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Dr. habil. Anna Tóthné Litovkina, PhD.

Dr. habil. Anna Tóthné Litovkina, PhD.
Name: Dr. habil. Anna Tóthné Litovkina, PhD.
Faculty: Faculty of Education
Department: Department of English Language and Literature
Position: Professor
Office: T209
Phone +421 35 32 60 748
Person responsible for the study programme:
English language and literature teacher training in combination (1. and 2. degree, full-time form)

University studies
University M. V. Lomonosov, Moscow
Hungarian language ang literature
1980 - 1985
Lomonosov Moscow State University, Faculty of Arts
Russian as Foreign Language
1980 - 1985
Lomonosov Moscow State University, Faculty of Arts
Ebglish Language and Literature
1980 - 1985
Examina rigorosa
Russian linguistics
- 1989
PhD. study
Hungarian Academy of Science
- 1993
Eötvös Loránd University
Inauguration for professor
Department of English Language and Literature

J. Selye University, Komárno
2012 -
University of Information Technology and Management in Rzeszow (Rzeszow, Poland)
2012 - 2015
Applied Linguistics Faculty, Tischner European University (Kraków, Poland)
2011 - 2015
Institute of Foreign Languages, State Higher Vocational School in Nowy Sacz (Nowy Sacz, Poland)
2009 - 2010
Pál Tomori College, Institute of Foreign Languages
director of Institute
2009 - 2010

Research area Paremiology (i.e the study of proverbs) Paremiography (i.e. collecting proverbs) Lexicology Lexicography Phraseology Folklore American studies Hungarian studies Humor studies Linguistics (cognitive, contrastive, sociolinguistics, psycholinguistics) Intercultural communication Semiotics Pedagogy Foreign language teaching Translating and interpreting Gender studies Theory of communication Practical psychology

Research projects Improving creativity and teaching English as a foreign language creatively at primary and secondary schools
2019 - 2021

Improving the quality of education by creating and innovating study programs, developing human resources and supporting career counselling
ITMS, Agentúra Ministerstva školstva, vedy, výskumu a športu SR pre štrukturálne fondy EÚ
2014 - 2015

"English Through Proverbs"
AMFK (Alapítvány a Magyar Felsőoktatásért és Kutatásért)
1994 - 1995

Category A1 - Book publications of scientific monograph character (AAA, AAB, ABA, ABB, ABC, ABD)
Number of entries: 9
AAA Scientific/scholarly monographs published abroad (4)
AAB Scientific/scholarly monographs published inland (3)
ABC Chapters in scientifric/scholarly monographs published abroad (2)

Category A2 - Miscellaneous book publications (ACA, ACB, BAA, BAB, BCB, BCI, EAI, CAA, CAB, EAJ, FAI)
Number of entries: 17
ACA University textbooks published abroad (2)
BAA Specialised book-like publications published abroad (8)
BCI University teaching notes and resource materials (2)
FAI Book-like editorial works (bibliographies, encyclopaedias, catalogues, dictionaries, proceedings books etc.) (5)

Category B - Journals listed in international databases, author warrants, patents, and discoveries (ADC, ADD, AEG, AEH, BDC, BDD, CDC, CDD, AGJ)
Number of entries: 0

Category C - Miscellaneous peer-reviewed publications (ACC, ACD, ADE, ADF, AEC, AED, AFA, AFB, AFC, AFD, AFE, AFF, AFG, AFH, BBA, BBB, BCK, BDA, BDB, BDE, BDF, BEC, BED, BFA, BFB, BGH, CDE, CDF)
Number of entries: 43
ADE Scientific/scholarly papers published abroad in journals not registered in the Current Contents Connect database (14)
ADF Scientific/scholarly papers published inland in journals not registered in the Current Contents Connect database (1)
AEC Scientific/scholarly papers published abroad in peer-reviewed proceedings or monographs (6)
AFA Published invited conference articles presented at conferences abroad (1)
AFC Published conference articles presented at conferences abroad (13)
AFD Published conference articles presented at conferences inland (3)
BDA Encyclopaedia and terminological dictionary entries published abroad (1)
BDE Specialised papers published abroad in journals not registered in the Current Contents Connect database (1)
BEC Specialised papers published abroad in peer-reviewed (conference and non-conference) proceedings books (3)

Category N - Miscellaneous non peer-reviewed publications (ADM, ADN, AEM, AEN, BDM, BDN, CBA, CBB)
Number of entries: 2
ADM Scientific/scholarly papers published abroad in journals registered in the databases Web of Science or SCOPUS (2)

Category D - Miscellaneous publications not classified by the MESR
Number of entries: 6
BEE Specialised papers published abroad in non-reviewed (conference and non-conference) proceedings books (3)
GII Miscellaneous publications which don't belong into any of the categories above (3)

Total number of entries: 77


[1] Citations and reviews which appeared in a foreign publication and are listed in an international database (WoS or Scopus). (50)
[3] Citations which appeared in a foreign publication and are not listed in any international database. (27)
[5] Reviews which appeared in a foreign publication. (23)
[6] Reviews which appeared in a domestic publication. (2)
Total: 102

List of publications:

AAA Scientific/scholarly monographs published abroad
Number of entries: 4

AAA 001 TÓTHNÉ LITOVKINA, Anna. Women Through Anti-Proverbs. 1. vyd. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, 2018. 211 s. ISBN 978-3-319-91197-7. DOI DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-91198-4.

2021  [3] MIEDER, W. "A Miss is as Good as a Male". From Anti-Proverbs to Modern Anglo-American Proverbs. In "There's No Free Lunch". Six Essays on Modern Anglo-American Proverbs. Vermont : The University of Vermont, 2021. ISBN 978-1-7372029-0-5, p. 64.

2020  [1] KOCHMAN-HAŁADYJ, B. The vexing problem of gender stereotyping in world proverbs. In SKASE Journal of Theoretical Linguistics. ISSN 1336-782X, 2020, vol. 17, no. 1, p. 73-86. WoS ; SCOPUS

2020  [3] KULIGOWSKA, K. Małżeństwo w językowym obrazie świata. Na przykładzie paremii w języku polskim, rosyjskim i angielskim [Marriage in the linguistic view of the world. On the example of Polish, Russian and English proverbs]. In Studia Rossica Posnaniensia. ISSN 0081-6884, 2020, vol. 45, no. 2, p. 171.

2019  [1] WANG, Ch. Women through Anti-proverbs. In Gender and Language. ISSN 1747-6321, 2019, vol. 13, no. 4 WoS

2019  [5] SÁNCHEZ, P. Á. Anna T. Litovkina: Women Through Anti-Proverbs. In Asparkía. Investigació feminista. ISSN 1132-8231, 2019, no. 35, p. 201-205.

AAA 002 TÓTHNÉ LITOVKINA, Anna a Wolfgang MIEDER. Marriage Seen through Proverbs and Anti-Proverbs. 1. vyd. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2019. 193 s. ISBN 978-1-5275-3945-7.

2021  [5] SZERSZUNOVICZ, J. Litovkina, Anna T. & Mieder, Wolfgang (2019). Marriage Seen through Proverbs and Anti-Proverbs. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. In The European Journal of Humour Research. ISSN 2307-700X, 2021, vol. 9, no. 4, p. 262-267 .

2019  [1] KOCHMAN-HAŁADYJ, B. The vexing problem of gender stereotyping in world proverbs. In SKASE Journal of Theoretical Linguistics. ISSN 1336-782X, 2020, vol. 17, no. 1, p. 73-86. WoS ; SCOPUS

AAA 003 TÓTHNÉ LITOVKINA, Anna, Hrisztalina HRISZTOVA-GOTTHARDT, Péter BARTA, Katalin VARGHA a Wolfgang MIEDER. Anti-Proverbs in Five Languages: Structural Features and Verbal Humor Devices. 1. vyd. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, 2021. 257 s. [print]. ISBN 978-3-030-89061-2. DOI 10.1007/978-3-030-89062-9.

AAA 004 TÓTHNÉ LITOVKINA, Anna a Wolfgang MIEDER. " A közmondást nem hiába mondják": Vizsgálatok a proverbiumok természetéről és használatáról. 1. vyd. Budapest: Tinta Könyvkiadó, 2005. 204 s. ISBN 963 7094 24 5. ISSN 1419-6603.

