016  [3] SOBEKOVÁ MAJKOVÁ, M. - KLJUČNIKOV, A. Differences in the Specific Character Traits Between Potential Young Entrepreneurs and Other Young People. Case Study from Slovakia. In RELIK 2016 : Conference Proceedings. Prague : University of Economics, 2016. ISBN 978-80-245-2166-4, p. 469-483.

AFD 010 MACHOVÁ, Renáta a Barbara PETRO. Női vezetők lehetőségei nemzetközi viszonylatokban. In: Zborník medzinárodnej vedeckej konferencie Univerzity J. Selyeho - 2015: "Inovácia a kreatitiva vo vzdelávaní a vede" - Sekcie ekonomických vied a IKT. Komárno: Univerzita J. Selyeho, 2015, CD-ROM, p. 76-92. ISBN 978-80-8122-143-9.

AFD 011 MACHOVÁ, Renáta, Silvia TÓBIÁS KOSÁR a Renáta PONGRÁCZOVÁ. Emberi erőforrás vezetése a motiváció gyakorlatának szempontjából. In: Zborník medzinárodnej vedeckej konferencie Univerzity J. Selyeho - 2016: "Súčasné aspekty vedy a vzdelávania" - Sekcie ekonomických vied. = A Selye János Egyetem 2016-os "Korszerű szemlélet a tudományban és az oktatásban" Nemzetközi Tudományos Konferenciájának tanulmánykötete - Gazdaságtudományi szekciók Komárno: Univerzita J. Selyeho, 2016, CD-ROM, s. 199-216. ISBN 978-80-8122-186-6.

AFD 012 MACHOVÁ, Renáta a Tibor ZSIGMOND. Az X és Y generáció a mobilos alkalmazások tükrében. In: Zborník 10. medzinárodnej vedeckej konferencie Univerzity J. Selyeho - 2018 = A Selye János Egyetem 2018-as 10. Nemzetközi Tudományos Konferenciájának tanulmánykötete: Gazdaságtudományi szekció : Sekcia ekonomických vied: Sekcia ekonomických vied. Bukor József, Korcsmáros Enikő. = A Selye János Egyetem 2018-as 10. Nemzetközi Tudományos Konferenciájának tanulmánykötete: Gazdaságtudományi szekció Komárno: Univerzita J. Selyeho, 2018, S. 170-182 [CD-ROM]. ISBN 978-80-8122-256-6.

AFD 013 MACHOVÁ, Renáta a Tibor ZSIGMOND. Mobilné aplikácie v praxi verzus generácie "X" a "Y" = The Mobile Applications in Practice Versus Generations "X" and "Y". In: Aktuálne problémy podnikovej sféry 2018 : zborník vedeckých prác: International scientific conference 16th-17th May 2018, Bratislava. Uhliar Miroslav, Kintler Jakub, Fetisovová. Bratislava: Bratislava Ekonóm, 2018, S. 715-724. ISBN 978-80-225-4536-5 (online).

AFD 014 MACHOVÁ, Renáta, Silvia TÓBIÁS KOSÁR, Lucia ANDOVÁ a Angelika CSEREOVÁ. Regional Development and Tourism from Consumer Perspective. In: The Poprad economic and management forum 2019 : conference proceedings from international scientific conference: conference proceedings from international scientific conference. Peter Madzík. Ružomberok: VERBUM - vydavateľstvo KU, 2019, S. 349-357. ISBN 978-80-561-0671-6. WoS.

AFD 015 MACHOVÁ, Renáta a Tibor ZSIGMOND. The Connection Between Knowledge Organization and Artificial Intelligence. In: Aktuálne problémy podnikovej sféry 2019: International scientific conference 16th-17th May 2018, Bratislava. Uhliar Miroslav, Kintler Jakub, Fetisovová. Bratislava: Bratislava Ekonóm, 2018, S. 297-303. ISBN 978-80-225-4618-8.

2021  [3] GALABOVA, B. Иновации и иновационна активност в условията на криза и следкризисно възстановяване. Coфия : БopиcЛaba БopиcЛaboba ГъЛъБoba, 2021. ISBN 978-619-7537-04-8, p. 8.

