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Dr. habil. Anna Tóthné Litovkina, PhD.
Name: Dr. habil. Anna Tóthné Litovkina, PhD.
Faculty: Faculty of Education
Department: Department of English Language and Literature
Position: Professor
Office: T209
Phone +421 35 32 60 748
Person responsible for the study programme:
English language and literature teacher training in combination (1. and 2. degree, full-time form)

University studies
University M. V. Lomonosov, Moscow
Hungarian language ang literature
1980 - 1985
Lomonosov Moscow State University, Faculty of Arts
Russian as Foreign Language
1980 - 1985
Lomonosov Moscow State University, Faculty of Arts
Ebglish Language and Literature
1980 - 1985
Examina rigorosa
Russian linguistics
- 1989
PhD. study
Hungarian Academy of Science
- 1993
Eötvös Loránd University
Inauguration for professor
Department of English Language and Literature

J. Selye University, Komárno
2012 -
University of Information Technology and Management in Rzeszow (Rzeszow, Poland)
2012 - 2015
Applied Linguistics Faculty, Tischner European University (Kraków, Poland)
2011 - 2015
Institute of Foreign Languages, State Higher Vocational School in Nowy Sacz (Nowy Sacz, Poland)
2009 - 2010
Pál Tomori College, Institute of Foreign Languages
director of Institute
2009 - 2010

Research area Paremiology (i.e the study of proverbs) Paremiography (i.e. collecting proverbs) Lexicology Lexicography Phraseology Folklore American studies Hungarian studies Humor studies Linguistics (cognitive, contrastive, sociolinguistics, psycholinguistics) Intercultural communication Semiotics Pedagogy Foreign language teaching Translating and interpreting Gender studies Theory of communication Practical psychology

Research projects Improving creativity and teaching English as a foreign language creatively at primary and secondary schools
2019 - 2021

Improving the quality of education by creating and innovating study programs, developing human resources and supporting career counselling
ITMS, Agentúra Ministerstva školstva, vedy, výskumu a športu SR pre štrukturálne fondy EÚ
2014 - 2015

"English Through Proverbs"
AMFK (Alapítvány a Magyar Felsőoktatásért és Kutatásért)
1994 - 1995


• AMFK (Alapítvány a Magyar Felsőoktatásért és Kutatásért) for research project called "English Through Proverbs" (1994) (project number 206/94)

Within the frame of the project my goal was to prepare courses on English and American proverbs, as well as to research proverbs and publish numerous books and articles:

  • Tóthné Litovkina, Anna (1996). A Proverb a Day Keeps Students Awake. NovELTy, Dec, 88–96.
  • Tóthné Litovkina, Anna (1998). An Analysis of Popular American Proverbs and Their Use in Language Teaching. In: Walter Heissig and Rüdiger Schott (ed.). Die heutige Bedeutung oraler Traditionen – Ihre Archivierung, Publikation und Index-Erschließung (The Present-Day Importance of Oral Traditions: Their Preservation, Publication and Indexing). Opladen/Wiesbaden: Westdeutscher Verlag, 131–158.
  • Tóthné Litovkina, Anna. (1999). Incorporating of Anglo-American Proverbs into the Language Classroom. In: Communicationes Academiae Paedagogicae Szekszardiensis. The Scientific Publications of Illyés Gyula College of Pedagogy /IPF/. Szekszárd: IPF–Books, 135–150.
  • T. Litovkina, Anna (2000). A Proverb a Day Keeps Boredom Away. Szekszárd–Pécs: IPF–Könyvek.

• 2014-2015 – project participant, project number: 26110230108

Agency of the Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport of the Slovak Republic for structural funds of the European Union, Improving the quality of education by creating and innovating study programs, developing human resources and supporting career counselling.


Within the frame of the project my goal was to write a monograph which I can use while teaching my courses on phraseology. At first it was published online, then the printed version of the book was published:

  • T. Litovkina, Anna (2015). Teaching Proverbs and Anti-Proverbs. Komárno: J. Selye University, 160 pp.
  • T. Litovkina, Anna (2017). Teaching Proverbs and Anti-Proverbs, Komárno: J. Selye University Faculty of Education, 260 pp.

• FEFA ("Catching up with the European Higher Education Fund") awarded for participation in the international congress "Semiotics Around the World: Synthesis in Diversity" and research in American libraries and archives (Berkeley, USA, 11 June – 4 July, 1994) ( Project Number 320)

• OTKA (Országos Tudományos és Kutatási Alap, National Academic and Research Committee, project number W015426)) and Soros Foundation (project number C-5199/94) for participation in the XI Congress of the International Society for Folk-Narrative Research (Mysore, India, January 5–14, 1995) 

• FEFA ("Catching up with the European Higher Education Fund") for study trip to USA, including New York, Bloomington, Los Angeles and Burlington (Vermont), USA (May 23– June 17, 1995)

• FEFA awarded a study trip to Oxford, Oxford University Press, UK (October 17– November 3, 1994) (project number: 417-1-2002)

• OTKA (Országos Tudományos és Kutatási Alap), the Scientific Committee of Szekszárd and the Mexican Association for Semiotic Studies supported my participation in the international congress "Semiotics Bridging Nature and Culture" (Guadalajara, Mexico, July 13–18,1997)



• 2017 – Rektor’s award for outstanding publications (J. Selye University)

• 2018– Rektor’s award for outstanding publications (J. Selye University)

• 2019– Rektor’s award for outstanding publications (J. Selye University)

• 2022– Rektor’s award for outstanding publications (J. Selye University)

• 2023  -  award  "Arany Penna" (Tinta Könyvkiadó),

• October 17., 2007 – award Kíváló Magyar Szótár {Outstanding Hungarian Dictionary} by the Hungarian Academy of Science for Magyar közmondástár {A Dictionary of Hungarian Proverbs}. Budapest: Tinta Könyvkiadó, 848 pp. 

• March 17.2006 – award Outstanding Work of the Year 2005 by the University of Pécs for Magyar közmondástár {A Dictionary of Hungarian Proverbs}. Budapest: Tinta Könyvkiadó.



• Certificate of Honarary Member of Association of Psychologists of the Synthon Approach for developing and popularizing the Synthon Approach in the Commonwealth of Independent States and in Europe (N.I. Kozlov, founder, May 2021, )

• Letter of Gratitude (The Board of Karaganda Buketov University, Rector N.D.Dulatbekov, June 2021)

• Chairperson of State Exam Committee, 2013-2021.

• Participation in J. Selye János International conferences (2017, 2018, 2021, 2022, 2023)

• Member of the Academic Students’ Committee (TDK), 

• Member of Program Committee of International Symposium “New Challenges of Teaching English as a Foreign Language in the 21st Century” (8 Nov 2017) 



• Workshop A Proverb a Day Keeps Boredom Away, Berea College, Kentucky, July 22, 2003.

• Lecture o anti-proverbs, Purdue University, January 1997.

• Vth Hungarian National Interdisciplinary Humor Conference (Pázmány Péter Catholic University, Sept. 14-15, 2017. Piliscsaba, Hungary)

• VIth Hungarian National Interdisciplinary Humor Conference (Eszterházy Károly University, Oct. 3-4, 2019, Eger, Hungary)

The Chairperson at International of Folklore-Linguistics Research Group (since 2006)




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