2021  [3] DRAHOTA-SZABÓ, E. Deutsche Phraseologie aus intra- und interlingualer Perspektive. Imst: Alphabet Wörterbuchverlag, 2021. ISBN 978-3-95045667-7, p. 143.

AAB Scientific/scholarly monographs published inland
Number of entries: 3

AAB 001 TÓTHNÉ LITOVKINA, Anna. "Do You Serve Lawyers and Politicians Here?": Stereotyped Lawyers and Politicans in American Jokes and Anti-Proverbs. 1. vyd. Komárno: Univerzita J. Selyeho, 2016. 190 s. ISBN 978-80-8122-172-9.

AAB 002 TÓTHNÉ LITOVKINA, Anna. Teaching Proverbs and Anti-Proverbs. 1. vyd. Komárno: Univerzita J. Selyeho, 2017. 260 s. ISBN 978-80-8122-211-5.

2021  [3] SZERDI, I. Új lehetőségek a frazémák tanításában. In Humorstílusok -és stratégiák. Budapest : Tinta Könyvkiadó, 2018. ISBN 978-963-409-169-1, p. 303-311.

2019  [3] SÁNCHEZ, P. Á. Anna T. Litovkina: Women Through Anti-Proverbs. In Asparkía. Investigació feminista. ISSN 1132-8231, 2019, no. 35, p. 201-205.

2018  [5] KÁLMÁNOVÁ, C. Teaching Proverbs and Anti-Proverbs. In Proverbium. Yearbook of International Proverb Scholarship. ISSN 0743-782X, 2018, vol. 35, p. 479-482.

2018  [3] MIEDER, W. International Proverb Scholarship: An Updated Bibliography. In Proverbium. Yearbook of International Proverb Scholarship. ISSN 0743-782X, 2018, vol. 35, p. 494.

2017  [5] KEGLEVIĆ, A. Litovkina, Anna T: Teaching proverbs and anti-proverbs. In Jezikoslovlje. ISSN 1331-7202, 2017, vol.18.3, p. 555-557.

AAB 003 TÓTHNÉ LITOVKINA, Anna a Peter ZOLCZER. Önfejlesztés és produktivitás: Rövid útmutató személyiségünk és teljesítőképességünk fejlesztéséhez. 1. vyd. Komárno: Univerzita J. Selyeho, 2018. 118 s. ISBN 978-80-8122-288-7.

ABC Chapters in scientifric/scholarly monographs published abroad
Number of entries: 2

ABC 001 TÓTHNÉ LITOVKINA, Anna. Anti-proverbs. In: Introduction to Paremiology: A Comprehensive Guide to Proverb Studies. Warsaw: De Gruyter, 2015, P. 326-352. ISBN 978-3-11-041015-0. WoS.

2021  [3] MIEDER, W. "A Miss is as Good as a Male". From Anti-Proverbs to Modern Anglo-American Proverbs. In "There's No Free Lunch". Six Essays on Modern Anglo-American Proverbs. Vermont : The University of Vermont, 2021. ISBN 978-1-73720290-5, p. 63-64.

2021  [3] MIEDER, W. "There is no Such Thing as a Free Lunch". New Structures for Modern Anglo-American Proverbs. In "There's No Free Lunch". Six Essays on Modern Anglo-American Proverbs. Vermont : The University of Vermont, 2021. ISBN 978-1-73720290-5, p. 23.

ABC 002 TÓTHNÉ LITOVKINA, Anna. Sexuality in Anglo-American anti-proverbs. DOI 10.1075/pbns.210 In: Pragmatics of humour across discourse domains: Pragmatics & Beyond New Series. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 2011, Vol. 210 (2011), p. 191-213. ISBN 978-90-272-8522-5. WoS.

ACA University textbooks published abroad
Number of entries: 2

ACA 001 TÓTHNÉ LITOVKINA, Anna. A Proverb a Day Keeps Boredom Away. 1. vyd. Pécs: IPF, 2000. 386 s.

2019  [3] SÁNCHEZ, P. Á. Anna T. Litovkina: Women Through Anti-Proverbs. In Asparkía. Investigació feminista. ISSN 1132-8231, 2019, no. 35, p. 201-205.

2014  [1] MIEDER, W. "THE WIT OF ONE? AND THE WISDOM OF MANY" Proverbs as Cultural Signs of Folklore. In Behold the Proverbs of a People: Proverbial Wisdom in Culture, Literature, and Politics. Jackson : Univ Press Mississippi, 2014. ISBN 978-1-62846-141-1, p. 19-54. WoS

2014  [1] MIEDER, W. "THINK OUTSIDE THE BOX" Origin, Nature, and Meaning of Modern Anglo-American Proverbs. In Behold the Proverbs of a People: Proverbial Wisdom in Culture, Literature, and Politics. Ridgewood : Univ Press Mississippi, 2014. ISBN 978-1-62846-141-1, p. 80-130. WoS

2014  [1] FIEDLER, S. Proverbs and Foreign Language Teaching. In Introduction to Paremiology: A comprehensive guide to proverb studies. Berlin : Walter de Gruyter GmbH, 2014. ISBN 978-3-11-041016-7, p. 294-325. WoS

2010  [1] NACISCIONE, A. Stylistic Use of Phraseological Units in Discourse. In Stylistic Use of Phraseological Units in Discourse. Amsterdam : John Benjamins B V Publ, 2010. ISBN 978-90-272-8769-4, p. 1-292. WoS


2007  [1] MIEDER, W. Anti-proverbs and mass communication: The interplay of traditional and innovative folklore. In Acta Ethnographica Hungarica. ISSN 1216-9803, vol 52, no. 1, p. 17-45. SCOPUS

ACA 002 TÓTHNÉ LITOVKINA, Anna a Katalin VARGHA. Éhes diák pakkal álmodik: Egyetemisták közmondás-elváltoztatásai. 1. vyd. Budapest: [s.n.], 2005. 94 s. ISBN 963 460 638 5.

ADE Scientific/scholarly papers published abroad in journals not registered in the Current Contents Connect database
Number of entries: 14

ADE 001 TÓTHNÉ LITOVKINA, Anna. "Where there's a will there's a lawyer's bill": Lawyers in anglo-American anti-proverbs. DOI 10.1556/AJur.52.2011.1.8 Acta Juridica Hungarica. Vol. 52, no. 1 (2011), p. 82-96. ISSN 1216-2574. SCOPUS. SNIP (2015): 0,041.

ADE 002 TÓTHNÉ LITOVKINA, Anna. Greed, lies and negotiable justice: Stereotyped lawyer in American lawyer jokes. Acta Etnographica Hungarica. Vol. 56, no. 1 (2011), p. 227-248. ISSN 1216-9803. SCOPUS. SNIP (2015): 0,006.

ADE 003 TÓTHNÉ LITOVKINA, Anna. "I see," said Tom icily: Tom Swifties at the beginning of the 21st century. European Journal of Humour Research. Vol. 2, no. 2 (2014), p. 54-67. ISSN 2307-700X.

ADE 004 TÓTHNÉ LITOVKINA, Anna. The lawyer as animal in American lawyer jokes. DOI org/10.7592/EJHR2016.4.1 European Journal of Humour Research. online, vol. 4, no. 1 (2016), p. 3-13. ISSN 2307-700X.

ADE 005 TÓTHNÉ LITOVKINA, Anna. Positive and negative sides of divorce as refected in Anglo-American anti-proverbs. Vestnik Karagandinskogo universiteta = Bulletin of the Karaganda University : serija filologija : Philology Series. = Bulletin of the Karaganda University Č. 4 (92) (2018), s. 28-34. ISSN 2518-198X.

ADE 006 TÓTHNÉ LITOVKINA, Anna. A few aspects of a semiotic approach to proverbs, with special reference to two important American publications. Semiotica. Vol. 108, no. 3-4 (1996), p. 307-380. ISSN 0037-1998. SCOPUS. SNIP (2015): 0,661.