2021  [3] GALABOVA, G. УПРАВЛЕНИЕ НА ИНОВАЦИИТЕ В ИНДУСТРИАЛНОТО ПРЕДПРИЯТИЕ В УСЛОВИЯТА НА КРИЗА [Innovation management of the Industrial Enterprise in a Crisis Context]. In МЕЖДУНАРОДНА НАУЧНО-ПРАКТИЧЕСКА КОНФЕРЕНЦИЯ: УСТОЙЧИВО РАЗВИТИЕ И СОЦИАЛНО-ИКОНОМИЧЕСКА КОХЕЗИЯ ПРЕЗ XXI ВЕК – ТЕНДЕНЦИИ И ПРЕДИЗВИКАТЕЛСТВА [International Scientific and Practical Conference: Sustainable Development and Socioeconomic Cohesion in the 21th Century: Trends and Challenges]. Svishtov : Tsenov Academic Publishing House, 2021. ISBN 978-954-23-2069-2, p. 274

AFD 016 BAŠA, Patrik, Renáta MACHOVÁ a Kamilla BAŠA. A felhasználók viszonyulása a vállalatok instagramon végzett marketingtevékenységéhez. In: "Térerő - erőtér" : Tanulmányok a Kárpát-medencei geopolotikai konferencia előadásaiból: Tanulmányok a Kárpát-medencei geopolotikai konferencia előadásaiból. Antalík Imrich. Komárno: Univerzita J. Selyeho, 2019, P. 31-36. ISBN 978-80-8122-336-5.

AFD 017 MACHOVÁ, Renáta, Zoltán ŠEBEN, Enikő KORCSMÁROS a Lilla FEHÉR. Az európai monetáris únió, az Euró 10 éve, és Szlovákia Európa szívében. In: Zborník 11. medzinárodnej vedeckej konferencie Univerzity J. Selyeho 2019 = A Selye János Egyetem 2019-es 11. Nemzetközi Tudományos Konferenciájának tanulmánykötete - "Tíz éve Euró Szlovákiában" szekció : Sekcia "Desať rokov Eura na Slovensku": Sekcia "Desať rokov Eura na Slovensku". Šeben Zoltán. = A Selye János Egyetem 2019-es 11. Nemzetközi Tudományos Konferenciájának tanulmánykötete - "Tíz éve Euró Szlovákiában" szekció Komárno: Univerzita J. Selyeho, 2019, online, s. 35-41 [CD-ROM]. ISBN 978-80-8122-339-6.

AFD 018 BAŠA, Kamilla, Patrik BAŠA a Renáta MACHOVÁ. Is marketing communication really a challenge for companies on Instagram?. DOI 10.1051/shsconf/20208301061 In: SHS Web of conferences 83. Dana Hrušovská, Mária Kmety Barteková, Mária Kozáková. Bratislava: Ekonomická univerzita v Bratislave, 2020, online, s. 1-8.

AFD 019 MACHOVÁ, Renáta, Zoltán ŠEBEN, Tibor ZSIGMOND a Annamária ZSIGMONDOVÁ. Knowledge Management - situation in Poland and Slovakia. DOI 10.1051/shsconf/20208301042 In: SHS Web of conferences 83. Dana Hrušovská, Mária Kmety Barteková, Mária Kozáková. Bratislava: Ekonomická univerzita v Bratislave, 2020, online, s. 1-11.

AFD 020 BAŠA, Kamilla a Renáta MACHOVÁ. Közgazdászhallgatók tanulási stílusa a komáromi Selye János Egyetemen. DOI 10.36007/3754.2020.343 In: 12th International Conference of J. Selye University : Economic Section: Economic Section. Korcsmáros Enikő. Komárno: Univerzita J. Selyeho, 2020, online, s. 343-351. ISBN 978-80-8122-375-4.

AFD 021 ŠEBEN, Zoltán, Enikő KORCSMÁROS, Renáta MACHOVÁ a Lilla FEHÉR. Slovak Experience After 10 Years from the Introduction of the Euro as Globalization Factor. DOI 10.1051/shsconf/20207406027 In: Globalization and its socio-economic consequences : sustainability in the global-knowledge economy : 19th international scientific conference : [conference proceedings]: sustainability in the global-knowledge economy : 19th international scientific conference : [conference proceedings]. Tomáš Klieštik. Žilina: Žilinská univerzita v Žiline, 2019, online, s. [1-8]. WoS.

