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Dr. habil. PaedDr. Kinga Horváth, PhD.
Name: Dr. habil. PaedDr. Kinga Horváth, PhD.
Faculty: Faculty of Education
Department: Department of Pre-school and Elementary Education
Position: Professor
Office: T312
Phone +421 35 32 60 759
Person responsible for the study programme:
Pre-school and primary pedagogy (1. degree, full-time and external form)
Person responsible for the profile subjects of the study programme:
Pedagogy for primary education (2. degree, full-time external form)
Pedagogy (3. degree, full-time and external form)

University studies
Comenius University Bratislava, Faculty of Education
primary school teacher
1989 - 1993
Examina rigorosa
Comenius University Bratislava
1999 - 2000
PhD. study
Comenius University Bratislava
1997 - 1999
University of Pécs

School Office
teacher for primary school
1993 - 1994
pedagogical-psychological counseling
methodology for educational counselors
1994 - 2004
Comenius University Bratislava Faculty of Education
special assistant
1999 - 2011
J. Selye University, Komárno
Vice-Dean for Scientific Research and Accreditation
2011 - 2015
J. Selye University, Komárno
2015 -

Research area - Research on the identity of student teachers and teachers in a social context, their attitudes towards the socio-economic environment, the formation of stereotypes, the formation of social networks and the parallel identification of their specific elements in the educational space of minority schools  - Research into pupils' levels of scientific and mathematical knowledge, into the difficulties of understanding scientific concepts in relation to problem-solving thinking processes in certain areas of problem-based teaching, into pupils' attitudes towards the subjects and their development.  - Research into pupils' inductive thinking. - Research into the interpersonal behaviour of the teacher, the attributes of the ideal teacher.  - Research on the theoretical foundations of educational systems. - Research on early school leaving as a social phenomenon.   - Research on the methodological culture of the teacher. - Research into the teacher's and teache canditates self-efficacy and beliefs. - Research on teacher education and training.

Research projects Education organization and management. Terminological and interpretative dictionary
113/2001 – 556/150
2001 - 2004

School management
2005 - 2008

Internationalization of pre-school and primary education study program for second degree study
2015 - 2017

Improving creativity and teaching English as a foreign language creatively at primary and secondary schools
2019 - 2021

Status, identity and education of minority: social self-realization strategies of the Hungarian minority in Slovakia
2019 - 2021

Mentor Training
2020-1-SK01-KA201-078250 K201
2020 - 2023

Let's learn to learn better
2020 - 2023

2021 - 2023

Slovak as a Second Language in Undergraduate Teacher Training - SLOV2LIN
Ministerstvo školstva vedy, výskumu a športu SR
2024 - 2026

Od roku 2024 som členkou riešiteľského kolektívu projektu KEGA 001UPJŠ-4/2023 Implementácia formatívneho hodnotenia do výučby na základnej škole so zameraním na digitálnu formu.

Od roku 2024 - 2026 koordinujem projekt ERASMUS+ Občania vo vzdelávaní: medzinárodný pohľad na vzdelávanie učiteľov (OKTÁV).

 In her scientific-research and publishing activities she deals with questions of school management from a historical, social, pedagogical point of view, research into the attributes of pedagogical communication and pedagogical evaluation. Recently, she has been devoted to researching the factors of the drop-out effect in a university environment. 
She is the head of the doctoral committee of the doctoral programme in Pedagogy.
She was awarded the Rector's Prize of UJS in 2018, 2021, 2023 for her significant publishing and scientific activity.
In 2023 she was awarded the prize of the Association of Hungarian Educators in Slovakia for meritorious activity for ACTIVITIES TO PROMOTE EDUCATION IN THE HUNGARIAN LANGUAGE IN SLOVAKIA.


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