2010  [1] MIEDER, W. American proverbs: An international, national, and global phenomenon. In Western Folklore. ISSN 0043-373X, 2010, vol. 69, no. 1, p. 35-54. WoS ; SCOPUS

2008  [1] HAAS, H.A. Proverb familiarity in the United States: Cross-regional comparisons of the paremiological minimum. In Journal of American Folklore. ISSN 0021-8715, 2008, vol. 121, no. 481, p. 319-347. SCOPUS

2005  [1] MIEDER, W. Proverbs are the best policy: Folk Wisdom and American politics. Logan: Utah State University Press, 2005. 323 p. ISBN 978-087421622-6. WoS ; SCOPUS

ADE 007 BARTA, Péter a Anna TÓTHNÉ LITOVKINA. About the special issue on Humour and Folklore. DOI 10.1556/AEthn.54.2009.1.1 Acta Ethnographica Hungarica. Vol. 54, no. 1 (2009), p. 1-3. ISSN 1216-9803. SCOPUS. SNIP (2015): 0,006.

ADE 008 BORONKAI, Dóra a Anna TÓTHNÉ LITOVKINA. Appreciation of humor in Hungarian anti-proverbs. DOI 10.1556/AEthn.52.2007.1.4 Acta Ethnograhica Hungarica. Vol. 52, no. 1 (2007), p. 105-134. ISSN 1216-9803. SCOPUS. SNIP (2015): 0,006.

2013  [1] KINCSO, V. Current concepts in the research of customs. In Ethnographia. ISSN 0014-1798, 2013, vol. 124, no. 4, p. 419-437. SCOPUS

ADE 009 TÓTHNÉ LITOVKINA, Anna. Introduction. DOI 10.1556/AEthn.52.2007.1.1 Acta Ethnographica Hungarica. Vol. 52, no. 1 (2007), p. 3-16. ISSN 1216-9803. SCOPUS. SNIP (2015): 0,006.

2014  [1] MIEDER, W. Origin of Proverbs. In Introduction to Paremiology: A comprehensive guide to proverb studies. Berlin : Walter de Gruyter GmbH, 2014. ISBN 978-3-11-041016-7, p. 28-48. WoS

ADE 010 TÓTHNÉ LITOVKINA, Anna. Law is Hell: Death and the afterlife in American lawyer jokes. DOI 10.1556/AJur.50.2009.3.5 Acta Juridica Hungarica. Vol. 50, no. 3 (2009), p. 311-318. ISSN 1216-2574. SCOPUS. SNIP (2015): 0,041.

ADE 011 TÓTHNÉ LITOVKINA, Anna, Katalin VARGHA, Péter BARTHA a Hrisztalina HRISZTOVA-GOTTHARDT. Most frequent types of alteration in Anglo-American, German, French, Russian and Hungarian anti-proverbs. DOI 10.1556/AEthn.52.2007.1.3 Acta Ethnographica Hungarica. Vol. 52, no. 1 (2007), p. 47-103. ISSN 1216-9803. SCOPUS. SNIP (2015): 0,006.

2021  [3] MIEDER, W. "A Miss is as Good as a Male". From Anti-Proverbs to Modern Anglo-American Proverbs. In "There's No Free Lunch". Six Essays on Modern Anglo-American Proverbs. Vermont : The University of Vermont, 2021. ISBN 978-1-73720290-5, p. 64.

2009  [1] SZPILA, G. Humour as a tool in communicating proverbial wisdom in polish graffiti. In Acta Ethnographica Hungarica. ISSN 1216-9803, 2009, vol. 54, no. 1, p.105-114. SCOPUS

ADE 012 HRISZTOVA-GOTTHARDT, Hrisztalina, Anna TÓTHNÉ LITOVKINA, Péter BARTA a Katalin VARGHA. Paronomasia or how a proverb becomes an anti-proverb (Article) = [Paronomasie oder wie ein Sprichwort zum Antisprichwort wird]. DOI 10.1556/AEthn.54.2009.1.7 Acta Etnographica Hungarica. Vol. 54, no. 1 (2009), p. 77-94. ISSN 1216-9803. SCOPUS. SNIP (2015): 0,006.

ADE 013 BARTA, Péter, Anna TÓTHNÉ LITOVKINA, Hrisztalina HRISZTOVA-GOTTHARDT a Katalin VARGHA. Polysemy, homonymy and homophony in anti-proverbs - with French, Hungarian, English, German and Russian examples = Polysémie, homonymie et homophonie dans les proverbes détournés - avec des exemples Français, Hongrois, Anglais, Allemands et Russes. DOI 10.1556/AEthn.54.2009.1.6 Acta Ethnographica Hungarica. Vol. 54, no. 1 (2009), p. 63-74. ISSN 1216-9803. SCOPUS. SNIP (2015): 0,006.

2016  [1] KHAKIMZYANOVA, D.F. - SHAMSUTDINOVA, E.K. Corpus linguistics in proverbs and sayings study: Evidence from different languages. In Social Sciences (Pakistan). ISSN 1818-5800, 2016, vol. 11, no. 15, p. 3770-3773. SCOPUS

ADE 014 VARGHA, Katalin a Anna TÓTHNÉ LITOVKINA. Proverb is as proverb does: A preliminary analysis of a survey on the use of Hungarian proverbs and anti-proverbs. DOI 10.1556/AEthn.52.2007.1.5 Acta Etnographica Hungarica. Vol. 52, no. 1 (2007), p. 135-155. ISSN 1216-9803. SCOPUS. SNIP (2015): 0,006.

ADF Scientific/scholarly papers published inland in journals not registered in the Current Contents Connect database
Number of entries: 1

ADF 001 TÓTHNÉ LITOVKINA, Anna. "Behind Every Man Who Lives Within His Income Is a Wife Who Doesn´t": The Figure of Wife as Revealed Through Anglo-American Anti-Proverbs. Eruditio - Educatio. Vol. 9, no. 3 (2014), p. 26-47. ISSN 1336-8893.

2015  [5] L. NEMESI A. Book review : Zolczer, P., Litkovkina, T., Barta, A., Puskás, A. (eds.) Humour in Contemporary Societies. Eruditio - Educatio 2014/3. Volume 9. 144 pp. In European Journal of Humour Research [online]. 2015, vol. 3, no. 1 [cit. 2015-10-22]. Dostupné na internete: . ISSN 2307-700X

ADM Scientific/scholarly papers published abroad in journals registered in the databases Web of Science or SCOPUS
Number of entries: 2

ADM 001 TÓTHNÉ LITOVKINA, Anna. "make love, not war...get married and do both": Negative aspects of marriage in anti-proverbs and Wellerisms. DOI 10.7592/EJHR2017.5.4.litovkina European Journal of Humour Research. Vol. 5, no. 4 (2017), p. 112-135. ISSN 2307-700X. SCOPUS.

ADM 002 HRISZTOVA-GOTTHARDT, Hrisztalina, Melita Aleksa VARGA, Anna TÓTHNÉ LITOVKINA a Katalin VARGHA. The visual representations of a biblical proverb and its modifications in the internet space. DOI 10.7592/EJHR2020.8.2.HRISZTOVA-GOTTHARDT European Journal of Humour Research. Vol. 8, no. 2 (2020), p. 87-112. ISSN 2307-700X (online). SCOPUS.

AEC Scientific/scholarly papers published abroad in peer-reviewed proceedings or monographs
Number of entries: 6

AEC 001 TÓTHNÉ LITOVKINA, Anna a Oleg FEDOSOV. Ruskie antiposlovici v semioticeskom prostranstve. In: Bis dat, qui cito dat - Gegengabe in Paremiology, Folklore, Language, and Literature: Honoring Wolfgang Mieder on His Seventieth Birthday. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, 2015, P. 249-258. ISBN 978-3-631-64872-8.

AEC 002 TÓTHNÉ LITOVKINA, Anna. To Marry or Not to Marry, That Is the Question: Marriage and Singleness as Revealed Through Anglo-American Anti-Proverbs. In: Bis dat, qui cito dat - Gegengabe in Paremiology, Folklore, Language, and Literature: Honoring Wolfgang Mieder on His Seventieth Birthday. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, 2015, P. 239-248. ISBN 978-3-631-64872-8.

AEC 003 TÓTHNÉ LITOVKINA, Anna. Hungarian and Russian Proverbs: A Comparative Analysis. In: Proverbium: Yearbook of International Proverb Scholarship. Vermont: The University of Vermont, 1990, Vol. 7 (1990), p. [1-14].