2021  [4] ZSIGMOND, T. Társadalmi globalizáció és a szlovák nemzet identitása. In Mladí vedci 2021. Bratislava : Paneurópska vysoká škola, Fakulta ekonómie a podnikania v spolupráci s Univerzitou J. Selyeho, Fakultou ekonómie a informatiky a s Odborom ekonomiky a manažmentu Slovenskej akadémie pôdohospodárskych vied, 2021. ISBN 978-80-89453-94-8, p. 168, 169.

AFD 022 ESSEOVÁ, Monika a Renáta MACHOVÁ. Vajon motiválva vannak a hallgatók a továbbtanulásra?. DOI 10.36007/3754.2020.157 In: 12th International Conference of J. Selye University : Economic Section: Economic Section. Korcsmáros Enikő. Komárno: Univerzita J. Selyeho, 2020, online, s. 157-166. ISBN 978-80-8122-375-4.

AFD 023 MACHOVÁ, Renáta, Enikő KORCSMÁROS, Monika ESSEOVÁ a Roland MARČA. Current Innovative Trends in Business Management in Slovakia cand Hungary. In: The Poprad Economic and Management Forum 2021. Peter Madzík, Mária Janošková. Ružomberok: VERBUM Publishing, 2021, online, s. 279-286. ISBN 978-80-561-0888-8 (online).

AFD 024 MACHOVÁ, Renáta, Enikő KORCSMÁROS, Monika ESSEOVÁ a Roland MARČA. International insights into the consequences of COVID-19 on consumption and attitudes towards savings. DOI 10.1051/shsconf/202112901018 In: SHS Web of Conferences : The 21st International Scientific Conference Globalization and its Socio-Economic Consequences 2021: The 21st International Scientific Conference Globalization and its Socio-Economic Consequences 2021, Žilina,13th – 14th October 2021, section Innovation, Collaborative, and Circular Economy. Tomáš Klieštik. Les Ulis: Édition Diffusion Presse Sciences, 2021, S. 10-18.

AFD 025 ZSIGMONDOVÁ, Annamária, Tibor ZSIGMOND a Renáta MACHOVÁ. The Impact of COVID-19 on the Apple Brand and Customer Satisfaction. In: The Poprad Economic and Management Forum 2021. Peter Madzík, Mária Janošková. Ružomberok: VERBUM Publishing, 2021, S. 257-268. ISBN 978-80-561-0888-8 (online).

AFD 026 ZSIGMOND, Tibor a Renáta MACHOVÁ. Vplyv EQ a etiky na zdieľanie znalostí. In: Zborník príspevkov z konferencie Trendy vo využívaní štatistických metód v marketingu 2021. Roman Lacko, Henrieta Pavolová, Tomáš Bakalár. Bratislava: Vydavateľstvo EKONÓM, 2021, P. 156-163. ISBN 978-80-225-4829-8.

AFG Published abstracts of conference articles presented at conferences abroad
Number of entries: 5

AFG 001 MACHOVÁ, Renáta, Silvia TÓBIÁS KOSÁR a Endre HEVESI. The Management and Motivation of Human Resources in a Selected Multinational Corporation. In: Economics, Management, Finance and Social Attributes of Economic System (EMFSA 2017): Proceedings of abstract. Považská Bystrica: BCSS.L.L.C, 2017, P. [56]. ISBN 978-80-8154-208-4.

AFG 002 MACHOVÁ, Renáta a Lilla FEHÉR. Management in a Multicultural Environment. In: Globalisation Challenges and the Social-Economic Environment of the EU : book of abstracts: book of abstracts. Jasmina Starc. Novo mesto: University of Novo mesto, 2018, S. 65-65. ISBN 978-961-6770-41-5.

AFG 003 KORCSMÁROS, Enikő, Renáta MACHOVÁ, Zoltán ŠEBEN a Lilla FEHÉR. The Euro Introduction in Slovakia - Conseqences Based on Primary Research. In: Economics, management, finance and social attributtes of economic system (EMFSA 2019) : proceedings of abstract, international scientific conference, July, 3-6, 2019, Pula: proceedings of abstract, international scientific conference, July, 3-6, 2019, Pula. [bez zostavovateľa]. Považská Bystrica: BCSS. L.L.C (Považská Bystrica, Slovensko), 2019, P. [46]. ISBN 978-80-8154-269-5.

