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doc. ThDr. Alfréd Somogyi, PhD.

doc. ThDr. Alfréd Somogyi, PhD.
Name: doc. ThDr. Alfréd Somogyi, PhD.
Faculty: Reformed Theological Faculty
Department: Department of Historical Sciences
Position: Associate Professor
Office: E 16a
Phone +421 35 32 60 866
Person responsible for the profile subjects of the study programme:
Reformed Theology (combined 1.-2. degree, full-time form)
Theology (3. degree, full-time and external form)
Teaching of catechesis (1. and 2. degree, full-time form)

University studies
J. Calvin Theological Academy
reformed theology
1994 - 1999
J. Selye University
- 2006
Examina rigorosa
J. Selye University
reformed theology
2007 - 2008
PhD. study
J. Selye University
2007 - 2010
Reformed theological faculty J. Selye University

Hungarian Editorial Office of Slovak Radio
1991 - 1996
Duna Televízió
editor, editor in chief
1996 - 2000
Council of Slovak Television
council member
2002 - 2006
J. Selye University; Faculty of Reformed Theology
Associate Professor
2014 -
Reformed Christian Church in Slovakia
2000 -

Research area reformed church law, church politics, reformed church history, history of the Reformed Christian Church in Slovakia in the 20th century

Research projects The Reformed Christian Church in Slovakia 1919-1952
2016 - 2019

Guide to Ugaritic language and literature
2018 - 2021

The Reformed Christian Church in Slovakia under Socialism
2020 - 2023

Credible speech in society Examining the concept of the oath in church and society
2021 - 2023

Comprehensive study of the general situation of students having children - research programme in higher education Research activity and study writing
2024 - 2026

The cooperation of Protestant churches in the territory of present-day Slovakia, Hungary and the Czech Republic from the Toleration Patent to the end of the 20th century
2024 - 2026

Member of the Scientific Council of the Orthodox Divinity Faculty of the University of Prešov. Member of the Scientific Council of the University J. Selye.

External Member of the Public Board of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (from 2013), Full Member of the College of Doctors of the Reformed Church in Hungary (from 2013), Member of the Synod of the Reformed Christian Church in Slovakia (from 2008), Member of the Synod Council of the Reformed Christian Church in Slovakia (from 2015-2020), Chairman of the Legal Committee of the Synod of the Reformed Christian Church in Slovakia (from 2008), Dean of the Bratislava Reformed Diocese of the Reformed Christian Church in Slovakia (2015-2020), Responsible person for profile subject RETdm15 Responsible person for profile subject TEdd15 Responsible person for profile subject TEed15 Responsible person for profile subject Kdb15 Responsible person for profile subject Kdm15 Responsible person for profile subject Kdm15

Responsible editor of the theological scientific journal Teológiai Forum (Publisher: Theological Institute of J. Calvin, Komárno, SR) Member of the editorial board of Studia universitatis Babes-Bolyai - Theologia reformata Transylvanica (Publisher: Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj, Romania). Member of the editorial board of Hit - Identitás - Történelem (Publisher: Károli Gáspár Református Egyetem Hittudományi Kar Egyháztörténeti Kutatóintézet, Budapest, Magyarország). Member of the editorial board of Confessio (Publisher: Magyarországi Református Egyház, Budapest, Magyarország).

President of the Alliance for Common Goals (the largest Hungarian NGO in Slovakia) since 2024.

Minister VD of the Reformed Christian Church in Slovakia in the church congregation Opatovský Sokolec, since 2000.



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