2014  [1] MAC COINNIGH, M. Structural Aspects of Proverbs. In Introduction to Paremiology: A Comprehensive Guide to Proverb Studies. Berlin : Walter de Gruyter GmbH, 2014. ISBN 978-3-11-041016-7, p. 112-132. WoS

AEC 004 TÓTHNÉ LITOVKINA, Anna, Katalin VARGHA, Péter BARTA a Hrisztalina HRISZTOVA-GOTTHARDT. Punning in Anglo-American, German, French, Russian and Hungarian Anti-proverbs. In: Proverbium: Yearbook of International Proverb Scholarship. Vermont: The University of Vermont, 2008, Vol. 25 (2008), p. [1-14].

2021  [3] MIEDER, W. "A Miss is as Good as a Male". From Anti-Proverbs to Modern Anglo-American Proverbs. In "There's No Free Lunch". Six Essays on Modern Anglo-American Proverbs. Vermont : The University of Vermont, 2021. ISBN 978-1-73720290-5, p. 64.

2016  [1] JAKI, S. Sie haben feuchte Nüsse - The translation of verbal humour in German subtitles of US American sitcoms. In Crossing Languages to Play with Words: Multidisciplinary Perspectives. Berlin : Walter de Gruyter GmbH, 2016. ISBN 978-311046560-0, p. 357-378. WoS; SCOPUS

2014  [1] PETROVA, R. Contrastive Study of Proverbs. In Introduction to Paremiology: A Comprehensive Guide to Proverb Studies. Berlin : Walter de Gruyter GmbH, 2014. ISBN 978-3-11-041016-7, p. 243-261. WoS

AEC 005 TÓTHNÉ LITOVKINA, Anna. Some Aspects of a Woman´s Nature as Revealed through Anglo-American Anti-Proverbs. In: Paremiología y herencia cultural. Granada: Granada Linguistica, 2011, P. 351-362. ISBN 978-84-9278-257-4.

AEC 006 TÓTHNÉ LITOVKINA, Anna. The Nature of Women as Revealed through Anglo-American Anti-Proverbs. In: Proverbium: Yearbook of International Proverb Scholarship. Vermont, USA: University of Vermont, 2011, Vol. 28 (2011), p. 87-120.

AFA Published invited conference articles presented at conferences abroad
Number of entries: 1

AFA 001 TÓTHNÉ LITOVKINA, Anna. "Amit ma megtehetsz, ne halaszd holnapra" - az ezer mérföldes utazás is egyetlen lépéssel kezdődik. In: Tanulóközpontú oktatás, módszertani megújulás a szakképzésben és a felsőoktatásban: 7. Trefort Ágoston Tanárképzési Konferencia - Tanulmánykötet. Budapest: Óbudai Egyetem, 2017, P. 146-165. ISBN 978-963-449-073-9.

AFC Published conference articles presented at conferences abroad
Number of entries: 13

AFC 001 TÓTHNÉ LITOVKINA, Anna, Katalin VARGHA, Péter BARTA a Hrisztalina HRISZTOVA-GOTTHARDT. Nyelvi humor a közmondásferdítésben magyar, angol, német, francia és orosz példákkal. In: Sokszínű humor: A 3. Magyar Interdiszciplináris Humorkonferencia előadásai. Budapest: Tinta Könyvkiadó, 2013, P. 243-268. ISBN 978-963-9372-75-7.

2021  [3] SZERDI, I. Új lehetőségek a frazémák tanításában. In Humorstílusok -és stratégiák. Budapest : Tinta Könyvkiadó, 2018. ISBN 978-963-409-169-1, p. 303-311.

2014  [5] TÓTH-CZIFRA, E. A nyelvész, az antropológus és a pszichológus konferenciára mennek…. In Magyar Nyelvőr. ISSN 1585-4515, 2014, vol. 138, no. 4, p. 479–482.

AFC 002 TÓTHNÉ LITOVKINA, Anna. Sposobby transformacii tradicionnych ruskich poslovic. In: Slowo. Tekst. Czas XII: Frazeologia w idiolekcie i systemach jezyków slowiańskich. Szczecin - Greifswald: Komisja Frazeologiczna Miedzynarodowego Komitetu Slawistów, 2014, P. 270-284. ISBN 978-83-7867-105-3.

AFC 003 TÓTHNÉ LITOVKINA, Anna. Aki keres, az talál? Talál a halál!: Bibliai proverbiumok ferdítései. In: Humorstílusok és -stratégiák. Nemesi Attila László, Tóthné Litovkina Anna, Barta Zsuzsanna. Budapest: Tinta Könyvkiadó, 2018, P. 209-239. ISBN 978-963-409-169-1.

AFC 004 HRISZTOVA-GOTTHARDT, Hrisztalina, Anna TÓTHNÉ LITOVKINA, Katalin VARGHA, Melita ALEKSA VARGA a Ana KEGLEVIČ. Aki másnak vermet ás ...: Egy bibliai közmondás elferdített változatai és vizuális ábrázolása az interneten. In: Humorstílusok és -stratégiák. Nemesi Attila László, Tóthné Litovkina Anna, Barta Zsuzsanna. Budapest: Tinta Könyvkiadó, 2018, P. 262-286. ISBN 978-963-409-169-1.

2021  [3] SZERDI, I. Új lehetőségek a frazémák tanításában. In Humorstílusok -és stratégiák. Budapest : Tinta Könyvkiadó, 2018. ISBN 978-963-409-169-1, p. 303-311.

AFC 005 TÓTHNÉ LITOVKINA, Anna. Aki másnak vermet ás, az talán a Messiás?: A legnépszerűbb bibliai közmondás ferdítései. In: Humorstílusok és -stratégiák. Nemesi Attila László, Tóthné Litovkina Anna, Barta Zsuzsanna. Budapest: Tinta Könyvkiadó, 2018, P. 240-261. ISBN 978-963-409-169-1.

AFC 006 TÓTHNÉ LITOVKINA, Anna. A gyerekek közmondásokban való jártassága és a közmondások szerepe az általános iskolai tankönyvekben. In: Gyermekvilág a régi magyar falun I.. Szolnok: Damjanich János Múzeum, 1995, P. 714-743. ISBN 963-722-563-3.

AFC 007 TÓTHNÉ LITOVKINA, Anna, Péter BARTA, Hrisztalina HRISZTOVA-GOTTHARDT a Katalin VARGHA. A szójáték egyes típusai az antiproverbiumokban - magyar, angol, német, francia és orosz példákkal. In: Ezerarcú humor: Az 1. Magyar Interdiszciplináris Humorkonferencia előadásai. Budapest: Tinta Könyvkiadó, 2008, P. 109-124. ISBN 978-963-7094-91-0.

2021  [3] SZERDI, I. Új lehetőségek a frazémák tanításában. In Humorstílusok -és stratégiák. Budapest : Tinta Könyvkiadó, 2018. ISBN 978-963-409-169-1, p. 303-311.

AFC 008 TÓTHNÉ LITOVKINA, Anna. An Analysis of Popular American Proverbs and Their Use in Language Teaching. DOI 10.1007/978-3-322-83676-2 In: Die heutige Bedeutung oraler Traditionen oraler Traditionen: Ihre Achivierung, Publication und Index-Erschliessung. = The Present-Day Importance of Oral Traditions - Their Preservation, Publication adn Indexing Wiesbaden: Westdeutscher Verlag, 1998, P. 131-159. ISBN 978-3-531-05123-9.

2014  [1] MIEDER, W. "THE WIT OF ONE? AND THE WISDOM OF MANY" Proverbs as Cultural Signs of Folklore. In Behold the Proverbs of a People: Proverbial Wisdom in Culture, Literature, and Politics. Jackson : Univ Press Mississippi, 2014. ISBN 978-1-62846-141-1, p. 19-54. WoS

2014  [1] MIEDER, W. "THINK OUTSIDE THE BOX" Origin, Nature, and Meaning of Modern Anglo-American Proverbs. In Behold the Proverbs of a People: Proverbial Wisdom in Culture, Literature, and Politics. Ridgewood : Univ Press Mississippi, 2014. ISBN 978-1-62846-141-1, p. 80-130. WoS


AFC 009 TÓTHNÉ LITOVKINA, Anna. How do sex, age, settlement type, education and parental background influence the knowledge of proverbs in Hungary?. In: Semiotics around the World: Synthesis in Diversity. Berlin: de Gruyter, 1996, P. 1147-1150. ISBN 3-11-012223-5. WoS.