AFG 004 ZSIGMOND, Tibor, Enikő KORCSMÁROS, Renáta MACHOVÁ a Zoltán ŠEBEN. Interconnection of Consumer Behaviour of Different Generations and Marketing Strategy of a Football Club - Experience in Slovakia. In: Economics, Management, Finance and Social Attributes of Economic Systems : Proceedings of abstract: Proceedings of abstract. Eva Belásová. Považská Bystrica: BCSS, 2020, P. [75]. ISBN 978-80-973642-0-5.

AFG 005 KORCSMÁROS, Enikő, Renáta MACHOVÁ, Zoltán ŠEBEN a Tibor ZSIGMOND. Slovakia with regard to convergence criteria. In: Economics, Management, Finance and Social Attributes of Economic Systems : Proceedings of abstract: Proceedings of abstract. Eva Belásová. Považská Bystrica: BCSS, 2020, P. [46]. ISBN 978-80-973642-0-5.

AFH Published abstracts of conference articles presented at conferences inland
Number of entries: 1

AFH 001 VÉGHOVÁ, Katarína a Renáta MACHOVÁ. Az erkölcsi kockázat, mint kevésbé ismert dimenzió a kockázatok kezelésére a pénzügyi és gazdasági válság idején. XXV. DIDMATTECH 2012. (2012), s. 97.

BAA Specialised book-like publications published abroad
Number of entries: 1

BAA 001 MACHOVÁ, Renáta, Lilla FEHÉR, Zsuzsanna GÓDÁNY, Enikő KORCSMÁROS, Zoltán ŠEBEN, Erika SERES HUSZÁRIK, Silvia TÓBIÁS KOSÁR, Zsuzsanna TÓTH, Adriana MEZEIOVÁ, Tibor ZSIGMOND a Andrea BENCSIK. Gamifikácia a vzdelávanie manažérov: Inovatívne metódy vo vzdelávaní v teórii a v praxi. 1. vyd. Brno: Tribun EU, 2020. 194 s. [9,91AH]. ISBN 978-80-263-1575-9.

2021  [3] MARINIČ, P. Expectation as Competence of Managers. In The current issues of business. České Budějovice : Vysoká škola evropských a regionálních studií, 2021. ISBN 978-80-7556-093-3, p. 87.

BAB Specialised book-like publications published inland
Number of entries: 1

BAB 001 MURA, Ladislav, Enikő KORCSMÁROS, Zoltán RÓZSA, Erika SERES HUSZÁRIK a Renáta MACHOVÁ. Obchodné podnikanie [elektronický zdroj]. 1. vyd. Trenčín: Inštitút aplikovaného manažmentu, 2012. CD-ROM, 151 s. ISBN 978-80-8122-041-8.

BBA Chapters in specialised books published abroad
Number of entries: 1

BBA 001 MACHOVÁ, Renáta, Norbert SZAKÁCS, József POÓR a Martin VOLOŠIN. Szlovákia. In: Emberi erőforrás menedzsment külföldi tulajdonú cégek helyei leányvállalatainál Közép- és Kelet-Európában 2011-2013. Gödöllő: Szent István Egyetem, 2015, P. 134-160. ISBN 978-963-642-866-2.

BCI University teaching notes and resource materials
Number of entries: 5

BCI 001 VÉGHOVÁ, Katarína, Renáta MACHOVÁ, Enikő KORCSMÁROS, Ingrid SZABÓ a Erika SERES HUSZÁRIK. Felvételi útmutató és segédanyag - Közgazdaságtan. 1. vyd. Komárno: Univerzita J. Selyeho, 2012. 130 s. ISBN 978-80-8122-030-2.

2014  [4] MURA, L. Všeobecná ekonomická teória- základný kurz. Trnava : Univerzita sv. Cyrila a Metoda, 2014. 103 s. ISBN 978-80-8105-569-0.