AFC 010 TÓTHNÉ LITOVKINA, Anna. Never Do Today What Can Be Done Tomorrow: Most Frequent Types of Alteration in Anglo-American and Russian Proverb Transformations. In: Frazeologija v jezikoslovju in drugih vedah. Ljublana: Filozofska Fakulteta Oddelek za Slovenistiko, 2007, P. 249-250. ISBN 978-961-2372-03-3.

AFC 011 BARTA, Péter, Anna TÓTHNÉ LITOVKINA, Hrisztalina HRISZTOVA-GOTTHARDT a Katalin VARGHA. Paronomázia az antiproverbiumokban - magyar, angol, német, francia és orosz példákkal. In: Ezerarcú humor: Az 1. Magyar Interdiszciplináris Humorkonferencia előadásai. Budapest: Tinta Könyvkiadó, 2008, P. 83-97. ISBN 978-963-7094-91-0.

AFC 012 TÓTHNÉ LITOVKINA, Anna. Perception of proverbs and familiarity with them. Figurativeness as one of the most powerful markers of proverbiality. In: Semiotics around the World: Synthesis in Diversity Book Series: Approaches to Semiotics. Berlin: de Gruyter, 1996, P. 215-218. ISBN 3-11-012223-5. WoS.

AFC 013 HRISZTOVA-GOTTHARDT, Hrisztalina, Anna TÓTHNÉ LITOVKINA, Péter BARTA a Katalin VARGHA. Poliszémia, homonímia és homofónia az antiproverbiumokban - magyar, angol, német, francia és orosz példákkal. In: Ezerarcú humor: Az 1. Magyar Interdiszciplináris Humorkonferencia előadásai. Budapest: Tinta Könyvkiadó, 2008, P. 98-108. ISBN 978-963-7094-91-0.

2018  [3] SZERDI, I. Új lehetőségek a frazémák tanításában. In Humorstílusok -és stratégiák. Budapest : Tinta Könyvkiadó, 2018. ISBN 978-963-409-169-1, p. 303-311.

AFD Published conference articles presented at conferences inland
Number of entries: 3

AFD 001 TÓTHNÉ LITOVKINA, Anna a Péter BARTA. "Tom Swifty"-k az angolban a XXI. század elején. In: A humor nagyítón keresztül. Budapest: Tinta, 2016, P. 51-68. ISBN 978-963-409-061-8.

AFD 002 TÓTHNÉ LITOVKINA, Anna. Incorporating of Anglo-american proverbs and Anti-.proverbs into the Language Classroom. In: Zborník medzinárodnej vedeckej konferencie Univerzity J. Selyeho - 2017: "Hodnota, kvalita a konkurencieschopnosť - výzvy 21. storočia" - Sekcie humanitných vied. Komárno: Univerzita J. Selyeho, 2017, CD-ROM, s. 257-273. ISBN 978-80-8122-223-8.

AFD 003 TÓTHNÉ LITOVKINA, Anna. The Creative Use of Proverbs in Story-Writing in Teaching English as Foreign Language. DOI 10.36007/3310.2019.133-148 In: 11. International Conference of J. Selye University : Section on Language - Culture - Intercultural Relationships: Section on Language - Culture - Intercultural Relationships. Bukor József, Simon Szabolcs. Komárno: Univerzita J. Selyeho, 2019, online, s. 133-148. ISBN 978-80-8122-331-0.

BAA Specialised book-like publications published abroad
Number of entries: 8

BAA 001 TÓTHNÉ LITOVKINA, Anna. Magyar közmondások nagyszótára. 2. vyd. Budapest: Tinta Könyvkiadó, 2010. 818 s. ISBN 978 963 9902 59 6.

BAA 002 TÓTHNÉ LITOVKINA, Anna. Aki keres, az talál: Bibliai közmondások szótára. 1. vyd. Budapest: Tinta Könyvkiadó, 2017. 226 s. ISBN 978-963-409-105-9.

BAA 003 HRISZTOVA-GOTTHARDT, Hrisztalina, Anna TÓTHNÉ LITOVKINA, Péter BARTA a Katalin VARGHA. A közmondásferdítések ma: öt nyelv antiproverbiumainak nyelvészeti vizsgálata. 1. vyd. Budapest: Tinta Könyvkiadó, 2018. 158 s. ISBN 978-963-409-149-3.

2021  [3] DRAHOTA-SZABÓ, E. Deutsche Phraseologie aus intra- und interlingualer Perspektive. Imst: Alphabet Wörterbuchverlag, 2021. ISBN 978-3-95045667-7, p. 148., 150., 153., 154., 156.

2020  [5] MÁNY, D. Hrisztova-Gotthardt, Hrisztalina, T. Litovkina, Anna, Barta, Péter, Vargha, Katalin. (2018). Anti-proverbs today: a comparative linguistic analysis of five languages [A közmondásferdítések ma: Öt nyelv antiproverbiumainak nyelvészeti vizsgálata]. Budapest: Tinta Könyvkiadó. In The European Journal of Humour Research. ISSN 2307-700X, 2020, vol. 8, no. 3, p. 137-141.

BAA 004 TÓTHNÉ LITOVKINA, Anna a Edit FARKAS. A bábeli zűrzavartól a salamoni bölcsességig: Bibliai szólások, szólásmondások és állandósult szókapcsolatok szótára. 1. vyd. Budapest: Tinta Könyvkiadó, 2019. 315 s. ISBN 978-963-409-198-1. ISSN 1786-4925.

BAA 005 TÓTHNÉ LITOVKINA, Anna a Katalin VARGHA. "Éhes diák pakkal álmodik": Egyetemisták közmondás-elváltozásai. 1. vyd. Budapest: [s.n.], 2005. 94 s. ISBN 963 460 638 5.

BAA 006 TÓTHNÉ LITOVKINA, Anna a Wolfgang MIEDER. Old Proverbs Never Die, They Just Diversify: A Collection of Anti-Proverbs. 1. vyd. Burlington: The University of Vermount, 2006. 396 s. ISBN 963 9495 82 4.

2021  [3] SZERSZUNOVICZ, J. Litovkina, Anna T. & Mieder, Wolfgang (2019). Marriage Seen through Proverbs and Anti-Proverbs. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. In The European Journal of Humour Research. ISSN 2307-700X, 2021, vol. 9, no. 4, p. 262-267.

2021  [3] MIEDER, W. "A Miss is as Good as a Male". From Anti-Proverbs to Modern Anglo-American Proverbs. In "There's No Free Lunch". Six Essays on Modern Anglo-American Proverbs. Vermont : The University of Vermont, 2021. ISBN 978-1-73720290-5, p. 64.

2021  [3] MIEDER, W. "There is no Such Thing as a Free Lunch". New Structures for Modern Anglo-American Proverbs. In "There's No Free Lunch". Six Essays on Modern Anglo-American Proverbs. Vermont : The University of Vermont, 2021. ISBN 978-1-73720290-5, p. 23-24.

2021  [3] DRAHOTA-SZABÓ, E. Deutsche Phraseologie aus intra- und interlingualer Perspektive. Imst: Alphabet Wörterbuchverlag, 2021. ISBN 978-3-95045667-7, p. 146.

2020  [3] KULIGOWSKA, K. Małżeństwo w językowym obrazie świata. Na przykładzie paremii w języku polskim, rosyjskim i angielskim [Marriage in the linguistic view of the world. On the example of Polish, Russian and English proverbs]. In Studia Rossica Posnaniensia. ISSN 0081-6884, 2020, vol. 45, no. 2, p. 163-274.

2019  [1] WANG, Ch. Women through Anti-proverbs. In Gender and Language. ISSN 1747-6321, 2019, vol. 13, no. 4 WoS

2019  [3] SÁNCHEZ, P. Á. Anna T. Litovkina: Women Through Anti-Proverbs. In Asparkía. Investigació feminista. ISSN 1132-8231, 2019, no. 35, p. 201-205.

2017  [1] MIEDER, W. "The Dynamic Qualities of Proverbs in Performance": Roger Abrahams ́Pioneering Contributions to Paremiology. In Western Folklore. ISSN 0043-373X, 2016, vol. 75, no. 3-4, p. 397-420. WoS

2017  [1] SHAMSUTDINOVA, E. K. - MINGAZOVA, N. G. - SABIROVA, D. R. ANALYSIS OF ARABIC, ENGLISH AND TATAR ANIMAL PROVERBS WITH COMPLEX AND COMPOUND SENTENCE STRUCTURE. In Turkish online journal of design art and communication. ISSN 2146-5193, 2017, vol. 7, p. 1055-1061. WoS

2015  [1] GRANBOM-HERRANEN, L. - BABIC, S. - VOOLAID, P. Proverbial expressions in newspapers: A study in Estonia, Finland, and Slovenia. In Traditiones. ISSN 0352-0447, 2015, vol. 44, no. 3, p. 5-32. SCOPUS

2014  [1] MAC COINNIGH, M. Structural Aspects of Proverbs. In Introduction to Paremiology: A Comprehensive Guide to Proverb Studies. Berlin : Walter de Gruyter GmbH, 2014. ISBN 978-3-11-041016-7, p. 112-132. WoS

2014  [1] MIEDER, W. "THE DOG IN THE MANGER" The Rise and Decline in Popularity of a Proverb and a Fable. In Behold the Proverbs of a People: Proverbial Wisdom in Culture, Literature, and Politics. Ridgewood : Univ Press Mississippi, 2014. ISBN 978-1-62846-141-1, p. 364-414. WoS

2014  [1] MIEDER, W. "PROVERBS AND POETRY ARE LIKE TWO PEAS ON A POD" The Proverbial Language of Modern Mini-Poems. In Behold the Proverbs of a People: Proverbial Wisdom in Culture, Literature, and Politics. Ridgewood : Univ Press Mississippi, 2014. ISBN 978-1-62846-141-1, p. 284-310. WoS

2014  [1] MIEDER, W. "IT TAKES A VILLAGE TO CHANGE THE WORLD" Proverbial Politics and the Ethics of Place. In Behold the Proverbs of a People: Proverbial Wisdom in Culture, Literature, and Politics. Ridgewood : Univ Press Mississippi, 2014. ISBN 978-1-62846-141-1, p. 198-229. WoS; SCOPUS

2014  [1] MIEDER, W. "THINK OUTSIDE THE BOX" Origin, Nature, and Meaning of Modern Anglo-American Proverbs. In Behold the Proverbs of a People: Proverbial Wisdom in Culture, Literature, and Politics. Ridgewood : Univ Press Mississippi, 2014. ISBN 978-1-62846-141-1, p. 80-130. WoS

2014  [1] AASLAND, E. Now You See Me Now You Don ́t Deictic Projection and the Dynamics of Proverb Performance. In Western Folklore. ISSN 0043-373X, 2014, vol. 73, no. 1, p. 36-68. WoS

2014  [1] MIEDER, W. "All men and women are created equal": Elizabeth Cady Stanton ́s and Susan B. Anthony ́s proverbial rhetoric promoting women ́s rights. In "All men and women are created equal": Elizabeth Cady Stanton ́s and Susan B. Anthony ́s proverbial rhetoric promoting women ́s rights. Berlin : Peter Lang AG, 2014. ISBN 978-145391327-7, p. 1-315. SCOPUS

2011  [1] MIEDER, W. "It Takes a Village to Change the World": Proverbial Politics and the Ethics of Place. In Journal of American Folklore. ISSN 0021-8715, 2011, vol. 124, no. 492, p. 4-28.

2010  [1] NACISCIONE, A. Stylistic Use of Phraseological Units in Discourse. In Sytilistic Use of Phraseological Units in Discourse. Amsterdam : John Benjamins B V Publ., 2010. ISBN 978-90-272-8769-4, p. 1-292. WoS

2007  [1] MIEDER, W. Anti-proverbs and mass communication: The interplay of traditional and innovative folklore. In Acta Ethnographica Hungarica. ISSN 1216-9803, vol 52, no. 1, p. 17-45. SCOPUS

2007  [1] BARTA, P. What are the characteristics of the mixed French proverbs? [Quelques caractéristiques des proverbes-valises du Français]. In Acta Ethnographica. ISSN 1216-9803, vol. 52, no. 1, p. 191-206. SCOPUS

2007  [1] BAKTA, P. Food and drink as subjects in French proverbs [La nourriture et la boisson dans les proverbes détournés du Françias]. In Acta Ethnographica Hungarica. ISSN 1216-9803, 2007, vol. 52, no. 1, p. 207-218. SCOPUS

BAA 007 MIEDER, Wolfgang a Anna TÓTHNÉ LITOVKINA. Twisted Wisdom: Modern Anti-proverbs. 1. vyd. Burlington: The University of Vermont, 1999. 254 s.

2021  [3] SZERSZUNOVICZ, J. Litovkina, Anna T. & Mieder, Wolfgang (2019). Marriage Seen through Proverbs and Anti-Proverbs. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. In The European Journal of Humour Research. ISSN 2307-700X, 2021, vol. 9, no. 4, p. 262-267.

2021  [3] DRAHOTA-SZABÓ, E. Deutsche Phraseologie aus intra- und interlingualer Perspektive. Imst: Alphabet Wörterbuchverlag, 2021. ISBN 978-3-95045667-7, p. 149, 150, 151, 152, 156.

2020  [3] KULIGOWSKA, K. Małżeństwo w językowym obrazie świata. Na przykładzie paremii w języku polskim, rosyjskim i angielskim [Marriage in the linguistic view of the world. On the example of Polish, Russian and English proverbs]. In Studia Rossica Posnaniensia. ISSN 0081-6884, 2020, vol. 45, no. 2, p. 163-274.

2019  [1] WANG, Ch. Women through Anti-proverbs. In Gender and Language. ISSN 1747-6321, 2019, vol. 13, no. 4 WoS

2017  [1] LÓPEZ, B. G. - VAID, J. Psycholinguistic approaches to humor. In The Routledge Handbook of Language and Humor. Philadelphia : Taylor and Francis, 2017. ISBN 978-131755116-4, p. 267-281. SCOPUS

2016  [1] ARSENTEVA, E. F. - ARSENTYEVA, Y. S. Discoursal analysis of phraseological of euphemisms: Experimental data in teaching english. In Journal of the Social Sciences. ISSN 02531097, 2016, vol. 11, no. 6, p. 1042-1048. SCOPUS

2015  [1] ALVAREZ, CAC. - MUNOZ, JS. The problem of terminology in the study of proverbs. In Anuari de Filologia-estudis de linguistica. ISSN 2014-1408, 2015, vol. 5, p. 67-77. SCOPUS

2007  [1] BAKTA, P. Food and drink as subjects in French proverbs [La nourriture et la boisson dans les proverbes détournés du Français]. In Acta Ethnographica Hungarica. ISSN 12169803, 2007, vol. 52, no. 1, p. 207-218. SCOPUS

BAA 008 MIEDER, Wolfgang a Anna TÓTHNÉ LITOVKINA. Twisted Wisdom. 1. vyd. Hobart: DeProverbio, 2002. 260 s. ISBN 1-875943-43-9.

2014  [1] MANIAM, M English proverbs dying a slow death in malaysian school. In Edulearn14: 6th International Conference on Education and new learning technologies. Valenica : Iated-int Assoc Technology Education A& Development, 2014. ISBN 978-84-617-0557-3, p. 839-847. SCOPUS

BCI University teaching notes and resource materials
Number of entries: 2

BCI 001 TÓTHNÉ LITOVKINA, Anna. Once upon a Proverb: Old and New Tales Shaped by Proverbs. 1. vyd. Szekszárd: Graphis Press Kft., 2004. 107 s. ISBN 963 460 038 7.

BCI 002 TÓTHNÉ LITOVKINA, Anna a Katalin VARGHA. Viccében él a nemzet: Magyar közmondás - paródiák. 1. vyd. Budapest: Nyitott Könyvműhely, 2005. 102 s. ISBN 963 460 638 5.

2021  [3] SZERDI, I. Új lehetőségek a frazémák tanításában. In Humorstílusok -és stratégiák. Budapest : Tinta Könyvkiadó, 2018. ISBN 978-963-409-169-1, p. 303-311.