BCI 002 BENCSIK, Andrea, Renáta MACHOVÁ a Zsuzsanna CSIBA. Menedzsment esettanulmányok alsó vezetői szinten. 1. vyd. Komárno: Univerzita J. Selyeho, 2012. 94 s. ISBN 978-80-8122-046-3.

2012  [3] Mura, L. Teoretické východiská internacionalizácie podnikania In: Zborník z medzinárodného workshopu doktorandských prác. Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta podnikatelská Brno, 2012, ISBN 978-80-214-4632-8

BCI 003 BENCSIK, Andrea, Renáta MACHOVÁ a Zsuzsanna CSIBA. Válogatott esettanulmányok. 1. vyd. Komárno: Univerzita J. Selyeho, 2012. 104 s. ISBN 978-80-8122-068-5.

BCI 004 BENCSIK, Andrea, Renáta MACHOVÁ a Zsuzsanna GÓDÁNY. Menedzsment a gyakorlatban: esettanulmányok. 1. vyd. Komárno: Univerzita J. Selyeho, 2015. 107 s. [6,58 AH]. ISBN 978-80-8122-149-1.

BCI 005 MACHOVÁ, Renáta, Silvia TÓBIÁS KOSÁR, Annamária ZSIGMONDOVÁ a Henrieta CZIBOROVÁ. Zbierka úloh z účtovníctva 3 [elektronický zdroj] = Számvitel 3 feladatgyűjtemény. 1. vyd. Komárno: Univerzita J. Selyeho, 2020. 111 s. [4,72AH] [online]. ISBN 978-80-8122-360-0.

BDE Specialised papers published abroad in journals not registered in the Current Contents Connect database
Number of entries: 1

BDE 001 POÓR, József, Zsuzsa KAROLINY, Katalin SZABÓ, Kinga KEREKES, Monica ZAHARIE, Renáta MACHOVÁ a Ágnes SZLÁVICZ. Az emberi erőforrás menedzsment legújabb trendjei a nemzetközi cégek helyi leány-vállalatainál: Fókuszban Magyarország, Románia és Szlovákia. Tudásmenedzsment. Roč. 14, č. 1 (2013), s. 179-202. ISSN 1586-0698.

BEE Specialised papers published abroad in non-reviewed (conference and non-conference) proceedings books
Number of entries: 1

BEE 001 POÓR, József, Erika VARGA, Renáta MACHOVÁ a Taras VAS. Innovatív tanulási megoldások nemzetközi környezetben: az X-Culture projekt = Innovative Learning Solutions in International Surroundings: the X-Culture Project. In: Tradíció és innováció - 2016. = Három évtized a gazdaság- és társadalomtudomány szolgálatában Gödöllő: Szent István Kiadó, 2016, P. 19-32. ISBN 978-963-269-628-7.

BFA Abstracts of specialised papers presented at academic events (conferences, etc.) published abroad
Number of entries: 1

BFA 001 POÓR, József, Katalin SZABÓ, Marzena STOR, Zsuzsa KAROLINY, Kinga KEREKES, Monica ZAHARIE, Renáta MACHOVÁ, Ágnes SZLÁVICZ a Allen ENGLE. The new trends of human resource management at the local subsidiaries of multinational companies in five CEE countries. In: XI. CHEMNITZ EAST FORUM: "Corporate Governance in Central and Eastern Europe". Chemnitz: Chemnitz University of Technology, 2013, S. [61].

EDI Reviews published in journals and proceedings
Number of entries: 1

EDI 001 MACHOVÁ, Renáta. Recenzia odbornej knihy. Acta Oeconomica Universitatis Selye. Roč. 1, č. 2 (2012), s. 117-118. ISSN 1338-6581.

FAI Book-like editorial works (bibliographies, encyclopaedias, catalogues, dictionaries, proceedings books etc.)
Number of entries: 5

FAI 001 MACHOVÁ, Renáta a Enikő KORCSMÁROS. A marketing alapjai. 1. vyd. Komárno: Univerzita J. Selyeho, 2013. [5,37 AH]. ISBN 978-80-8122-069-2.

FAI 002 MURA, Ladislav a Renáta MACHOVÁ. Inovačný potenciál, inovačné podnikanie a podnikateľské siete. 1. vyd. Brno: Tribun EU, 2013. 203 s. ISBN 978-80-8122-088-3.