2007  [1] MIEDER, W. Anti-proverbs and mass communication: The interplay of traditional and innovative folklore. In Acta Ethnographica Hungarica. ISSN 1216-9803, vol 52, no. 1, p. 17-45. SCOPUS

2007  [1] BAKTA, P. Food and drink as subjects in French proverbs [La nourriture et la boisson dans les proverbes détournés du Françias]. In Acta Ethnographica Hungarica. ISSN 1216-9803, 2007, vol. 52, no. 1, p. 207-218. SCOPUS

BDA Encyclopaedia and terminological dictionary entries published abroad
Number of entries: 1

BDA 001 TÓTHNÉ LITOVKINA, Anna. Magyar közmondástár: Közmondások értelmező szótára példákkal szemléltetve. 1. vyd. Budapest: Tinta Könyvkiadó, 2005. 822 s. ISBN 963 7094 37 7. ISSN 1589-4371.

BDE Specialised papers published abroad in journals not registered in the Current Contents Connect database
Number of entries: 1

BDE 001 VARGHA, Katalin a Anna TÓTHNÉ LITOVKINA. Punning in Hungarian anti-proverbs. European Journal of Humour Research. Vol. 1, no. 3 (2013), pp. 15-25. ISSN 2307700X.

2017  [1] SECKIN, P. The Indicator of Change hi Public Life: Anti-Proverb. In Milli Folklor. ISSN 1300-3984, 2017, no.113, p. 17-27. WoS

2017  [1] COONEY, M. - SANT´ANNA, A. Avoiding Playfulness Gone Wrong: Exploring Multi-objective Reaching Motion Generation in a Social Robot. In International Journal of Social Robotics. ISSN 1875-4791, 2017, vol. 9, no. 4, p. 545-562. WoS

BEC Specialised papers published abroad in peer-reviewed (conference and non-conference) proceedings books
Number of entries: 3

BEC 001 TÓTHNÉ LITOVKINA, Anna a Katalin VARGHA. Common types of alteration in Hungarian anti-proverbs. In: Hungarian Humour: Humour and Culture 3. Krakow: Tertium, 2012, P. 287-315. ISBN 978-83-61678-48-9.

2014  [5] CIOCOIU, E. Book Review : Litovkina, A. T., Sollosy, J., Medgyes, P. & Brzozowska, D. (eds.) (2012). Hungarian Humour. Krakow: Tertium. 384 pp. In The European Journal of Humour Research. ISSN 2307-700X, 2014, vol. 2, no. 2, p. 74.

2013  [5] PÁL, K. Hungarian Humour. In Tiszatáj online [online]. 2013 [cit. 2013-06-10]. Dostupné na internete: . ISSN 1786-2140.

2012  [5] ANDOR, J. Könyvszemle: Anna T. Litovkina - Judith Sollosy - Péter Medgyes - Dorota Brzozowska (szerk.) Hungarian Humour. In Modern Nyelvoktatás. ISSN 1219-638X, 2012, 18. évf., 4. sz., p. 85.

BEC 002 TÓTHNÉ LITOVKINA, Anna, Katalin VARGHA a Dóra BORONKAI. On two recent sociolinguistic surveys on anti-proverbs. In: Hungarian Humour: Humour and Culture 3. Krakow: TERTIUM, 2012, P. 317-340. ISBN 978-83-61678-48-9.

2014  [5] CIOCOIU, E. Book Review : Litovkina, A. T., Sollosy, J., Medgyes, P. & Brzozowska, D. (eds.) (2012). Hungarian Humour. Krakow: Tertium. 384 pp. In The European Journal of Humour Research. ISSN 2307-700X, 2014, vol. 2, no. 2, p. 71-74.

2013  [3] PÁL, K. Hungarian Humour. In Tiszatáj online [online]. 2013 [cit. 2013-06-10]. Dostupné na internete: . ISSN 1786-2140.

2012  [5] ANDOR, J. Könyvszemle: Anna T. Litovkina - Judith Sollosy - Péter Medgyes - Dorota Brzozowska (szerk.) Hungarian Humour. In Modern Nyelvoktatás. ISSN 1219-638X, 2012, 18. évf., 4. sz., p. 80-86.

BEC 003 BARTA, Péter a Anna TÓTHNÉ LITOVKINA. Three recent humour conferences in Hungary and their proceedings. In: Hungarian Humour: Humour and Culture 3. Krakow: TERTIUM, 2012, P. 369-377. ISBN 978-83-61678-48-9.

2012  [5] ANDOR, J. Könyvszemle: Anna T. Litovkina - Judith Sollosy - Péter Medgyes - Dorota Brzozowska (szerk.) Hungarian Humour. In Modern Nyelvoktatás. ISSN 1219-638X, 2012, 18. évf., 4. sz., p. 85-86.

BEE Specialised papers published abroad in non-reviewed (conference and non-conference) proceedings books
Number of entries: 3

BEE 001 TÓTHNÉ LITOVKINA, Anna. New Approaches to Paremiology and Paremiography in Hungary. In: A víz a szláv frazeológiában és paremiológiában. Budapest: Tinta Könyvkiadó, 2013, P. 67-101. ISBN 978-615-5219-45-0.

BEE 002 TÓTHNÉ LITOVKINA, Anna. Politicians in Anglo-American Anti-Proverbs. In: International Issues from Wars to Robots. Ronkonkoma: Linus Publications, 2013, P. 95-110. ISBN 978-1-60797-338-6.

BEE 003 TÓTHNÉ LITOVKINA, Anna. Mothers-in-Law, Spinsters and Widows as Revealed Through Anglo-American Anti-Proverbs. In: Scala Naturae: Festschrift in Honour of Arvo Krikmann. Tartu (Estonia): ELM Scholarly Press, 2014, P. 171-192. ISBN 978-9949-544-20-2.

FAI Book-like editorial works (bibliographies, encyclopaedias, catalogues, dictionaries, proceedings books etc.)
Number of entries: 5

FAI 001 TÓTHNÉ LITOVKINA, Anna, Judith SOLLOSY, Péter MEDGYES a Dorota BRZOZOWSKA. Hungarian Humour: Humour and Culture 3. 1. vyd. Krakow: Tertium, 2012. 384 s. ISBN 978-83-61678-48-9.

2014  [5] CIOCOIU, E. Book Review : Litovkina, A. T., Sollosy, J., Medgyes, P. & Brzozowska, D. (eds.) (2012). Hungarian Humour. Krakow: Tertium. 384 pp. In The European Journal of Humour Research. ISSN 2307-700X, 2014, vol. 2, no. 2, p. 71-74.

2014  [6] DOBROVODSKÝ, E. - MIKUSOVÁ, M. Review. In Eruditio-Educatio. ISSN 1336-8893, 2014, vol. 9, no. 3, p. 141-142.

2013  [5] PÁL, K. Hungarian Humour. In Tiszatáj online [online]. 2013 [cit. 2013-06-10]. Dostupné na internete: . ISSN 1786-2140.

2013  [5] DAVIES, C. Book Review. In Humor. ISSN 1613-3722, 2013, vol. 26, no. 2, p. 389-390.

2012  [5] ANDOR, J. Könyvszemle: Anna T. Litovkina - Judith Sollosy - Péter Medgyes - Dorota Brzozowska (szerk.) Hungarian Humour. In Modern Nyelvoktatás. ISSN 1219-638X, 2012, 18. évf., 4. sz., p. 80-86.

FAI 002 VARGHA, Katalin, Anna TÓTHNÉ LITOVKINA a Zsuzsanna BARTA. Sokszínű Humor: A III. Magyar Interdiszciplináris Humorkonferencia előadásai. 1. vyd. Budapest: Tinta Könyvkiadó, 2013. 298 s. ISBN 978-963-9372-75-7. ISSN 1419-6603.

2015  [5] TAMÁS, I. Vargha Katalin – T. Litovkina Anna – Barta Zsuzsanna (szerk.): Sokszínű humor. A III. Magyar Interdiszciplináris Humorkonferencia előadásai. Budapest, Tinta Könyvkiadó. 2013. 291 p. In Ethnographia. ISSN 0014-1798, 2015, vol. 126, no. 3, p. 532-534.

2015  [5] KEREKES, ZS. Mémek, etnikai viccek, Hofi : Sokszínű humor a Tintátától. Anyanyelvápolók Szövetsége [online]. [cit. 2015-11-09]. Dostupné z: http://anyanyelvapolo.hu/memek-etnikai-viccek-hofi-sokszinu-humor-tintatol/

2015  [5] Az interdiszciplináris humorkonferenciák köteteiről. Kulti-Filter [online]. [cit. 2015-07-14]. Dostupné z: http://kultifilter.hu/irodalom/kiadvany/item/186-az-interdiszciplin%C3%A1ris-humorkonferenci%C3%A1k-k%C3%B6teteir%C5%91l.html

2015  [5] GERÓ, GY. A nevető ember. In Et al. - Kritikai Elmélet Online [online]. 2015, Antik nevetés [cit. 2015-11-09]. Dostupné na internete: ISSN 2064-2962.

2014  [5] TRUPKA, Z. A humor mint eszköz : Könyvtermés. In Élet és Tudomány [online]. 2014/15 [cit. 2015-11-09]. Dostupné na internete: . ISSN 0013-6077.

2014  [6] DOBROVODSKÝ, E. - MIKUSOVÁ, M. Review. In Eruditio-Educatio. ISSN 1336-8893, 2014, vol. 9, no. 3, p. 143-144.

2014  [5] TRUPKA, Z. A humor mint eszköz. In Élet és Tudomány [online]. 2014 [cit. 2014-05-08] Dostupné na internete: . ISSN 0013-6077.

FAI 003 BODA-UJLAKY, Judit, Zsuzsanna BARTA, Anna TÓTHNÉ LITOVKINA a Péter BARTA. A humor nagyítón keresztül. 1. vyd. Budapest: Tinta, 2016. 231 s. ISBN 978-963-409-061-8.

FAI 004 Humorstílusok és -stratégiák. 1. vyd. Budapest: Tinta Könyvkiadó, 2018. 483 s. ISBN 978-963-409-169-1.

FAI 005 DACZI, Margit, Anna TÓTHNÉ LITOVKINA a Péter BARTA. Ezerarcú humor: Az 1. Magyar Interdiszciplináris Humorkonferencia előadásai. 1. vyd. Budapest: Tinta, 2008. 318 s. ISBN 978-963-7094-91-0.

GII Miscellaneous publications which don't belong into any of the categories above
Number of entries: 3

GII 001 TÓTHNÉ LITOVKINA, Anna. III. Interdiszciplináris humorkonferencia: Program és absztraktok. 1. vyd. Budapest: ELTE, 2012. 24 s.

GII 002 TÓTHNÉ LITOVKINA, Anna. Anti-proverb. Encyclopedia of Humor Studies. Vol. 1 (2014), pp. 47-49.

2017  [1] GUIDI, A. Humor universal. In The Routledge Handbook of Language and Humor. Abingdon : Taylor and Francis, 2017. ISBN 978-1317-5-5116-4, p. 17-33. SCOPUS

2017  [1] SZPILA, G. Polish paremic demotivators: Tradition in an internet genre. In Journal of American Folklore. ISSN 0021-8715, 2017, vol. 130, no. 517, p. 305-334. WoS; SCOPUS

GII 003 TÓTHNÉ LITOVKINA, Anna. Tom Swifty. Encyclopedia of Humor Studies. Vol. 2 (2014), pp. 767-768.


• AMFK (Alapítvány a Magyar Felsőoktatásért és Kutatásért) for research project called "English Through Proverbs" (1994) (project number 206/94)

Within the frame of the project my goal was to prepare courses on English and American proverbs, as well as to research proverbs and publish numerous books and articles:

  • Tóthné Litovkina, Anna (1996). A Proverb a Day Keeps Students Awake. NovELTy, Dec, 88–96.
  • Tóthné Litovkina, Anna (1998). An Analysis of Popular American Proverbs and Their Use in Language Teaching. In: Walter Heissig and Rüdiger Schott (ed.). Die heutige Bedeutung oraler Traditionen – Ihre Archivierung, Publikation und Index-Erschließung (The Present-Day Importance of Oral Traditions: Their Preservation, Publication and Indexing). Opladen/Wiesbaden: Westdeutscher Verlag, 131–158.
  • Tóthné Litovkina, Anna. (1999). Incorporating of Anglo-American Proverbs into the Language Classroom. In: Communicationes Academiae Paedagogicae Szekszardiensis. The Scientific Publications of Illyés Gyula College of Pedagogy /IPF/. Szekszárd: IPF–Books, 135–150.
  • T. Litovkina, Anna (2000). A Proverb a Day Keeps Boredom Away. Szekszárd–Pécs: IPF–Könyvek.

• 2014-2015 – project participant, project number: 26110230108

Agency of the Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport of the Slovak Republic for structural funds of the European Union, Improving the quality of education by creating and innovating study programs, developing human resources and supporting career counselling.


Within the frame of the project my goal was to write a monograph which I can use while teaching my courses on phraseology. At first it was published online, then the printed version of the book was published:

  • T. Litovkina, Anna (2015). Teaching Proverbs and Anti-Proverbs. Komárno: J. Selye University, 160 pp.
  • T. Litovkina, Anna (2017). Teaching Proverbs and Anti-Proverbs, Komárno: J. Selye University Faculty of Education, 260 pp.

• FEFA ("Catching up with the European Higher Education Fund") awarded for participation in the international congress "Semiotics Around the World: Synthesis in Diversity" and research in American libraries and archives (Berkeley, USA, 11 June – 4 July, 1994) ( Project Number 320)

• OTKA (Országos Tudományos és Kutatási Alap, National Academic and Research Committee, project number W015426)) and Soros Foundation (project number C-5199/94) for participation in the XI Congress of the International Society for Folk-Narrative Research (Mysore, India, January 5–14, 1995) 

• FEFA ("Catching up with the European Higher Education Fund") for study trip to USA, including New York, Bloomington, Los Angeles and Burlington (Vermont), USA (May 23– June 17, 1995)

• FEFA awarded a study trip to Oxford, Oxford University Press, UK (October 17– November 3, 1994) (project number: 417-1-2002)

• OTKA (Országos Tudományos és Kutatási Alap), the Scientific Committee of Szekszárd and the Mexican Association for Semiotic Studies supported my participation in the international congress "Semiotics Bridging Nature and Culture" (Guadalajara, Mexico, July 13–18,1997)



• 2017 – Rektor’s award for outstanding publications (J. Selye University)

• 2018– Rektor’s award for outstanding publications (J. Selye University)

• 2019– Rektor’s award for outstanding publications (J. Selye University)

• 2022– Rektor’s award for outstanding publications (J. Selye University)

• 2023  -  award  "Arany Penna" (Tinta Könyvkiadó),

• October 17., 2007 – award Kíváló Magyar Szótár {Outstanding Hungarian Dictionary} by the Hungarian Academy of Science for Magyar közmondástár {A Dictionary of Hungarian Proverbs}. Budapest: Tinta Könyvkiadó, 848 pp. 

• March 17.2006 – award Outstanding Work of the Year 2005 by the University of Pécs for Magyar közmondástár {A Dictionary of Hungarian Proverbs}. Budapest: Tinta Könyvkiadó.



• Certificate of Honarary Member of Association of Psychologists of the Synthon Approach for developing and popularizing the Synthon Approach in the Commonwealth of Independent States and in Europe (N.I. Kozlov, founder, May 2021, )

• Letter of Gratitude (The Board of Karaganda Buketov University, Rector N.D.Dulatbekov, June 2021)

• Chairperson of State Exam Committee, 2013-2021.

• Participation in J. Selye János International conferences (2017, 2018, 2021, 2022, 2023)

• Member of the Academic Students’ Committee (TDK), 

• Member of Program Committee of International Symposium “New Challenges of Teaching English as a Foreign Language in the 21st Century” (8 Nov 2017) 



• Workshop A Proverb a Day Keeps Boredom Away, Berea College, Kentucky, July 22, 2003.

• Lecture o anti-proverbs, Purdue University, January 1997.

• Vth Hungarian National Interdisciplinary Humor Conference (Pázmány Péter Catholic University, Sept. 14-15, 2017. Piliscsaba, Hungary)

• VIth Hungarian National Interdisciplinary Humor Conference (Eszterházy Károly University, Oct. 3-4, 2019, Eger, Hungary)

The Chairperson at International of Folklore-Linguistics Research Group (since 2006)




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