FAI 003 MACHOVÁ, Renáta a Zsuzsanna CSIBA. Válogatott esettanulmányok.

FAI 004 MACHOVÁ, Renáta a Silvia TÓBIÁS KOSÁR. Iparfejlődési sajátosságok Kelet-Szlovákiában. 1. vyd. Komárno: Univerzita J. Selyeho, 2014. 177 s. ISBN 978-80-8122-110-1.

FAI 005 MACHOVÁ, Renáta a Zsuzsanna GÓDÁNY. Menedzsment a gyakorlatban: esettanulmányok. 1. vyd. Komárno: Univerzita J. Selyeho, 2015. 107 s. [6,58 AH]. ISBN 978-80-8122-149-1.

2013 - Member of the Commission in the "Economic Sciences" Section of the VIII. Student Scientific Professional Activity - Nitra

2013 - Member of the Organizing Committee of the International Scientific Conference of J. Selye University in Komárno

2014 - Member of the Commission in the "Economic Sciences" Section of the IX. Student Scientific Professional Activity - Komárno

2014 - Member of the Scientific Committee of the International Scientific Conference 29.-30. May 2014 - Széchényi University Győr

2014 - 2021 - Chairman of Erasmus + Commission Faculty of Economics and Informatics JSU

2017 - Member of the Evaluation Committee at XXXIII. Hungarian student scientific professional activity

2017 - Dissertation opponent and member of the commission - Pan-European University

2018 - Evaluator within the XV. Student scientific professional activity - SAPIENTIA Erdélyi Hungarian Science University

2018 - Member of the Scientific Program Committee of the International Scientific Conference EMOK 2018

2018 - 2021 - Member of the examination commission for the dissertation examination in the study group 8. Economics and Business Management at FEI JSU

2018 - 2021 - Member of the examination commission for the defense of the dissertation in the study group 8. Economics and Business Management at FEI JSU

2018 - Member of the Scientific Program Committee of the 14th Annual International Conference on Economics and Business, Miercurea-Cius, Romania, 10-12th MAY, 2018

2011 - 2021 - member of the examination commission for state examinations 1st degree study in the study group 8. Economics and Business Management at FEI JSU

2011 - 2021 - member of the examination commission for state examinations 2nd degree study in the study group 8. Economics and Business Management at FE JSU

2018 - member of the Working Group on the proposal of the Presidium of the Slovak Rectors' Conference for the elaboration of a description of the study department of Economics and Management

2018, 2020, 2021 - member of the commission for the admission procedure for doctoral studies

2018 - member of the habilitation commission - Soproni Egyetem, Sopron

2018 - member of the Council of the final opponent of KEGA project no. 002UJS-4/2016

2018 - member of the examination commission for the defense of dissertation work - Séchényi István University, Győr

2020 - member of the examination commission for the final examinations of the Supplementary Pedagogical Study at PF UJS

2020 - Member of the Scientific Program Committee at the 23rd International Conference on Interactive, Tallinn, Estonia

2020 - Assessor of the VEGA project - Scientific Grant Agency of the The Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport of the Slovak Republic

2020 - Assessor of the KEGA project - Cultural and educational grant agency of the The Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport of the Slovak Republic

2020 - by decision of the Executive Board of the Slovak Accreditation Agency for Higher Education included in the list of assessors of the Slovak Accreditation Agency for Higher Education

2021 - Chairman of the Commission for Gender Equality at JSU

2021 - Chairman of the JSU Commission for Accommodation

2021 - member of the Board of students' scientific professional activity JSU

2021 - member of the Board l for Quality Assurance in Education at JSU

2023 - Member of the Slovak Economic Society (Slovenská ekonomiská spoločnosť - SEA)



2015 - UJS Rector's Award for outstanding publishing activity

2016 - UJS Rector's Award for outstanding publishing activity

2017 - UJS Rector's Award for outstanding publishing activity

2018 - UJS Rector's Award for outstanding publishing activity

2019 - UJS Rector's Award for outstanding publishing activity

2020 - UJS Rector's Award for outstanding publishing activity

2021 - UJS Rector's Award for outstanding publishing activity

2022 - UJS Rector's Award for outstanding publishing activity


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